
Why Is Wildhorn Never Mentioned?

Why Is Wildhorn Never Mentioned?

#0Why Is Wildhorn Never Mentioned?
Posted: 3/24/05 at 7:40pm

Is is ouber-bad?

All I know is "this is the moment"

Thenardier Profile Photo
#1re: Why Is Wildhorn Never Mentioned?
Posted: 3/24/05 at 7:40pm

What do you mean "Why is he never mentioned?"

I have a thread devoted to J&H and Dracula...I always talk about him...

FOAnatic Profile Photo
#2re: Why Is Wildhorn Never Mentioned?
Posted: 3/24/05 at 7:43pm

My lord...have you never heard "In His Eyes"?

That song brings me to tears.

Also that one song from Dracula..."Before the Summer Ends" is a beautiful number.

"I love talking about nothing. It is the only thing I know anything about." - Oscar Wilde
Updated On: 3/24/05 at 07:43 PM

Mr Roxy Profile Photo
Mr Roxy
#3re: Why Is Wildhorn Never Mentioned?
Posted: 3/24/05 at 7:45pm

The critics consider him sub human as do many on this board

He composes the "dreaded" pop music. Pop music is basically music that is listenable as to opposed to a lot of the dreck critics fawn over

Poster Emeritus

Thenardier Profile Photo
#4re: Why Is Wildhorn Never Mentioned?
Posted: 3/24/05 at 7:46pm

I love Wildhorn.

He is one of my favorite composers - and I have only seen one show live (twice)...unless I get down to NJ to see frtiz and zelda

MikeH Profile Photo
#5re: Why Is Wildhorn Never Mentioned?
Posted: 3/24/05 at 7:47pm

True, true Mr Roxy......

Some truly beautiful melodies (a new life, etc.) Updated On: 3/24/05 at 07:47 PM

CATSNYrevival Profile Photo
#6re: Why Is Wildhorn Never Mentioned?
Posted: 3/24/05 at 7:54pm

the civil war makes me cry. the prologue brought a tear to my eye and by track five I was crying uncontrollably ... then started crying again for "If Prayin' Were Horses", and "Nurse's Diary", and then "Candle in the Window" and "Five Boys" in act two... ugh. it's too much...

Thenardier Profile Photo
#7re: Why Is Wildhorn Never Mentioned?
Posted: 3/24/05 at 7:56pm

Civil War should be here this weekend with Melissa's CD!

melissa errico fan Profile Photo
melissa errico fan
#8re: Why Is Wildhorn Never Mentioned?
Posted: 3/24/05 at 8:38pm

I'm not a Wildhorn fan, although he has written some songs that I do enjoy. I hate "The Civil War", strongly dislike "Dracula" although it has several very enjoyable songs, and really have no opinion of "Jekyll and Hyde" and "The Scarlet Pimpernal".

I may be tempted to go to Jersey and see "Scott and Zelda". It's going to be playing in Marlton, right next to my hometown.

#9re: Why Is Wildhorn Never Mentioned?
Posted: 3/24/05 at 8:57pm

I think Wildhorn can be hit or miss. I can't get over the way he handled the Dracula recording situation though.

melissa errico fan Profile Photo
melissa errico fan
#10re: Why Is Wildhorn Never Mentioned?
Posted: 3/24/05 at 9:00pm

Yeah, the DRACULA thing was very douchebag of him.

Thenardier Profile Photo
#11re: Why Is Wildhorn Never Mentioned?
Posted: 3/24/05 at 9:05pm

I would say that too...but the producers weren't so great themselves...

PB ENT. Profile Photo
#12re: Why Is Wildhorn Never Mentioned?
Posted: 3/24/05 at 10:19pm

www.pbentertainmentinc.com BWW regional writer "Philadelphia/South Jersey"
Updated On: 5/28/05 at 10:19 PM

Thenardier Profile Photo
#13re: Why Is Wildhorn Never Mentioned?
Posted: 3/24/05 at 10:34pm

I so want to go down...but it's 2 hrs away!

Dracula has already been recorded...and has a planned release of April 15th

Mr Roxy Profile Photo
Mr Roxy
#14re: Why Is Wildhorn Never Mentioned?
Posted: 3/24/05 at 10:46pm

Great to hear re Dracula's release date

To many. Frank is the anti-christ. What a shame. I am tired though of him constantly taking it on the chin & not firing back with both barrels @ his critics. He has nothing to lose. What will they do - give him bad reviews.

Poster Emeritus

#15re: Why Is Wildhorn Never Mentioned?
Posted: 3/24/05 at 10:46pm

I unabashedly love Wildhorn. Jekyll and Pimpernel are two of my favorite shows, I like what he writes for tenor's. If ever in search of a belty number, look for Wildhorn. Granted... some of the shows arent' great, it's the music that makes them. Jekyll has the worst book ever. But God that music... and Anthony Warlow on that two disc... gotta love it. And Dracula was the best comedy of last season! Life after life after life after life after life after life after life after... well, you get what I mean. A wonderful blend of boobs and satire. You can't tell me that was a serious show. Everyone in it was really good, but the show... man. Alas. I'm rambling.

But yeah. I dig Wildhorn.

Thenardier Profile Photo
#16re: Why Is Wildhorn Never Mentioned?
Posted: 3/24/05 at 10:55pm

That's another thing, Mr Roxy...

While I don't say it's an excuse, Wildhorn keeps getting screwed....

THe King of Conept Recording - he had three shows on bway at one time...

Mr Roxy Profile Photo
Mr Roxy
#17re: Why Is Wildhorn Never Mentioned?
Posted: 3/24/05 at 10:59pm

How many famous composers can say that?

This is something the critics can never take from him

Poster Emeritus

Thenardier Profile Photo
#18re: Why Is Wildhorn Never Mentioned?
Posted: 3/24/05 at 11:07pm


I think it is great honor...even though Civil War lasted 3 months...whihc I don't think is the music's fault

CATSNYrevival Profile Photo
#19re: Why Is Wildhorn Never Mentioned?
Posted: 3/24/05 at 11:10pm

for civil war I think had they just put the concept recording song order on Broadway it would have been fantastic... but they changed it. WHY!!??

Thenardier Profile Photo
#20re: Why Is Wildhorn Never Mentioned?
Posted: 3/24/05 at 11:12pm

That seems to be the question asked of all Frank's shows...Why the change?

You'd think by now producers would have realized this trend...

Updated On: 3/24/05 at 11:12 PM

Mr Roxy Profile Photo
Mr Roxy
#21re: Why Is Wildhorn Never Mentioned?
Posted: 3/24/05 at 11:12pm

Most of those who hated the show in the critical community hated the music - probably for no other reason than it was Wildhorn

Poster Emeritus

Thenardier Profile Photo
#22re: Why Is Wildhorn Never Mentioned?
Posted: 3/24/05 at 11:14pm


I love this thread!

CATSNYrevival Profile Photo
#23re: Why Is Wildhorn Never Mentioned?
Posted: 3/24/05 at 11:24pm

pimpy 3.0 is beautiful. they got it right that time. re: Why Is Wildhorn Never Mentioned?

#24re: Why Is Wildhorn Never Mentioned?
Posted: 3/24/05 at 11:24pm

I love his music, but there's always something n.q.r. about his shows. I (personally) prefer Daniel Sturman

Now THERE's a great composer!

Who can explain it, who can tell you why? Fools give you reasons, wise men never try -South Pacific
