
Funny Girl, With Sher at Helm, Aimed for Broadway Revival

Funny Girl, With Sher at Helm, Aimed for Broadway Revival

illuminate the night Profile Photo
illuminate the night
#1Funny Girl, With Sher at Helm, Aimed for Broadway Revival
Posted: 6/8/10 at 3:16pm

"“Funny Girl,” the hit 1964 musical about Fanny Brice that helped cement Barbra Streisand as a star, is expected to have its first Broadway revival in the spring of 2012 under the direction of Bartlett Sher (“South Pacific”), the producer Bob Boyett said in a telephone interview on Tuesday."

Updated On: 6/8/10 at 03:16 PM

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#2Funny Girl, With Sher at Helm, Aimed for Broadway Revival
Posted: 6/8/10 at 3:19pm

Of course this is being revived with Lea Michele in mind, which I think is a great idea.

Borstalboy Profile Photo
#2Funny Girl, With Sher at Helm, Aimed for Broadway Revival
Posted: 6/8/10 at 3:23pm

The producers' comments about Lea Michelle were deflective at best. Also, isn't she a little pretty for Fanny? Ah, well...it's not something I would go see anyway.

"Impossible is just a big word thrown around by small men who find it easier to live in the world they've been given than to explore the power they have to change it. Impossible is not a fact. It's an opinion. Impossible is not a declaration. It's a dare. Impossible is potential. Impossible is temporary. Impossible is nothing.” ~ Muhammad Ali

bjh2114 Profile Photo
#3Funny Girl, With Sher at Helm, Aimed for Broadway Revival
Posted: 6/8/10 at 3:26pm

I am so pleased about this!!!! I don't know, Jordan. That response sounded pretty diplomatic to me. I wouldn't be shocked if Sher went with someone a little older than Lea. He will look for someone who is capable of playing young Fanny and then an older version as the show goes on. On the bright side, I don't expect this to be full of stunt casting the way the rumored Encores version would be.

newintown Profile Photo
#4Funny Girl, With Sher at Helm, Aimed for Broadway Revival
Posted: 6/8/10 at 3:27pm

Yes, I'm not aware that she's known for her brilliant comic skills, but she is known for singing "Don't Rain on My Parade" note-for-note identically to the film version.

Someone once thought Velveeta and Spam were good ideas, too, but synthetic imitation will always be synthetic imitation.

#5Funny Girl, With Sher at Helm, Aimed for Broadway Revival
Posted: 6/8/10 at 3:27pm

With Sher at the helm, it is a guarantee that the casting will be appropriate. However -- even though he is my favorite director -- he does seem an odd choice for this...

"I know now that theatre saved my life." - Susan Stroman

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#6Funny Girl, With Sher at Helm, Aimed for Broadway Revival
Posted: 6/8/10 at 3:27pm

In 2012, she'll be 2 years older than she is now. It's a role she wants to play badly and at this point I'm almost positive it will be her name above the marquee.

madbrian Profile Photo
#7Funny Girl, With Sher at Helm, Aimed for Broadway Revival
Posted: 6/8/10 at 3:29pm

If they go with a young Fanny, I'd love to see Ana Gasteyer as her mother.

"It does me no injury for my neighbour to say there are 20 gods or no god. It neither picks my pocket, nor breaks my leg." -- Thomas Jefferson

wicked1492 Profile Photo
#8Funny Girl, With Sher at Helm, Aimed for Broadway Revival
Posted: 6/8/10 at 3:29pm

After his genious direction of SOUTH PACIFIC, I'm excited to see what he'll do with FUNNY GIRL. I honestly wish he could've directed the other revivals this season (not LA CAGE or RAGTIME). He could've done wonders with NIGHT MUSIC and BYE BYE BIRDIE.

"These rabid fans...possess the acting talent to portray the hooker...Linda Eder..." -The New York Times

somethingwicked Profile Photo
#9Funny Girl, With Sher at Helm, Aimed for Broadway Revival
Posted: 6/8/10 at 3:31pm

Sher has been at work on the show for about six months now. I can assure you he will produce a stellar product.

People can stop dreaming about (the absurdly miscast) Lea Michele having anything to do with this project. She'd never be able to commit to a six week out of town engagement followed by a year on Broadway with her television schedule. And this certainly isn't being revived with her "in mind" either, as Boyett has held the rights to the show for over a decade.

Here's hoping Leslie Kritzer finally gets her due. Anyone who saw her in the Paper Mill production (which Boyett attempted to move to Broadway prior to September 11th) knows no one can do this role quite like she can.

