
Julia Murney as Elphaba -- so not your normal Wicked thread.- Page 9

Julia Murney as Elphaba -- so not your normal Wicked thread.

#200re: Julia Murney as Elphaba
Posted: 3/13/06 at 12:53am

its going to be very sad to see people getting witchy (no pun intended) because julia will miss some shows and she will probably miss some!
its a really hard role to sing and those who HAVE done 8 Elphaba shows a week, didn't necessarily do them all really well! SOME people don't want to go on unless they can give it 110%...EVERY SHOW..period.
kendra misses and people get upset..kendra goes on and doesn't feel well and she is accused of phoning it in.
if the people making those criticisms have DONE a national tour of a show for a year at a time...8 shows a week in a very demanding role..then ok, you MAY KNOW what its like. although, everyone is different... those of you who haven't..how can you possibly sit at your computer and just rag on them??? really..PLEASE...give them a break..you HAVE NO IDEA how demanding and grueling it is.
please be nice...

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#201re: Julia Murney as Elphaba
Posted: 3/13/06 at 12:55am

I agree with you, BUT, from everything I've read, it doesn't sound like Kendra phones in ONLY when, or because, she doesn't feel well.

A work of art is an invitation to love.

#202re: Julia Murney as Elphaba
Posted: 3/13/06 at 12:58am

hey luv!
i was really just using kendra as an example.
i don't think ANYONE who is tired of being on the road or tired of doing a role should do it...the end.
MOVE ON...i think anyone who is in a broadway show or tour should be JUMPING for JOY to get on stage and do what so many people are TRYING SOOOO HARD..audition after audition to do. some people, unfortunately take it for granted and that is VERY sad indeed.

Popular Profile Photo
#203re: Julia Murney as Elphaba
Posted: 3/13/06 at 12:58am

Just want to point out that at the time this is being written there are THREE Wicked tour threads at the top of the page and NONE of them were started by me :)

Andrew, point well taken, even if the bottom line of your message is to be nice. I agree

#204re: Julia Murney as Elphaba
Posted: 3/13/06 at 1:01am

ack..yes, three wicked threads and i have copied and pasted my note in each! i hate when people are all mean about people being out of shows..people get sick and lose their voices. sheesh..it happens..they are only human!

BSoBW3 Profile Photo
#205re: Julia Murney as Elphaba
Posted: 3/13/06 at 1:02am

I will be pissed if Julia misses a show someone was going to...accidently...let their recorder record.

The smallest stream is a valent river. It will drown me if it can.

#206re: Julia Murney as Elphaba
Posted: 3/13/06 at 1:06am

Bso! LOL!! hahahahah!!

wonderwaiter Profile Photo
#207re: Julia Murney as Elphaba
Posted: 3/13/06 at 1:11am

"I will be pissed if Julia misses a show someone was going to...accidently...let their recorder record."

Bso - it's already happened on That Website Which Must Not Be Named.

And no one grew into anything new, we just became the worst of what we were."

BSoBW3 Profile Photo
#208re: Julia Murney as Elphaba
Posted: 3/13/06 at 1:12am

I don't like that song.

I like No Good Deed though.

The smallest stream is a valent river. It will drown me if it can.

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#209re: Julia Murney as Elphaba
Posted: 3/13/06 at 1:12am

If you guys get my thread deleted, I'll eat you alive. re: Julia Murney as Elphaba

A work of art is an invitation to love.

BSoBW3 Profile Photo
#210re: Julia Murney as Elphaba
Posted: 3/13/06 at 1:14am


The smallest stream is a valent river. It will drown me if it can.

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#211re: Julia Murney as Elphaba
Posted: 3/13/06 at 1:14am

Scout's honor.

A work of art is an invitation to love.

#212re: Julia Murney as Elphaba
Posted: 3/13/06 at 1:16am


BSoBW3 Profile Photo
#213re: Julia Murney as Elphaba
Posted: 3/13/06 at 1:19am


'Cause, y'know baby, I'm good at getting threads deleted.

Sharpen them teeth!

