#100GODSPELL Reviews
Posted: 11/8/11 at 6:20pm

I told him to get over himself because once again he is trying to make himself seem like mr I know everything, and its weird how every time I respond to Gvendo I get attacked by you Cheno (hmmm maybe you 2 are the same person.....)
Updated On: 11/8/11 at 06:20 PM

blaxx Profile Photo
#101GODSPELL Reviews
Posted: 11/8/11 at 6:23pm


Listen, I don't take my clothes off for anyone, even if it is "artistic". - JANICE

#102GODSPELL Reviews
Posted: 11/8/11 at 6:52pm

It's a internet message board, give it a break grammar police.



gvendo2005 Profile Photo
#103GODSPELL Reviews
Posted: 11/8/11 at 6:57pm

Not that this will matter much to the evidently grammar-challenged thismyshow, but I don't know ChenoKahn from Adam (or Eve?), though I appreciate their defense.

Indeed, I wasn't drawing attention to myself, merely pointing out that while you expect us to believe you have no connection to Ken Davenport, apparently you also have specific knowledge about the show's running nut (from the amount of costume changes per character, to the prop budget, to potential salaries). You must at least admit that (one would hope) no one would be so forthcoming in opening night conversation as to tell you all of this. You rail against being called a shill, and yet reveal specific knowledge that indicates a certain degree of familiarity and proximity. You're just tripping over your own two feet, and casting around for something to catch.

Go ahead. Keep accusing me of drawing attention to myself. Lord knows I'm an attention whore. :P

"There is no problem so big that it cannot be run away from." ~ Charles M. Schulz

#104GODSPELL Reviews
Posted: 11/8/11 at 7:26pm

Hey genius if you have actually seen the show (which you apparently haven't) you can figure out how many costume changes characters have, also when their major props involve nothing more then costume jewelry and newspaper you have to assume the prop cost is nearly nothing and the salaries are a guess based on what other shows offer in their casting notices and assuming those with bigger credits make more then those making their debuts, I am tired of being personally attacked by some crazy 21 year old from nebraska or where ever your from you have some serious issues dude and I refuse to continue being attacked for no reason.

singer73192 Profile Photo
#105GODSPELL Reviews
Posted: 11/8/11 at 7:41pm


Ouch! The struggle for finding pull quotes is quite evident in what they did use....

#106GODSPELL Reviews
Posted: 11/8/11 at 7:46pm

what the heck is WOR radio, I feel like every show under the sun is using their reviews for pull quotes lately.....

ChenoKahn Profile Photo
#107GODSPELL Reviews
Posted: 11/8/11 at 8:03pm

How do you know Gvendo is from Nebraska and 21? Creepy...

#108GODSPELL Reviews
Posted: 11/8/11 at 8:09pm

My grammar sucks and nobody gives me a hard time about it because I don't act like you do. I'm with gvendo on this one. You've gotta be one of Davenport's internet trolls.

Lord knows he has 'em.

"I know now that theatre saved my life." - Susan Stroman

#109GODSPELL Reviews
Posted: 11/8/11 at 8:09pm

because of something from another thread where he was giving me his linkdin page and other stuff to prove who he was and it backfired on him so he started deleting links to make me look like a crazy person.

And i will go to my grave stating this on my mothers life I do not work for Ken and honestly why does it matter everyone already has their mind made up about the show, if I was one of his "trolls" im doing a terrible job...... Updated On: 11/8/11 at 08:09 PM

#110GODSPELL Reviews
Posted: 11/8/11 at 8:27pm

I'd actually like to see this run for awhile. I wonder if, despite the mostly poor reviews, overflow from Wicked right next door might help them out.

I imagine gvendo started deleting stuff because you were stalking him and posting his private info here, thismyshow. That really is creepy behavior.

I don't think you're a Davenport shill, though. I think you're a young person who just gets strangely attached to shows. You were the same way about High, the trainwreck with Kathleen Turner awhile back, attacking anyone who disagreed with you. You also know very little about how the business runs. It isn't remotely possible that the weekly nut is under $100,000. You get attacked because you attack. Try behaving a little more like an adult (and yes, that includes proper grammar and punctuation) and try being a little more civil.

#111GODSPELL Reviews
Posted: 11/8/11 at 8:31pm

you know what I quit this board, you all can go **** yourselves.

ChenoKahn Profile Photo
#112GODSPELL Reviews
Posted: 11/8/11 at 8:38pm

Thismyshow, ghostlight was completely respestful in that post.

EricMontreal22 Profile Photo
#113GODSPELL Reviews
Posted: 11/8/11 at 8:55pm

Would Godspell reallybenefit from "Wicked overflow"? I know in theory both are Schwartz shows (OK that's not in theory...) and appeal to a younger crowd, but I know a lot of casual theatre goers who worship Wicked and have no interest in Godspell (partly due to the religious connection, etc).

