
Rude audience members. With a twist!- Page 3

Rude audience members. With a twist!

#50re: Rude audience members.
Posted: 3/8/07 at 3:22pm

You should have remimded Miss Lewis that as a paying customer, the money paid for the ticket by you was partly going into her pocket and she should keep her fat trap shut.

"Oh Link...your pork is ready..." - Edna Turnblad
Updated On: 3/8/07 at 03:22 PM

Calvin Profile Photo
#51re: Rude audience members.
Posted: 3/8/07 at 3:25pm

WHY would anyone make up a story about some unknown named Megan Lewis?

I think with what other established posters have said, I'm now much more confident in believing the original post. HOWEVER -- This is BWW. We know the favorite ice cream flavor of the Ali Hakim standby in the seventh non-equity tour of "Oklahoma." I'd take ANY story with a grain of salt before I started storming the Walter Kerr or shooting off angry letters to theatre management. The quick rush to judgment by some bothered me much more than the original post.

#52re: Rude audience members.
Posted: 3/8/07 at 3:25pm

^ ouch

She was in Forbidden Broadway SVU, right?

lildogs Profile Photo
#53re: Rude audience members.
Posted: 3/8/07 at 3:28pm

I don't think you should try to get fired, but she did deserve to get called out for it.

wonderwaiter Profile Photo
#54re: Rude audience members.
Posted: 3/8/07 at 3:44pm

But honestly, what actress is going to loose their job over a BWW post.

None. Someone other than the original poster mentioned contacting the theater - that's what I was referring to and the "possibly getting fired" was more of a worst case scenario. I just don't understand why anyone other than fyffe should be contacting anyone about this incident.

And no one grew into anything new, we just became the worst of what we were."

#55re: Rude audience members.
Posted: 3/8/07 at 4:17pm

BrodyFosse just wanted people to know he has an assistant.

"How do you like THAT 'misanthropic panache,' Mr. Goldstone?" - PalJoey

Rathnait62 Profile Photo
#56re: Rude audience members.
Posted: 3/8/07 at 4:19pm

I'm tired of running your personal errands for minimum wage, Mr. Fosse!

-- Stacey

Have I ever shown you my Shattered Dreams box? It's in my Disappointment Closet. - Marge Simpson

millie_dillmount Profile Photo
#57re: Rude audience members.
Posted: 3/8/07 at 4:30pm

Hmmm...wonder if she wants people acting this way and disrupting her performance when she goes onstage.

"We like to snark around here. Sometimes we actually talk about theater...but we try not to let that get in our way." - dramamama611

#58re: Rude audience members.
Posted: 3/8/07 at 5:35pm

"I found that Saturday's evening performance of Spring Awakening had some rude/stragne people in it. People were laughing during some very "unfunny" parts, like the suicide and abortion scenes and most notably the beating scene, which def. isn't funny. What's up with that?"

Some people find the weirdest things funny, I don't know why? Maybe they find death and violence funny, maybe they like black or dark humor.

I think in all honesty, if someone is talking loudly and is acting rudely during a show, they should be spoken to, and it doesn't matter who they are, they shouldn't be disturbing the show and annoying the audience. Wouldn't you think that since she is the dance captain and an understudy that she should have the same respect and attitude while watching the show that she would want the audience to have when watching her? Do unto others as you would have unto you.

#59re: Rude audience members.
Posted: 3/8/07 at 5:46pm

Only read the first post.

Megan Lewis is a very nice person. This surprises me.

Oh, well.

#60re: Rude audience members.
Posted: 3/8/07 at 6:53pm

I'd take ANY story with a grain of salt

I disagree. Short of some sort of bizarre personal vendetta - which is HIGHLY unlikely, the original poster had no motivation to lie. I don't think there's a real reason to give Lewis the benefit of the doubt in this case.

#61re: Rude audience members.
Posted: 3/8/07 at 7:06pm

It's still class-less to humiliate and embarrass someone in a public forum.

popular_elphie Profile Photo
#62re: Rude audience members.
Posted: 3/8/07 at 7:20pm

There's no reason it shouldn't be shared, along with her name. What if this person told a friend who told a friend who told a friend? It'd be the same type of thing. It's an anecdote, and relates to what we talk about on the boards each day.

And if BrodyFosse is someone involved in the production, why isn't he allowed to drop a note off to her? It's putting someone in his show in a bad air.

#63re: Rude audience members.
Posted: 3/8/07 at 7:23pm

It's still class-less to humiliate and embarrass someone in a public forum.

No, it's classless to ruin someone's theatre-going experience by obnoxiously talking throughout the entire show and then act as if you have some sort of excuse for the behavior because you're involved with the production.

fyffe Profile Photo
#64re: Rude audience members.
Posted: 3/8/07 at 9:51pm

Hello again!
I want to say once more that I do appreciate all the support! Now, that being said, I would also like to state that I DO NOT WANT anyone fired! That never crossed my mind. I really do not want anyone in trouble either. That is why I DID NOT take it to management (although I thought about it). I took it to this forum because I knew I could vent to people who would understand my predictament. It is NOT gossip, cause this really happened..and you all are getting it from the source. It is not hatred, cause I don't even know Megan, much less hate her. I just thought this was an outrageous display of rudeness from someone that should definetly know better. Thats all. I don't even want free tickets, an apology, or this even resolved. I just wanted to bitch.
PS. Thanks to the person who said I was adorable..lol.. the pic is a few years old so I will probably update it now that you made me take notice of it. Thanks again.

did I rock the family boat by dining on the help?-LESTAT

#65re: Rude audience members.
Posted: 3/9/07 at 3:12pm

As dance captain, it is her JOB to sit in the audience and watch the show. She should know that she shouldn't be doing anything distracting to the regular audience around her, except when absolutely necessary as part of her job. Maybe she might need a little pen-light to take notes, maybe if the person next to her is the choreographer or somebody, they might need to whisper occasionally to share a note, but it sounds like this was not the case and they were just watching the show like they're in the living room.

