Michael Ball - Hip surgery?

iminsidethemusic Profile Photo
#0Michael Ball - Hip surgery?
Posted: 5/31/04 at 5:01am

I heard through the grapevine that Michael Ball had been hospitalized and had hip surgery. Anyone know how he's doing?

Thanks Michael Ball - Hip surgery?

kec Profile Photo
#1re: Michael Ball - Hip surgery?
Posted: 5/31/04 at 5:45am

Haven't heard a thing about this, What is your source for this information? A news article or a rumor? Updated On: 5/31/04 at 05:45 AM

#2re: Michael Ball - Hip surgery?
Posted: 5/31/04 at 8:53am

This topic was introduced on the fan club forum by someone who insisted that they had firsthand information. The moderators told everybody not to post about it until it was confirmed with Michael (they just hate it when they are scooped). The thread was then locked and mysteriously disappeared the next day. The moderators have locked topics before, but they rarely remove them completely. My guess is that these actions by the moderators are confirmation enough...or maybe he was having some other procedure.

kec Profile Photo
#3re: Michael Ball - Hip surgery?
Posted: 5/31/04 at 9:47am

I saw that posting... whoever that person was did not provide a source of her information, only that she "knew." Which is why I requested a source of this information from iminsidethemusic. Since any kind of surgery would be part of Mr. Ball's private life, frankly I don't see what business it is of anyone not part of his circle of family or friends. If it has been in the newspapers, then that's a different story. Updated On: 5/31/04 at 09:47 AM

#4re: Michael Ball - Hip surgery?
Posted: 5/31/04 at 4:56pm

Kathy, generally I would agree with you that anybody's operation should remain a private matter. However in the case of these rumours - the type of operation suggested necessitates, as somebody has pointed out on WOS, a recovery time of several months. In this case it becomes of interest as many fans are planning expensive trips to see Michael in concert this summer. One at least is less than six weeks away.

If he did undergo a hip replacement as was suggested, I cannot see that he would be back on his feet in time for the first concert at Llangollen.

#5re: Michael Ball - Hip surgery?
Posted: 5/31/04 at 6:41pm

This explains everything!

Now I know why Lady DofB is not posting messages at BWW. She's at Michael Ball's bedside acting as his ministering angel of love.

How touching!

"Long live God!" (GODSPELL)

JP Profile Photo
#6re: Michael Ball - Hip surgery?
Posted: 5/31/04 at 8:50pm

I don't know if it's true or not..but if he needs help I'll take over a shift or two....

Updated On: 5/31/04 at 08:50 PM

iminsidethemusic Profile Photo
#7re: Michael Ball - Hip surgery?
Posted: 6/1/04 at 5:59am

To answer Kec, my source was mostly rumor.

Hip surgury can take months to heal, as Baz mentioned. Knowing lots of people who are planning on attending concerts on the upcoming tour, I was trying to find out anything I could . . .

Certianly Michael deserves his privacy, but also fans who are planning on attending concerts also deserve some warning if they are going to be canceled?

Also I know a lot of his fans are just generally concerned by this rumor . . .

Broadwayboobs Profile Photo
#8re: Michael Ball - Hip surgery?
Posted: 6/1/04 at 7:50am

If it's true please let me know and I'll take a shift too !!!

"To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment. Ralph Waldo Emerson

#9re: Michael Ball - Hip surgery?
Posted: 6/1/04 at 5:40pm

JFC here comes the drool again.

JP Profile Photo
#10re: Michael Ball - Hip surgery?
Posted: 6/1/04 at 6:31pm

Sorry, no drool..just genunine concern over . . . and if some do drool, so what? He's a good looking man with a wonderful talent...can't fault anyone for liking the entire package.

Lily White
#11re: Michael Ball - Hip surgery?
Posted: 6/2/04 at 11:26am

I heard he had surgery but would be fine and dandy in plenty of time for his summer engagements. I don't think that the details need to be discussed on these boards.

iminsidethemusic Profile Photo
#12re: Michael Ball - Hip surgery?
Posted: 6/4/04 at 2:36am

Well, Lily White, I can only hope you are right in that he will be fine before the summer engagements.

As for discussion . . . it still seems like other than your assurance here, nothing is being said ANYWHERE regarding this rumor either in the admittal or denail aspects.

Call me a concerned fan and friend of other very concerned fans . . .

Oh, and BTW . . . Vegas Lady . . . DEFINITELY nothing wrong with appreciating the WHOLE package!

west end fan
#13re: Michael Ball - Hip surgery?
Posted: 6/4/04 at 5:01am

In the original thread on the MBFC forum the administrators told fans that they would contact Michael's management and let fans know. They did not come back to fans with any comment. They just deleted the thread completely.

