Retire it, QUEEN!

lesmisforever Profile Photo
#150My Irish views on Pirate Queen.
Posted: 3/7/07 at 8:33pm

SJB doesn't sound British- she just uses soft vowels and enunciates consonants.

"I have a fever, and the only prescription is more cowbell!"

sidneybruhl Profile Photo
#151My Irish views on Pirate Queen.
Posted: 3/7/07 at 9:08pm

Going back to Wanna Be A Foster's original review/post, I feel like I can scratch this show off of my list of shows for my trip to NYC in April.
Updated On: 3/7/07 at 09:08 PM

lesmisforever Profile Photo
#152My Irish views on Pirate Queen.
Posted: 3/7/07 at 9:13pm

I take both views into account. I'm not going to go see it or anything (I don't have the funds), but I am willing to get the cast recording if they make one and check it out. I love Les Mis and Miss Saigon, but like someone said, B&S's music do tend to sound a lot alike (although you can say that of a lot of composers, especially ALW.) I just think people should read the reviews, take them with a grain of salt whether they are positive or negative, and based upon their gut try out the show or don't try out the show. Have an open mind if you do try it out, though, because having preconceived ideas about a show, especially negative ones, can really ruin a show for you.

"I have a fever, and the only prescription is more cowbell!"

NYLG Profile Photo
#153My Irish views on Pirate Queen.
Posted: 3/7/07 at 9:41pm

"Is it my imagination or are the people who saw this in Chicago saying it is vastly improved and a rather enjoyable show compared to the previous incarnation, and the people who are seeing it for the first time in NY are saying it pretty much sucks?"

Sueleen: It's all relative...I saw it in Chicago, and it REALLY sucked! I am curious about the changes...but if this negative buzz continues, I'll save my money.

If you'd have been there...If you'd have seen it...I betcha you would have done the same! - CHICAGO

fachedaluna Profile Photo
#154My Irish views on Pirate Queen.
Posted: 3/7/07 at 9:47pm


Your commentary is absolutely on the spot. Too many people let others think for them and never develop an opinion of their own. So many love to be followers instead of making their own path on what they like or don't like.

To the poster who said that you will not be seeing the Pirate Queen due to Fosters post. PLEASE, think for yourself. If you have a change to get a ticket, do so. You may be surprised at the goodness and beauty (NOT TO SAY FABULOUS TALENT) of this show.

FallintoLight Profile Photo
#155My Irish views on Pirate Queen.
Posted: 3/7/07 at 9:57pm

Fach- agreed! Whenever I read reviews I never trust them. Whether it's a review on here on a review in the Times and I never trust the reviewer. I take it into consideration but I'd much rather see the show for myself and form my own opinion of it. Rather relying on someone elses opinion.

#156My Irish views on Pirate Queen.
Posted: 3/7/07 at 10:38pm

I was at the show tonight, but left at intermission. Bored me to bits. I had seen some of the technical rehearsals a few weeks ago and felt the same way, but wanted to see it as a somewhat 'finished' product. I feel really bad for the great talent in this show because they really are talented, yet I don't believe this show will live much longer. I'm debating whether or not to still go to opening night. We shall see.

FallintoLight Profile Photo
#157My Irish views on Pirate Queen.
Posted: 3/7/07 at 11:24pm

I don't think the talent would be in the show if they didn't believe in it. I know it's a job but all the leads are amazing and could easily get other jobs! Sorry, you didn't enjoy it!

I'll take your opening night ticket!

#158My Irish views on Pirate Queen.
Posted: 3/7/07 at 11:33pm

In the 16th century Irish people did not speak English and therefore would not have "Irish accents" whilst speaking English. Translations takes place in another time where accents would be appropriate.

#159My Irish views on Pirate Queen.
Posted: 3/7/07 at 11:36pm

She absolutely did not say that word...

