
Victoria Clark Sounds like Donald Duck Performing Opera...

Victoria Clark Sounds like Donald Duck Performing Opera...

ljay889 Profile Photo
#0Victoria Clark Sounds like Donald Duck Performing Opera...
Posted: 8/23/05 at 11:16pm


Is anyone else disturbed by this review of PIAZZA?

I've never heard anyone talk about the show like this.

PS : This is one of the worst Theatre boards around, if you think people are bad here. Spend a week there. So don't be too suprised. Updated On: 8/23/05 at 11:16 PM

Thenardier Profile Photo
#2re: Victoria Clark Sounds like Donald Duck Performing Opera...
Posted: 8/23/05 at 11:18pm

Kelli O'Hara and that Justin Timberlake lookalike did a fine job, both vocally and acting wise. Too bad the characters were dreadfully bland.

Go Kelli and JT!

#3re: Victoria Clark Sounds like Donald Duck Performing Opera...
Posted: 8/23/05 at 11:23pm

justin timberlake lookalike?



Aigoo Profile Photo
#4re: Victoria Clark Sounds like Donald Duck Performing Opera...
Posted: 8/23/05 at 11:25pm

I think a part of me died a little.

This is my signature.

morosco Profile Photo
#5re: Victoria Clark Sounds like Donald Duck Performing Opera...
Posted: 8/23/05 at 11:28pm

Further proof of the Disneyfication of Broadway.

#6re: Victoria Clark Sounds like Donald Duck Performing Opera...
Posted: 8/23/05 at 11:31pm

I thought this was you talking ljay... I was so confused for a minute.

Insulting Victoria Clark AND Matty Morrison in one review... I don't know what they think that person is playing at.

"The music seems to just wander, as if the writer was unsure where he wanted the song to go, so he just randomly picked a note." Adam Guettel is an amazing composer.

"I really don't hear any complexity in [these lyrics]them whatsoever. Just sappy romantic sonnets" They are called arias, and they are not sappy romantic sonnets.

I am so furious at this person...

Jwei123 Profile Photo
#7re: Victoria Clark Sounds like Donald Duck Performing Opera...
Posted: 8/23/05 at 11:31pm

haha that makes me laugh a little.


"I think it was the Korean tour or something. They were all frickin' asian!" -Zoran912

TheActr97J Profile Photo
#8re: Victoria Clark Sounds like Donald Duck Performing Opera...
Posted: 8/23/05 at 11:34pm

I thought the same thing Aigoo...

Donald Duck?!? ... how many Tony's has he won again?

Seriously... I think some people just bash things to start a fight and get a rise out of other people. How on earth is comparing Ms. Clark to Donald Duck an objective point?

"I seem to have wandered into the BRAIN load-out thread... "

"Sorry I am a Theatre major not a English Major"

OrdinaryJukebox1 Profile Photo
#9re: Victoria Clark Sounds like Donald Duck Performing Opera...
Posted: 8/23/05 at 11:37pm

This just goes to show that people are clearly crazy...however, don't use the Tony as an excuse...don't forget, Idina Menzel catches LOTS of slack on this board, regardless of her Tony...


#10re: Victoria Clark Sounds like Donald Duck Performing Opera...
Posted: 8/23/05 at 11:40pm

Who doesn't catch slack around here? Every single person, probably except for Julie Andrews has gotten a little bit of attitude at this boards... but I don't even think we're THAT bad compared to what was said about Victoria Clark. I just don't think I've never heard it about Victoria Clark or even much about this show... I think that is what surprised me the most.


TheActr97J Profile Photo
#11re: Victoria Clark Sounds like Donald Duck Performing Opera...
Posted: 8/23/05 at 11:49pm

That message board just like ruined my night. Just goes to show that people are morons.

Sure, everyone's entitled to their own opinion... except when it is THIS wrong!

"I seem to have wandered into the BRAIN load-out thread... "

"Sorry I am a Theatre major not a English Major"

Calvin Profile Photo
#12re: Victoria Clark Sounds like Donald Duck Performing Opera...
Posted: 8/23/05 at 11:51pm

That Julie Andrews is a no-talent hack.

Gosh, it felt terrible saying that even in jest. Pardon me while I go wash out my mouth. re: Victoria Clark  Sounds like Donald Duck Performing Opera...

TheActr97J Profile Photo
#13re: Victoria Clark Sounds like Donald Duck Performing Opera...
Posted: 8/23/05 at 11:55pm

How dare you!

Here have a bar of soap!

