
Actors' size, weight, etc.- Page 3

Actors' size, weight, etc.

Debbie Does Broadway Profile Photo
Debbie Does Broadway
#50re: Actors' size, weight, etc.
Posted: 8/22/05 at 1:33am

*Look at Kathleen Turner, a few years ago on Friends she was playing a man-to-woman transgender person b/c she was so heavy. Depressing. But great to see her on B'way!*

I think it was more the fact that her voice is sooooo low and the fact she is 5'10", than her weight. Weight, which she gained only after being diagnosed with Rheumetoid Arthritis. Poor thing.

I love her.

I am also not very thin, or all that heavy, not short by any means, but not too tall....yay for the normal people out there!

The trick in life is learning how to deal with it. ~Helen Mirren

GypsyRoseLee Profile Photo
#51re: Actors' size, weight, etc.
Posted: 8/22/05 at 2:02am

Honestly...there is no such thing as a "normal" or "typical" person! Everyone is so different in so many ways that it is impossible to find one person and say, "that is what 'real women' look like." That Dove campaign infuriates me. So what, they found six women who don't look like the Victoria's Secret models. That does not mean that all of womanhood is being represented. IT IS NOT POSSIBLE! I feel that Film, Theatre and TV are meant to reflect humanity. Naturally, not everyone in the world can be represented, but I think it's important to show as many different kinds of people as possible.

"This is what I trained to do, and this is what I love about theater. What I love about being an actress is being able to really look into myself and understand another human being. And out my own self, to shape and form and fashion a real human being--and to present that in such a way that people see something of themselves or their own understanding in that human being." --Phylicia Rashad

Cheno'sBiggestfan Profile Photo
#52re: Actors' size, weight, etc.
Posted: 8/22/05 at 9:59am

kristin is most definatly my inspiration. she is sooooo cool. i am only 4'11" also so its really cool to be the same height to an awesome person like her. sorry i had to get it out

"when i was little, i wanted to be Ethel Merman" harvey firestein

QueenAnne82 Profile Photo
#53re: Actors' size, weight, etc.
Posted: 8/22/05 at 10:06am

The movie/tv industry promotes anorexia like none other. Stick figures. It's disturbing.

However, theater seems to have a bit healthier view of things. Art imitates life, and in life, there are people of all sizes and shapes. And lets be honest, if you look like a barbie doll but can't sing a note, broadway kisses you good bye. I love that Broadway has such a high and different standard than other arenas. Meaning- Got talent? Then it doesn't matter if you're tall, short, stocky or skinny? If you can sing/dance and act- welcome to Broadway!

Yay for healthy looking people!

Everything in this room is *eat*able. Even I'm *eat*able. But that is called cannibalism, my dear children, and is in fact frowned upon in most societies. ~Willy Wonka

It's TRUE! GET A FREE IPOD!!! It's really easy http://premiumipods.freepay.com/?r=15232098 Ask me any questions about it.

I love Ana Gasteyer and Chicago Theater!!!

#54re: Actors' size, weight, etc.
Posted: 8/22/05 at 10:15am

I agree. People on Broadway look more real to me then in the movies. I see people who are tall and skinny, short and cuddly and average weight people all the time but I don't see people like Hollywood celebrities in my life. It makes me feel better when I see a girl like Marissa Jaret Winokur starring in a show and winning a Tony, it gives a chance to me and the rest of the chunky people on this earth!

Without Sondheim, when sensitive teenagers got depressed, they'd just kill themselves. 'this is wanting something, this is praying for it, this is holding back and keeping fingers crossed.'- light in the piazza 11.11.05

TheHumanTorch Profile Photo
#55re: Actors' size, weight, etc.
Posted: 8/22/05 at 11:58am

i agree that it is cool that people of all different shapes and sizes are on Broadway, but Broadway isn't above all of the type-casting, because, Marissa Jaret Winokur starred in a part meant for someone heavier, Broadway will be the most real and best place, when it puts heavier people in starring roles which don't require a certain body type

HamletWasBipolar Profile Photo
#56re: Actors' size, weight, etc.
Posted: 8/22/05 at 12:48pm

Stage has always been more friendly to "average types". However, the old adage that a camera adds 10 lbs (at least) is very true. Two rules of thumb: 1.) an actor can never be TOO thin
2.) If you're pretty go to LA, if you have
talent, go to NY!

" I wish that the stage were as narrow as a tightrope wire, so that no incompetent would dare step upon it." -- Goethe (he wants you to go to my Myspace page www.myspace.com/jasonklemm

HamletWasBipolar Profile Photo
#57re: Actors' size, weight, etc.
Posted: 8/22/05 at 12:55pm

Also, a lot of times your appearance, no matter what it is has to fit the rest of the cast. AS actors, we are a product, not a person, any decisions made on appearance are not made personally, but from a business sense. You are better off being 50 lbs overwright, than say 20lbs. Fifty gets the comic role, they dont always know what to do with 20. An actors' age also has a lot to do with it. If you are 40 something, a bit paunchy, and balding that can work. But if your 25 and like that, you may be in trouble. There are always exceptions, but as a performer, I want to be as marketable as possible, so ht/wt proportionate works for most. There are roles that call for heighth (Beauty) and short (anybody opposite Kristen Chenoweth), and weight (Hairspray, off-bway Big Fat Pig), but they are definitely in the minority.

