Munk's comments on ALTAR BOYZ

munkustrap178 Profile Photo
#0Munk's comments on ALTAR BOYZ
Posted: 4/26/05 at 11:53pm

While I have only heard enthusiastic responses to this show, I can't say that truly comprehend what all the buzz was, and is about. No doubt, it's a high-energy, "fun" (depending on your definition of the word "fun") evening - and trust me, I didn't go to this show looking to walk out a changed person. I thought I'd get that out there since whenever I don't positively review a show, people say I'm an "elitist" or just don't like fun things. Clearly, this is not true.

Given, the cast is all (for the most part) very talented. However in a show like this, that talent will only carry the show for so long. How many songs can you sing that are all basically saying the same exact thing? There are only so many "funny" words you can play with when singing about religion. There are only so many laughs you're going to get from people who still find the redundance funny. The songs are all generally upbeat and nice to listen to, however I find it hard to believe that they're going to be recording this. Is anyone actually going to sit there and listen to these religious songs? I say religious because when not onstage and when not seeing the obvious camp behind everything, it's just like a Christian rock album. The "jokes" won't translate.

The one standout in the cast is the fantastic David Josefsberg. The only one I had heard anything about was Tyler Maynard, and how hysterical he is. This might be news to me, but since when is acting like an over-the-top flaming homosexual funny? Does he think he's in a drag show? When doing something like that, it gets to a point where it's not funny anymore and it starts getting obnoxious - which was exactly what he was 5 minutes into the show. A fabulous dancer, but I swear - if he delivered one more line blankly then turned to smile at the audience I would have vomited. How acting like that onstage gets you award nomination(s) is beyond me. Josefsberg, as Abraham, was the only genuinely sincere Altar Boy, and he has the best voice out of the group.

Tyler Maynard does, however, deserve an honorable mention only for the ending of his only big number, Epiphany, when he literally embodies Jennifer Holliday the last few seconds and surprised the hell out of me - I almost choked on my gum, it's that dead-on. Sadly, his performance never transcends obnoxious camp, but I would be delighted to go to any drag-karaoke bar in New York City and hear him sing "And I'm Telling You I'm Not Going," but only if he promises not to fix his hair.

I was very upset that I didn't truly enjoy this show, but it literally got to the point where it stopped being funny and started to get grating - and that was less than half way through.

While the other performers, the adequate voiced Scott Porter, the likeable Andy Karl, and the unintelligible Ryan Duncan, all provide high energy, none of them seem to make this material work. And I hesitate when I use the word material. Nearly all of the jokes are things you've heard before - but don't worry, you hear most of them twice in this show.

How many references to a crucifix can you have? And when does mocking the overly-religious youth cross the line of mockery and camp into preaching? Clearly, no one involved with ALTAR BOYZ knows this answer, but I know I do. And the answer? Somewhere in the second number.

"If you are going to do something, do it well. And leave something witchy." -Charlie Manson

InfiniteTheaterFrenzy Profile Photo
#1re: Munk's comments on ALTAR BOYZ
Posted: 4/27/05 at 12:03am

I agree with you 100% on David Josefsberg. I didn't realize until I saw Altar Boyz that I had seen him before... in Last 5 Years! He was wonderful- a standout- in both. His number is my favorite in Altar Boyz. He has just GOT something on stage.

[title of show] on Broadway. it's time. believe.

munkustrap178 Profile Photo
#2re: Munk's comments on ALTAR BOYZ
Posted: 4/27/05 at 12:08am

I hope he goes places - he seems to have already done more mainstream work than the rest of the class (Played The Fonz in the MORK AND MINDY TV movie) and he's certainly the most talented. And, in my opinion, the most attractive.

"If you are going to do something, do it well. And leave something witchy." -Charlie Manson

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#3re: Munk's comments on ALTAR BOYZ
Posted: 4/27/05 at 12:10am

Had fun tonight, munk! I'll post about it tomorrow, though.

A work of art is an invitation to love.

munkustrap178 Profile Photo
#4re: Munk's comments on ALTAR BOYZ
Posted: 4/27/05 at 12:15am

Me too darling, thanks for the ticket. Hopefully tomorrow I'll see you again.

"If you are going to do something, do it well. And leave something witchy." -Charlie Manson

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#5re: Munk's comments on ALTAR BOYZ
Posted: 4/27/05 at 12:16am

Tomorrow's going to be a catch-me-if-you-can kind of thing, but hopefully I'll see you!

Glad we could FINALLY see a show together. re: Munk's comments on ALTAR BOYZ

A work of art is an invitation to love.

munkustrap178 Profile Photo
#6re: Munk's comments on ALTAR BOYZ
Posted: 4/27/05 at 12:39am

Same here - we must do it again.