The smallest stream is a valent river. It will drown me if it can.

wonderwaiter Profile Photo
#214re: Julia Murney as Elphaba
Posted: 3/13/06 at 1:19am

I go better pan-fried with eggs and pancakes. re: Julia Murney as Elphaba

And no one grew into anything new, we just became the worst of what we were."

#215re: Julia Murney as Elphaba
Posted: 3/13/06 at 1:20am

i LOOOOOOOOOVE that cute little piggy!!! awwww...

BroomstickBoy Profile Photo
#216re: Julia Murney as Elphaba
Posted: 3/16/06 at 12:03pm

You guys scare me sometimes, LOL.

How would I know if the Atlanta run is sold out? Ticketmaster says nothing helpful. Any help?

I don't WANT to live in what they call "a certain way." In the first place I'd be no good at it and besides that I don't want to be identified with any one class of people. I want to live every whichway, among all kinds---and know them---and understand them---and love them---THAT's what I want! - Philip Barry (Holiday)

brad3 Profile Photo
#217re: Julia Murney as Elphaba
Posted: 3/16/06 at 2:59pm

Hands down no1 could possibly be better than Idina or Eden. Sorry but it's just the truth..

WithoutATrace Profile Photo
#218re: Julia Murney as Elphaba
Posted: 3/16/06 at 3:02pm

Stephanie Block was better than both of them, IMO.

#219re: Julia Murney as Elphaba
Posted: 4/13/06 at 7:37pm

I thought I'd put my review here rather than starting a new thread...

Firstly Julia was amazing. Her acting was perfect, in my opinion. She stayed entirely in character the whole time and she was just all and all, amazing. Her singing wasn't perfect, but can you blame her? Her voice must get so exhausted. Most of the time her voice completely blew me away. In Wizard and I, I think she tries to sound younger by making it really nasally and not really opening up on the vowels which disappointed me and made it sound a little bit forces. I kinda wanted to hear her tear it up and she kinda held back but her last note was amazing and just perfection. Her Defying Gravity was really amazing. Her belt is so natural, I love it. I love, love, love her As Long As Your Mine. Her chemistry with Sebastien Arcelus is just amazing and really, really passionate. No Good Deed was awesome as well. She really impressed me. The only complaint (other than the vowels thing) is that her switches from head voice to chest voice are really quick and very different sounding, but that's just me being picky.

Kendra Kassebaum was very funny. I was a little disappointed that her high notes weren't very strong, but rather light (still good though). I was wondering if she was just going easy or more likely, that they are right at the top of her range and they just aren't the most comfortable notes for her to hit, but in Popular and Thank Goodness she blew me away. She has an amazing belt on her as well. I loved her though, she had me cracking up and her and Julia work well off eachother.

Sebastien Arcelus is gorgeous. Oh, and he has an amazing voice and is a good actor, too. His change from egotistical, careless Fiyero to the more caring one we see after they rescue the cub was very good. Very believable. I think he was perfect in the role.

Alma Cuevro as Madame Morrible was amazing. I hated Mdm. Morrible by the end, so job well done on her part. She had a lovely singing voice.

All the other roles were good and the ensemble was awesome. I enjoyed the show and it was my first time seeing it so I have nothing really to compare it too, but I loved it and LOVED Julia (honestly, how can you not?).

Am I cut out to spend my time this way?

veryownplanetz Profile Photo
#220re: Julia Murney as Elphaba
Posted: 4/13/06 at 11:44pm

I won lotto 2 nights in a row and saw Julia. SHE WAS FANTASTIC...both nights...i dont care what anyone says she is by far my favorite elphaba!!! I LOVE HER

#221re: Julia Murney as Elphaba
Posted: 4/13/06 at 11:47pm

Julia owns life!

That is all.

#222re: Julia Murney as Elphaba
Posted: 4/14/06 at 3:48pm

"Julia owns life!

That is all."

Amen to that, amen to that! re: Julia Murney as Elphaba I saw (and met!) Julia on April 5th in Philly and she was absolutely perfect--you don't see Elphaba until you see Julia.

Julia Murney is amazing and anyone who gets to see her during her 6-month run should consider themselves very, very lucky.
