
My thoughts on [title of show] (long)

My thoughts on [title of show] (long)

#1My thoughts on [title of show] (long)
Posted: 7/12/08 at 7:18pm

Forgive me, Jay, I'm partially stealing your reviewing system for this one.

Things I liked about [title of show]:
1. Heidi Blickenstaff.
2. Heidi Blickenstaff's voice.
3. Heidi Blickenstaff's boobs.
4. Patti LuPone's voice mail.
5. Christine Ebersole's voice mail.

Okay, now that we have that taken care of...I did not enjoy [title of show], unfortunately, and it really upsets me to say so. You have 5 people who happen to be very endearing saddled with very sub-par material. I don't know what I expected going in - a cursory listen of the album a year or so ago was my only exposure - but everyone I had spoken to gave it sterling recommendations.

When they said the show is about two guys writing a musical about two guys writing a musical, I thought "hey, that sounds like it could be funny - potential for a great plot, solid character arcs, lots of conflict..." Unfortunately, the biggest conflict is when Heidi hears a message (or something to that effect) from Sutton Foster talking about how she'd love to replace Heidi, who is too busy understudying Ursula in "The Little Mermaid."

I know other audiences have been rapturous - I assume highly papered or filled with fans of the show (given the unfortunate title "Tossers," though that word fits in with all the masturbation jokes) - but I've never seen an audience more bored than this afternoon's. Lot of heads bobbing up and down, polite applause (except for the Tossers who screamed and stood instantly when it was over). Even Daniel Sullivan (looked like him, anyway) seemed bored stiff.

The whole show, to me, at least, is just slight. The score isn't anything special or particularly memorable (except for the funny Schoolhouse Rock ripoff) and the book is littered with too many masturbation jokes, drag queen jokes, and f-bombs and not enough plot, conflict, storylines...The result is a series of interconnected vignettes that do nothing except to say "hey, we're making fun of ourselves and talking about people the audience has never heard of and quoting long-forgotten shows." (In fact, the "Cut It/Don't Cut It" number is one of the strongest, since it lists that which SHOULD have been cut.) Michael Berressee's staging doesn't help much for the "skity" feel.

Cast wise, Heidi Blickenstaff is by far the strongest. Where has she been? She has it all - looks and talent. Any number she sang was a highlight. Susan Blackwell left no piece of scenery unchewed - she's a rising Jackie Hoffman. Hunter Bell and Jeff Bowen are fine, but they're a dime a dozen. Larry Pressgrove plays a mean keyboard.

Interesting that Heidi started to cry during the applause after "Nine People's Favorite Thing" - staged or genuine? Seems way too off the spectrum of emotion for me.

As much as I'd like to see the show succeed - only 'cause they'd look like they'd never get out of bed again if it closes on opening night - I can't see how something as "inside" as this can find an audience during the tourist season. Yet, if they took it to New World Stages, it could have a lengthy run.

But hey, some people were howling with laughter, so what the F*CK do I know? Thanks for reading.

frogs_fan85 Profile Photo
#2re: My thoughts on [title of show] (long)
Posted: 7/12/08 at 8:01pm

I read the first paragraph and just wanted to comment that I agree... I find Heidi incredibly attractive.

This show is on my list for the summer. Having not seen the previous incarnations, I had the same thought that the concept of a show about two guys writing a show would be rife with some sort of deep arc undercutting the show itself in comparison with the reality of the show's origin. (I apologize for the total awkwardness of that sentence) After reading more I had feared that it would become entirely too insider-ish, "wink-wink, look at us mocking ourselves and the process", therefore substituting plot for quick bursts of laughs.

That being said, you and I (and the two people I saw it with) had completely different reactions regarding Top Girls, so maybe I'll love this show.

little_sally Profile Photo
#2re: My thoughts on [title of show] (long)
Posted: 7/12/08 at 8:03pm

Thanks for the great and honest review. I haven't seen the show yet (going next week, got my tickets off TDF) but I too cannot see this lasting past the new year, regardless of the reviews.

A little swash, a bit of buckle - you'll love it more than bread.

#3re: My thoughts on [title of show] (long)
Posted: 7/12/08 at 8:12pm

I haven't seen the show, but I sort of got that same impression just from the cast recording. Of course, I think it's a show that you have to see in order to fully understand it.

Jimmy, what are you doing here in the middle of the night? It's almost 9 PM!

#4re: My thoughts on [title of show] (long)
Posted: 7/12/08 at 8:21pm

I don't know about that...