#114GODSPELL Reviews
Posted: 11/8/11 at 9:11pm

Oh, please let it be true! He's gone!

"I know now that theatre saved my life." - Susan Stroman

#115GODSPELL Reviews
Posted: 11/8/11 at 9:31pm

I'm not saying it would, Eric - just wondering. I mean, say you're from out of town and can't get tickets to Wicked - but there, right there, is another family show done by the same guy. Mightn't you consider it?

I haven't been by the theater lately, so maybe they are doing this, but with all the other stuff they've been trying (twittering during the show, etc), I think they'd be crazy not to have something in their advertising that says "by the creator of Wicked!" or something along those lines.

With the dearth of pull quotes and the mostly bad reviews, it surely couldn't hurt to try that tack. I could see the show running awhile if it can pick up a little steam going into the holidays. Also, while I'm not one of them myself, there are religious theater-goers who have difficulty finding shows acceptable to them. This just might fill a niche. It's a family show, it's well-placed location-wise, and its nut is fairly low. I say good luck to them.

hyperbole_and_a_half Profile Photo
#116GODSPELL Reviews
Posted: 11/8/11 at 9:40pm

Awww, but this thread won't be any fun without thismyshow to defend this garbage bag of a show GODSPELL Reviews

(until Uncle Davenport makes him re-register)

CurtainPullDowner Profile Photo
#117GODSPELL Reviews
Posted: 11/8/11 at 9:45pm

Most of the ads I have seen for GODSPELL highlight Schwartz and that he wrote WICKED. But you could be on to something, that they have thought about but not sure how to get those extra WICKEDers. If GODSPELL could catch the extra 50 to 100 people who lose the WICKED lottery everynight and sell them even a discount ticket, it could help their B.O., which is gonna need a lotta help.
If they had cast a born again pop star as JC instead of that hot shirtless guy from marijuana and sex show;WEEDS, it also might have helped.

#118GODSPELL Reviews
Posted: 11/8/11 at 10:01pm


Hmmmmm http://www.godspell.com/godspell-broadway-reviews.html looks oddly familiar... If at first you tank horribly, do the same thing again?

Hey youth market, I'm just like you, I know what you like, look what I have to offer you, bright cheerful teens who are either just like you or, just like you want to be!

(I just vomited 5 times writing this)

Updated On: 11/8/11 at 10:01 PM

#119GODSPELL Reviews
Posted: 11/8/11 at 10:14pm

"If they had cast a born again pop star as JC instead of that hot shirtless guy from marijuana and sex show;WEEDS, it also might have helped."

You've got a point there, CPD :) Maybe they should have people hang out at Wicked's lotto with discount flyers.

"Awww, but this thread won't be any fun without thismyshow to defend this garbage bag of a show"

Gotta say, hyperbole, that's one of the things I dislike about this board. It's supposed to be for discussing Broadway shows. I don't see any fun in flame wars and trolling (which is basically what you're doing by using a phrase like "garbage bag of a show"), and it really doesn't belong here. Can't we just stick to talking about the theater without insulting the shows and each other in the name of "fun"? Isn't there someplace else you can be doing that? Off-topic board, at least?
Updated On: 11/8/11 at 10:14 PM

HeyMrMusic Profile Photo
#120GODSPELL Reviews
Posted: 11/8/11 at 11:01pm

Oof those pull quotes are pretty dreadful...

Kad Profile Photo
#121GODSPELL Reviews
Posted: 11/8/11 at 11:29pm

Compare DidHeLikeIt with StageGrade (which is the superior site, in my opinion):

"...everyone finally shut up, and the audience could enjoy the beginning of the Anatevka Pogram in peace."

Kad Profile Photo
#122GODSPELL Reviews
Posted: 11/8/11 at 11:30pm

Okay, well, it didn't attach a link and I still can't edit posts. Apologies:


"...everyone finally shut up, and the audience could enjoy the beginning of the Anatevka Pogram in peace."

perfectlymarvelous Profile Photo
#123GODSPELL Reviews
Posted: 11/9/11 at 12:18am

Doesn't Ken Davenport run DidHeLikeIt? So that would explain the discrepancy.

orangeskittles Profile Photo
#124GODSPELL Reviews
Posted: 11/9/11 at 12:24am

Not to bring that ridiculous shill back into the discussion, but has anyone else heard about Broadway Spotted's meltdown over Gavin Creel and Andrew Rannells being supposedly unprofessional at Godspell opening? I heard about it but can't find any originating comments about what happened.

Like a firework unexploded
Wanting life but never knowing how
