Visiting NYC - show suggestions

#1Visiting NYC - show suggestions
Posted: 5/6/11 at 5:34pm

I will be in NYC the first week in June for my tri-annual NYC Theater trip (last visit was in January 2011). I thought I had all my slots filled, but I think I may pass on House of Blue Leaves and (possibly) IHO at the Public. I thought House would be absurdist humor but sounds kind of dull and IHO just seems like an excruciating marathon.

I am seeing:

Sister Act
Book of Mormon
Anything Goes
Catch Me if you Can
War Horse
Normal Heart

From my prior NYC trips, I have seen almost everything (aside from those listed for this trip) and possibly have 2 slots to fill from the following list:

Jerusalem (not very hyped about this one)
Bengal Tiger (ditto on the not hyped)
M***f with the Hat
Importance of Being Ernest
Good People (would LOVE to see this but it will be closed before I get there)

I have seen pretty much everything else on Broadway. Other options would be something off-Bway (like the Sleep No More). Any suggestions? Or - does anyone want to talk me into liking IHO despite the wildly divergent opinions on this site and on NYTimes site?

PS - I also have tickets for People in the Picture (passing on that) and Wonderland (passing on that as well). And before anyone wonders how I can pass on shows I paid good $$$ for, I prefer to enjoy my vacation. Dont usually blow off this many shows, but this year was quite unusual in that way.

Thanks in advance for any opinions.

Anakela Profile Photo
#2Visiting NYC - show suggestions
Posted: 5/6/11 at 6:26pm

I'd go see Jerusalem or Sleep No More from the choices you listed.

So, can I have your Wonderland tickets? :)

WickedOne2 Profile Photo
#2Visiting NYC - show suggestions
Posted: 5/6/11 at 6:43pm

I just saw Motherf**cker with the Hat and loved it. Bobby Cannavale was incredible.

"I wish the stage were as narrow as the wire of a tightrope dancer, so that no incompetent would dare step upon it." Goethe

#3Visiting NYC - show suggestions
Posted: 5/6/11 at 7:29pm

If you like Kushner, I'd encourage you to see iHo. For me the 3.5 hours went by quickly. Yes, the characters talk in long-winded intellectual ways, but that's part of the story: why can't these people seem to connect more emotionally given the reason they have been brought together. You've got Spinella and Emonds, two great Kushner interpreter, doing really good work, and a solid cast overall.

little_sally Profile Photo
#4Visiting NYC - show suggestions
Posted: 5/6/11 at 7:47pm

I'm partial to Jerusalem. I thought it was fantastic.

A little swash, a bit of buckle - you'll love it more than bread.

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#5Visiting NYC - show suggestions
Posted: 5/6/11 at 7:54pm

Go see Sleep No More! It's unlike anything else you'll see on your trip, maybe ever.

A work of art is an invitation to love.

pennydreadful Profile Photo
#6Visiting NYC - show suggestions
Posted: 5/6/11 at 8:32pm

SLEEP NO MORE. Sorry for the all-caps, but this show warrants it! It's unique, it's wonderful, it's like being in an interactive dream world for 3 hours. I still dream about it.

Mr. Wonderful
#7Visiting NYC - show suggestions
Posted: 5/7/11 at 10:51am

If you can only see two, see THE IMPORTANCE OF BEING EARNEST and THE MOTHERF**CKER WITH THE HAT. I also highly recommmend BORN YESTERDAY.

uncageg Profile Photo
#8Visiting NYC - show suggestions
Posted: 5/7/11 at 11:13am

I hve been hearing a lot of people rave about "Sleep No More". I would also suggest "And By the Way, Meet Vera Stark". I wasn't crazy about Act II but it is a good play. I would also suggest Motherf**ker With The Hat. Loved it. Born Yesterday was a lot of fun also.

Just give the world Love.

hermionejuliet Profile Photo
#9Visiting NYC - show suggestions
Posted: 5/8/11 at 12:04am

If you enjoy Kushner, you should see iHo. There's alot of great writing, and it is performed wonderfully.

So, that was the Drowsy Chaperone. Oh, I love it so much. I know it's not a perfect show...but it does what a musical is supposed to do. It takes you to another world, and it gives you a little tune to carry with you in your head for when you're feeling blue. Ya know?

#10Visiting NYC - show suggestions
Posted: 5/8/11 at 1:05am

I am in the same situation.. Hit NYC 4 or 5 times a year... and see most of the shows.. I will also be in town first week of June and was last in town April.
In April I had tickets to People in the Picture and was going to skip out on it, but ended up staying an extra day and went and saw it.. I really enjoyed it. It is not perfect theater, but I really do think its worth seeing. Donna Murphys performance alone is worth seeing.
I also really like Vera Stark and I really enjoyed it!

#11Visiting NYC - show suggestions
Posted: 5/8/11 at 8:52pm

Yes skip Wonderland and the other musical you have skipped. I am shocked they made it to Broadway.
