
worst high school production EVER..- Page 3

worst high school production EVER..

#50re: worst high school production EVER..
Posted: 6/8/05 at 6:31pm

" ANYONE can freakin direct a high school musical"

It's not that they CAN, but rather, that they DO!! We had two local schools(one girls, the other all male) that would join "forces" and put on the most horrifying disasters every year. Within the past couple of years, the "music director"(I REALLY hate to use that term in reference to this loser) retired and was replaced by a husband and wife team who have completely turned things around. This year's production of "Man of la Mancha" was amazingly wonderful' Shows you what talent and some hard work can do.......

"I'm mad, you're mad. we're all mad"... The Cheshire Cat

nmartin Profile Photo
#51re: worst high school production EVER..
Posted: 6/8/05 at 7:14pm

As you all know, this kind of 'it's so bad it's good' theatre is not limited to high schools. I once saw a community theatre production of Peter Pan in a small Tennessee town. The group,unbelievably, had hired Flying by Foy. Well, they flew Peter alright. They flew him into the set three times.

AngelofAvenueB Profile Photo
#52re: worst high school production EVER..
Posted: 6/8/05 at 7:30pm

i guess i'm lucky... our school productions always turn out quite well...
but i went to see grease (i know, cringing starts now) at a school in a town near mine because my friends were in it, and it was horrible IMHO. i mean, their space sucked, but i can't blame them for that (and just a side rant: they had just redone it. who builds an auditorium with a stage that looks not even twenty feet wide at it's widest point in a semicircle with the seats in a semicircle around it?!). they had to hire a director and pit band (which was only three people), so can't put any blame there either. but... gah. it was just bad! they blocked it horribly, so you could only see half the people on the stage from the sides. the singers were all okay, but they weren't miked, so you could barely hear some of them over the band. before the show, they were running around to the people in line wearing costumes and full makeup...
sorry. i'm used to my dictator... i mean director... who doesn't let us leave in costume for anything... or miss a rehearsal. he also yells at the pit for being too loud. he's a very scary short man.
anyway... that really had nothing to do with this thread...

forget regret...

#53re: worst high school production EVER..
Posted: 6/8/05 at 9:06pm

I once witnessed a middle school production of The Pirates of Penzance. As Leonard Pinth-Garnell would say, "couldn't be worse." I wanted to box the ears of the teacher who thought that was a good idea.
Updated On: 6/8/05 at 09:06 PM

#54re: worst high school production EVER..
Posted: 6/8/05 at 9:53pm

I wish they wouldn't Jr. Into the Woods...it's just...


What the puck?!

Candleshoe2 Profile Photo
#55re: worst high school production EVER..
Posted: 6/8/05 at 10:53pm


This looks like the worst production of LES MIS by far!!! The director can't even pronounce the names!

#56re: worst high school production EVER..
Posted: 6/8/05 at 10:58pm

They are SWIMMING in those clothes. Kinda looks funny.

I could totally use some bad high school theatre right now.

There is usually someone that you can find that is ok to listen to and you allways try and pick out there voice! :)

poegal25 Profile Photo
#57re: worst high school production EVER..
Posted: 6/8/05 at 11:00pm

Hey guys--pretty exciting, this is my first post.

I like your stories about stuff that happens at high school productions. I'm a H.S. theatre director, and can laugh along with you. As far as poor productions, I think there are far more of these than mediocre or good, let alone outstanding. The recipe for an impressive H.S. show is the following: talent, the right show, an inspired director, and an administration that will make it happen. I've been privileged to direct four shows (yes, still a newbie), but they've all been impactful. I think most H.S. "drama" directors' biggest mistake is picking the wrong show because they "love" that show. Sometimes it's just not the right show for the talent (or lack thereof), budget, and community they're serving.

We did a children's show and DIARY OF ANNE FRANK last year (picture shown here) and THE FOREIGNER and MY FAIR LADY this year. MFL is a tough show for high schoolers, but my main criteria is that I had to had an Eliza that was a triple threat--her accents were amazing--and a Higgins who could be believable and dogged. It was a success.

I think it's about vision, talent, and effort. If the students have the talent and put in the effort to work toward the director's vision, it's a hit. I wouldn't trade our shows, particularly MFL, for anything. And in the end, the students are so proud! That's my main goal, anyway.

Rose_MacShane Profile Photo
#58re: worst high school production EVER..
Posted: 6/8/05 at 11:24pm

re: worst high school production EVER..
"76 trombones led the big parade, with 110 cor'nets close at hand..."

re: worst high school production EVER..
"Matchmaker, matchmaker, make me a match! Fine me a find! Catch me a catch!"

Updated On: 6/8/05 at 11:24 PM

littleredridinghood Profile Photo
#59re: worst high school production EVER..
Posted: 6/9/05 at 12:11am

"This looks like the worst production of LES MIS by far!!! The director can't even pronounce the names!"

I saw a far worse production by far. At least some of these people on the tape sound like they can sing. Though I agree, the director's a moron.

Hairspraydoll Profile Photo
#60re: worst high school production EVER..
Posted: 6/9/05 at 12:31am

I am also a brand new poster and this is my first year teaching theatre. I agree that there is alot of BAD HS theatre, but it depends. Last year a local high school did Peter Pan without flying and instead pretended to fly. It was awful.
But in my first year, I directed Bye Bye Birdie and it was the first show in the 4 years my high school's been open that sold out. AND my some of my leads consisted of a Varsity Cheerleader, 3 Varsity Football Players and a Varsity Wrestler. So they can be talented too!!! I think it starts with the director, the vision and being realistic about what you can do. I have such awesome kids that I am doing Into The Woods next year and I know it'll rock.