Also, in most cases, any production person will usually be sitting somewhere in the least distracting place possible -- at the standing room rail, at the sound console, in an empty box, in a seat on the extreme side aisles, etc. The fact that she was sitting in front of paying audience and behaving that way is even worse.

Complaining to an usher won't get much done directly, because as a member of the company she's not an employee of the theatre. The stage manager is really the person responsible for her, but since it happened in the house and would most likely be witnessed by a house employee, the house manager should be notified, too. She's not going to get fired for something like that, but she and anyone else who needs to watch the show from the house should be reminded that they need to be respectful of the people paying to see their show. Making the house manager aware could help if it remains a problem -- if they receive more complaints they will know it's an ongoing thing that may need to be reported again to stage management.

Assuming of course that all this happened (and any case of rude audience behavior is a he-said-she-said kind of thing anyway), I can't believe she was so stupid as to identify herself as a member of the company once she was called out for being rude. There's not as much that can be done by one anonymous patron to another, but saying she's with the production (even if she didn't give her name or job title) opens up a whole can of worms for written complaints, that make her show look bad, and could very easily get back to her personally. Totally unprofessional and tactless on so many levels.

lildogs Profile Photo
#66re: Rude audience members.
Posted: 3/9/07 at 3:22pm

"It's still class-less (sic) to humiliate and embarrass someone in a public forum. "

Like talking during a performance.

Unacceptable for anyone, much less a professional who knows better.

#67re: Rude audience members.
Posted: 3/9/07 at 3:25pm

""I found that Saturday's evening performance of Spring Awakening had some rude/stragne people in it. People were laughing during some very "unfunny" parts, like the suicide and abortion scenes and most notably the beating scene, which def. isn't funny. What's up with that?"

Some people find the weirdest things funny, I don't know why? Maybe they find death and violence funny, maybe they like black or dark humor.

Some people laugh because they are upset or embarrassed. Sometimes people laugh at funerals. Is it because they think it's funny? No. It's their way of handling the situation.
Some people laugh at stories or people being raped or murdered. Do they think it's funny? No. It's their way of handling it.

People crying is other people laughing in the same situation with the same feelings.

"How bout a little black dress?"~hannahshule "I have a penis, not a vagina." ~munkustrap178

keen on kean Profile Photo
keen on kean
#68re: Rude audience members.
Posted: 3/9/07 at 3:34pm

Right, SweetQ. And nervous laughter is also difficult to control because it is almost an involuntary reaction. But given the audience behavior we have ALL been ranting about lately, it wouldn't surprise me if some of the laughter was just plain inappropriate.

Jane2 Profile Photo
#69re: Rude audience members.
Posted: 3/9/07 at 3:54pm

Back to the topic-I think Ms. Lewis is totally wrong and it should have been reported privately, because I don't believe anyone has the right to post another's real name on the internet without their permission, no matter how guilty of a crime!

I also had a similar experience. I was house managing, and the curtain was about to go up. One of my ushers came rushing down to me to tell me that there were two people up in the mezzanine who refuse to sit down in their seats. I went up there and asked them to please take their seats since curtain was going up. "No, i'm not sitting there," said one of them. I then told them they were standing in what is considered a fire dept. hazard. No luck, they wouln't sit down. What did I do? Well, the one who spoke happened to be a lead in a very popular broadway show at the time. Their producers were also my producers, who were seated downstairs. I had them go up and take care of the problem.

The NERVE of an actress to cause that kind of trouble in a theater. THERE IS NO EXCUSE. I expect better manners from people in the business than I do from a regular patron. To this day, I have no respect for that woman.


#70re: Rude audience members.
Posted: 3/13/07 at 10:02pm

Just read your rant. Yes you should have said something. I personally know her, and have worked with her. She is a very rude person, on and off stage. good for you!

mikem Profile Photo
#71re: Rude audience members.
Posted: 3/13/07 at 10:14pm

Jane2, that's terrible. Why do you think she didn't want to sit down? At first I was thinking it was because she somehow thought she deserved better seats if she was the lead in another show by the same producers, but she would have known what the seats were when she received the tickets.

"What was the name of that cheese that I like?" "you can't run away forever...but there's nothing wrong with getting a good head start" "well I hope and I pray, that maybe someday, you'll walk in the room with my heart"

wonderwaiter Profile Photo
#72re: Rude audience members.
Posted: 3/13/07 at 10:29pm

fyffe - love the new pic in your avatar.

And no one grew into anything new, we just became the worst of what we were."

Jane2 Profile Photo
#73re: Rude audience members.
Posted: 3/13/07 at 10:54pm

Mike- I think you're right-she didn't like the seats she had. I didn't have the time to deal with her obnoxious behavior and I'm happy her producer friends were there to handle her for me!


#74re: Rude audience members.
Posted: 3/14/07 at 9:49am

When I saw The Little Dog Laughed, I was seating next to two guys. One of them went through the list of plays: "Seen, seen, seen, was in, seen seen,etc." So I was really surprised that when the play was going on, there were parts where this guy talked to the cast from the fifth row. I couldn't believe. If this guy has really seen so many plays, he should know theatre etiquette. Unless, and this is my horror, he talks through every play as if it was a movie.
