Rent movie - I know, I know

jasonf Profile Photo
#0Rent movie - I know, I know
Posted: 11/1/05 at 8:11pm

I know, just what we need, another thread, but I wanted to share this.
I had a student run up to me today, practically bursting, and she said (she's in eighth grade): "It's November! Only 22 more days!" I didn't have to ask what she was referring to! She then started singing "WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE???"

And she's not my only one - I have about 20 kids (out of 130) who are eagerly waiting for this movie (and I just teach regular seventh and eighth grade English). Some of these kids are true theater fans, some just know Seasons of Love, a couple have seen the trailer and think it looks cool. I'm telling you, if my kids are a litmus test for the country in any way, I'd be beyond thrilled if 1/6 of the country goes to see the movie!

Hi, Shirley Temple Pudding.

Piazzaslight Profile Photo
#1re: Rent movie - I know, I know
Posted: 11/1/05 at 8:15pm

I wish more kids at my school were into theatre...

MARGARET: "Clara, stop that. That's illegal." - The Light in the Piazza

"I'm not in Bambi and I'm not blonde!" - Idina Menzel
Updated On: 11/1/05 at 08:15 PM

Mandi Moo Profile Photo
Mandi Moo
#2re: Rent movie - I know, I know
Posted: 11/1/05 at 8:15pm

As long as they're quiet during the movie, I hope everyone goes to see it. :)

Marlene Profile Photo
#3re: Rent movie - I know, I know
Posted: 11/1/05 at 8:39pm

The trailer has gotten quite a lot of people at my school obsessed. Then there are also your RENTheads who couldn't be happier.

Caroline-Q-or-TBoo Profile Photo
#4re: Rent movie - I know, I know
Posted: 11/1/05 at 8:43pm

so many people are now "broadway obsessed" and now everything about broadway (or so they say) cuze they've listened to the Rent cd and seen the trailer. its sorta sick

"Picture "The View," with the wisecracking, sympathetic sweethearts of that ABC television show replaced by a panel of embittered, suffering or enraged Arab women" -the Times review of Black Eyed

One Song Glory
#5re: Rent movie - I know, I know
Posted: 11/1/05 at 8:45pm

The trailer seems to be spreading everywhere. At school today, two different kids were singing Seasons of Love 'cause they saw the trailer. And a bunch of other kids saw my RENT dog tag and said they saw the trailer and want to see it.

I'm not a gay stereotype. I'm a coincidence.

Mandi Moo Profile Photo
Mandi Moo
#6re: Rent movie - I know, I know
Posted: 11/1/05 at 8:47pm

Well, aside from a handful of drama kids at my school, I doubt anyone even cares about the movie.

Of course, I go to a school where 5 kids got arrested today and 3 left in an yeah, I've yet to see much Rent love around my school.

A lot of kids in the burbs seem to be really interested in it though.

#7re: Rent movie - I know, I know
Posted: 11/1/05 at 8:58pm

Yeah, at least 2 or 3 people in my school care or know about RENT. So I guess I can be the RENThead of the school. Yay! But it's good to hear that other people are excited for the movie. Makes the waiting even harder.

#8re: Rent movie - I know, I know
Posted: 11/1/05 at 8:58pm

The kids at my school couldn't care less. They seem to be more interested in beating people up. But hey! What ever makes them happy!

"While some feel it is a film related question, I seem to think it may be a 'I am thinking of losing my winkie' sort of question."

#9re: Rent movie - I know, I know
Posted: 11/1/05 at 9:04pm

are you a drama teacher? Because it would be cool if you were a math teacher and these were kids who didn't have any exposure to musical theater. re: Rent movie - I know, I know Updated On: 11/1/05 at 09:04 PM

michaela34 Profile Photo
#10re: Rent movie - I know, I know
Posted: 11/1/05 at 9:12pm

I was talking, more like obbsessing, about the rent movie with a few of my fellow rent fans when a couple of people overheard us and started talking about it and "how they love that one song and didn't know that that guy from law & Order could sing like that"...they all said they wanted to see it. I know a ton of people with the same view, but hey, at least they are interested. I think that people will be drawn to the film by "seasons of love". Whenever i talk to anybody who is not familiar with the show, they always talk about "...five hundred..." and how much they love the song. There interest doesn't span further than that, but i am still excited that people are excited about it.

"Are you petrified of being petrified?" harry and the potters in Save Ginny Weasley VOLDEMORT CAN'T STOP THE ROCK!

Mandi Moo Profile Photo
Mandi Moo
#11re: Rent movie - I know, I know
Posted: 11/1/05 at 9:23pm

LOL, sounds like what Rosario was saying, when people come up to her and are like 'OMG I love that song...4698230000 billion seconds...!"

jasonf Profile Photo
#12re: Rent movie - I know, I know
Posted: 11/1/05 at 9:24pm

I do teach drama as well as English - I have kids who are into the theater stuff, but also kids who've never set foot in a theater (despite my best efforts to organize trips there). I managed to sell out a bus full of kids to see Spelling Bee on the 17th -- so I lucked out somewhat in that respect.