Sleeper2 Profile Photo
#5re: My thoughts on [title of show] (long)
Posted: 7/12/08 at 8:29pm

My humble opinion: I thought it was ok. Nothing more. It's so inside-the-inside and think its appeal will not extend beyond people who are obsessed with the current Bway scene (i.e. the demographic of this board). The behavior of one junior producer, who is a fat know-it-all, epitomizes the slavish devotion to this show. His career and this show's run are to be short-lived.

verynewyorkcurious Profile Photo
#6re: My thoughts on [title of show] (long)
Posted: 7/12/08 at 8:45pm

I liked the show okay. I can't help but imagine someone who knows nothing about Broadway decides to see the show, and during the show thinks to him/herself, "Who is Sutton Foster? What's an Ebersole? What's he talking about, episode 6?"

I think what's most appealing about [tos] is the fact that it's on Broadway and that we saw their journey to get to there. There were a couple of funny stuff. I can't really remember what. Heidi Blickenstaff does have one hell of a voice.

I hope these guys succeed, but I have the same thoughts as you guys. After all the fans have seen it, who else will?
Updated On: 7/12/08 at 08:45 PM

#7re: My thoughts on [title of show] (long)
Posted: 7/12/08 at 10:11pm

Even I missed a lot of the references.

mr.scribble Profile Photo
#8re: My thoughts on [title of show] (long)
Posted: 7/12/08 at 10:30pm

i don't think anyone will ever get every reference in the show i no i can't, i've said this before, you either love it or hate it and doesn't have to do with not getting it or understanding it, just one's particular taste

Drunk Chita Rivera Profile Photo
Drunk Chita Rivera
#9re: My thoughts on [title of show] (long)
Posted: 7/12/08 at 10:45pm

Good honest review. I have only seen some of the You Tube videos and heard one or two songs. I really want to see the show but I am not going to look in to it before I see it. I would like to see it in a tourist's point of view or a new comer to the show.

WiCkEDrOcKS Profile Photo
#10re: My thoughts on [title of show] (long)
Posted: 7/12/08 at 11:00pm

I actually agree with a lot of what you said, yankee, although I liked it more than you did.

Heidi is the best thing about the show, as I believe I noted in my review. (Her 11 O'Clock number is spectacularly simple but gorgeously complex at the same time)

The more I think about it, the more I realize how entertaining the show was in the moment but nothing really stuck with me. And I think I also enjoyed it more because I was at the first preview performance with a really enthusiastic audience. So, I might have to take a half a star away from my review and give it 2 1/2 stars...it's good but it's just really nothing that is worth running to or worth raving about. It's all very slight. And kinda forgettable. But it is fun, entertaining, and definitely worth the $47 that all preview tickets are selling for.

Andergoat Profile Photo
#12re: My thoughts on [title of show] (long)
Posted: 7/13/08 at 12:09am

Thanks for the review. It's funny you should mention the Schoolhouse Rock parody as a standout. I always HATED that number and wished they would have dropped it for the transfer.

mr.scribble Profile Photo
#13re: My thoughts on [title of show] (long)
Posted: 7/13/08 at 12:23am

no way that's great, it's hilarious at least i think so

WiCkEDrOcKS Profile Photo
#14re: My thoughts on [title of show] (long)
Posted: 7/13/08 at 12:30am

I agree with you, andergoat.

DramaQueen700 Profile Photo
#15re: My thoughts on [title of show] (long)
Posted: 7/13/08 at 2:31am

heidi cried after nine peoples fav thing last night too. I think she just gets overwhelmed with the responce the audience gives after that show...

"The Light in the Piazza....My Love"

StateOfJade Profile Photo
#16re: My thoughts on [title of show] (long)
Posted: 7/13/08 at 3:00am

So how is this show going to work, because it won't be every night that the house is full of people that actually GET the youtube episode references. I think there will be a lot of 'Que's?' and confused faces.

"I really liked the show--Wish I saw Boy's Night...Am I allowed as I am not a boy anymore:)"-duffyny1

wonderfulwizard11 Profile Photo
#17re: My thoughts on [title of show] (long)
Posted: 7/13/08 at 3:08am

For the record, I'm saw the show tonight and only found about two or three mentions of the [title of show] show. It's not a big part of the show.

