Little Women Tour Review

John3 Profile Photo
#0Little Women Tour Review
Posted: 9/11/05 at 2:00am

Well I saw the little women matinee today at the OCPAC, well I just have to say, I really like Kate Fisher(Jo). She was great, from her acting to her singing. Maureen McGovern was splendid as usual, and the entire cast was just superb. The sets, in my opinion were really nice for a touring production, and the costumes as well. I really liked the way that Kate sang Astonishing, it was really nice to hear sung in a more legit voice than in a belt voice. The guys were all great, I really liked how Andrew Varela played Professor Bhaer, he was really convincing in the part. Somethings Are Meant To Be was very good, as well as all of Maureen's Songs. I thought that all the sisters were strong but in my opinion, Gwen Hollander didn't play the more childish Amy as good as her more adult Amy, also I thought that Renee Brna was good, I liked her voice but when she sang More Than I Am, she sang it too exact to the music, everything was really metronomic. Those were my only really big gripes but other than that I thought it was a very solid ensemble.

Ok well, I had gone with my best friend and this was her birthday present, so I decided to surprise her by taking her backstage to meet Maureen. I know some people who work there and I also have performed there, so I have some connections. Well, when we got to her dressing room, we waited till she was decent and then we went in and she greeted us and singed our programs, then we meet her dogs, who happened to be in the bathroom with those fences holding them in there. It was a great day and this little vist was a big surprise to her and she loved every minute.

There is my review,


eslgr8 Profile Photo
#1re: Little Women Tour Review
Posted: 9/11/05 at 3:55am

Your review makes me look forward to seeing it on Tuesday even more than I've been!

LizzieCurry Profile Photo
#2re: Little Women Tour Review
Posted: 9/11/05 at 4:29am

Thanks for that! I'm seeing it in Sacramento. Can't wait!

"This thread reads like a series of White House memos." — Mister Matt

JoMarch Profile Photo
#3re: Little Women Tour Review
Posted: 9/11/05 at 4:52am

Thanks for the review! Wow. Gwen Hollander is getting knocked around a lot. So did Amy McAlexander. Interesting.

WickedGeek28 Profile Photo
#4re: Little Women Tour Review
Posted: 9/11/05 at 9:15am

Thanks for the review.

The problem is people just don't like the character of Amy, but I really do. I LOVED Amy McAlexander as Amy. She played it off so well, as the youngest child I related to her and her actions very much.

"You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view - until you climb into his skin and walk around in it."
To Kill A Mockingbird

StephanietheStar Profile Photo
#5re: Little Women Tour Review
Posted: 9/11/05 at 10:32am

I have to wait till next year to see it re: Little Women Tour Review when in comes to Chicago in Jan I'll be in London! so I have to wait till Wisconsins in June or sometime around then...Thanks for the review though!

and all that I could do because of you was talk of love...

John3 Profile Photo
#6re: Little Women Tour Review
Posted: 9/11/05 at 2:44pm

Well, Gwen was good, I thought that she was better than Amy McAlexander, but she just didn't play the younger Amy as good as Amy. She was still good, she just played the character of Amy a little bit more mature. The show was very good and hope everyone who sees it has a good time.


#7re: Little Women Tour Review
Posted: 9/11/05 at 4:11pm

Seeing It in New Haven! So excited!

Renee Brna and I have actually worked together in the past. She has such a great voice. It was interesting what you said about her performance.

Hairspraydoll Profile Photo
#8re: Little Women Tour Review
Posted: 9/11/05 at 6:46pm

I'm seeing it on Sun next week. I can't wait. Renee's a good friend of mine so I'm very curious about what you said about her. Thanks for the review.

Be the change you want in the world....

John3 Profile Photo
#9re: Little Women Tour Review
Posted: 9/11/05 at 7:10pm

Don't get me wrong, I thought her voice was great, she was a very good actress, but just on that song, it was very exact to the music. But on everything else she was simple superb. She had a gorgeous upper range, also she was very sweet after the show.
