
Patti did some LuPwning of her own tonight- Page 4

Patti did some LuPwning of her own tonight

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#75re: Patti did some LuPwning of her own tonight
Posted: 7/3/08 at 11:47am

I saw the original, but I didn't save it!

She ended it with something about how she'll probably go to the theater again but why did this have to happen to HER?

Reginald Tresilian Profile Photo
Reginald Tresilian
#76re: Patti did some LuPwning of her own tonight
Posted: 7/3/08 at 11:47am

Ha! Where's an angry Glaswegian when you need one?

jordangirl Profile Photo
#77re: Patti did some LuPwning of her own tonight
Posted: 7/3/08 at 11:54am

Amazingly the one show I haven't had a problem with cell phones was Sunday in the Park with George ~ where there was NO announcement. I saw it 4 times and never had any phones go off or saw anyone using them. Amazing.

Experience live theater. Experience paintings. Experience books. Live, look and listen like artists! ~ imaginethis

#78re: Patti did some LuPwning of her own tonight
Posted: 7/3/08 at 11:55am

Brava Lupone

"Those You've Known And Lost Still Walk Behind You"-Spring Awakening

Kelly2 Profile Photo
#79re: Patti did some LuPwning of her own tonight
Posted: 7/3/08 at 11:57am

Her original post:

"So I went to Gypsy last night with Patti Lupone (my mom waited in line after work). I was really looking forward to going, and I have some of the songs on my Ipod. So in the middle of the show, my phone started ringing, and it was down in the bottom of my bag. I grabbed it out and looked at it, and before I could even put it away, some ushers came and told me I HAD to put it away. At the break, my mom and I were looking for those ushers to explain our story, so they wouldn't think I was using my phone, but I guess they were trying to stay away from us.

The play started up again and my phone started ringing AGAIN. My mom glared at me, and I reached in the bag and pulled it out, opened it up, and the noise continued to blare. The man next to hit me on the shoulder to stop, and it finally stopped ringing. And then more ushers came down and said we had to go. They said they had some other seats in the back of the house that we could sit in. My mom started yelling at the usher, but she kept saying it was policy. SHe said something about Patty not approving of my behavior, but it was too loud to hear anything. We were both really mad, and my mom said we were leaving right away. I was kind of bored anyway, but my mom was trying to get her money back.

I sometimes go on broadwayworld to read up on some things, and i saw a topic about the incident but the guy has a lot of wrong facts. I really want to open an account and defend myself, but it might be too late. They've all kind of already taken apart the situation. I just got a brand new phone the day before, so I really didn't knwo what it could do. I mean, I'll still see shows, but it just is kind of annoying that this would happen to me. Here's the web address to the Broadwayworld..."

"Get mad, then get over it." - Colin Powell
Updated On: 7/3/08 at 11:57 AM

Weez Profile Photo
#80re: Patti did some LuPwning of her own tonight
Posted: 7/3/08 at 12:01pm

Oh ffs! I'm a complete Luddite when it comes to mobile communications technology (I still can't put my phone on Silent, and I've had the same model for eight years), but even I can SWITCH OFF A MOBILE TELEPHONE BEFORE GOING TO THE THEATRE. Gimme a break!

jordangirl Profile Photo
#81re: Patti did some LuPwning of her own tonight
Posted: 7/3/08 at 12:08pm

You know...her story makes her sound even worse. The original story on here made it sound like a one-time thing.

Experience live theater. Experience paintings. Experience books. Live, look and listen like artists! ~ imaginethis

PalJoey Profile Photo
#82re: Patti did some LuPwning of her own tonight
Posted: 7/3/08 at 12:12pm

The man next to hit me on the shoulder to stop, and it finally stopped ringing.

Note to self: Hitting the little bitch repeatedly on the shoulder will make her cell phone stop ringing.

I never knew that! THANKS!

Updated On: 7/3/08 at 12:12 PM

Hanna from Hamburg Profile Photo
Hanna from Hamburg
#83re: Patti did some LuPwning of her own tonight
Posted: 7/3/08 at 12:15pm

She's an idiot (and I hope she's gotten on the board to see the comments). The FIRST time it rang was inexcusable. The 2nd time just shows her true colors. Doesn't matter how we told the story, her account just shows she didn't care, was probably texting because she was bored and got nailed.

re: Patti did some LuPwning of her own tonight

". . . POP . . ."

Reginald Tresilian Profile Photo
Reginald Tresilian
#84re: Patti did some LuPwning of her own tonight
Posted: 7/3/08 at 12:16pm

"Mr. Tresilian, just how did your foot wind up up this girl's backside?"

"I apologize, your honor. I was aiming for her shoulder."
Updated On: 7/3/08 at 12:16 PM

NYC_or_Bust Profile Photo
#85re: Patti did some LuPwning of her own tonight
Posted: 7/3/08 at 12:23pm

I have a question tho....Is this post legit? Or is this some theatre martyr who didnt have the courage to just say "bump" to keep this thread going?

I adore the black band holding on the Phantom's mask. ~ Jenna2

Eris0303 Profile Photo
#86re: Patti did some LuPwning of her own tonight
Posted: 7/3/08 at 12:40pm

I agree with what everyone has said about the use of cellphones, etc. But when I read that someone hit her I just felt that was wrong. Tell her to shut it off - sure. Touching her just crosses the line. She was wrong - absolutely. But was the person who touch her any less wrong? At a show recently someone behind me started tugging on my shirt and the back of my pants because I stood up for curtain calls and they didn't. I was livid. I just feel that touching or hitting crosses all sorts of lines.