#160My Irish views on Pirate Queen.
Posted: 3/8/07 at 12:06am

Ok, FallintoLight- you need to just stop. The actors in the production are absolutely wonderful first rate people. Everyone is very passionate about this project (I will say this- I'm loosely involved with the show) and they definitely love what they're doing. The problem with the show lies in the story, it's not being told. People can make up their own minds about the show, but what I'm saying is that it's playing the 'epic musical' with famous composers card without following through. So FallintoLight, please just backoff from all of us with opinions that are different from yours.

FallintoLight Profile Photo
#161My Irish views on Pirate Queen.
Posted: 3/8/07 at 12:10am

wow! I was just stating something very simple. Something that I believe! I didn't expect anyone to jump down my throat for this one. I am not trying to force my opinion on you in anyway! I was stating that I believe the actors believe in this show! I guess my honesty could not be seen in my last post. I AM truly sorry you didn't enjoy it! I have had many discussions about this thread with several people involved in it over PMs. I am not saying LOVE IT! By all means have your opinions! I don't fault you for it. I am just thrown back by your comment.
Updated On: 3/8/07 at 12:10 AM

bella cantato
#162My Irish views on Pirate Queen.
Posted: 3/8/07 at 12:47am

I have to say that, I am still wishing for the best, but I fear that the critics are going to tear this show apart, and it's going to flop. Which is sooooo disappointing to me. I saw it in Chicago and I really, really loved aspects of it... I really believe it has so much potential. I wish they hadn't rushed to New York and taken another year to fix it... really, really fix it. Big time.

That being said, I personally think the attack on accents is shallow. I understand if the plot isn't well-written, the characters not well-developed, the music boring, or whatever it is that people are complaining about (and I know it is a lot of stuff) but come on guys... Accents? Seriously?

I just think that it's really not a valid argument for disliking a show. I think there are much more important things you can attack and something as unimportant as accents is just... trivial. I mean, I personally think that a show can be really well done with no mind paid to accents at all. Anyway, just my opinion. Whatever.

"You know, a little orphan girl once told me that the sun would come out tomorrow. Her adopted father was a powerful billionaire, so I supressed the urge to laugh in her face. But now, by gum, I think she might have been on to something!" --Reefer Madness

Popular Profile Photo
#163My Irish views on Pirate Queen.
Posted: 3/8/07 at 2:45am

First off, y'all have lost your damn minds making me work so hard to get through all these threads and posts. Good job! I'm glad to see there is an interest in discussing this show.

BWW is definitely full of extremely passionate and opinionated people. Once again, I applaud it! Life would be boring if we all thought alike. This board is also made up of a wide-ranging assortment of maturity levels and methods of expression. Clearly some came here to have more of an adult discussion than others... but that's OK too. We're not all here for the same reasons.

Thankfully I have found posters with similar intentions and we've been having a blast privately commenting with each other on what's been going on here.

I've also had the pleasure of talking about PQ with people who saw the show; some of whom were at the dress rehearsal, some of whom were at the 1st preview, and also with a friend of mine who saw it tonight. None of them thought it was perfect. Some were more blown away by it than others but ALL were certainly entertained and had an enjoyable and memorable evening at the theatre.

A quick side note - The ones that went yesterday felt that young Eoin ran too quickly and readily to Grania when they are reunited. I guess the producers felt that too because tonight the feedback I got from another friend was that "he looked as if she had a spider on her face he walked so slowly and timidly". So yes, it's still constantly changing and finding it's way. The friend who made the spider comment also told me she made it a point to gage some reactions during intermission and most (not all, but most) of the people around her were loving it.

In general, the highlights I've gotten are the talent, the dancing, the atmosphere created by the design team, and the music. The flow of the story (especially in Act II) and the ending were both things that they all felt could be improved.
Whether it gets tweaked enough and finds it's way before opening is yet unknown. I'm with the people who wish it well and want it to succeed.

#164My Irish views on Pirate Queen.
Posted: 3/8/07 at 3:35am

"I never said that my opinion was anything but subjective at this point - my mutterings were in fact a proposal to the masses to consider their musings"

Ahhhhh.....huh? That's a really weird sentence. What was the proposal? Who's getting married? Momma, I'm a big girl now. What?

I can hear the bells.

They have a mexican accent.