I am a firm believer in serendipity- all the random pieces coming together in one wonderful moment, when suddenly you see what their purpose was all along.

ray-andallthatjazz86 Profile Photo
#18re: My thoughts on [title of show] (long)
Posted: 7/13/08 at 3:30am

I did the lotto today and sadly lost. There were a lot more people entering the lotto than I imagined there'd be and once we lost, a lot went to the BO anyways for balcony seats. Guess that's a good sign?
I really want to see this show to give my own assessment.
As usual your review is pretty well-written, Yankee, it's always great to hear your thoughts regardless of whether I agree w/them or not.

"Some people can thrive and bloom living life in a living room, that's perfect for some people of one hundred and five. But I at least gotta try, when I think of all the sights that I gotta see, all the places I gotta play, all the things that I gotta be at"

#19re: My thoughts on [title of show] (long)
Posted: 7/13/08 at 8:56am

I didn't see how full the balcony or mezzanine were, but there were a number of empty seats in the rear orchestra on the sides. And a pair of empty seats on the aisle behind me. (Also remember that the average audience member paid $47 for their ticket.)

And then there were the people in the middle of 2 separate rows who decided to leave mid-show and climb over people to get out. One was during Heidi's 11 o'clock solo...you can tell what she was focusing on.
Updated On: 7/13/08 at 08:56 AM

#20re: My thoughts on [title of show] (long)
Posted: 7/13/08 at 9:18am

Finally honest opinions about this highly overated show. I went wiith three others and we all left with a WTF expression on our faces. Really did not like it at all. Thanks for posting a real critique of this mediocre musical

TulitaPepsi Profile Photo
#21re: My thoughts on [title of show] (long)
Posted: 7/13/08 at 9:52am

YankeeFan, even though we're on opposite sides in our feelings for [title of show], I appreciate your well-writen, bile-free criticism. Though I do take issue with your calling Hunter & Jeff dime-a-dozen! They have wonderful chemistry together, and Hunter is a star. That boy glows in the dark!

Interesting that the 'kids' of BWW can discuss this show with more maturity and a real love for musicals than the harpies on ATC.

"Hurry up and get into your conga clothes - we've got to do something to save this show!"
Updated On: 7/13/08 at 09:52 AM

#22re: My thoughts on [title of show] (long)
Posted: 7/13/08 at 10:19am

Well I have nothing against the show...what's the point of being rude?

Whether it's a great show or not, they managed to get to Broadway. Good for them. Updated On: 7/13/08 at 10:19 AM

mikem Profile Photo
#23re: My thoughts on [title of show] (long)
Posted: 7/13/08 at 10:21am

I enjoyed the show a lot more than you did, but I agree that Heidi’s crying is weird. Heidi cries like that every single night, and I think it must be staged. She is too professional to let her emotions carry her away like that every single performance unless that is the reaction desired by the director. I agree with you completely that is so out of proportion to the other actors' reactions that it is jarring.

"What was the name of that cheese that I like?" "you can't run away forever...but there's nothing wrong with getting a good head start" "well I hope and I pray, that maybe someday, you'll walk in the room with my heart"

bjh2114 Profile Photo
#24re: My thoughts on [title of show] (long)
Posted: 7/13/08 at 11:25am

^ That's just stupid. Professional actors cry all the time when they are moved by someting. Clearly this piece is important to her, and to see an audience in a packed Broadway theatre applaud for something that she has put her heart and soul into for many years now must be incredible special to her. Also, how can you say she cries every night? Do you see the show every night? Didn't think so.

That said, I saw the show last night for the first time, after having never seen any incarnations before. I absolutely loved it. I thought it was incredibly well done and very funny. I attended with two friends. One who has seen every episode of the [title of show] show, and one who has never even heard of [title of show]. They both loved it equally. The comic timing of the performers is so good that you don't need to understand every single [tos] show reference for the whole Broadway show to be funny. The one thing that was lost on him was the voicemail stuff. I can understand that, but luckily it really didn't make or break the show. This was only his 1st Broadway musical seen, and his 3rd musical ever (after A Christmas Carol and Adding Machine). He loved this, as did I. Heidi is the best part of the show, it's true. But Susan is one of the funniest people I have ever seen on stage. And honestly, as simple as it is, I find the music and ESPECIALLY the lyrics to be very well written. I had heard the CD before, and I liked it but I never really got it. Seeing the show makes it much more clear. I would recommend this show to ANYONE. Go see it.

#25re: My thoughts on [title of show] (long)
Posted: 7/13/08 at 11:34am

was the "Change it-don't change it" section in any other incarnations of this show? I know it isn't on the CD....
