
Rate the recent Broadway-to-Hollywood films!- Page 3

Rate the recent Broadway-to-Hollywood films!

Funny Face Profile Photo
Funny Face
#50re: Rate the recent Broadway-to-Hollywood films!
Posted: 7/31/07 at 10:17pm

Which don't even hold up on a second viewing? Which sucked to begin with?

I think that's what my problem with Dreamgirls was. The first time I saw it, I really enjoyed it, then the second time, I still liked it, but it was kind of "eh". And the third time, I was just kind of bored.
I think it might've been just because the first time I saw it I was at the movies the day after it came out and everyone had been anticipating it for so long, and was surrounded by all the hype and there was that whole energy, that I wanted myself to like more than I actually did. I guess time will tell with Hairspray, since I've yet to see it a second time. But Hairspray just doesn't have all the hype to live up to that DG did, which is what ultimately killed it in my opinion. Not that it wasn't a success on many levels, but there was just no way to live up to the "Second Coming" hype that was being generated.

wickedfan Profile Photo
#51re: Rate the recent Broadway-to-Hollywood films!
Posted: 7/31/07 at 10:28pm

BiranIdol- Funny you say that, not because she's been cast but because that's who George Abbott's wife apparently wanted (according to my source). The producers (Craig Zadan and Neil Meron) said that she was too old though, so that idea was nixed. As of now no Lola has been cast, they're starting to head in the direction of casting an unknown.

"Sing the words, Patti!!!!" Stephen Sondheim to Patti LuPone.

#52re: Rate the recent Broadway-to-Hollywood films!
Posted: 7/31/07 at 11:02pm

Wait...WHAT?!? Damn Yankees is actually being made?

Interesting...I heard Adam Shankman say in a radio interview a couple weeks ago that if he could direct any film musical, it would be DY. So, was the remake already in development and that was his bid to the powers-that-be, or did someone hear that interview and put the remake on the fast track with the intent of having Shankman helm it?

What casting has been confirmed?

"Word of advice: Be who you are, wear what you want---just learn how to run real fast." Marc, UGLY BETTY
Updated On: 7/31/07 at 11:02 PM

#53re: Rate the recent Broadway-to-Hollywood films!
Posted: 7/31/07 at 11:27pm

My List:

1. Hairspray - Maybe it's because It's my favorite musical, but I think this movie is nearly perfect with only a few changes I didn't enjoy.
2. Dreamgirls - I've never seen the stage show so I can't compare it, but the movie is fantastic.
3. Chicago - The main reason I didn't rate it as high as everyone else is because I didn't like the way the changed some of the songs and scenes. Of course I only have the revival to go off of so maybe it was more similar to the original production?
4. Rent - It's not as good as the stage show, but I think it works better for people who haven't seen it live (saw it before the stage show... yeah I was late).
5. Phantom - I don't know why so many people hate this movie. I thought it was decent. One mistake that really sticks out to me is the Masquerade (sp?) scene which I thought they should have focused only on the ballroom and not what was going on behind the scenes (I don't know why that annoys me so much).
6. The Producers - Never seen the stage show, but the movie was ok. I can't help but feel that it thinks it's funnier that it actually is.

If Moulin Rouge counts, it goes at the bottom. I hated this movie. Although I haven't seen it in a while so maybe I should give it another rent.

BrianIdol Profile Photo
#54re: Rate the recent Broadway-to-Hollywood films!
Posted: 7/31/07 at 11:35pm

You dont' have to love moulin rouge, but you've gotta give credit. This is the movie that jump-started movie-musicals again. We may not have had any of the others on you're list had Moulin Rouge not been made.

wickedfan Profile Photo
#55re: Rate the recent Broadway-to-Hollywood films!
Posted: 8/1/07 at 1:57am

Lorings-The remake has been in the works for a year or two now, but is now on the fast track. My guess is that Shankman's radio interview was more of a shout out to the producers to consider him for it. I don't know if they will, though. The casting I have heard so far is Jim Carrey as Mr. Applegate and Jake Gyllenhall as Joe Hardy.

