
Standing Ovations 3 - Performer Lineup + a few tix still on sale...

Standing Ovations 3 - Performer Lineup + a few tix still on sale...

Rob Profile Photo
#0Standing Ovations 3 - Performer Lineup + a few tix still on sale...
Posted: 3/31/05 at 12:24pm

Here's the initial line-up of folks that'll be performing along with the usual continuing additions and last-minute surprises. Standing Ovations 3 - Performer Lineup + a few tix still on sale...

Joe's Pub has just released the last few available tickets, so get 'em now!

Currently scheduled to perform in the concert are: Bryan Batt, Shoshana Bean, Brandi Burkhardt, Kristoffer Cusick, Natascia Diaz, Rob Evan, Sara Gettelfinger, Rita Harvey, Cady Huffman, Cheyenne Jackson, Gregory Jbara, Erin Leigh Peck, Solange Sandy, Marty Thomas, Barbara Walsh, the return of UPSTAGE, and more BroadwayWorld favorites to be announced shortly. The concert will also feature new songs and appearances by composers Neil Berg, Charles Leipart, and Frank Wildhorn.

Standing Ovations 3 will be directed by Jamie McGonnigal, with music direction by Broadway vet Larry Blank, and will be produced by Robert Diamond.

Updated On: 3/31/05 at 12:24 PM

Benzy92 Profile Photo
#1re: Standing Ovations 3 - Performer Lineup + a few tix still on sale...
Posted: 3/31/05 at 12:46pm


Shoshana Bean :)

Probably the best line up to date!

#2re: Standing Ovations 3 - Performer Lineup + a few tix still on sale...
Posted: 3/31/05 at 1:55pm

Wow! How do you do this? What a line-up! You need a bigger venue so more theater lovers can come and enjoy. I can't wait!

#3re: Standing Ovations 3 - Performer Lineup + a few tix still on sale...
Posted: 3/31/05 at 2:49pm

Yeah! This means I can *finally* post the news on Gregory Jbara's web site. Just did exactly that, including the link to the article here at BwW.com. Had to wait until it was announced here, naturally, but have known Greg was going to be part of this for about a week and a half now. I understand he's to sing a Leipart song.

Sounds like a great line-up!

InfiniteTheaterFrenzy Profile Photo
#4re: Standing Ovations 3 - Performer Lineup + a few tix still on sale...
Posted: 3/31/05 at 3:04pm

Erin Leigh Peck! YAYAYAY!

[title of show] on Broadway. it's time. believe.

TabooWickedFan Profile Photo
#5re: Standing Ovations 3 - Performer Lineup + a few tix still on sale...
Posted: 3/31/05 at 3:54pm

yea Cheyenne Jackson!!! This is going to be an awesome night!

"But I relish every brillant inspired moment. This is who I'm determined to be- an actor/singer/dancer-no, I take that back, this is who I am. These people are my tribe, my destiny. I know it. -How I Paid for College; A story of sex, theft, friendship and musical theater.

#6re: Standing Ovations 3 - Performer Lineup + a few tix still on sale...
Posted: 3/31/05 at 5:39pm

Yea, Cheyenne Jackson (I'm trusting there will be photos of this event.)

And, notice how calm I am even though Patrick Wilson was not listed...

Rob, Jamie, Craig...notice how I DIDN'T foam at the mouth and begin to convulse...notice how I am staying perfectly quiet...

*folds hands in lap...and thinks...*

Where are we going, and why am I in this handbasket?

Patrick Wilson Fans --New "UnOfficial Fan Site". Come check us out!

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Updated On: 4/1/05 at 05:39 PM

#7re: Standing Ovations 3 - Performer Lineup + a few tix still on sale...
Posted: 3/31/05 at 7:54pm

just wondering what,or whom, "upstage" is.

-Paul Miller.

#8re: Standing Ovations 3 - Performer Lineup + a few tix still on sale...
Posted: 3/31/05 at 8:09pm

UPSTAGE = boy band ... see some pics at the link

go here Updated On: 3/31/05 at 08:09 PM

JamieMcG Profile Photo
#9re: Standing Ovations 3 - Performer Lineup + a few tix still on sale...
Posted: 4/1/05 at 11:47am

Patrick is going to be out of town unfortunately, but I tried...just for you beacon.

"There is nothing scary about life, if you are not attached to the results." - Conversations With God

bdwaygirl Profile Photo
#10re: Standing Ovations 3 - Performer Lineup + a few tix still on sale...
Posted: 4/1/05 at 12:10pm

How 'bout Mr. Euan Morton, since he'll be in town for a little bit and will be at the Rosie's Belters concert a mere 6 days prior to this? re: Standing Ovations 3 - Performer Lineup + a few tix still on sale...