" I wish that the stage were as narrow as a tightrope wire, so that no incompetent would dare step upon it." -- Goethe (he wants you to go to my Myspace page www.myspace.com/jasonklemm

#58re: Actors' size, weight, etc.
Posted: 8/22/05 at 1:21pm

Any actor who goes into a broadway show comes out of the show at least 5 pounds lighter. All that work, and odd eating ours, you're bound to lose weight.

pocketponine Profile Photo
#61re: Actors' size, weight, etc.
Posted: 7/18/13 at 3:23pm

I'm 5'8, and a teenager, around 120 pounds, should I be worried? I have long legs and I dance, so I've got that going for me, but I just feel like I'm gonna be taller then the the actors and actresses auditioning as characters twice my age! For as long as I can remember, I've played the adult role in school productions or youth casts. Just once in my life, I want to be the star. Not to put on a diva rant or anything. I just need to know there is hope for me. I just have to pray I stop growing...

dramamama611 Profile Photo
#62re: Actors' size, weight, etc.
Posted: 7/18/13 at 5:14pm

Never anything to worry about. That height/weight seems perfect. Concentrate on your craft and don't worry snout what you can't change.

If we're not having fun, then why are we doing it? These are DISCUSSION boards, not mutual admiration boards. Discussion only occurs when we are willing to hear what others are thinking, regardless of whether it is alignment to our own thoughts.

#63re: Actors' size, weight, etc.
Posted: 7/18/13 at 6:58pm

pocketponine, there have been plenty of tall successful actresses. Bea Arthur, Kristen Johnston, Miranda Hart. (Watch the link below for some of Miranda Hart's physical comedy. I think she's hysterical, but I've always loved physical comedy).

And being the star is not always the greatest thing. I have so many wonderful memories of character actors who just stole the show right out from under the "star".

Just work on giving them a performance they'll not soon forget.

If anyone ever tells you that you put too much Parmesan cheese on your pasta, stop talking to them. You don't need that kind of negativity in your life.

#64re: Actors' size, weight, etc.
Posted: 7/19/13 at 8:19am

As with anything in the theatre, much depends on the casting team.

My brother is AEA/SAG and a big guy (6'4). He was up for Cliff in a regional production of Cabaret. The team first cast Sally who was fantastic, but she was 6'0. There were three Cliffs who were brought back for the final call and all were equally talented. But they cast my brother because they director did not want to accentuate that Sally's size by having a smaller man next to her.

So in this case, his height worked to his advantage. But he would not have been cast if the Sally Bowles was Cheno-sized.

That was his only Equity role as a leading man/romantic lead though. Because of his body type, the rest of his musical professional roles have been character. Character is a lot more fun, anyways.

PTOPhan Profile Photo
#65re: Actors' size, weight, etc.
Posted: 7/19/13 at 10:05pm

I'm Cheno-sized in terms of height, but I've never been thin. When I was in high school (back in the early seventies), the drama teacher flat out told me he'd never cast me in a major role because of my size. That was one of the reasons I never tried to turn pro.

Now that I'm in my late 50's, I doubt my size would hurt as much. If I take up community theater upon my retirement from my "day job" next year, I'll definitely shoot for the comic little old lady roles. I plan to keep in mind that Helen Hayes was about 4'10", and she had a theater named for her. re: Actors' size, weight, etc.

The one appearance issue that I think will come back to bite many people -- especially women -- is tats. They're hard to cover up, and a visible tattoo will disqualify you for period shows. Can you imagine Christine Daae or Fantine with a tattoo? I thought not. Just say no. re: Actors' size, weight, etc.

You alone can make my song take flight.

givesmevoice Profile Photo
#66re: Actors' size, weight, etc.
Posted: 7/19/13 at 10:08pm

^ Laura Benanti didn't have a problem playing Louise with her tattoos. Michael Cerveris has at least a wrist tattoo that he covers up for his shows. And I'm sure there are plenty of other people with visible tattoos that they're able to cover up.

When I see the phrase "the ____ estate", I imagine a vast mansion in the country full of monocled men and high-collared women receiving letters about productions across the country and doing spit-takes at whatever they contain. -Kad

EricMontreal22 Profile Photo
#67re: Actors' size, weight, etc.
Posted: 7/19/13 at 10:11pm

Yeah I didn't think tattoos (most, anyway) were hard at all to cover up. Stage makeup, or look at all the movie and TV actors, seems to be able to do it fairly easily.

#68re: Actors' size, weight, etc.
Posted: 7/19/13 at 10:12pm

What givesmevoice said: Cerveris has several tattoos, uses special make-up for them. LOTS of actors have tattoos. You just cover them up for your audition.
