What Have You Written?

#0What Have You Written?
Posted: 12/21/04 at 10:36am

Since we talk about other folks' talent, I think that the talented ones here (I'm sure you're all talented) don't give themselves enough credit. So, have you written anything? A play, A musical, award-winning poems?

I've written an opera (Apologia), a song cycle (Anthems), and I'm currently writing a musical (What goes around...). I'm also writing my first play (Wretched Epiphany). My poems have been published worldwide in Touch of Tomorrow, and A Celebration of Poets. I've won $130,000 overall for my three pieces of poetry (Anatomy of a Musical, 1853, and Chess and War).

You? :)

OtherDaryl Profile Photo
#1re: What Have You Written?
Posted: 12/21/04 at 1:37pm

One original one-act play produced in New Orleans back in the 80's. While it won a local contest, and in hindsight was pretty dreadful. More often, I've adapted extant works for stage production - big on Reader's Theatre I am - for example, John Preston's Franny, the Queen of Provincetown.

"Love Life. Live." Michael Bennett

Rathnait62 Profile Photo
#2re: What Have You Written?
Posted: 12/21/04 at 1:38pm

A lot of posts on this board. That's pretty much it. I'm not creative.

Have I ever shown you my Shattered Dreams box? It's in my Disappointment Closet. - Marge Simpson

Theatreboy33 Profile Photo
#3re: What Have You Written?
Posted: 12/21/04 at 3:33pm

A comedy play called "Oregon Trail" based off of the popular computer game. It was produced in NYC last month at the stella adler studios. Also a lot of sketch comedy.

CATSNYrevival Profile Photo
#4re: What Have You Written?
Posted: 12/21/04 at 3:34pm

airplane the musical. don't ask.

Link Larkin Wanabe Profile Photo
Link Larkin Wanabe
#5re: What Have You Written?
Posted: 12/21/04 at 5:52pm

I have one musical that I am writing that has been picked up by a producer and will be workshopped in 2007 (hah...that may seem far to you, but to me that is very soon) titled either Metropolitan or Urban Jungle (I haven't decided yet....i don't really like either). I am also working on a smaller peice called Of Gold that I hope to produce after my first one. I am really happy with how both of them are turning out, and I am learning and evolving so much as a songwriter because of them. Of Gold is a particularily unique and personal peice that I hope will eventually get rocgnized (hah...even though i have only written two songs so far, I have it fairly well planned out in my head).


cturtle Profile Photo
#6re: What Have You Written?
Posted: 12/21/04 at 6:34pm

i wrote a puppet show once titled COTTON WHITE AND THE SEVEN SLAVES. i'm sure it's right up there with AIRPLANE THE MUSICAL.

RIP glebby <3

#7re: What Have You Written?
Posted: 12/21/04 at 6:49pm

I am attempting to write "The Haunted Toilet Opera Musical," which is based on a bunch of strange dreams my friends and I have had. The furthest this will probably ever get is a production in my backyard for a bunch of local eight year olds. And that would be a miracle.

#8re: What Have You Written?
Posted: 12/21/04 at 7:03pm

So much talent!

Link, what type of music is it? I mean, pop, gospel, opera, etc.? I'm curious!

BroadwayDiva Profile Photo
#9re: What Have You Written?
Posted: 12/21/04 at 7:13pm

I've gotten poems published in books, I've won a few writing contests. I've attempted a play once, but it didn't work.

Ooh, and fan fiction.

I have my books and my poetry to protect me...

broadway_star_tomorrow Profile Photo
#10re: What Have You Written?
Posted: 12/21/04 at 7:16pm

poems, songs. right now, nothing beyond that, though i would love to attempt a musical someday. i'm more of a performer at heart.

AKA Idina Pashmina

Type_A_Tiff: There's nothing hard about her. Broadway_star_tomorrow: Yeah. Her arteries.

Mr Roxy Profile Photo
Mr Roxy
#11re: What Have You Written?
Posted: 12/21/04 at 7:18pm

Absolutely nothing

Poster Emeritus

Link Larkin Wanabe Profile Photo
Link Larkin Wanabe
#12re: What Have You Written?
Posted: 12/21/04 at 7:20pm


Hah...I wish I knew the answer to that. I definitely use a lot of different styles in my writing. I am very ecclectic and really let the song dictate what style it will be in. Most of it is sort of Melodic Rock...think Rent, but with a bit more melody. There is a bit of R&B and Pop in there...For my first musical because of the wide mix of characters it lends itself well to this mix of styles...but for Of Gold I am going to have to work on defining a musical style for the peice, which will be tough.


#13re: What Have You Written?
Posted: 12/21/04 at 7:22pm

I once wrote a skit called "Hansel and Gretel" that we performed in front of a bunch of little kids for a cultural diversity day. I remember a lot of the lines.

HANSEL (jumping onstage)
I'm Gretel - I mean, Hansel!

GRETEL (jumping onstage)
And I'm Gretel!

And this is the Hansel and Gretel Happy Hour!

(Both do a little jig while humming an upbeat "Two Ladies" from Cabaret.)