Be the change you want in the world....

magic8ball Profile Photo
#61re: worst high school production EVER..
Posted: 6/9/05 at 1:25am

That director is UNREAL. He cracked my **** right up and down. I felt like I was watching a "Waiting For Guffman"-esque spoof. "Die bigger, longer, and more spaced out. Life is short, live while you can..." I know that I'm paraphrasing, but I almost spit out my water on my keyboard when he said that.

I love the fact that Fantine's deathbed looks like a dinner table. I love Michael Gilbertson.

OMG, that just made my night.

"Goodness is rewarded. Hope is guaranteed. Laughter builds strong bones. Right will intercede. Things you've said I often find I need, indeed. I see the world through your eyes. What's black and white is colorized. The knowledge you most dearly prized I'm eager to employ. You said that life has infinite joys."
Updated On: 6/9/05 at 01:25 AM

inishmore Profile Photo
#62re: worst high school production EVER..
Posted: 6/9/05 at 1:37am

My high school decided to do a modern interpretation of Midsummer Night's Dream. Well first, I cringed when I heard that our director (who usually just reblocks things to look like the Broadway/famous productions) was tackling Shakespeare. But I just had to laugh. Oberon was covered head to toe in glitter (not sure why...) and Titania came out singing Oops I Did it Again by Brittany Spears. And to top it all off his "concept" was that it was this little 8yr old boy's dream. And it makes me wonder what he was like as an EIGHT year old. Or what any 8 yr old child who dreams something like MIDSUMMER would be like.
Oh and all the fairies were "ghetto" (And I went to a Catholic high school so that was like a crime to humanity)

Time rushes by, memories fade, dreams never do

#63re: worst high school production EVER..
Posted: 6/9/05 at 6:25am

I also LOVE how the kid playing Jean Val Jean was the musical director's son and he COULDN'T SING A NOTE! During Fantine's death, he actually TALKED parts of it! I'm not even going to get started on the costumes! YIKES!

And the "Die slower ..." part had me LAUGHING OUT LOUD! That director was a real piece of work!

#64re: worst high school production EVER..
Posted: 6/9/05 at 7:58am

MY HS did Finians Rainbow....let's just say, it was TRAGIC. Simply TRAGIC. I QUIT the show because it was so bad. The fake Irish brogues, the HORRIBLE costumes...the kid who had the seizure on stage...it was HORRENDOUS. Plus, my director had a think for scantily clad HS girls. We did Sweet Charity and Gypsy also...neither were any good.

Candleshoe2 Profile Photo
#65re: worst high school production EVER..
Posted: 6/9/05 at 9:46am

"This looks like the worst production of LES MIS by far!!! The director can't even pronounce the names!"

Quote from review of the show:
"I closed my eyes during a couple of numbers, and I swore I was on Broadway. The only difference was some of these castmembers I noticed were wearing braces."

nmartin Profile Photo
#67re: worst high school production EVER..
Posted: 6/9/05 at 11:11am

"The kid who had the seizure onstage."

Funny that.

#68re: worst high school production EVER..
Posted: 6/9/05 at 11:13am

I saw a a high school modernise Oliver! and My Fair Lady. Didn't change any of the language but added mobile phones and stuff... was comedy!

Jesus Loves You... Everybody else thinks you're an idiot!

#69re: worst high school production EVER..
Posted: 6/9/05 at 11:36am

who wrote that review? Because the costumes were terrible and they said they were good...are they kidding? I really thought that was a middle school production when I saw the pictures. The students look sooo young!!

"You won't fight without layers of armor Suit on up and come brace my sword You look back when the pieces are missing Hollowed out hope that no time can restore."

Michael Bennett Profile Photo
Michael Bennett
#70re: worst high school production EVER..
Posted: 6/9/05 at 11:45am

My program do you use to open that video clip -- my computer won't play it for some reason. I adore bad theatre!

nmartin Profile Photo
#71re: worst high school production EVER..
Posted: 6/9/05 at 11:53am

Rose, "FINE me a find" You're damn right they should have been fined......several thousand dollars.

MissElphie Profile Photo
#72re: worst high school production EVER..
Posted: 6/9/05 at 12:09pm

I'd have to say when my school did L'il Abner and our pianist got into a car accident on the way to the show (he wasn't badly injured but missed the show). It was a cool experience as we all bonded together to try to put on a good show, but the entire thing was a capella and going back to watch it, was very off key. Also, they asked some teacher who claimed she could play piano to keep the audience entertained during set changes, but all she knew how to play was "The Rose", so everytime the curtain closed, all the audience heard was The Rose over and over again. It didn't really match the score of L'il Abner...

Ourtime992 Profile Photo
#73re: worst high school production EVER..
Posted: 6/9/05 at 12:19pm

I am loving this thread! Keep 'em coming!

nmartin Profile Photo
#74re: worst high school production EVER..
Posted: 6/9/05 at 12:24pm

Miss Elphie: You need to contact the U.S. Copyright office immediately and copyright that post. Someone is bound to steal it for their own. And I am warning you right now it will most likely be I.

"Jubilation T.....just remember in the winter far beneath the bitter....Cornpone"
Updated On: 6/9/05 at 12:24 PM

Michael Bennett Profile Photo
Michael Bennett
#75re: worst high school production EVER..
Posted: 6/9/05 at 12:25pm

I love it. This is my favorite thread ever!