... I'd like to wash that "Donald Duck" poster's mouth out... well, that's the least of what I'd like to do to him... lol.

"I seem to have wandered into the BRAIN load-out thread... "

"Sorry I am a Theatre major not a English Major"

#14re: Victoria Clark Sounds like Donald Duck Performing Opera...
Posted: 8/24/05 at 12:00am

ok, i havent seen the show, but that makes me mad. i did however, find a nice post someone posted after that person bashed everything....

"In order to trust in someone's taste, he or she actually has to HAVE some.

No offense, Chucky, dear."

that made me feel a little better. but hmm, the person bashed adam guettels score, and lets see, who won the tony for best score this year?? oh, yeah, ADAM GUETTEL. and who won the tony for best actress?? VICTORIA CLARK. and who were both nominated?? KELLI O'HARA and the "justin timberlake look alike" MATTHEW MORRISON!

some people just dont appreciate good theatre *turns on the beauty is*

EDIT: this is one of the few times i will ever go off on someone like this, i just think they should find SOMETHING good to say rather than insult scores/performances that won tony awards.
there is not liking something, then there is just rude and insulting bashing.

Bob: "there is a chance, albeit a microscopic one, that our baby at some point in his or her formative years will get lodged in a tree" ~Related~
Updated On: 8/24/05 at 12:00 AM

Princeton78 Profile Photo
#15re: Victoria Clark Sounds like Donald Duck Performing Opera...
Posted: 8/24/05 at 12:17am

Everyone is entitled to an opinion. I prefered Patti Coenheur's singing as Margaret to Victoria's by a long shot. And yes, I have seen them both live.

"Y'all have a GRAND day now"

WickedGeek28 Profile Photo
#16re: Victoria Clark Sounds like Donald Duck Performing Opera...
Posted: 8/24/05 at 12:30am

were they on something when they wrote this?!

"You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view - until you climb into his skin and walk around in it."
To Kill A Mockingbird

ljay889 Profile Photo
#17re: Victoria Clark Sounds like Donald Duck Performing Opera...
Posted: 8/24/05 at 12:57am

LOL. They are talking about us now on that board.

#18re: Victoria Clark Sounds like Donald Duck Performing Opera...
Posted: 8/24/05 at 1:00am

haha, that is funny, even though they are criticizing me! i knew they complimented kelli and matty, just felt like throwing them in while my ranting was going on, and just the fact that they compared matty to justin timberlake (id like to hear him try an italian aria) made me throw it in, too, LOL.

Bob: "there is a chance, albeit a microscopic one, that our baby at some point in his or her formative years will get lodged in a tree" ~Related~
Updated On: 8/24/05 at 01:00 AM

Thenardier Profile Photo
#19re: Victoria Clark Sounds like Donald Duck Performing Opera...
Posted: 8/24/05 at 1:18am

"I don't like Sondheim. If he writes something that I like, then I will praise him. But until then, he sucks to me."

smartpenguin78 Profile Photo
#20re: Victoria Clark Sounds like Donald Duck Performing Opera...
Posted: 8/24/05 at 1:27am

But remember Nard your reading comprehension is not good, so maybe that comment is not as ridiculous to those who are older than 14.
My goodness, I was a lot happier before I had ever seen that site.

I would put our collective intellegence (minus a few non-starters Nard and I have been fighting) agaist theirs at any time, and choreograph it to a Sondheim score.

I stand corrected, you are as vapid as they say.

ljay889 Profile Photo
#21re: Victoria Clark Sounds like Donald Duck Performing Opera...
Posted: 8/24/05 at 11:21am

LOL. Read some of the posts now.

That Evan character is a real jackass. He bashes everything, bashes all the members, calls everyone bitches and f*ggots, and is really immature. And you think the mods would do something? No, they don't even delete his posts.

That would NEVER be allowed here.

freeadmission Profile Photo
#22re: Victoria Clark Sounds like Donald Duck Performing Opera...
Posted: 8/24/05 at 11:28am

That Evan guy is just vile.

#23re: Victoria Clark Sounds like Donald Duck Performing Opera...
Posted: 8/24/05 at 11:28am

Justin is WAY cuter - and can dance better!

ljay889 Profile Photo
#24re: Victoria Clark Sounds like Donald Duck Performing Opera...
Posted: 8/24/05 at 11:31am

Yeah. That Evan guy is vile. And the funninest thing is. He always claims to be the best singer, and once he posted clips of himself, and he pretty much sucked.(Well I think it was that Evan) I can't stand people like that.
Updated On: 8/24/05 at 11:31 AM
