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My First Time to Hear 'Forbidden Broadway'

My First Time to Hear 'Forbidden Broadway'

StickToPriest Profile Photo
#0My First Time to Hear 'Forbidden Broadway'
Posted: 8/26/04 at 8:05pm

Holy crap! This is the funniest thing I have ever heard. And that is no exaggeration! I bought the Forbidden Broadway 20th Anniversary CD. It is so frickin' hysterical!!

Especially 'Chita-Rita:America', 'I Couldn't Hit that Note', 'Somewhat Overindulgent' and 'Into the Words'.

"Sondheim" singing:
The thoughts are clear
If understood
I have no peer 'cause I'm so good!
The score is the star,
The stars are just wood.
I sort of hate to ask it,
but what's a rhyme for basket?"

"Chita Rivera" singing:
"My name is Chita and not Rita.
Rita is Rita but not Chita.
Liza likes Chita but not Rita.
I wouldn't mind if they shot Rita."

Chita: "I am a verstaile actress"
Rita: "Long as you stay on the matress"
Chita: "I can play any role I choose"
Rita: "Gypsys, Italians and Black Jews"

I'm sorry.....but this stuff is GENIUS!!

"One no longer loves one's insight enough once one communicates it."

The opposite of creation isn't war, it's stagnation.
Updated On: 8/26/04 at 08:05 PM

#1re: My First Time to Hear 'Forbidden Broadway'
Posted: 8/26/04 at 8:11pm

I love FB! If you ever have the chance to, defintely try to see the show- I loved the Summer Shock one, it was hilarious!

J-Pill Profile Photo
#2re: My First Time to Hear 'Forbidden Broadway'
Posted: 8/26/04 at 8:11pm

I know "Into the Words" and it is beyond hysterical!
I plan on seeing my first Forbidden Broadway when I'm in the city in January.

Elphaba984 Profile Photo
#3re: My First Time to Hear 'Forbidden Broadway'
Posted: 8/26/04 at 8:39pm

I love the "More Miserable" parody they do with Les Mis. I personally didn't like Les Mis but I think how they poke fun at it is hysterical.

"You can't stop someone who wants to be an artist. If they're going to do it, they're going to do it... Work as hard as you can on the things you can work on. Until it seems like there is no possible chance you're going to succeed, don't give up." ~ANDREW ASNES avatar: me and jason gillman... in the pouring rain.

StickToPriest Profile Photo
#4re: My First Time to Hear 'Forbidden Broadway'
Posted: 8/26/04 at 9:52pm

And 'Patti Lupone' singing....

I get no kick in a show.
A Broadway song doesn't thrill me for long.
EVITA was no happy spree,
But I get a kick out of me.

I get a kick when I smile and sneer
and people cheer a-for me,
I get a kick though my voice is so shrill,
cause Frank Rich will still adore me. sides hurt....why is this so funny!!?!

"One no longer loves one's insight enough once one communicates it."

The opposite of creation isn't war, it's stagnation.
Updated On: 8/26/04 at 09:52 PM

CapnHook Profile Photo
#5re: My First Time to Hear 'Forbidden Broadway'
Posted: 8/26/04 at 10:17pm

How many times you gonna change the title font?

"The Spectacle has, indeed, an emotional attraction of its own, but, of all the parts, it is the least artistic, and connected least with the art of poetry. For the power of Tragedy, we may be sure, is felt even apart from representation and actors. Besides, the production of spectacular effects depends more on the art of the stage machinist than on that of the poet."

StickToPriest Profile Photo
#6re: My First Time to Hear 'Forbidden Broadway'
Posted: 8/26/04 at 10:20pm

I was experimenting. re: My First Time to Hear 'Forbidden Broadway' It's fun. I'm done now. And I only changed it twice.

"One no longer loves one's insight enough once one communicates it."

The opposite of creation isn't war, it's stagnation.

#7re: My First Time to Hear 'Forbidden Broadway'
Posted: 8/26/04 at 10:28pm

I LOVE "Forbidden Broadway"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Corine2 Profile Photo
#8re: My First Time to Hear 'Forbidden Broadway'
Posted: 8/26/04 at 11:10pm

It is the best show ever.

StickToPriest Profile Photo
#9re: My First Time to Hear 'Forbidden Broadway'
Posted: 8/27/04 at 3:04pm

I love all the little hidden references that only a true theatre geek would get.

Like this bit of dialogue:

Rita Moreno: Hello, Chita.
Chita Rivers: Rita, what are you a-doing here?
Rita Moreno: I a be doing the movie version of THE RINK. Ill proably win another...Oscar. You can present it.