I have several names, one is Julian2. I am also The Opps Girl. But cross me, and I become Bitch Dooku!

fachedaluna Profile Photo
#165My Irish views on Pirate Queen.
Posted: 3/8/07 at 10:41am

Thanks Popular...comments sound very reasonable to me!!!

Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
#166My Irish views on Pirate Queen.
Posted: 3/8/07 at 11:14am

"In the end, The Pirate Queen is and will be great. In a day when people herald Cats, Phantom, The Wedding Singer, etc. despite their incredible shortcomings, there is absolutely no way that The Pirate Queen is horrible. Sail on or sail short - The Pirate Queen stands as a triumph in musical theatre."

"In order to have a critique, I would have to have seen the show (you know critiques are in response to an actual personal experience). Objective - it is not as I do not have experience from which to reflect."

So by your own admission, having not seen the show, you cannot yet form a critique, yet you herald something you have yet to experience as "great" and "a triumph"? And you have the gall to criticize others who have actually seen the show, but give a negative "critique" or whatever you want to call it?

And yes, truth is subjective and fact is objective. That was the point of my analogy.

And I am not attacking you. I'm only attacking your hypocrisy. Objectively.

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian

#167My Irish views on Pirate Queen.
Posted: 3/8/07 at 11:23am

I had vowed to stay off The Pirate Queen threads today, but this is too good to pass up.

NDR-- Have you seen The Pirate Queen. From your comments, it sounds like you have not.

You promised me poems. ~Tricky

Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
#168My Irish views on Pirate Queen.
Posted: 3/8/07 at 11:28am

Methinks NDR prefers their shows slightly shilled.

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian

#169My Irish views on Pirate Queen.
Posted: 3/8/07 at 11:33am

But wouldn't shills have a better grasp of the English language and how to type it properly? I mean, that's just an assumption. Call me naive if you will.

You promised me poems. ~Tricky

doodlenyc Profile Photo
#170My Irish views on Pirate Queen.
Posted: 3/8/07 at 11:40am

I got Shills...they're multiplyin'
And I'm loooosin' contro-hole
'Cause the power
they're supplyin'

"Carson has combined his passion for helping children with his love for one of Cincinnati's favorite past times - cornhole - to create a unique and exciting event perfect for a corporate outing, entertaining clients or family fun."

"In Oz, the verb is douchifizzation." PRS

TechEverlasting Profile Photo
#171The Big Shill
Posted: 3/8/07 at 11:46am

A sincere question: Would paid shills really want to bother with this board? Is there anything much to be gained by trying to sway the opinions of the theatre fanatics who post here? The favorite topic on this board is usually how much some show or another sucks, so I think I would be reluctant to even bring up a show I was promoting here.

Do you consider people who post positive things because they either work on shows or have friends and/or relatives who do to be "shills"?

Edit: Do you guys consider investors who post positive things here about the shows they have invested in to be shills? Just wondering...

"I have got to have some professional music!" - Big Edie
Updated On: 3/8/07 at 11:46 AM

Calvin Profile Photo
#172The Big Shill
Posted: 3/8/07 at 11:50am

I don't have a problem with people who come on here and promote something upfront.

What I don't like is when people use the transparent subterfuge, like, "Has anyone heard of this show? I just read something about it, and it looks really cool!" (and that's not a comment on anyone on this thread, just a general pet peeve)

And as to what can be gained? Have you seen how many people start "What should I see" threads? And that's just from non-lurkers. No doubt a lot of people, for better or for worse, make theatre-going decisions based on this board.

#173The Big Shill
Posted: 3/8/07 at 11:53am

I must tell the truth, I am Stephanie's lawyer and she is paying me to post here. The Big Shill

I love the show and Stephanie and if you do not like the show, then you must be a weenie.

Popular Profile Photo
#174The Big Shill
Posted: 3/8/07 at 11:53am

I think "shill" has become a word people like to throw around when they want to automatically negate anything you have to say. If you're a shill your comment isn't valid and so it's easier to just cry "shill" than post an actual thought out response to a post you don't agree with.