"Sing the words, Patti!!!!" Stephen Sondheim to Patti LuPone.

LuPonatic Profile Photo
#56re: Rate the recent Broadway-to-Hollywood films!
Posted: 8/1/07 at 5:07am

1. Hairspray (10/10)- I have to say, this will be a classic in my book! I have seen it three times already, and after the third viewing, I left the theatre already wanting to see it again! Not only was this a great musical to begin with (the music is all so toe-tapping!) but the adaptation added a couple of fantastic songs, and really adapted well to the screen. I don't mind a single change made, because that is the reality of it! The casting was also PERFECT! I wouldn't make any changes.

2. Chicago (10/10)- I remember being amazed by this when I first saw it, and it is definitely a close second to Hairspray for me. I think the only reason this isn't first is because the story of Hairspray appeals to me more. I also never get tired of watching this one, although there is a short time after viewing that I do not immediately want to watch it again. This casting was also spectacular. Maybe I just like Queen Latifah! (and I do hope she keeps making musicals!)

3. Rent (8.5/10)- Another one I enjoyed. I don't choose it constantly, but it is enjoyable on subsequent viewings. I owned the OBCR when the show was new, but I did not get into it much, but the movie helped me to really like this musical. The casting was fine (I mean, it was original cast for the most part) but I think the MiMi in the movie is better than the one on my recording (but to be fair I never saw the production)

4. Dreamgirls (8/10)- Here's one that I really enjoyed, and although I do listen to the movie soundtrack often, The movie doesn't scream to me "watch me again!" I saw it twice in the theatres, and I don't own the DVD yet, but I will. The casting, well, it was good. Singing wise it was perfect, but acting...well...Beyonce...need I say more?

5. The Producers (6.5/10)- Although I really love this show, I agree with a lot of people that it was not adapted well to the big screen. Still, it's a good show. I think I've only watched it once. It was very nice seeing so many original broadway cast members, but since the standout to me as well was Will F., maybe that is a sign that Broadway performances should stay on Broadway and movies should be given a new treatment with new actors (of course not true in all cases)

6. Evita (6/10)- This was nice, and Madonna did alright. My fiance says Antonio Banderas was the best Che, but she is not a Mandy fan like I am! Maybe this just got lost for me in a time when we weren't quite experiencing the revival of movie musicals like it feels like we are now.

7. Phantom of the Opera (4/10)- I was not that entertained. Maybe it hurt my experience that I have never seen Phantom on stage. I have heard the music, and I was not impressed by these performers. The gentleman playing Phantom should not have been singing that stuff (bleck!)

EDIT* oh, and if I threw in Moulin Rouge (7/10), it would go right around Dreamgirls.
Updated On: 8/1/07 at 05:07 AM

Elphaba3 Profile Photo
#57re: Rate the recent Broadway-to-Hollywood films!
Posted: 8/1/07 at 5:18am

1. Chicago
2. Dreamgirls
3. Rent
4. The Producers

Haven't seen Hairspray yet, and I refuse to see POTO.
Updated On: 8/1/07 at 05:18 AM

muscle23ftl Profile Photo
#58re: Rate the recent Broadway-to-Hollywood films!
Posted: 8/1/07 at 5:26am

RATE the recent Broadway to Hollywood Films:

1. Chicago 9/10
2. Hairspray 10/10
3. Dreamgirls 6/10
4. The Producers 4/10
5. Evita 6/10
6. Rent 7/10
7. Phantom of the Opera 2/10

"People have their opinions and that doesn't mean that their opinions are wrong or right. I just take it with a grain of salt because opinions are like as*holes, everyone has one". -Felicia Finley-

best12bars Profile Photo
#59re: Rate the recent Broadway-to-Hollywood films!
Posted: 8/1/07 at 9:21am