"If you are going to do something, do it well. And leave something witchy." -Charlie Manson

#7re: Munk's comments on ALTAR BOYZ
Posted: 4/27/05 at 1:08am

that's sad... i opened this thread praying that you had so much fun like so many others... oh well.

Juliet2170 Profile Photo
#8re: Munk's comments on ALTAR BOYZ
Posted: 4/27/05 at 3:45pm

wow me too...i have to go to work but i'll have to give a thorough feedback later tonight...

umgeoboy Profile Photo
#9re: Munk's comments on ALTAR BOYZ
Posted: 4/27/05 at 3:51pm

Wow I am shocked at your review. And I, along with everyone that saw the show with me, completely disagree with your review. I never found Tyler to be over the top or annoying with his impersonation. I found the show hysterical, enjoyable, and all together a good show. I for one am looking forward to buying the cast recording and will be listening to it often. The cast all have amazing voices.

I found this show to be a wonderfully entertaining evening.

"Judy Garland, Jimmy Dean, You tragedy Queen" ~ Taboo

"Watching a frat boy realize just what he put his d!ck in...ex's getting std's...schadenfruede" ~ Ave Q

"when dangers near, exploit their fear" ~ Reefer Madness the Musical

#10re: Munk's comments on ALTAR BOYZ
Posted: 4/27/05 at 4:01pm

I understand the show's not for everybody, but compared to everything else out there, its pretty darn good. I enjoyed it, and its hard for me to enjoy camp, unless its done well. And that means ya gotta believe! re: Munk's comments on ALTAR BOYZ You completely have to believe in what you're doing, saying, and singing, and these boyz do. That's what I enjoyed about it. That, and the music is catchy. You have to understand what you're going into, as well. It's not an exotic beautiful Sondheim piece, and its not Andrew Lloyd Weber crap, either. It's just a fun musical.

Plus (if this adds anything), the whole ensemble of Altar Boyz has been nominated for a Drama League Award. And that has to say something for them and the show itself. I think the show itself is up for Best Musical or Distinguished Production.

So, there you are! (plus, for anyone who's -really- interested in the ALTAR BOYZ, like moi, I'm GOING to support them at the Drama League Awards. Along with 50 other some-odd stars. And on the cheap. :) I'm not a starf#$ker. I'm not! )

Al Dente Profile Photo
Al Dente
#11re: Munk's comments on ALTAR BOYZ
Posted: 4/27/05 at 4:13pm

"I hope he goes places - he seems to have already done more mainstream work than the rest of the class (Played The Fonz in the MORK AND MINDY TV movie) and he's certainly the most talented. And, in my opinion, the most attractive".

I was going to let this thread die the death it deserved but of course the fans felt the need to drag it up and now I feel I must speak my peace. Munk, you are only the second person to ever say such negative things about this show and the other poster who felt the need to bash it all over here and on ATC was obviously a reverse shill who didn't get a role in the show. That being said, you are the ONLY person to ever say a bad word about Maynard. I personally have nothing to go on except for the recording and it very effortlessly translates and comes across as tongue in cheek. They're great pop tunes, nothing more, nothing less and hardly preaching the good book. Again, you are more than entitled to your take on the show but the above quote is where you totally lost me. Josefberg, while a fine actor (I saw him in the awful Joy's of Sex), is hardly more aesthetically attractive than Karl and/or Porter, not by a mile. As for him being "ahead of the class", a minute long appearance in a T.V. show, does not give him that status.

carymetorent2 Profile Photo
#12re: Munk's comments on ALTAR BOYZ
Posted: 4/27/05 at 4:21pm

I too was going to let this pass... but a lot of your review bothered me.

I have seen the show enough times and often, I find myself looking around at the audience for their reactions. No one seems to find the jokes tiresome after a while ... this show is pure fun.

I do agree that David is very talented and i love a lot of his vocals throughout the show. However, i don't agree with him being the only one that really shines. I feel that each of these boys shines in their own right. Karl comes through with his amazing dance moves and vocals and he also plays Luke great ... if anyone has ever met him, they would know he is nothing like his character.

Ryan is not by any means hard to understand. In my opinion, the whole humor in Juan is how seriously he takes himself and how he is poking fun at the whole Latin pop star craze ...

As for Tyler, the things you claimed were tiresome and repetitious are what makes him so lovable. And at the end, when tyler busts out the amazing vocals in "Epiphany", it is just another side being showcased. He is vocally impressive and his dance moves are amazing. I find myself constantly watching him during the group routines because he is always so sharp and crisp with his moves.

