
Sutton Foster in Anything Goes. First Preview.- Page 5

Sutton Foster in Anything Goes. First Preview.

Elphaba3 Profile Photo
#100Sutton Foster in Anything Goes. First Preview.
Posted: 3/13/11 at 5:45pm

Sorry to ask this again, but how is the view from row U, the last row of the orchestra?

#101Sutton Foster in Anything Goes. First Preview.
Posted: 3/13/11 at 8:53pm

I guess I'm going to be in the minority that was really disappointed by the show. I was there Friday night and found it mostly listless. Two scenes full of life and energy ("Anything Goes" and "Blow Gabriel Blow") and the rest...not so much.

The good things...the two numbers mentioned above, Laura's "Goodbye Little Dream Goodbye" and Adam (Lord Evelyn), who became more and more engagingly odd (or oddly engaging) as the show went on.

As for Sutton, a rose is a rose is a rose and Sutton is Sutton is Sutton. She's fine, in good voice, fun to watch during the dance numbers but it's nothing we haven't seen from her before. And for some strange reason, she reminds me of adult film star (and former chorine--she was one of Carol Haney's replacements in the original "Pajama Game") Georgina Spelvin...the look, the voice, the body language. Odd, but whatever.

Joel Grey goes for the cute...very Mr. Cellophane...

It's not that the show is bad...it's not, but it is more workmanlike and static than I was expecting or hoping. Maybe the energy level will improve over time.

I sure hope so.
Updated On: 3/14/11 at 08:53 PM

#102Sutton Foster in Anything Goes. First Preview.
Posted: 3/14/11 at 8:41am

Gathered from above review: Sutton is a Broadway Rose who is showing us the same level of genius she always has and that will never be appreciated by some Broadway legends on this board, some of whom break out their knowledge of adult film stars to describe her. Odd indeed.

Éponine (On My Own)
Millie (Watch and listen to her floating down those stairs singing "Jimmy")
Jo (The Fire Within Me soliloquy)
Janet VanderGraff (Showoff)
Inga (Listen to Your Heart)
Fiona (Morning Person)
Nurse Fay Apple (Title Song)

Call me and Sutton "Kooky" but I think the Only thing those varied roles and performances have in common is excellence coupled with humanity.

Play  Esq. Profile Photo
Play Esq.
#103Sutton Foster in Anything Goes. First Preview.
Posted: 3/14/11 at 6:34pm

Not generally a fan of Foster - particularly her lifeless Cora in "Anyone Can Whistle" (*ducks*)- but I was very taken with her Reno Sweeney. Sensual, funny, and an undeniable triple- threat, the woman is perfect for the role. The ensemble's level of talent is almost equal to that of Foster's.

Marshall's production is already fantastic: somehow a little better than Nunn's production for the National some years ago. I have little doubt that the Stephen Sondheim Theater will be occupied by this effervescent "Anything Goes" for quite some time.
Updated On: 3/14/11 at 06:34 PM

PalJoey Profile Photo
#104Sutton Foster in Anything Goes. First Preview.
Posted: 3/14/11 at 9:35pm

"Adult film stars"?

Did I miss something?

xxdrewboy85xx Profile Photo
#105Sutton Foster in Anything Goes. First Preview.
Posted: 3/14/11 at 9:45pm

Pal Joey- BroadwayJim compared Sutton to Adult film Star Georgina Spelvin in his review above...

#106Sutton Foster in Anything Goes. First Preview.
Posted: 3/15/11 at 1:08am

And "Pay Esq." has raves for this production but mentions a dislike for Sutton's "lifeless" "Cora" in Anyone Can Whistle. Actually, Cora is the mayoress played by Donna Murphy and the generally much more exuberant character.

Sutton was timid Nurse Fay Apple who doesn't know how to love. She delivered this very well in the touching title song, showed another side in "Come Play Wiz Me" and broke out with the strident "There Won't Be Trumpets."
Updated On: 3/15/11 at 01:08 AM

#107Sutton Foster in Anything Goes. First Preview.
Posted: 3/15/11 at 9:25am

Hey guys - How full have the houses been for AG? I'm trying to past-date tickets for tonight... just wondering. Thanks!

Eris0303 Profile Photo
#108Sutton Foster in Anything Goes. First Preview.
Posted: 3/15/11 at 11:45am

This may seem like an odd question but are the playbills the same dark blue as the posters have been? I'm taking my cousins in a few weeks and I need to replenish my sharpies beforehand. Do I need more black or more silver (I'll probably get both though lol)?

"All our dreams can come true -- if we have the courage to pursue them." -- Walt Disney We must have different Gods. My God said "do to others what you would have them do to you". Your God seems to have said "My Way or the Highway".

#109Sutton Foster in Anything Goes. First Preview.
Posted: 3/15/11 at 11:53am

No odder than some of the things I've said lately apparently.

My Playbill from Friday night is black and white.

Yero my Hero Profile Photo
Yero my Hero
#110Sutton Foster in Anything Goes. First Preview.
Posted: 3/15/11 at 12:08pm

It's not even black and white, it's gray and slightly lighter gray. It's very drab, blah, and ugly. Roundabout always uses black and white Playbills because it's cheaper, but in this case, they really should have reconsidered or redesigned the cover so there was at least more contrast, because from a distance, it looks like a gray blob.

Anyway, a black Sharpie will show up best. When I was at the stage door, the girl next to me had a silver Sharpie and it sort of blended in with the gray.

Nothing matters but knowing nothing matters. ~ Wicked
Everything in life is only for now. ~ Avenue Q
There is no future, there is no past. I live this moment as my last. ~ Rent

"He's a tramp, but I love him."

Eris0303 Profile Photo
#111Sutton Foster in Anything Goes. First Preview.
Posted: 3/15/11 at 1:36pm

Thanks, I really appreciate it.

"All our dreams can come true -- if we have the courage to pursue them." -- Walt Disney We must have different Gods. My God said "do to others what you would have them do to you". Your God seems to have said "My Way or the Highway".

Jamie Pierce Profile Photo
Jamie Pierce
#113Sutton Foster in Anything Goes. First Preview.
Posted: 3/23/11 at 12:21pm

The pace of the show needs to pick up quite a bit as it is incredibly slow at the moment, which is not good for farce.
Sutton is a workhorse but totally miscast. Her cherub face and gangly-girl body disconnect from the part of sultry, hard-edged Reno.
John McMartin to me is the standout. He nails every line, every joke and does a great job maintaining the integrity of the piece.
Other than the title song (which was fantastic!) the musical numbers are somewhat lackluster which is surprising considering that Kathleen Marshal's previous work with revivals has been stellar. Pajama Game was still one of the best things I've seen on Broadway, second only to the Sweeney Todd that came out that same season and lost the Best Revival Tony to PG.