For what it's worth, I don't count Moulin Rouge here, because it was never on Broadway. But agree it jump-started the musical "wave" we're riding now... and I think it's a brilliant film that I'm not sure can ever be repeated. I love the way it threw convention to the wind in such a unique way.

wickedfan---I love that casting! Jim Carrey as Applegate and Jake Gylenhaal as Joe would be perfect. How about Queen Latifah (the good luck charm) as Gloria? As for Lola... and unknown? I'm surprised they would do that, but it could be a breakout opportunity for someone, and that's pretty exciting. I think ever since Jennifer Hudson took the world by storm, Hollywood isn't so afraid to do that. It gives them something to "discover," and they LOVE that.

We've all listed a lot of musicals, but what about the Broadway-to-Hollywood straight plays?

Admittedly, there are several I haven't seen, but going back two decades, I'd say...


1. Amadeus
2. Driving Miss Daisy
3. Children of a Lesser God
4. Six Degrees of Separation


1. Angels in America
2. The Crucible
3. The Dresser
4. Crimes of the Heart
5. Biloxi Blues
6. I'm Not Rappaport
7. M. Butterfly
8. Shirley Valentine


1. Torch Song Trilogy
2. Agnes of God
3. Love! Valour! Compassion!
4. Noises Off
5. Brighton Beach Memoirs


Proof, History Boys, Glengary Glen Ross, Plenty

I'm looking forward to Doubt... and I wish somebody would finally make a film version of Fences. That play is too good not to adapt for the screen.

You know what just dawned on me? In the '80s and '90s, MANY Broadway straight plays were adapted for the screen... but for the past decade VERY FEW have been. Hardly any, in fact. I hadn't noticed that before.

"Jaws is the Citizen Kane of movies."
blocked: logan2, Diamonds3, Hamilton22

StageManager2 Profile Photo
#60re: Rate the recent Broadway-to-Hollywood films!
Posted: 8/1/07 at 9:45am

You thought ANGELS IN AMERICA was just okay, b12b? Personally, I would place SIX DEGREES OF SEPARATION in the not-so-good category.

Salve, Regina, Mater misericordiae
Vita, dulcedo, et spes nostra
Salve, Salve Regina
Ad te clamamus exsules filii Eva
Ad te suspiramus, gementes et flentes
O clemens O pia

best12bars Profile Photo
#61re: Rate the recent Broadway-to-Hollywood films!
Posted: 8/1/07 at 9:55am

Compared to the stage play, Angels was just okay. And I liked the film of Six Degrees... okay, mainly because of Stockard Channing.

"Jaws is the Citizen Kane of movies."
blocked: logan2, Diamonds3, Hamilton22

#62re: Rate the recent Broadway-to-Hollywood films!
Posted: 8/1/07 at 9:57am

OK, for musicals, I'm going to include the ABC/Wonderful World of Disney remakes, and the Andrew Lloyd Webber Films of the mid-late 90s as well.

For my best: (In no particular order)
1) Dreamgirls - About my only real complaint was the loss of some of the recitative (sp?), and Jamie Foxx. I thought the majority of the cast handled themselves well, it was beautifully shot and a BLAST to see in theatres. In fact, J-Hud got a standing ovation during "And I Am Telling You..." which I have NEVER wittnesed during a film in a movie theatre. I also think in 10 years, that people will actually really like and rave about Beyonce's performance. Say what you will, I loved her, and personally feel that anyone who can give Diana Ross a soul, deserves major credit.

2) Chicago - I saw this 10 times in theatres. I really enjoyed all of the performances, even John C. Riley, who I usually hate. I appreciated the score, and they kept the songs that I loved in the score, and the ones I skip over on the recording were gone. The imagery, especially in the musical sequences was to to die for. I still agree that it deserved Best Picture.

