Book of Mormon Song List

#1Book of Mormon Song List
Posted: 4/1/11 at 4:33pm

Does any one have a Song List for BOM, there's none printed in the Playbill

#2Book of Mormon Song List
Posted: 4/1/11 at 4:40pm

A simple Google search gave me this...
Song List

"Art, in itself, is an attempt to bring order out of chaos."-Stephen Sondheim

Katurian2 Profile Photo
#2Book of Mormon Song List
Posted: 4/1/11 at 6:06pm

Haha, I love the pheonetic spelling of Nabalungi's "Sal Tlay Ka Siti" song. They likely don't print it in the published Playbill because it would give away too many of the jokes. Knowing 'Man Up' was coming would totally spoil the intro of the song, and seeing 'Spooky Mormon Hell Dream' coming also ruins the payoff from the early plant. Glad they don't put it in.

"Are you sorry for civilization? I am sorry for it too." ~Coast of Utopia: Shipwreck

#3Book of Mormon Song List
Posted: 4/1/11 at 6:20pm

In retrospect, I totally agree that it would ruin a lot of the fun if a songlist were printed. But I do wish I had a version of it in my playbill now that I've seen the show.

"Art, in itself, is an attempt to bring order out of chaos."-Stephen Sondheim

taylorPHENOMENON2 Profile Photo
#4Book of Mormon Song List
Posted: 4/1/11 at 11:45pm

From that list, they're missing the scene after Turn It Off.

Scene 5: Bedroom

"Tomorrow is a Latter Day" ................. Elder Cunningham and Elder Price

(no idea if that's the correct name, but with the lyric change that is my best guess)

#5Book of Mormon Song List
Posted: 4/2/11 at 12:31am

Looking back at that list, so many of the songs are just so well written and executed. The vest bit in "Turn It Off" was the hardest I have laughed in a theatre in a long time.

"Art, in itself, is an attempt to bring order out of chaos."-Stephen Sondheim

taylorPHENOMENON2 Profile Photo
#6Book of Mormon Song List
Posted: 4/2/11 at 12:33am

Sorry, the song is called I Am Here For You.

#7Book of Mormon Song List
Posted: 4/2/11 at 12:37am

How many times have you seen the show, Taylor?

"Art, in itself, is an attempt to bring order out of chaos."-Stephen Sondheim

CockeyedOptimist2 Profile Photo
#8Book of Mormon Song List
Posted: 4/2/11 at 12:38am

bwayfan7000, the vest moment was my favorite in the entire show. I died.

taylorPHENOMENON2 Profile Photo
#9Book of Mormon Song List
Posted: 4/2/11 at 6:25pm

8 times.

#10Book of Mormon Song List
Posted: 4/2/11 at 6:34pm

Wow! That's impressive, and I'm jealous. I'm hoping to see it a second time sometime in the future if I'm lucky. So, assuming you have seen it since previews, was it changed much? I remember hearing that the first performance might as well have been frozen, but I'm curious how invested the team was in fixing little things.

"Art, in itself, is an attempt to bring order out of chaos."-Stephen Sondheim

taylorPHENOMENON2 Profile Photo
#11Book of Mormon Song List
Posted: 4/2/11 at 7:34pm

I saw it 3 times in the first week and it wasn't until second week of previews that changes were made. The most noticeable was All American Prophet were a lot of the lyrics and staging changed. They basically just made the song more relevant to Elder Price. Another significant change was General Coney's name was changed to General Butt****ingnaked. I'll write more when I'm not on my phone.

#12Book of Mormon Song List
Posted: 4/2/11 at 10:54pm

I thought General Butt****ingnaked's name was one of the funniest parts of the show...glad they changed that!

"Art, in itself, is an attempt to bring order out of chaos."-Stephen Sondheim

taylorPHENOMENON2 Profile Photo
#13Book of Mormon Song List
Posted: 4/2/11 at 11:22pm

"Hello my name is Elder Butt****ingnaked" - hilarious! Also grateful that added that. Other then what I've mentioned, the most changed aspect was the Bedroom scene dialogue. Not my favorite scene, but the way they've reworked it now really strengthens the character's relationships. The song lyrics were more "i'll be by your side" instead of now "tomorrow is a latter day, i'll be here for you".

#14Book of Mormon Song List
Posted: 4/2/11 at 11:25pm

I wasn't a huge fan of the bedroom scene, either, but that song was pretty. I loved the use of "latter day" musically throughout the show.