On the day of performance, it was changed to us yodeling in harmony. Updated On: 12/21/04 at 07:22 PM

#14re: What Have You Written?
Posted: 12/21/04 at 7:30pm

I wrote a children's book for a contest in elementary school. I think I wrote one poem for an assignment in high school. And that's just about all the creative writing I've done. I kind of regret that now- it's like my brain only knows how to write in essay form.

My Fair Lady Profile Photo
My Fair Lady
#15re: What Have You Written?
Posted: 12/21/04 at 7:31pm

I do a lot of fiction work (not fan fiction) but it's never very good. I'm better with memoirs. Overall, I'm a pretty good writer.

munkustrap178 Profile Photo
#16re: What Have You Written?
Posted: 12/21/04 at 7:33pm

I am currently writing a musical called IDINA. It is the same exact premise of EVITA, but about the life of Idina Menzel. It starts at her funeral, and in the very first scene dozens of scary Idina obsessed girls jump off the roofs of buildings because they can't deal with the sadness.

"If you are going to do something, do it well. And leave something witchy." -Charlie Manson

Staci1818 Profile Photo
#17re: What Have You Written?
Posted: 12/21/04 at 7:53pm

I wrote a play at age six or seven that had two girls, a fairy godomther, and a dog. Thats all I can remember. I've helped with a few small skits and hope to write a sceen or two, as a pardy of life at my camp over the summer.

Other than that, I've atempted to write a musical, and I hate the three lines I have so far, I still need a decent premise. Other than that, I've written a fan fiction or two, but I disliked them immensly. I have a bunch of original stories, most unfinished, I have a tendancy to loose intrest.

I've won a few poetry concerts.

#18re: What Have You Written?
Posted: 12/21/04 at 8:16pm

Being the Harry Potter geek that I am, I want to write Harry Potter: the Musical with my friend. I'm sure there is a professional one in the works somewhere that has J.K. Rowling's blessing, but that's not going to stop us. Updated On: 1/14/05 at 08:16 PM

#19re: What Have You Written?
Posted: 12/21/04 at 8:20pm

I've written music for a half dozen children's plays, and done arrangements for a dozen or so musical revues.

Link Larkin Wanabe Profile Photo
Link Larkin Wanabe
#20re: What Have You Written?
Posted: 12/21/04 at 8:24pm

Hah good for you littered2.

I wrote a musical adaptation of Spiderman taht started as a joke, but ended up being really good. I was at first going to make it all hokey, but it started getting really sincere and character driven. Unfortuneately they recently announced U2's verison of the musical, so mine really has no hope, but I am hoping that i can at least salvage some of the songs and rework them so they fit into some future musical. Hah...I had an Act 1 closing song that was SOOO similar to Defying Gravity (which I wrote about a year before Wicked was around).

Oh and also one of my first musicals I wrote was in grade 5 and it was an adaptation of the Phantom Tollbooth. It was actaully pretty good now taht I think back on it hah...i'm gonna go have to find the tapes of that one...

But it's probably smartest to write original musicals when you are starting out rather than adaptation because chances of a first-timer getting rights are slim. Hah...I decided that if i ever get big enough i will buy the rights to 10 Things That I Hate About You and write my punk-rock musical version of it. I already have some funny songs for it.


bob8rich Profile Photo
#21re: What Have You Written?
Posted: 12/21/04 at 8:30pm

In answer to the question - and in case anyone is interested (lol) - I have written (or co-written) the Book & Lyrics for 5 musicals - and have a number of songs available to download online:


NOVA - the Musical with a Virtual Twist




And I have written or co-written the lyrics for a number of pop, rock, folk, country songs:



Updated On: 12/21/04 at 08:30 PM

#22re: What Have You Written?
Posted: 12/21/04 at 8:31pm

Link -

10 Things I Hate About You the musical! What could be sweeter? PLEASE work on that!

#23re: What Have You Written?
Posted: 12/21/04 at 8:32pm


I love the music for Rent, so I'm sure I'd love your musical. I must say, dabbling in different forms of music is definately fun. I work on the Sondheim scale, meaning I don't sacrafice story or plot for a song, and I don't focus on spectacle or ginormous orchestrations to make a song good and meaningful. My songs don't have a distinctive melody, yet each song creates an emotional circle, meaning while it doesn't have a real melody, the whole song is a melody. And so the whole show is really many emotional circles within an emotional circle!

Apologia, the opera I wrote, was difficult to say the least. I think it's a life-changing expierence to write a performance piece, expecially an opera because you discover talents you never knew existed. I like to find an inspiration from another show, for example, Apologia inspiration was Pacific Overtures, and What Goes Around...'s inspiration was Into The Woods. I don't play piano enough to write music, but I can read it perfectly (well, as perfect as a blonde can! :)), and I put notes into this awesome program, the Noteworthy Composer, and I'm able to write like that. I'm so cheap I use the demo to print and write and play my scores. SO [time for a cheap promotional plug], if you or anyone would like to listen to any song, feel free to PM me.

Glad I could talk to a fellow composer!

#24re: What Have You Written?
Posted: 12/21/04 at 8:35pm

ive written lots of articles for NY Newsday....that they actually used and paid me for