3) Annie - Ok, yes, Disney cut a few things out, but considering the really lackluster, and mildly confusing film with Aileen Quinn, this was a VAST improvement. I really wanted them to continue making a musical a year, as Disney does stay pretty true to the source material. Alica Morton was a great Annie, Victor Garber, Audra McDonald, Alan Cumming and Kristin Chenoweth all held their own beautifully. The big suprise, was Kathy Bates. She blew me away, and I think she got the essence of the role much more than Carol Burnett did.

The Good:
1) Cinderella - Call me crazy, I loved the over the top campiness, the casting, and the performances. Bout all I did not like, was Whitney's costume.

2) The Producers - While I actually hate the score/parts of the cast, I do think it was a nicely done film, that was true to the stage production. Cast Highlights: Nathan Lane, Will Ferrell. Cast Lowlights: Gary Beach.

3) Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat - Not a fan of the show, but the film was entertaining, and is probably one of my favorite translations of an ALW show to film. Osmond was a bit too old, but Maria Freidman and Joan Collins make up for it.

4) Jesus Christ Superstar - I actually liked this as well. Glenn Carter did get on my nerves a bit as a mildly whiny Jesus, but I liked it's mix of contemporary and gospel-era costumes.

The Ok:
1) Evita - I was suprised by Madonna, and the film in general. Any chance for Pryce to work his musical magic is ok by me. I agree with B12B about the contacts, and I wish it hadn't been shot so darkly.

2) Rent - Could be better, could be a LOT worse. All I'm going to say there.

3) Hedwig and the Angry Inch - I just really like the show live better than on film. And I know one should not compare, but John Cameron Mitchell was brilliant live, and on film, he's a little less brilliant.

The Bad:
1) The Music Man - Matthew Broderick was mis-cast, and the film had major pacing issues. Highly enjoyed Chenoweth, Debra Monk (That was her, right?), and Molly Shannon.

2) Phantom of the Opera - For a film nearly 20 years in the making, this was the best we could get? Seriously? Maybe they should have just shot this for PBS like they did Cats...at least then we might have had something decent to remember it by.

3) Hairspray - I know, a lot of people liked it. I considered it poorly directed and sloppy with it's cinematography. Enjoyed the cast for the most part, but Nikki Blonsky got on my nerves with her constant "I'm-Judy-Garland-During-The-Scenes-In-'Wizard of Oz'-Where-The-Witch-Has-Me-And-I-Must-Always-Be-Super-Sincere" voice.

I think I got everything.

I need time to formulate my play-screen list. But I hated the Children of a Lesser god film. The cast was fine, but I hated what they did to the ending, and the script overall.


wickedfan Profile Photo
#63re: Rate the recent Broadway-to-Hollywood films!
Posted: 8/1/07 at 10:47am

best12- I love that casting, too! I think they will cast some more well known actors (probably as Gloria and Van Buren) so they can cast their unknown as Lola. To be perfectly honest, it's not even that they intended to make a star out of the actress who would play her. Their original intention was to indeed have a star play the role. But they weren't looking for actresses any older than 30 (this may change, but as of now that's their age limit). And there's just no actress in Hollywood sexy enough and who can also sing relatively well and and who can dance. They're not going for someone who can move and then they film around it. They want a real dancer. Which is probably why casting an unknown now seems like the most likely choice.

"Sing the words, Patti!!!!" Stephen Sondheim to Patti LuPone.

songanddanceman2 Profile Photo
#64re: Rate the recent Broadway-to-Hollywood films!
Posted: 8/1/07 at 11:01am

It surprises me that a lot of people didn't like Madonna in Evita

To me she really grabbed that role and did a great job(critics and awards agreed).She was a brilliant Eve and i have seen a lot of people play that role.Im sure some people just bash her because shes madonna.

Namo i love u but we get it already....you don't like Madonna

best12bars Profile Photo
#65re: Rate the recent Broadway-to-Hollywood films!
Posted: 8/1/07 at 11:35am

wickedfan--Well, Lola needs to be a gorgeous and young seductress. That's why she sold her soul to the Devil, after all.

