
Becky Gulsvig breaks toe, Lauren Zakrin Elle for two weeks, and also the new Elle?- Page 6

Becky Gulsvig breaks toe, Lauren Zakrin Elle for two weeks, and also the new Elle?

nickip Profile Photo
#125re: Becky Gulsvig breaks toe, Lauren Zakrin Elle for two weeks, and also th
Posted: 1/19/09 at 1:04pm

I saw both Lauren and Laura Bell. I have to say Lauren's Elle is much fresher and you really fall in love with her. Not to say Laura's is bad, come on it's Laura Bell Bundy, but she has done the role forever and it's a little exhausted.


ggersten Profile Photo
#126re: Becky Gulsvig breaks toe, Lauren Zakrin Elle for two weeks, and also th
Posted: 1/19/09 at 3:15pm

I'm still trying to comprehend the opening announcement "At tonite's performance, the part of Elle Woods normally played by Becky Gulsvig will by played by Laura Bell Bundy".

andrewcomp Profile Photo
#127re: Becky Gulsvig breaks toe, Lauren Zakrin Elle for two weeks, and also th
Posted: 1/19/09 at 3:36pm

Did you hear that? When I saw Lauren, they didn't even announce her because she's an alternate, but she was on the understudy board.

ggersten Profile Photo
#128re: Becky Gulsvig breaks toe, Lauren Zakrin Elle for two weeks, and also th
Posted: 1/19/09 at 4:04pm

No, I haven't heard anything as our tix are for January 30. Don't theatres make opening announcements anymore?

nickip Profile Photo
#129re: Becky Gulsvig breaks toe, Lauren Zakrin Elle for two weeks, and also th
Posted: 1/19/09 at 4:13pm

No announcements here. When LBB is in, they add her bio and head shot on a separate sheet to the program, and when Lauren plays they add a 1/2 sheet saying "At this performance the roll of..."


andrewcomp Profile Photo
#130re: Becky Gulsvig breaks toe, Lauren Zakrin Elle for two weeks, and also th
Posted: 1/19/09 at 4:58pm

Yeah they made an announcement for Mamie, Leslie, and Sara. All of the replacements/alternates were not.

#131re: Becky Gulsvig breaks toe, Lauren Zakrin Elle for two weeks, and also th
Posted: 1/19/09 at 6:24pm

An actor substituting for another has to be announced, per AEA rules, two of three ways...

1. Board in the Lobby
2. Slip in the program
3. Pre-Show announcement

As long as at least TWO of these happens for each actor playing a role not printed in the program, then it is all legal.

andrewcomp Profile Photo
#132re: Becky Gulsvig breaks toe, Lauren Zakrin Elle for two weeks, and also th
Posted: 1/20/09 at 6:46am

"Lauren Ashley Zakrin
feels like her glands are about to explode.5 hours ago"

Oh, this should be interesting.

jigblob Profile Photo
#133re: Becky Gulsvig breaks toe, Lauren Zakrin Elle for two weeks, and also th
Posted: 1/20/09 at 12:01pm

uh oh...already? I kind of wondered this when everyone was talking about the scheduled performances that LBB/Lauren will do--but what if one of them ends up getting sick and can't go on? Will the other one go on in her place or is that when Rihannon will get her shot?

#134re: Becky Gulsvig breaks toe, Lauren Zakrin Elle for two weeks, and also th
Posted: 1/20/09 at 12:15pm

good question. wonder if they'll be ringing up Bailey?? I've actually been wondering why they chose LBB over bringing Bailey into the mix....i know that might sound odd, but wouldnt Bailey be a bigger draw out on the road as she's prob more well known and popular due to the reality show??

Legally Blonde (LB & Bailey) * Hairspray * Spring Awakening * Rent * Little Mermaid * Wicked(BW & the tour) * Lion King * Chorus Line

brandontwin2 Profile Photo
#135re: Becky Gulsvig breaks toe, Lauren Zakrin Elle for two weeks, and also th
Posted: 1/20/09 at 12:53pm

If it was Bailey on tour I would not have gone, and would have been very mad about the waste of money. I payed for a good performance, not a mediocre one.

#136re: Becky Gulsvig breaks toe, Lauren Zakrin Elle for two weeks, and also th
Posted: 1/20/09 at 1:02pm

Didn't more people tune in to the Legally Blonde broadcast with LBB than to the reality show? LBB is on the cast recording, in the MTV broadcast, and in some episodes of the reality show. She's a bigger draw than Bailey.

andrewcomp Profile Photo
#137re: Becky Gulsvig breaks toe, Lauren Zakrin Elle for two weeks, and also th
Posted: 1/20/09 at 7:04pm

Rhiannon is still out until St. Louis, and she won't be able to be THE Elle considering her stamina will probably be low from being off of tour for over a month, she would only be good for a few performances until she got back into the swing of things.