Or Mandy Patinkin in 'Somewhat Overindulgent':
"So if you like my twenty songs on CD
You should come and see me every night.
Dressing casual and loose"

LMAO! God..I'm obsessed.

"One no longer loves one's insight enough once one communicates it."

The opposite of creation isn't war, it's stagnation.

eyeonbroadway Profile Photo
#10re: My First Time to Hear 'Forbidden Broadway'
Posted: 8/27/04 at 3:39pm

Glad you discovered it! Only true theatre geeks will get it and that's what's fun about it. I guarantee if you play it for your non-theatre-ish friends they're going to look at you with blank My First Time to Hear 'Forbidden Broadway' Saw it our last time in NY and REALLY enjoyed it!!

Corine2 Profile Photo
#11re: My First Time to Hear 'Forbidden Broadway'
Posted: 8/27/04 at 3:40pm

I took my boss last year and I had to keep explaining it to him.
He still loved it and wanted to see it again.
I took him three times.

#12re: My First Time to Hear 'Forbidden Broadway'
Posted: 8/27/04 at 3:54pm

"It costs 100 dollars to come see the show,
And 100 more to leave" - My Souvenir Things

"I'm 30 years old tomorrow,
And I haven't worked since I played Annie, when I was 10."

"This is my moment,
(No it's mine you stupid idiot)
Now I'm a star,
(A star from StarSearch with that song)
When I start screaming, steaming and creaming i'll go...
(Far as I can tell we'll both be out of a job in a week)
This is my key change
(I'll do one too, ::bays at the moon::)
I'll do it higher, any note you can sing I can sing higher
(I can sing any note higher than you)
No you can't, can't, can't
(Yes I can, can, can)
Yes I can!

See Jekyll and Hyde, perfect for people who find Andrew Lloyd Webber's music too challenging.
Jekyll and Hyde: It's Phantom Lite.

HAHAHA!! I couldn't control myself... muahaha

glitzguy3 Profile Photo
#13re: My First Time to Hear 'Forbidden Broadway'
Posted: 8/31/04 at 10:54am

i love forbidden broadway!

Corine2 Profile Photo
#14re: My First Time to Hear 'Forbidden Broadway'
Posted: 8/31/04 at 11:06am

re: My First Time to Hear 'Forbidden Broadway'
re: My First Time to Hear 'Forbidden Broadway'
I adore the show.

lildogs Profile Photo
#15re: My First Time to Hear 'Forbidden Broadway'
Posted: 8/31/04 at 1:25pm

i was a HUGE fan of the albums--i had them on cassette tape if that tells you anything, but i saw the show several months ago and i was VERY disapopinted. The show seemed to have no director at all. The women were all quite good, but the men were AWFUL, both great singers, but not even an attempt at portraying the characters or even the actors who play them...the house was very empty, so maybe they had an off nite....i certainly hope so...

Corine2 Profile Photo
#16re: My First Time to Hear 'Forbidden Broadway'
Posted: 8/31/04 at 5:01pm

The men were awful? Are you kidding?
Did you see David Benoit and Michael West?

lildogs Profile Photo
#17re: My First Time to Hear 'Forbidden Broadway'
Posted: 8/31/04 at 6:15pm

saw west but not benoit--thought he was a good harvey but that was it....his "alan cumming" was especially bad....

another sloe eyed vamp Profile Photo
another sloe eyed vamp
#18re: My First Time to Hear 'Forbidden Broadway'
Posted: 8/31/04 at 8:18pm

It looks like the funniest songs are the ones from Volume 2. Are the others as good?

#19re: My First Time to Hear 'Forbidden Broadway'
Posted: 8/31/04 at 8:21pm

I'll be there this weekend for Summer Shock, can't wait to see how they do Wicked, Avenue Q, and Boy From Oz.
I was wondering if they do Caroline or Change.
Last time I was there, they did a great Millie, and The Lion King was really cool with the K Mart props!
Are the bathrooms still called Urinetown? Well I guess I'll find out soon.

#20re: My First Time to Hear 'Forbidden Broadway'
Posted: 8/31/04 at 11:33pm

Lyfisacabaret, you are TOO fab! Hahaha, I've just decided to purcahse FB after reading this thread. I love nerdy theatre jokes that only a few freaks in the audience understand. (And that's all of us, guys.)
A bit off topic--anyone see the two Gypsy refrences they threw out on the Fox show "Arrested Devolpment" last week? It was PERFECT--the mother runs around her house with a wine glass singing "Roses Turn", and, a little while later, snaps "How do you like them eggrolls, mr. Goldstone?" to her husband. It was genuis!