(A plot point not lost on the film critics and press when they cast Gwen Verdon in the original film. Gwen was nice-looking enough, and had the best pair of legs you could ask for... but Marilyn Monroe, Hedy Lamar or Lana Turner---she was not.)

"Jaws is the Citizen Kane of movies."
blocked: logan2, Diamonds3, Hamilton22

#66re: Rate the recent Broadway-to-Hollywood films!
Posted: 8/1/07 at 2:33pm

Wickedfan---thanks for the update!

I remember Damn Yankees being tossed around right after Chicago exploded, but after the Disney/Miramax fallout I heard it got shelved. Glad to hear it's on the front burner again.

Shankman mentioned that if he got to direct it, he'd want Will Smith as Applegate.

I like the idea of Carrey and Gyllenhall. That seems like spot-on casting! Any word on if it will be contemporized? That was the plan originally.

"Word of advice: Be who you are, wear what you want---just learn how to run real fast." Marc, UGLY BETTY

JP2 Profile Photo
#67re: Rate the recent Broadway-to-Hollywood films!
Posted: 8/1/07 at 4:26pm

Little Shop is probably my favorite movie ever. One of the best stage to screen adaptations I've ever seen, even with its changes.

1. Hairspray - I have a thing for musical comedies. They're more excessable for repeat viewings because there really isn't anything (usually) to drag them down and make them lag.

2. Dreamgirls and Chicago - These are a tie. I think both are really great but each have there own flaws. Jaime Foxx and Rene really ruin both films for me.

3. Hedwig And the Angry Inch - Beautiful film.

4. Rent - I enjoyed it. But, I was never a renthead.

muscle23ftl Profile Photo
#68re: Rate the recent Broadway-to-Hollywood films!
Posted: 8/1/07 at 4:32pm

I think that Chicago was a hundred times better than Dreamgirls. Dreamgirls was a bit "cold" I think, just made to make money and showcase Beyonce and Jennifer Hudson, adding Eddie Murphy's 'return'
Definitly not Oscar worthy like Chicago.

"People have their opinions and that doesn't mean that their opinions are wrong or right. I just take it with a grain of salt because opinions are like as*holes, everyone has one". -Felicia Finley-

#69re: Rate the recent Broadway-to-Hollywood films!
Posted: 8/1/07 at 5:12pm

I disagree that Dreamgirls was made JUST to make money.

Condon wanted to make that film for years. It was a labor of love for him, and by the looks of it, just about everyone else involved. David Geffen was incredibly protective of the film rights, not granting permission until he was sure the producers and director would uphold the integrity of the piece.

Now, they DID cast stars like Beyonce and Eddie Murphy to help ensure the film was a hit (they'd be stupid not to), but I wouldn't call it a cold-blooded, calculated Hollywood "product."

"Word of advice: Be who you are, wear what you want---just learn how to run real fast." Marc, UGLY BETTY
Updated On: 8/1/07 at 05:12 PM

#70re: Rate the recent Broadway-to-Hollywood films!
Posted: 8/2/07 at 3:10am

I loved the big screen version of A Chorus Line. Michael Douglas was fabulous.

Elphaba3 Profile Photo
#71re: Rate the recent Broadway-to-Hollywood films!
Posted: 8/24/07 at 4:42pm

1. Chicago

2. Dreamgirls
3. Hairspray

4. Rent
5. The Producers

BroadwayBound062 Profile Photo
#72re: Rate the recent Broadway-to-Hollywood films!
Posted: 8/24/07 at 5:31pm

1. Hairspray 10/10- Perfection for a movie musical
2. Chicago 10/10- Great
3. Dreamgirls 9/10- beautiful
4. The Producers 6/10- Just akward thats all
5. Evita 7/10- I think I just don't care for this show partly and Madonna bothers me
6. Rent 8/10- I enjoy this movie, it has some akward moments though
7. Phantom of the Opera 8/10...I really enjoyed the movie much better than the OBC. I still wish the Ann Hathaway would have done the movie and made it that much better!

Genius lasts longer than beauty.