Everyone is allowed to have their opinion, but I have to say I strongly disagree with yours. I think, you should go into Altar boyz just expecting to laugh ... its fun ... and funny.

"Less Of A Marilyn, More Of A Jackie"

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#13re: Munk's comments on ALTAR BOYZ
Posted: 4/27/05 at 4:24pm

I'm going to post my thoughts later, I have some work to do. They aren't as negative as munk's, but I do agree with him on some points. I won't go into it now, but my full post will be on this thread, too.

That said, not every show if for everybody. You were going to let it pass? Like he needs your permission not to be totally enamored with the show? That's ridiculous. You love what you do, and not everybody has to agree with you.

A work of art is an invitation to love.

Al Dente Profile Photo
Al Dente
#14re: Munk's comments on ALTAR BOYZ
Posted: 4/27/05 at 4:29pm

I was going to let the thread die bc I didn't want it to turn into what it inevitably will, "who's the best Altar boy". I know your post was not directed at me LUV but I just wanted to clarify. Munks comments are all over the place and flip flop quite a bit. And like it or not, he is in a very small minority and I'm a selfish sonofabitch that wants this show to run long enough to get a chance to see it. I even feel that way about BKLYN, for completely different reasons.

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#15re: Munk's comments on ALTAR BOYZ
Posted: 4/27/05 at 4:31pm

Nope, not directed at you. re: Munk's comments on ALTAR BOYZ

A work of art is an invitation to love.

carymetorent2 Profile Photo
#16re: Munk's comments on ALTAR BOYZ
Posted: 4/27/05 at 4:36pm

sorry in saying let it pass, i just meant i wasnt goingto comment because i know everyone is entitled to an opinion but i felt inclined to disagree on some points. Munk is entitled to an opinion, we just dont share the same views on this show :)

"Less Of A Marilyn, More Of A Jackie"

carymetorent2 Profile Photo
#17re: Munk's comments on ALTAR BOYZ
Posted: 4/27/05 at 4:36pm

sorry in saying let it pass, i just meant i wasnt goingto comment because i know everyone is entitled to an opinion but i felt inclined to disagree on some points. Munk is entitled to an opinion, we just dont share the same views on this show :)

"Less Of A Marilyn, More Of A Jackie"

#18re: Munk's comments on ALTAR BOYZ
Posted: 4/27/05 at 4:38pm

who cares what munk thinks?

#19re: Munk's comments on ALTAR BOYZ
Posted: 4/27/05 at 4:44pm

I'm not really going to say anything, because I adore this show, and really there isn't anything to say. He didn't enjoy it. That's his opinion- which he is more than welcome to (I obviously don't agree with it, but c'est la vie). It really can't be changed, and isn't something to be proved or disproved.

Munk, I'm sorry you didn't have a positive experience. But for the record, yes, people will sit and listen to these "religious" songs. I will be one of them. re: Munk's comments on ALTAR BOYZ

Al Dente Profile Photo
Al Dente
#20re: Munk's comments on ALTAR BOYZ
Posted: 4/27/05 at 4:46pm

If you don't get the camp value behind these "religious" songs, you don't get satire.

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#21Emcee on Altar Boyz
Posted: 4/27/05 at 4:46pm

I'm stuck at the computer for a bit, so I'll just put this up now.

I feel like the show is really funny, but not hysterical. I laughed a lot, but I wasn't ready to be rolling in the aisles. It's cute, campy, silly and quite funny, but I don't really, with all due respect, get what people are really buzzing about. I had a great time, and it's not at all a bad piece of theatre, I just don't really see all the hype, or how it's something people could want to see multiple times. I felt like once was definitely enough. In defense of all opinions, though, it's not a piece for everyone.

They caught the stereotype of the overproduced boy-band we all remember pretty well, and that was probably the part I found to be the funniest. Of course, their proposed religious purpose isn't too stereotypical, but I guess that's what's to be found funny, too.

The score is pretty good. I'm not sure I'll be rushing to buy the CD, though I'm sure I'll pick it up at some point. In terms of capturing what it sets out to capture, it succeeds - it's a pop score, where a lot of things kind of sound the same, sort of like the music of the boy-band phenomenon really was. It works in that sense, but that sort of takes away from the score's entertainment value. The lyrics are really damned clever, though.

It's set up like a rock concert, in terms of format. Toward the middle of the "set," though, I felt it get sort of redundant. The jokes were almost the same in every song. Yes, they sing about Jesus. Yes, they're trying to save souls. Yes, it's funny. But it also got kind of tired and old after a few songs of the same nature. It started to pick up again when they pulled out those Lambchop puppets and when they read the confessions from the audience members. That part in particular had some pretty great writing - one of my favorite parts, actually. I also loved Taylor Maynard's big number.