Since you've seen it so many times, you would probably be able to answer a question I have. When I saw it, the bathroom line at intermission was SO LONG that I missed a tiny bit of act 2 (which I was SO mad about). I only missed the entr'acte and the scene at the very top of the act, which I walked in just at the very end of, with Jesus and probably Joseph Smith. Could you possibly recap that like 30 second bit so I know what happened?

"Art, in itself, is an attempt to bring order out of chaos."-Stephen Sondheim

taylorPHENOMENON2 Profile Photo
#15Book of Mormon Song List
Posted: 4/3/11 at 12:12am

Totally. I'll type it out the best I can!

Trey Parker narration: "And they it came to pass that the prophet Joseph Smith discovered The Book of Mormon on golden plates. But what exactly is the Book of Mormon about? It tells of two hebrew tribes at war in ancient america: the gentle Nephites, and the wicked Lamonites. They fought many great battles. But then, just after his crucifixion, Christ appeared!"

Jesus: "I am Jesus! I've just been crucified on the other side of the world, you guys! ...Three days before I'm resurrected, in that time, I will preach to you here in america!"

Trey Parker narration: "And although Christ told them many things, and the Nephite named Mormon wrote the teachings on plates of gold. Plates, that became the Book of Mormon! A book that is still today read by missionaries all over the WORLD!"

#16Book of Mormon Song List
Posted: 4/3/11 at 12:18am

Thank you so much! I'm glad I didn't miss that much.

I hope I'll end up going back the show really was so wonderful.

"Art, in itself, is an attempt to bring order out of chaos."-Stephen Sondheim

Kad Profile Photo
#17Book of Mormon Song List
Posted: 4/3/11 at 12:22pm

If you want to get technical with that song list, there's also Elder Price's act two reprise/shameless "Tomorrow" reference of the "Orlando" theme that was throughout the show, and Nabalungi's sad reprise of "Hasa Diga Eebowai".

Changing the General's name was such a smart decision. It actually made the character work better for me, because before he wasn't that amusing. (and "Hello, my name is Elder Warlord" wasn't as hilarious)

"...everyone finally shut up, and the audience could enjoy the beginning of the Anatevka Pogram in peace."

Smaxie Profile Photo
#18Book of Mormon Song List
Posted: 4/3/11 at 12:50pm

General Butt F--king Naked also references General Butt Naked (real name: Joshua Milton Blahyi), a Liberian warlord who killed mercilessly, performed human sacrifices and beheadings, drank blood and would battle while completely naked, which is where his nickname stems from. He claimed to be "saved" after a visit from Christ in 1996, shortly after civil war ended in Liberia and is now a preacher. So [SLIGHT SPOILER] his appearance in the "Hello" reprise cleverly mirrors what happened to Blahyi in real life. Proof that real life is stranger than fiction.

As for the character's previous name, there is also a Ugandan warlord Joseph Kony, leader of the violent Lord's Resistance Army, but I'd agree that the change in character name generates more laughs, particularly again in the "Hello" reprise where his appearance stops the song to a huge response.

Begin at the beginning and go on till you come to the end: then stop.
Updated On: 4/3/11 at 12:50 PM

kyl3fong2 Profile Photo
#19Book of Mormon Song List
Posted: 4/3/11 at 1:31pm

Does anybody have audio for Book of Mormon? I am really interested in hearing the songs from this show

#20Book of Mormon Song List
Posted: 4/3/11 at 4:11pm

if you look around on this persons blog they have some recordings of some of the songs


EDIT: Sorry the link wont work because its got a naughty word in it but you get what the first four letters are for the begins with an F . Updated On: 4/3/11 at 04:11 PM

taylorPHENOMENON2 Profile Photo
#21Book of Mormon Song List
Posted: 4/3/11 at 4:12pm

Thanks for the info Smaxie!

#22Book of Mormon Song List
Posted: 4/4/11 at 12:00am

Planning on seeing this with my 16 year old daughter but am having second thoughts after reading this thread. Too over the top raunchy, even for a snarky city kid? Thoughts?

#23Book of Mormon Song List
Posted: 4/4/11 at 12:12am

Not at all. In fact, unless you're averse to hearing the f-bomb dropped a ton of times, I think you'll be fine. I would be WAY more uncomfortable with my family in Avenue Q (and I was, actually...) than in Mormon. Avenue Q has a song about porn and a sex scene. Mormon just has really foul language. Especially a 16-year-old. Go and have a great time.

"Art, in itself, is an attempt to bring order out of chaos."-Stephen Sondheim

#24Book of Mormon Song List
Posted: 4/4/11 at 12:27am

Thanks for sharing that blog!! I cannot wait for the cast recording of this show...I see that whoever recorded these went to an earlier preview.