#138re: Becky Gulsvig breaks toe, Lauren Zakrin Elle for two weeks, and also th
Posted: 1/21/09 at 12:32am

So I just got back from opening night in St. Louis.
There were some mic issues, but overall I thought it was a good show. Lauren was better than I expected, but I must admit that when they made an announcement about replacement players I kept waiting for "And Elle Woods will be played by Laura Bell Bundy." Alas I guess she's still in Vegas. I am envious of you that get to see LBB next week. I saw her on Broadway from the front row and you are in a for a treat!!!

My main question is why didn't they open the show with the girls opening the windows of the sorority house????? That was such a neat way to open the show and I don't get why they changed it! I nearly screamed. Ok I screamed a little.

Would love to hear what other people thought about tonight's show!

#139re: Becky Gulsvig breaks toe, Lauren Zakrin Elle for two weeks, and also th
Posted: 1/21/09 at 11:04am

Two reasons. One, the house set cost too much money for only being used in one scene. Two, they had to scale back sets for the tour so that everything can fit into one or two buses. (I believe they only have one bus for sets, right?)

Azuah. Profile Photo
#140re: Becky Gulsvig breaks toe, Lauren Zakrin Elle for two weeks, and also th
Posted: 1/21/09 at 10:54pm

one more reason. It's a Tier B tour..therefore the funding isn't all that great..

#141re: Becky Gulsvig breaks toe, Lauren Zakrin Elle for two weeks, and also th
Posted: 1/21/09 at 11:11pm

Yeah I think they put all the sets into one big charter bus. The cast travels in a second bus.

#142re: Becky Gulsvig breaks toe, Lauren Zakrin Elle for two weeks, and also th
Posted: 1/22/09 at 4:16pm

The cast travels by airplane, and the set and other props travel by tractor trailer like 7 or 8 of them.
I've been lucky enough to see the three different Elle's in multiple performances. (From DC and I was home for the holidays, and I go to School in E.Lansing,
They are all great for many reasons. Nothing against Lauren she is great but not for one moment do I believe she is a law student. Not her fault just a casting issue. She is 19 and she looks 19. But to be 19 and carry a tour in the interim is great. She is really starting to grow in to the role and given a few more years to mature she will be great. LBB is doing great to jump back in so short notice. She shows signs of rust (to be expected) and she is having to take a breath or two in the last note of so much better. Again to be expected she's been away for what 5- 6 months? And Becky is well... Becky. She sounds great every night she is a machine. Her voice is so pure, no unnecessary riffing She looks and acts like a law student and her timing is great, she really owns the role now, I am more impressed every time I see her. There is a reason the Producers and Casting agency picked her. I am thankful when someone who deserves a role gets it before they stunt cast it. Call me old fashioned I guess

andrewcomp Profile Photo
#143re: Becky Gulsvig breaks toe, Lauren Zakrin Elle for two weeks, and also th
Posted: 1/25/09 at 1:39pm

Rhiannon is on Standby For Elle. 1:16pm

skander2 Profile Photo
#144re: Becky Gulsvig breaks toe, Lauren Zakrin Elle for two weeks, and also th
Posted: 1/25/09 at 1:47pm

oy, what does that mean?

i like rhiannon; i think she's adorable, but i'm just not sure she has the vocal power for this role. guess we'll see...

andrewcomp Profile Photo
#145re: Becky Gulsvig breaks toe, Lauren Zakrin Elle for two weeks, and also th
Posted: 1/25/09 at 1:59pm

I'm pretty sure Alex is still Margot, so I think Rhiannon is being put back in as one of the Elle covers. Laura and Lauren will alternate it, but Rhiannon is now the "first u/s"

Azuah. Profile Photo
#146re: Becky Gulsvig breaks toe, Lauren Zakrin Elle for two weeks, and also th
Posted: 1/25/09 at 11:28pm

I do believe that Rhiannon can do a good job if she ever goes on, but I also can't help but think of the bad audition she had on the show when she sang Legally Blonde..

#147re: Becky Gulsvig breaks toe, Lauren Zakrin Elle for two weeks, and also th
Posted: 3/8/09 at 3:30am


So what is the verdict? I think some one posted osme where that the is a what you want video of her too.... dunno.

I say yay? Some say nay?

toddchris Profile Photo
#148re: Becky Gulsvig breaks toe, Lauren Zakrin Elle for two weeks, and also th
Posted: 3/8/09 at 10:28am

All I can say is . . . WOW . . . I've been waiting for a video like this to show up. I saw Becky in DC before she broke her toe, and while she has a great voice, she's just not my taste in Elle.

I love Lauren's interpretation here and always thought she should've won on MTV, although now it's true that she got the best deal out of all of them being fourth.

Congrats to Lauren on doing such an excellent job.


adamgreer Profile Photo
#149re: Becky Gulsvig breaks toe, Lauren Zakrin Elle for two weeks, and also th
Posted: 3/8/09 at 11:40am

Ehh, I was not impressed by her vocals in either one of those videos.
