
My thoughts on [title of show] (long)- Page 3

My thoughts on [title of show] (long)

Dolly_Levi Profile Photo
#50re: My thoughts on [title of show] (long)
Posted: 7/15/08 at 12:10pm

Whoa, kaybee, relax. I [believe] everything will be ok.

Laughter is much more important than applause. Applause is almost a duty. Laughter is a reward. Carol Channing

americanboy99 Profile Photo
#51re: My thoughts on [title of show] (long)
Posted: 7/15/08 at 12:17pm

How inappropriate is this show?

Borstalboy Profile Photo
#52re: My thoughts on [title of show] (long)
Posted: 7/15/08 at 12:21pm

Well, you heard it from Kaybee, folks. You must like [title of show] because the people involved are nice, hardworking people who had a dream that's coming true. Unlike all those other Broadway shows.

"Impossible is just a big word thrown around by small men who find it easier to live in the world they've been given than to explore the power they have to change it. Impossible is not a fact. It's an opinion. Impossible is not a declaration. It's a dare. Impossible is potential. Impossible is temporary. Impossible is nothing.” ~ Muhammad Ali

Insider2 Profile Photo
#53re: My thoughts on [title of show] (long)
Posted: 7/15/08 at 12:38pm

Kaybee, why is it "cheap" to take a crack at a Broadway producer? Is it also cheap to take a crack at the Broadway producers of say, ohhh, I dunno, GLORY DAYS? Those producers deserve every crack that was lashed at them, and then some.

I am not comparing GLORY DAYS to title of show. title of show is far superior in every way, but then again, what wasn't superior to GLORY DAYS? I am just saying when a poorly thought-out transfer occurs, should not the producers take some responsibility? I don't think this will be the disaster that GLORY DAYS was. Certainly, this will receive notices strong enough to run it for at least a few months, at least until the producers have vested fully in whatever their contracted sub rights might be....but how can this possibly run for very long unless the actors and everyone involved are being paid with purple jellybeans instead of paychecks?

title of show does not belong on a Broadway stage, simple as that. It is a little whiff of a cabaret piece and should be at the Duplex or Ars Nova or HERE or the Flea, or whatever. If you see title of show in prime seats at full price on a Saturday night, you will pay $111. 50, or, if you want the premium seats, you will pay $201.50. Outrageous. There is a line in the show where the performers make a joke about this, but we happen to be in a recession, and I don't see how it is funny luring in an audience of what will in a few months, in all probability, be unsuspecting theatre-goers who may not know what they are in for, to see a trivial little blip of a show that should be playing in a 90 seat space in the Village.

#54re: My thoughts on [title of show] (long)
Posted: 7/15/08 at 12:50pm

The message is simple:

Love TOS or burn in the LAKE OF FIRE EVERMORE!!!


"If they can get you asking the wrong questions, they don't have to worry about the answers." Thomas Pynchon, GRAVITY'S RAINBOW "Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away." Philip K. Dick My blog: http://www.roscoewrites.blogspot.com/

#55re: My thoughts on [title of show] (long)
Posted: 7/15/08 at 1:00pm

In no disrespect to you KB but I think you should have taken your own advice; don't argue online. (I found what you said HILARIOUS!)

I love TOS, I support it and I think it's fresh and unique. Some others might not think so. I think the debate is endless, and what we say will not dictate the future of tos. I really hope that it goes on forever though!!

Sad though, is that Broadway is a business driven by tourism...and based on the charts, we KNOW what attracts tourist and makes a show "eternal". I hope that TOS can connect, and be the next RENT; that's me.

The post above! I a second that! Love TOS or burn in the like of fire!! hehe lol

Jeff and Hunter are AMAZING!

Kaybee Profile Photo
#56re: My thoughts on [title of show] (long)
Posted: 7/15/08 at 1:19pm

Personally, I think it's totally premature to compare glory days and [title of show]. The fate of [tos] hasn't been decided yet. They are COMPLETELY different shows with entirely different producers, so it's a bit much to compare the two. You say you're not comparing them, but essentially, you really are--

Of course a producer should take responsibility if a show flops, but [tos] hasn't "flopped" yet. So to accuse a show of having a "poorly thought-out" transfer, when none of us have been on the inside walls of that producing office is a bit of an assumption and premature as of now...

fvalle--you're right! maybe I got myself in over my head on this thread, but it's just that when I feel passionately about somehting I often tend to voice my opinion...even in places where it's not appreciated! haha. Oh well, I guess I always find the conversation of "It should/it shouldn't" so exciting!