Michael's management must now be aware of the 'rumour' and although this is Michael's private life I would have thought some comment from them would be in order, even if only to set fans minds at rest about the summer concerts.

The deleting of threads and the lack of any comment serves only to increase further rumour and speculation.
Updated On: 6/4/04 at 05:01 AM

#14re: Michael Ball - Hip surgery?
Posted: 6/5/04 at 3:41pm

Eddie Van Halen had hip replacement surgery at age 41 and was back on the road again in six months.

#15re: Michael Ball - Hip surgery?
Posted: 6/17/04 at 5:48am

i also read that thread, before it "disappeared".causes lots of speculation. they should make a statement, one way or the other.no details need be given. would put a lot of minds at rest, concerning travel plans, etc.

pure rubbish what i've read on other boards about the surgery possibly being something else, such as liposuction! he is actually one of those fortunate beings who looks better with a little meat on his bones!

i am quite surprised there has been nothing in the tabloids, if there is any truth at all to the rumors!

#16re: Michael Ball - Hip surgery?
Posted: 6/17/04 at 7:39am

A) I had not heard about this. I hope Mr. B is alright. He seemed ok at SLC. I'm hoping he'll be here in the fall for Chitty. If so, we're still on for opening night, right?

B) You feeling alright, DP? What is this LadyDofB stuff?


kec Profile Photo
#17re: Michael Ball - Hip surgery?
Posted: 6/17/04 at 10:51am

No news is good news...given the fact that Michael is doing a concert in a little under a month in Wales, if he was not going to be able to do it, I believe an announcement would have been made by now.

As I have said before, this is part of his private life. As such, we should respect his privacy and let the matter rest.

D, Chitty isn't going to Broadway until Spring 2005. If MB is part of it, I would love to attend opening night, but probably won't be able to.

JP Profile Photo
#18re: Michael Ball - Hip surgery?
Posted: 6/17/04 at 2:27pm

I don't think that anyone means to pry, or needs to know details. Just that he's okay. Basically it's been a month snce he left Salt Lake and has hardly been what one would call visible. It is very simple to issue a statement stating he's fine, he's under the weather, on holiday. Something offical to finally put the matter to rest. I don't think the concern is just going to fade away. Frankly I wish the person who had originally posted on Michael's fan club would have kept her bloody mouth shut.

#19re: Michael Ball - Hip surgery?
Posted: 6/17/04 at 2:41pm

Agree with you there Vegaslady. KEC's right though, I think we'd have heard by now if there was going to be any interruption in his summer performance schedule. I think those going to Llangollen on July 11th will see a healthy, rested Michael and will have a great time...wish I could be there!

"Take Care! When I am thwarted I am very terrible!"

Faith2 Profile Photo
#20re: Michael Ball - Hip surgery?
Posted: 6/17/04 at 3:04pm

Michael Ball, did someone mention Michael Ball?????

I think Michael has been relaxing on some remote Island, enjoying the warm summer sun on his face, and enjoying the soft warm sand trickel between his toes while running in and out of the waves of a beautiful blue sea!

Just wish I was there with him....hey, wait a minute, this is my fantasy so I CAN be there if I want to.... re: Michael Ball - Hip surgery?

Seriously, I'm sure if there was a problem, we would have heard by now.

...and D...save a seat for me at the Chitty premier... re: Michael Ball - Hip surgery?

There is a curious paradox that no one can explain; Who understands the secret of the reaping of the grain, Who understands why spring is born out of winter's laboring pain, Or why we all must die a bit before we grow again. -from "The Fantasticks"

JP Profile Photo
#21re: Michael Ball - Hip surgery?
Posted: 6/17/04 at 3:17pm

I hope so Faith. I really and truly hope so. But no message on the infoline. . the blanket of silence . . . I hope when he shows on the 11th he's rested,fit and tanned. Maybe I've lived in Sin City too long. . .and I'm suspicious by nature.

#22re: Michael Ball - Hip surgery?
Posted: 6/17/04 at 3:22pm

Hip surgery?? Perhaps he should be joining Bernadette and Crawford for that engagement at the retirement home......

JP Profile Photo
#23re: Michael Ball - Hip surgery?
Posted: 6/17/04 at 4:55pm

I don't know if it was hip surgery and neither does anyone else. He's much younger than Bernadette or Crawford. And I doubt that Van Halen fits into the old age home category either.

Jimmcf Profile Photo
#24re: Michael Ball - Hip surgery?
Posted: 6/17/04 at 5:00pm

Did he shake his tail feather too much?

My mother always used to say, "The older you get, the better you get, unless you're a banana." - Rose Nyland