Tonya Pinkins: Then we had a "Lot's Wife" last June that was my personal favorite. I'm still trying to get them to let me sing it at some performance where we get to sing an excerpt that's gone.
Tony Kushner: You can sing it at my funeral.
Updated On: 6/8/10 at 03:31 PM

bjh2114 Profile Photo
#10Funny Girl, With Sher at Helm, Aimed for Broadway Revival
Posted: 6/8/10 at 3:31pm

Jordan, that's also assuming Glee is no longer on television at that point. Just because it's a role SHE wants to play badly doesn't mean Bart wants her doing it.

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#11Funny Girl, With Sher at Helm, Aimed for Broadway Revival
Posted: 6/8/10 at 3:32pm

Well we have TWO YEARS to argue over who will be in this.

newintown Profile Photo
#12Funny Girl, With Sher at Helm, Aimed for Broadway Revival
Posted: 6/8/10 at 3:33pm

Kritzer would be my favorite choice. Nancy Anderson would be funny, but not vocally right. Can Heidi Blickenstaff be really funny?

Broadwayboy2631 Profile Photo
#13Funny Girl, With Sher at Helm, Aimed for Broadway Revival
Posted: 6/8/10 at 3:34pm

This doesn't seem like the world's most natural fit, but he's a great director. I'm sure that he'll give us a fresh take on the show. I hope that they'll add in "My Man". I think that it's a super ending to a reprise of "Don't Rain on my Parade". Lea Michele has a three year contract with Glee. That' would keep her busy until at least spring 2012, yes? They should go with an unknown or a lesser known broadway actress. Worked last time...

Michael Bennett Profile Photo
Michael Bennett
#14Funny Girl, With Sher at Helm, Aimed for Broadway Revival
Posted: 6/8/10 at 3:34pm

Anything can happen in 2 years time. I'm more curious who the "Hollywood types" are who have apparently expressed interest.

I imagine the role will probably eventually go to Kelli O'Hara.

wicked1492 Profile Photo
#15Funny Girl, With Sher at Helm, Aimed for Broadway Revival
Posted: 6/8/10 at 3:35pm

Can Heidi be funny? Is the Pope Catholic?

She's too old for Fanny though, as much as I'd love to see that.

"These rabid fans...possess the acting talent to portray the hooker...Linda Eder..." -The New York Times

nealb1 Profile Photo
#16Funny Girl, With Sher at Helm, Aimed for Broadway Revival
Posted: 6/8/10 at 3:35pm

Stephanie Block............

perfectlymarvelous Profile Photo
#17Funny Girl, With Sher at Helm, Aimed for Broadway Revival
Posted: 6/8/10 at 3:36pm

I will be very disappointed if Lea Michele winds up playing Fanny...I really don't think she's a good enough actress or enough of a ham to pull it off. However, I think Leslie Kritzer would be fantastic in the role.

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#18Funny Girl, With Sher at Helm, Aimed for Broadway Revival
Posted: 6/8/10 at 3:36pm

"Stephanie Block..........."

That's not even funny to joke about.

madbrian Profile Photo
#19Funny Girl, With Sher at Helm, Aimed for Broadway Revival
Posted: 6/8/10 at 3:37pm

I saw Kritzer at the Papermill, and while she was good, I'd rather see someone new (to me) cast on Broadway. I think Nicole Parker warrants serious consideration.

"It does me no injury for my neighbour to say there are 20 gods or no god. It neither picks my pocket, nor breaks my leg." -- Thomas Jefferson

wicked1492 Profile Photo
#20Funny Girl, With Sher at Helm, Aimed for Broadway Revival
Posted: 6/8/10 at 3:38pm

OOOO. I like the Nicole Parker idea. Stephanie Block...homegirl can't act her way out of a box.

"These rabid fans...possess the acting talent to portray the hooker...Linda Eder..." -The New York Times

Broadwayboy2631 Profile Photo
#21Funny Girl, With Sher at Helm, Aimed for Broadway Revival
Posted: 6/8/10 at 3:39pm

"I imagine the role will probably eventually go to Kelli O'Hara"
That's a joke right? She's gorgeous, and so not funny in a Fanny Brice way.

munkustrap178 Profile Photo
#22Funny Girl, With Sher at Helm, Aimed for Broadway Revival
Posted: 6/8/10 at 3:39pm


I do NOT understand what people see in this girl. Her voice is nasally when she tries to "belt." Her version of "Don't Rain on My Parade" is like nails on a chalkboard. Awful.

"If you are going to do something, do it well. And leave something witchy." -Charlie Manson

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#23Funny Girl, With Sher at Helm, Aimed for Broadway Revival
Posted: 6/8/10 at 3:40pm

You better hope Lea's not reading this message board, fags.

newintown Profile Photo
#24Funny Girl, With Sher at Helm, Aimed for Broadway Revival
Posted: 6/8/10 at 3:41pm

And we're all ignoring Sean Hayes.