I hung out with Cheyenne Jackson in his dressing room waayyyyyy before he tickled D2.

"unleash the girly"

Our fingerprints don't fade from the lives we touch.

Puppies are babies in fur coats.

Tinfoil...The Terrorizing Terminator

Updated On: 4/1/05 at 12:10 PM

#11re: Standing Ovations 3 - Performer Lineup + a few tix still on sale...
Posted: 4/1/05 at 3:32pm

Awwww, Jamie!

Thanks for trying...(((Jamie)))

Conveniently "out of town..." Hmmm. ("out of town"...could that be "code" for "he will be barricaded in his safe room"?)

Perhaps next time it might will help if you don't say "beacon1 wants you there" ...for some reason's he's gotten a might skittish...

Where are we going, and why am I in this handbasket?

Patrick Wilson Fans --New "UnOfficial Fan Site". Come check us out!

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Patrick Wilson Facebook Fan Page

Updated On: 4/1/05 at 03:32 PM

#12re: Standing Ovations 3 - Performer Lineup + a few tix still on sale...
Posted: 4/1/05 at 3:57pm

Sounds like a fun line-up! To think I was so close to being able to come...

CCM '10!

TabooWickedFan Profile Photo
#13re: Standing Ovations 3 - Performer Lineup + a few tix still on sale...
Posted: 4/1/05 at 4:50pm

ditto with what ms. bdwaygirl says! Euan Morton would be an awesome addition! So excited for this ahh

"But I relish every brillant inspired moment. This is who I'm determined to be- an actor/singer/dancer-no, I take that back, this is who I am. These people are my tribe, my destiny. I know it. -How I Paid for College; A story of sex, theft, friendship and musical theater.

QtKt Profile Photo
#14re: Standing Ovations 3 - Performer Lineup + a few tix still on sale...
Posted: 4/2/05 at 6:47pm

I am SO excited for this!!!!!
What a great line up! re: Standing Ovations 3 - Performer Lineup + a few tix still on sale...

#15re: Standing Ovations 3 - Performer Lineup + a few tix still on sale...
Posted: 4/2/05 at 8:41pm

What about composer/lyricist and witty poster Marc Shaiman???

Where are we going, and why am I in this handbasket?

Patrick Wilson Fans --New "UnOfficial Fan Site". Come check us out!

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My Fair Lady Profile Photo
My Fair Lady
#16re: Standing Ovations 3 - Performer Lineup + a few tix still on sale...
Posted: 4/2/05 at 8:52pm

I don't think Shaiman's posted in a while.

#17re: Standing Ovations 3 - Performer Lineup + a few tix still on sale...
Posted: 4/3/05 at 1:01am

Where will the after-party be now that Fez has closed?

Benzy92 Profile Photo
#18re: Standing Ovations 3 - Performer Lineup + a few tix still on sale...
Posted: 4/3/05 at 12:58pm

Is Scott Nevins still going to host.. I didnt see his name listed and he's a must have!

StephanietheStar Profile Photo
#19re: Standing Ovations 3 - Performer Lineup + a few tix still on sale...
Posted: 4/4/05 at 11:16am

Kristoffer Cusick!

3rd row YAY!!

and all that I could do because of you was talk of love...

#20re: Standing Ovations 3 - Performer Lineup + a few tix still on sale...
Posted: 4/5/05 at 11:42am

This is going to be fun *counting down the days*

son_of_a_gunn_25 Profile Photo
#21re: Standing Ovations 3 - Performer Lineup + a few tix still on sale...
Posted: 4/6/05 at 5:26am

"I don't think Shaiman's posted in a while."

He threadjacked my prarie dog language thread to talk about Woo and ended up making me miss my dog just a few days ago. He is still around. re: Standing Ovations 3 - Performer Lineup + a few tix still on sale... Some of us do have lives... Well at least we like to pretend we have lives...

My avatar is a reminder to myself. I need lots of reminders...

#22re: Standing Ovations 3 - Performer Lineup + a few tix still on sale...
Posted: 4/6/05 at 12:24pm

True that. Scott Nevins needs to host.

And what IS the deal with the afterparty...?

Andrew, tonight isn't about you! It isn't even about me!!! - [FD]

iflitifloat Profile Photo
#23re: Standing Ovations 3 - Performer Lineup + a few tix still on sale...
Posted: 4/6/05 at 7:41pm

I'm still holding out hope for RobbieJ.

Sueleen Gay: "Here you go, Bitch, now go make some fukcing lemonade." 10/28/10

#24re: Standing Ovations 3 - Performer Lineup + a few tix still on sale...
Posted: 4/7/05 at 12:54am

And Eddie. Have we heard anything about Eddie with or without the Varlettes?

Rest in peace, Iflitifloat.
