
'Gypsy' remake will not be directed by Matthew Warchus but by Babs herself?- Page 7

'Gypsy' remake will not be directed by Matthew Warchus but by Babs herself?

Claudia Draper
Tag Profile Photo
#151'Gypsy' remake will not be directed by Matthew Warchus.
Posted: 9/18/14 at 6:19pm

Robin Roberts reported at the end of her interview on Good Morning America that Barbra wants Lady Gaga to star as Gypsy.

Tag Profile Photo
#152'Gypsy' remake will not be directed by Matthew Warchus.
Posted: 9/18/14 at 6:47pm

Double Post.

Updated On: 9/18/14 at 06:47 PM

DAME Profile Photo
#153'Gypsy' remake will not be directed by Matthew Warchus.
Posted: 9/18/14 at 6:50pm

As Gypsy. Not as Rose. Not the first time she has said this.


#154'Gypsy' remake will not be directed by Matthew Warchus.
Posted: 9/20/14 at 10:44am

I've listened to snippets of her album, and she can definitely sing the score. And with the right makeup and lighting, she could pass for the right age. I actually edited a picture of her, to make her look younger, so I could see what she could look like if she made Gypsy...it was surprisingly easy. I did no airbrushing or anything. I simply made her eyelashes fuller, darkened her eyebrows, and changed her hair color. She looked younger. Much younger. If an amateur can do that, think what a professional can do.

#155'Gypsy' remake will not be directed by Matthew Warchus.
Posted: 9/20/14 at 12:26pm

Interesting trivia that also points to how late in the game this movie could be coming is there were talks in the 80s about Barbra doing this movie with Madonna as Gypsy. Cut to 30 years later, the Gaga idea doesn't surprise me much.

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#156'Gypsy' remake will not be directed by Matthew Warchus.
Posted: 9/20/14 at 12:29pm

Why and how is Lady Gaga still a thing being subjected onto the planet? I was a fan at first but I find her just insufferable.

ljay889 Profile Photo
#157'Gypsy' remake will not be directed by Matthew Warchus.
Posted: 9/20/14 at 12:37pm

I agree. honestly, not sure about acting, but Katy Perry is much more appropriate in the burlesque sense.

this film has been discussed for years. At this point, I just want it to happen soon, for better or for worse.

Updated On: 9/20/14 at 12:37 PM

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#158'Gypsy' remake will not be directed by Matthew Warchus.
Posted: 9/20/14 at 12:41pm

If they want someone who can do burlesque and not make people want to throw up at the sight of her, they should just get Dita Von Teese.

#159'Gypsy' remake will not be directed by Matthew Warchus.
Posted: 9/21/14 at 1:55pm

Barbra just confirmed in a TV interview that she plans to star in the movie, not direct it, and that it looks like it will go into production next year, "before I have to do it with a cane." She feels it's a good "swan song and bookend, having begun my career with Funny Girl and ending it with Gypsy." Well, okay then.

lovebwy Profile Photo
#160'Gypsy' remake will not be directed by Matthew Warchus.
Posted: 9/21/14 at 2:20pm

Isn't Louise supposed to become pretty at some point. THAT I cannot see Gaga pulling off.

Too bad, so sad.

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#161'Gypsy' remake will not be directed by Matthew Warchus.
Posted: 9/21/14 at 2:26pm

"before I have to do it with a cane."

All kidding aside, I just don't see her believably passing as someone under say, 65. Even in that movie with Seth Rogen, she was supposed to be like 50 or something. And sure in some scenes, with the right lighting she looked pretty good, if a little uncanny. But there were other scenes where she looked like someone wearing a Barbra Streisand mask made out of putty. Not to mention the way she shuffled around in the movie. Even if they make her look 40, she doesn't move like a woman under 70.

Updated On: 9/21/14 at 02:26 PM

lovebwy Profile Photo
#162'Gypsy' remake will not be directed by Matthew Warchus.
Posted: 9/21/14 at 2:35pm

Phyl you hit the nail right on the head.

You can put all the make-up and lighting you want on her. You can CGI her face. But fact is she simply has the AURA of a 72 year old woman. It's in the way she moves and speaks. And I'm sorry but no actress can believably overcome that.

And there is nothing WRONG with being a 72 year old woman, unless you're trying to act 35.

Barbara Streisand trying to do Gypsy at this stage is no different from Norma Desmond wanting to play Salome. It's just a terrible idea that should never happen.

I just hope Babs doesn't have an old car that Universal needs!

BobbyBubbi  Profile Photo
#163'Gypsy' remake will not be directed by Matthew Warchus.
Posted: 9/21/14 at 2:46pm

^^ Yes, plastic surgeons can do a lot for her face. And she still looks great, she's gotten nipped and tucked, but still looks like herself and is able to move her face. BUT posture and physicality doesn't really lie. Unfortunately, there's no way to fight that.

I'll still be first in line to see it.

Hoping they are not waiting on Gaga's schedule to open up or something. She'd be terrible for Louise.