This is truly an ensemble cast. I feel like they all sing and dance better than they act. Maynard as Marc is adorable, and might actually be doing the most acting of any of them, but at some points I feel like he just takes it too far sometimes.

Don't get me wrong, I liked it, but I guess the bottom line is that I'm not really in love with it. It's very cute, and I like a little bit of camp every now and then, but it just wasn't all that engaging.

ETA - to you guys who are running to the show's defense, I suppose I applaud you. I'm in love with a show that a lot of people hate, and I've been in your position. I guess, though, it comes down to conceding to the fact that not everybody is going to agree with you, and just moving on.

A work of art is an invitation to love.
Updated On: 4/27/05 at 04:46 PM

Juliet2170 Profile Photo
#22Juliet on Altar Boyz
Posted: 4/27/05 at 11:19pm

hey everyone! i know you all probably expected me to jump on munk's ass about this one and believe me i was GOING to. lol but my computer's down and i havent been on the board for a while. anyway, despite the fact that Munk and Emcee didn't love the show as much as the rest of us, just LOOK at all the good things being said in defense and in praise about it that never came up once in one of my zillion posts about the Boyz.

i was all prepared to do a whole shpeel about this topic that actually included thoughtful arguments and not my usual mindless gushing but i think all the defenses so far can speak well for themselves. i'm not going to add to it for now and i'm sure everyone knows my take on this show and doesn't care to hear more! lol :)

mobstar: i love the Boyz but i DO care about what Munk thinks. both reviews on this thread are absolutely respectable and i'm just really disappointed they did not find it was engaging even though they went in with positive attitudes. i hope this doesn't deter anyone from going because everyone on the board should experience this one for themselves!

im not sorry to bump this one because i know bww people care enough to thoroughly read all the replies to these reviews and there is a lot of positive love for the Boyz that people should know about!

okay a little bit of mindlessless (i think Munk edited this but i read it when i first read the review):
"I hope he goes places - he seems to have already done more mainstream work than the rest of the class (Played The Fonz in the MORK AND MINDY TV movie) and he's certainly the most talented. And, in my opinion, the most attractive".

all the Boyz are aesthetically pleasing. everyone on the board who have not seen it, just wait until you go to the show and see their hip thrusts, that should be reason enough to go. Tyler Maynard has a role in a Solondz film in theatres right now so please don't downplay his credits. i just posted a Ryan movie not too long ago and he has some impressive creds also..etc.

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#23Juliet on Altar Boyz
Posted: 4/27/05 at 11:24pm

Juliet, I thank you for at least respecting our opinions. Trust me, I wanted to love the show after all I had heard, but for some reason, it just didn't do it for me. I wish it had. I think it's great that you're all so passionate about a show you love. Like I said, "my" show, even though it's closed still gets some bashing when it's talked about. I also thank you for not jumping down either of our throats, and trying to change minds, since that's really kind of counteractive. Thanks. Juliet on Altar Boyz Keep plugging for those Boyz. They're lucky to have devoted fans.

A work of art is an invitation to love.

CattleCall Profile Photo
#24Emcee on Altar Boyz
Posted: 4/27/05 at 11:40pm

Wow, I really don't have much time to respond, but as one of the biggest fans of Altar Boyz, I felt I needed to at least say something. Munk and Emcee, you're completely entitled to your opinions and I do respect them, but I take comfort in knowing that there are hundreds of people out there who completely disagree.

I think the reason Altar Boyz has been so well received and something that hasn't yet been mentioned on this thread, is that this show has an extreme amount of heart that isn't often seen in other shows. These characters, no matter how "campy" or "over-the-top" you think they are, are innocent, wide-eyed young men who love each other, support each other, and truly believe in what they are trying to do.

Because of that, to me, the "jokes" never become redundant or stale, because it's exactly what would happen if a Christian boy band DID exist -- 90 minutes of songs about Jesus. The reason the show is funny is because these boys aren't in on the joke. They're just doing what any other Christian boy band would do.

And on another note, while I am overly and completely thrilled that David Josefsberg is getting the recognition he deserves (truly an amazing talent), I must say that Tyler Maynard is a comedic genius who deserves every single laugh he gets at the theater each night. In my humble opinion.

But it's okay that people don't like it!! Every show has its naysayers. I will however be running to get my copy of the CD on May 17th and seeing the show again for the over 20th time sometime soon.

"I can't pay the bills yet, 'cause I have no skills yet. The world is a big scary place." - Avenue Q
