Help me choose

#1Help me choose
Posted: 8/9/15 at 11:17am

We are going to New York during Tony weekend and we have slots for four shows and we are open to anything, what choices would you make out of the shows below?

It would be nice if the shows we see would be hyped at the Tony's. We for sure want to see Fun Home in one of the slots so out of....

School Of Rock


The Color Purple



She Loves Me-in case that it extends

Shuffle Along

On Your Feet

The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas-Depending on casting and opening

What would you Choose???

dramamama611 Profile Photo
#2Help me choose
Posted: 8/9/15 at 11:21am

Well, it's a bit hard to predict what will be considered hot for the Tonys......Since most haven't been seen yet.


Hamilton, for sure.

School of Rock, probably.



Can't speak to anything else.  I'd secure your Hamilton tix now (or soon) but decisions for everything else can wait.  At least for now.

If we're not having fun, then why are we doing it? These are DISCUSSION boards, not mutual admiration boards. Discussion only occurs when we are willing to hear what others are thinking, regardless of whether it is alignment to our own thoughts.

#3Help me choose
Posted: 8/9/15 at 11:27am


The Color Purple

and Fiddler 

^those are what i would do if i were you

#4Help me choose
Posted: 8/9/15 at 11:33am

She Loves Me is one of my favorite shows ever.  The last revival by the Roundabout was perfection, so I am guessing they will get it right again.  Great cast as well.  

Shuffle Along sounds like it could be terrific as well.

Of course, right now, you have plenty of time to decide and and can wait to see how Fiddler, Allegiance, Color Purple, and On Your Feet fare with critics and chat boards.  Maybe one of them will become the / a must see show of the season...doubt that any of those will have a large advance, so quick action once the verdict is in will be okay to ensure good seats.

i am betting that Shuffle will have a large advance and early interest, given the credentials of ALL involved, plus it will be in a small theatre, so that would be one to get in advance, I am guessing.

wish i were here2 Profile Photo
wish i were here2
#5Help me choose
Posted: 8/9/15 at 12:07pm

Personally I would choose:



She Loves Me

Glittergrrl Profile Photo
#6Help me choose
Posted: 8/9/15 at 1:08pm

Shuffle along has Audra! Joshua Henry! Billy Porter! That should be on your list.


 You had me at Audra, but Joshua Henry too... Just take my money!

#7Help me choose
Posted: 8/9/15 at 1:42pm

I would get tickets to Hamilton now and wait on the others. Many of these could be either good or bad. No way to know until they've started, and I doubt you'll have significant difficulty getting tickets to anything a few weeks in advance--and many even closer. 

The shows I'm most excited for are shuffle along and she loves me. I'd be hard pressed to skip those based on the casts. I'm also really excited for the color purple, which is a show I enjoyed on tour and the casting for this revival is incredible. I know some on this board were not a fan, but I had low expectations and the tour impressed me, so I will definitely be seeing this. I'll also definitely see fiddler because I've never seen it. 

I have high hopes for allegiance but a part of me is worried it's not going to be good. I will wait until people start seeing it to make a plan to see it. 

American psycho is not on your list but I find that really intriguing. I love Duncan sheik's music but it seems like an insanely bizarre movie to turn into a musical. This means to me it will probably turn out to be either brilliant or terrible. 

What I'd do is grab tickets to Hamilton now and then see how the other shows are received and selling. I'd nab tickets for anything selling out in advance and for the rest I'd wait to see what is nominated. 

#8Help me choose
Posted: 8/9/15 at 2:26pm

Wait for the reviews on School of Rock. Andrew Lloyd Webber is usually a safe bet, and of course there's the historical significance of it being in the Winter Garden Theatre, but you never know.

Definitely see Hamilton if you could. 

#9Help me choose
Posted: 8/9/15 at 2:27pm

School of Rock, Hamilton, and either Fiddler or Shuffle Along. I am sensing a Chicago-esque vaudevillian vibe from Shuffle Along.