That being said - does Patty rent herself out? I could have used her at both Legally Blonde and A Catered Affair.

"All our dreams can come true -- if we have the courage to pursue them." -- Walt Disney We must have different Gods. My God said "do to others what you would have them do to you". Your God seems to have said "My Way or the Highway".
Updated On: 7/3/08 at 12:40 PM

verynewyorkcurious Profile Photo
#87re: Patti did some LuPwning of her own tonight
Posted: 7/3/08 at 12:43pm

It was probably just a tap. Some people need taps.

Kelly2, where was that post?

Hanna from Hamburg Profile Photo
Hanna from Hamburg
#88re: Patti did some LuPwning of her own tonight
Posted: 7/3/08 at 12:44pm

PROBABLY the man next to her "tapped" her on her shoulder to get her attention (as opposed to speaking or yelling to make the distraction worse). Agree that hitting probably isn't appropriate . . . just don't believe it actually happened that way.

". . . POP . . ."

Kelly2 Profile Photo
#89re: Patti did some LuPwning of her own tonight
Posted: 7/3/08 at 12:49pm

The post was on a Wicked message board, Anakela linked to its' original location.

"Get mad, then get over it." - Colin Powell

88cents Profile Photo
#90re: Patti did some LuPwning of her own tonight
Posted: 7/3/08 at 12:55pm

I don't think this is the same person. The thing that happened last night (July 2nd) the phone didn't ring, it was just the light from the screen, and they left during intermission, not after the 2nd act started. I was next to the girl and I'm definitely a woman, and I don't remember anyone else tapping her. Maybe this is a re-occuring problem.

verynewyorkcurious Profile Photo
#91re: Patti did some LuPwning of her own tonight
Posted: 7/3/08 at 12:56pm

Most of us agreed that she was an idiot and that pretty much confirmed it.

If she got a new phone and knew how to turn it on, there's no excuse not to turn it off before the show.

"I just got a brand new phone the day before, so I really didn't knwo what it could do."

verynewyorkcurious Profile Photo
#92re: Patti did some LuPwning of her own tonight
Posted: 7/3/08 at 12:57pm

Oh gosh that's depressing, 88cents.

The whole phone thing might be acceptable at Wicked, but come on people.

clever name Profile Photo
clever name
#93re: Patti did some LuPwning of her own tonight
Posted: 7/3/08 at 12:58pm

I just had to add my YAY PATTI!! to this thread. And I wish some one in the cast did that the last time I saw Rent.

wicked_beast4 Profile Photo
#94re: Patti did some LuPwning of her own tonight
Posted: 7/3/08 at 1:00pm

The whole "phone thing" is not acceptable anywhere. I hate that there is no respect for the performers from the audience anymore. SITPWG was the best audience I've seen, and that is probably because I was seriously the only person under 30 there. But people need to show respect at any show, including Wicked, no matter what age.

"He found something that he wanted, had always wanted and always would want— not to be admired, as he had feared; not to be loved, as he had made himself believe; but to be necessary to people, to be indispensable." -F. Scott Fitzgerald's This Side of Paradise
Updated On: 7/3/08 at 01:00 PM

ShbrtAlley44 Profile Photo
#95re: Patti did some LuPwning of her own tonight
Posted: 7/3/08 at 1:03pm

It's not acceptable in movie theatres either. At Get Smart I was sitting next to this fool who was constantly checking his phone. I told him to stop three times, and he tried to hide the fact that he was checking it, but I could still see it. TURN YOUR DAMN PHONES OFF.

verynewyorkcurious Profile Photo
#96re: Patti did some LuPwning of her own tonight
Posted: 7/3/08 at 1:04pm

Well at TLM last night, the audience was the biggest mess I had ever witness, but nobody seemed to mind, so I assumed it was acceptable. It was probably 98% tourists, which is the same crowd as Wicked.

#97re: Patti did some LuPwning of her own tonight
Posted: 7/3/08 at 1:06pm

Not Patti, but a similar incident...

I was at the RENT barricades during the Adam and Anthony craze and there were some girls flipping out in front of Adam. The one asked if he saw her, since she was sitting front row center, and he just gets this sarcastic tone and said, "I DID see you." The fangirl got insanely excited and was practically crying when she said "REALLLY?!" and Adam just replied with, "I saw you had your phone out during Your Eyes" and he walked away without signing her playbill. The girl had no idea he was mad, she was just excited he saw her...


88cents Profile Photo
#98re: Patti did some LuPwning of her own tonight
Posted: 7/3/08 at 1:09pm

new york curious, you know what, it is a totally different person. That IS depressing. I didn't get the sense that front row skittles texter was a veteran show-goer or message board type. A phone did ring somewhere else in the theater, and I remember thinking, "thank god the phone in the front row isn't actually ringing".
You wouldn't get front row tickets if you showed up after work anyway. Looks like the house staff was busy last night !

Anakela Profile Photo
#99re: Patti did some LuPwning of her own tonight
Posted: 7/3/08 at 1:13pm

88cents- very curious, because cell phone girl's original post on the other board linked back here, to this specific thread, after the "Here's the web address to the Broadwayworld..." So she thinks she's your person. Hee.

...and Adam just replied with, "I saw you had your phone out during Your Eyes" and he walked away without signing her playbill.

THAT is so genius I can't even deal, love it.