Insider2 Profile Photo
#57re: My thoughts on [title of show] (long)
Posted: 7/15/08 at 1:30pm

That's why I said, quote - "I am not comparing GLORY DAYS to title of show"...and since I acknowledge that I have not been on the inside walls of the producing office, I also said "I have no idea what the producers were thinking."

InfiniteTheaterFrenzy Profile Photo
#58re: My thoughts on [title of show] (long)
Posted: 7/15/08 at 1:35pm

I am not getting involved in the "i love [title of show]" vs. "i hate [title of show]" debate in this thread. It's fine to not like the show, obviously; you picked the red velvet. Metaphor confirmed. re: My thoughts on [title of show] (long)

I will say however, that stating someone's crying is "fake" or "staged" is not an opinion. It is a fact, and it is a completely incorrect fact. Each of the cast members have cried at different performances, in different places of the show, because what they are doing means the world to them, and the love coming from the audiences has been emotionally overwhelming.

I have been to plenty of performances of shows where actors cried on stage, while staying in character. Mostly, I've seen it happen at first previews, opening nights, and final performances. I have yet to see In The Heights where Lin- Manuel Miranda doesn't cry during "Home". I saw the entire cast of Good Vibrations singing through their tears at their final performance. At the first preview of Spelling Bee, there were plenty of tears. I love that kind of realness and passion, and it becomes part of the performance. It's fine if you DON'T love it, but to say that it's fake or staged is pretty rude, because you don't know that.

[title of show] on Broadway. it's time. believe.

Insider2 Profile Photo
#59re: My thoughts on [title of show] (long)
Posted: 7/15/08 at 1:37pm

I was crying too. My tears were very real when I realized that I had just paid $47.50 for this thing.

#60re: My thoughts on [title of show] (long)
Posted: 7/15/08 at 1:42pm

I agree with you on the crying. It's real, real Diva talk with Heidi! I would totally cry, it can be a surreal experience!

And KB, Yay for us LOVING TOS. I agree with you, it was hard reading on the board sometimes people not liking what I like, but it's life. So many times I wanted to speak up and say you're wrong. But no one is wrong, some people like pineapples, some people like oranges!

And I come to think about the experience that the cast is going through as well. If it gets to me, I can not begin to imagine how they feel when they see a negative review. Ah, A broadway life for me...

#61re: My thoughts on [title of show] (long)
Posted: 7/15/08 at 2:32pm

I really appreciate all of these honest opinions, because I was extremely curious about this show. I basically knew the summary that was on the website (which is rather vague). Now I'm probably going to see In The Heights instead.

#62re: My thoughts on [title of show] (long)
Posted: 7/15/08 at 2:40pm

I saw TOS last night. I thought it was cute -- charming and funny, if somewhat slight. Very likable performances. Overall a pleasant evening at the theater.

However, I just don't get who their intended audience will be. Most Broadway audiences are made up of three core groups -- the tourists, the retirees, and the gays. I don't see two of those groups having any significant interest in TOS (obviously, the tourists and the retirees). I think it's just way too "insider-y" for most people to appreciate.

I could be wrong, but I just don't think this show is going to last on Broadway for very long. But I greatly admire the effort it took to get it there.
Updated On: 7/15/08 at 02:40 PM

WonderRobbie Profile Photo
#63re: My thoughts on [title of show] (long)
Posted: 7/15/08 at 2:40pm

Well I guess I have to put in my 3 cents cuz 2 is not enough... j/k

I've loved this show way before seeing it on stage and it holds a warm and fuzzy piece of my heart.

While some may say that it's not flashy enough or there's not enough conflict well then, that's not what the show is about.

Remember there were people that said "Xanadu" (another simple and often criticized show) would close as soon as it opened and look what's happened over the past year...

In watching [tos] being performed live and of course listening to the CD, I have found myself sitting back and thinking "Holy God... that's me!" It is about friends following their dreams and finally having them become a reality. The characters/actors of Jeff and Susan I most compare myself with.

Jeff is a comic book/theatre geek and Susan is that "take no crap and kick butt while doing" person we all would can be and love to be. (And don't get me wrong I heart Hunter and Heidi too! lol)

Some think it's corny but oh well, that's your thing. Doesn't mean you "don't get it", it just means that you can't relate to the show as much as others do.

This show isn't for everyone but those who love it, know exactly what I'm talking about.

That's all.

WR: "Jeff, are you going get this game when it comes out?" JB: "I wouldn't be able to write another musical..." ~NY ComicCon 2/8/09