I echo Jordan's sentiments on Gaga. Was a fan for a bit but now I find her incredibly annoying. First it was about Gays now it's about the "Art movement" and recording over done standards with Tony Bennett in Muppet couture. Ok Gaga. Whatever.

Phillypinto Profile Photo
#164'Gypsy' remake will not be directed by Matthew Warchus.
Posted: 9/21/14 at 5:08pm

She's just to old to play the role! I would love to see Sutton Foster play Mama Rose. I know she has said before in the past that its one of her dream roles, but I never could see it. After seeing Violet, I can see it now.

Use my fabulous TodayTix code: JEYCY

#165'Gypsy' remake will not be directed by Matthew Warchus.
Posted: 9/21/14 at 5:10pm

I think Sutton may be too young now...are you talking about for the film? Maybe in the future...as one of the "every-ten-year" revivals we get of Gypsy...(and I'm not complaining because I've yet to see it live).

#166'Gypsy' remake will not be directed by Matthew Warchus.
Posted: 9/21/14 at 5:17pm

Emma Thompson? I think she'd be great!

Sally Durant Plummer Profile Photo
Sally Durant Plummer
#167'Gypsy' remake will not be directed by Matthew Warchus.
Posted: 9/21/14 at 5:31pm

Honestly, I'm fine with Streisand doung Rose on film. Not like your bitching is going to do anything. She wants it to be her "swan song". It's Streisand for God's sake!

But I could die happy if the next revival (hopefully after another 10 years) stars Tonya Pinkins.

"Sticks and stones, sister. Here, have a Valium." - Patti LuPone, a Memoir
Updated On: 9/21/14 at 05:31 PM

Mr. Nowack Profile Photo
Mr. Nowack
#168'Gypsy' remake will not be directed by Matthew Warchus.
Posted: 9/21/14 at 5:39pm

That Norma Desmond analogy is kind of scarily spot-on. Granted Rose isn't supposed to be a teenager, but Norma wasn't pushing 70 either. And I suppose she was trying to make a comeback whereas this project is meant to be a "swan song."

Keeping BroadwayWorld Illustrated
Updated On: 9/21/14 at 05:39 PM

SweeneyLovett Profile Photo
#169'Gypsy' remake will not be directed by Matthew Warchus.
Posted: 9/21/14 at 5:53pm

I don't see Gaga as Louise at all. If Jennifer Lawrence could sing...

ljay889 Profile Photo
#170'Gypsy' remake will not be directed by Matthew Warchus.
Posted: 9/21/14 at 6:33pm

If Katy Perry could get a bunch of acting lessons, she'd be an amazing looking Gypsy.

'Gypsy' remake will not be directed by Matthew Warchus.
'Gypsy' remake will not be directed by Matthew Warchus.
'Gypsy' remake will not be directed by Matthew Warchus.
'Gypsy' remake will not be directed by Matthew Warchus.

Gaga does not have that period burlesque essence to her. Katy Perry exudes it naturally.

Updated On: 9/21/14 at 06:33 PM

Sally Durant Plummer Profile Photo
Sally Durant Plummer
#171'Gypsy' remake will not be directed by Matthew Warchus.
Posted: 9/21/14 at 6:37pm

Gaga would be fine if she was dressed appropriately - she has the voice naturally, where as Katy Perry is very much reliant on auto-tune. I don't suppose Laura Benanti would ever be considered?

I think Gaga would be a good stage performer. She would be wonderful as Fanny.

"Sticks and stones, sister. Here, have a Valium." - Patti LuPone, a Memoir

ljay889 Profile Photo
#172'Gypsy' remake will not be directed by Matthew Warchus.
Posted: 9/21/14 at 6:41pm

Louise/Gypsy is not a difficult sing. Dubbed in West Side Story, Natalie Wood managed to sing Gypsy all by herself just fine.

Phillypinto Profile Photo
#173'Gypsy' remake will not be directed by Matthew Warchus.
Posted: 9/21/14 at 6:47pm

Isn't Mama Rose supposed to be 40 in the end? Sutton Foster will be 40 next year. I hope she gets to play the role sometime!! Patti always said she was to old to play the role and she was 60! Mama Rose has two little girls in the beginning, I would think its weird watching a women in her 70s playing it in my opinion!! No offense to Barbra though cause I think she's great.

Use my fabulous TodayTix code: JEYCY
Updated On: 9/21/14 at 06:47 PM

ray-andallthatjazz86 Profile Photo
#174'Gypsy' remake will not be directed by Matthew Warchus.
Posted: 9/21/14 at 8:16pm

I think a lot of people would look good as Louise, it's more of a matter of whether they can act and hold a candle to Barbra Streisand on camera, particularly in the last scene. Jennifer Lawrence is definitely someone who came to mind, though I wonder if they are gonna go for someone older as Louise to match Barbra's older-skewing Rose.

"Some people can thrive and bloom living life in a living room, that's perfect for some people of one hundred and five. But I at least gotta try, when I think of all the sights that I gotta see, all the places I gotta play, all the things that I gotta be at"