Hi, Shirley Temple Pudding.

Piazzaslight Profile Photo
#13re: Rent movie - I know, I know
Posted: 11/1/05 at 9:42pm

I had a math teacher in 7th grade (I'm now in 8th) who LOVED theatre. She should've organized trips to the theatre for those "poor unfortunate souls." A, the good times... Time to spread the RENT word...

MARGARET: "Clara, stop that. That's illegal." - The Light in the Piazza

"I'm not in Bambi and I'm not blonde!" - Idina Menzel

#14re: Rent movie - I know, I know
Posted: 11/1/05 at 10:09pm

The kids in my school constantly sing Seasons of Love through the halls.

freelancer Profile Photo
#15re: Rent movie - I know, I know
Posted: 11/1/05 at 10:50pm

The commercials are really starting to inundate tv. I've watched three shows tonight on three different networks. Gilmore Girls, The Amazing Race, and Nip/Tuck. Three different demographics. I've seen the commercial during each.

"I'm gonna jump straight up, kick a hole in the moon. Don't know exactly where I'm going, but I'm know I'm gonna get there soon." - Jerry Lukowski (Patrick Wilson) in "The Full Monty"

iwearshoes Profile Photo
#16re: Rent movie - I know, I know
Posted: 11/1/05 at 10:52pm

I must say it is a bit frustrating to listen to kids singing sol out of tune every day. And then they come to me b/c i know all things rent saying things like "oh that guy in the trailer w/ the floppy hair is soooo hot" and i say oh you mean adam pascal? which is replied to w/ confusing looks and more out of tune singing.

neocomposer Profile Photo
#17re: Rent movie - I know, I know
Posted: 11/1/05 at 10:59pm

I think its important for everyone to remember that there are plenty of paths to becoming a broadway freak/obssessive broadway person/ broadway monster/ broadway geek/ person married to broadway, etc..

So, I say this movie is a great way for kids to do it. response to the last post- kids singing SOL off key IS pretty annoying. Although singing anything off key can get old,

re: Rent movie - I know, I know

"That Sondheim kid has a big future."-Nathan Lane

Marlene Profile Photo
#18re: Rent movie - I know, I know
Posted: 11/1/05 at 11:01pm

^at least you can make prior claims to Mr. Pascal... thankfully no one breaks out singing SoL in my hallways. Um...someone should seriously come after me, because I've been guilty of raiding the 4th floor with a cow bell and a bunch of friends. We did over the moon, and then got kicked out of building by the security guards for loiterring.

Whiteguy2088 Profile Photo
#19re: Rent movie - I know, I know
Posted: 11/2/05 at 11:50pm

People in my choir (which is 350 students) are freaking out...and it has a buzz at my of our clubs is going to see it for a field trip related event...

jasonf Profile Photo
#20re: Rent movie - I know, I know
Posted: 11/3/05 at 10:54am

My kids are BEGGING me to take them, but in middle school, even PG-13 is questionable for a field trip. The ones who want to see it will see it over Thanksgiving day weekend anyway. The level of excitement from the kids who are interested is palpably rising. They talk about it ALL the time. I caught a girl today writing the word "RENT" over and over in her notebook while I was talking -- I couldn't really say anything though....

Hi, Shirley Temple Pudding.

#21re: Rent movie - I know, I know
Posted: 11/3/05 at 12:54pm

Mandi Moo..

in response to your post..

"LOL, sounds like what Rosario was saying, when people come up to her and are like 'OMG I love that song...4698230000 billion seconds...!"

Tracie (Thoms)tells me that random strangers do the same thing to her al the time.

2 hundred 42 thousand 400 minutes...hahahaha


One Song Glory
#22re: Rent movie - I know, I know
Posted: 11/3/05 at 4:01pm

Today in my English class, a girl who sits in front of me saw the RENT commerical and says she wanted to see it. This suprised me cause just two weeks ago, she said it sounded stupid cause it had gay people in it. Then she started singing SoL. As did my English teacher. Off key. Wrong words.

I'm not a gay stereotype. I'm a coincidence.

#23re: Rent movie - I know, I know
Posted: 11/3/05 at 4:41pm

I've been having some kids come up to me in the halls asking "You know that song... the minutes one... what's that number? Is it really the amount of minutes in a year?" I've also had a few people come up to me while I was wearing my RENT shirt and asking "Did you know they're making a movie?" I always kinda want to make fun of them and go "REALLY!?! OH EM GEE!" Only 20 Days!

Am I cut out to spend my time this way?

kasim Profile Photo
#24re: Rent movie - I know, I know
Posted: 11/3/05 at 5:08pm

Not to be a downer, but is this movie really appropriate for 12-13 year olds???
