
My Audition- Not Called Back. Now What?

My Audition- Not Called Back. Now What?

#0My Audition- Not Called Back. Now What?
Posted: 2/16/05 at 2:50pm

Hi. I auditioned for a community theatre show today. We performed one song and did some dancing in groups of 5 or 6 in front of the director. We didn't do any readings for any of the parts. A total of over 50 people tried out. The director read off a list of about 15-20 people he wanted to call back for auditions later this week. He said if you don't get a call back, it doesn't mean you won't get a part. The show has a lot of people in it, but only has about 7 main characters (lots of supporting characters as well as some chorus townspeople). I didn't get a call back. What does that mean? This was my first audition and I am wondering if I will be offered a role. What should I expect- a small supporting role with some singing or a non-speaking townsperson?!? We won't be told until Friday. Any thoughts from seasoned theatre people out there?

TGIF Profile Photo
#1re: My Audition- Not Called Back. Now What?
Posted: 2/16/05 at 2:59pm

I would mostlikey expect a townsperson. They might have liked you but not for any particular role. But some directors are weird and you might get a bigger part. However, don't expect a director to give you a lead (or supporting character) without having you read.

But good luck and keep at it.

I want to write music. I want to sit down right now at my piano and write a song that people will listen to and remember and do the same thing every morning...for the rest of my life. - Jonathan Larson. Tick, Tick...BOOM!

jim coleman
#2re: My Audition- Not Called Back. Now What?
Posted: 2/16/05 at 3:02pm

The director probably is only calling back people for the principal roles. He heard everyone sing and dance, but no readings. He is probably looking for something specific for each role. You might get a chorus part, and sometmes in community theatre smaller roles are cast from the ensemble. Don't be discouraged. One thing you will learn about this business is how to deal with auditions and rejection. I am not implying that you will be rejected, it is just an everyday part of this business. Enjoy the experience. Good Luck to You!!!


#3re: My Audition- Not Called Back. Now What?
Posted: 2/16/05 at 3:05pm

One thing you have to learn as an actor is "Don't look back." You go in, you give your audition, you do your best, and then you move on. Don't try to second guess the director. You may have given the most perfect audition ever, but you may be taller, shorter, darker, lighter, etc, etc, etc. Forget the audition and start thinking about the next one. If you get a part, that's excellent. If you don't, you've already moved on to other things.

Sondheim said it so well in Sunday in the Park with George: "Just keep moving on".

If anyone ever tells you that you put too much Parmesan cheese on your pasta, stop talking to them. You don't need that kind of negativity in your life.

ProducerJeff Profile Photo
#4re: My Audition- Not Called Back. Now What?
Posted: 2/16/05 at 3:07pm

My answer would be its hard to say. Just because you didn't get a call back does not mean you are not getting a role. Conversely just because one gets a call back doesn't mean one is getting a role. Bottom line is you need to sit tight and wait until the cast list is posted. I would guess that since you did not get a call back that if you are offered a role it will be a smaller role or an ensemble role. Either way think of it as a learning process and just enjoy it all.

What show was it you auditioned for?

#5re: My Audition- Not Called Back. Now What?
Posted: 2/16/05 at 3:45pm

It's hard to do, but you can't take auditions personally. It so very often doesn't come down to who's good or better, it's more about who's right or who fits. It took me a long time for me to realize that MY LOOK very often caused me to be rejected or selected before I even opened my mouth. Each person cast has to fit with all the other people in the show as well as the part they are to play.

In one of Neil Simon's books he remarked that Marsha Mason wanted to sit in on casting one of his shows because she'd never understood how casting directors made up their mind. After the day was over she said "Now I understand. You don't choose them, they choose themselves."

In any case, don't let an audition get you down. Work on your art and just do your best every time. When it's right it will happen.

#6re: My Audition- Not Called Back. Now What?
Posted: 2/16/05 at 6:00pm

Although it's probably not the case if you didn't get to read anything, you just never know. I didn't get called back when I auditioned for My Fair Lady - and I got cast as Eliza Doolittle. Other times I've gone to 3 and 4 callbacks and got nothing. You should try to talk to someone who has worked with that director/theatre company before to see how things usually work. And try not to stress! Good luck!

...and your children start to leave you from the moment they are born.

#7re: My Audition- Not Called Back. Now What?
Posted: 2/16/05 at 9:35pm

These message have made me feel better. I guess it's hard not to take a rejection (or the idea of not being what the director wants) well.

I am really wondering what is in store for me with this show. The musical is "Music Man."

CatieElphie1 Profile Photo
#8re: My Audition- Not Called Back. Now What?
Posted: 2/16/05 at 10:38pm

I didn't get called back for the Music Man, but I got Eulalie Shinn...not too shabby. But I agree with everyone else..it just depends on the director, and how you did. I've been to auditions where all we had to do was read "sam I am" by dr. seuss and got called back based on that....odd

Was that a fat joke?

bronxboundexpress Profile Photo
#9re: My Audition- Not Called Back. Now What?
Posted: 2/16/05 at 11:20pm

I would start facing the likliness that you bombed this audition. Your chances of having one of those 7 parts is about one in a million. The most you can ever pray for is a chorus part. Have you ever considered spot light?

#10re: My Audition- Not Called Back. Now What?
Posted: 2/17/05 at 9:19am

Well, that's the funny thing "Bronx." I didn't bomb the audition. I actually did quite well. But thanks for the vote of negativity. :)

Switz78 Profile Photo
#11re: My Audition- Not Called Back. Now What?
Posted: 2/17/05 at 11:18am

Also realize that community thater often has more politics and nepotism then you would think. Often times the director gives a part to someone who's done all the shows are someone who is their friend over the person who could sing ti the best. A show is a show no matter what part you are and you will learn something from doing it. Congrats on taking the first step into this crazy world!!!

#12re: My Audition- Not Called Back. Now What?
Posted: 2/17/05 at 11:59am

Nothing you can do now except wait and see. Callbacks are for whoever they need to see more from - so, in theory at least, if you're not called back, either they know they don't want you or they know already that they do want you. You may get a part. You may not, in which case you go to more auditions. About the only sure thing is that you will audition for shows and not get parts (and, if you keep trying, sometimes you will get parts). You may never know why you didn't get a part so there's no use in taking it personally (I know, easier said than done!) - you could have been wonderful in your audition but not what they were looking for, you could have been wonderful but someone else was more wonderful, you could have been wonderful but you remind the casting director of their ex so they didn't like you. (Of course, you could have been not so great and still get a part...)

Isn't this fun? :)

Marlothom Profile Photo
#13re: My Audition- Not Called Back. Now What?
Posted: 2/17/05 at 12:06pm

Community Theater ROCKS!!! what is the productions?

"Observe how bravely I conceal this dreadful dreadful shame I feel."
