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Roma Raves About Jersey Boys

Mr Roxy Profile Photo
Mr Roxy
#0Roma Raves About Jersey Boys
Posted: 11/8/05 at 10:00pm

Just heard Roma Torre's NY 1 review . SHe gave it a rave

Poster Emeritus

#1re: Roma Raves About Jersey Boys
Posted: 11/8/05 at 10:17pm

Funny just saw it a little while also on New York One.

Have you seen all the RAVE reviews its getting....its incredible.

I am so happy for them....Have you seen the show?

Saw it on Oct 21.....fantastic...

If you click on my name jerseyboysfan2 you can read what I wrote...

442namffug Profile Photo
#2re: Roma Raves About Jersey Boys
Posted: 11/8/05 at 10:24pm

Excellent. Please keep in mind, Roma also said that Patti Lupone's performance in Sweeney Todd is "the best ever on a Broadway stage."


It certainly may be a skilled performance, but who is she to say that it is the best ever? Let's see if her review of Jersey Boys (and a few others) can buoy the show, or leave it high and dry.

WiCkEDrOcKS Profile Photo
VinnieTheIceman Profile Photo
#4re: Roma Raves About Jersey Boys
Posted: 11/9/05 at 3:01am

442namffug, sounds like you're beginning to accept the inevitable. Starting to hurt a little?

442namffug Profile Photo
#5re: Roma Raves About Jersey Boys
Posted: 11/9/05 at 7:07am

IceCreamMan, sounds like you still can't actually read. Go back and read my post. Here's the SparkNotes version: Just because Roma likes it doesn't mean jack.

Is that clearer?

(Yeesh! This kid doesn't get it...does he!?)

#6re: Roma Raves About Jersey Boys
Posted: 11/9/05 at 12:26pm

442, perhaps your posts would inspire less animosity if you explained in detail why you didn't like this show? And not just because it's a jukebox musical cause I think we can all agree that that's not enough of a reason (altho it's definitely a reason to choose not to see a show). Your anti-Jersey Boys position would be better served if you could back it up with examples of things about the show that you felt were substandard. And perhaps, rather than inviting sarcasm and disdain from your fellow posters here, you could turn some people around to your point of view if you posted a review of your own. Perhaps you have and I have missed it? If I did please direct me to it.

Corine2 Profile Photo
#7re: Roma Raves About Jersey Boys
Posted: 11/9/05 at 12:50pm

I usually agree with Roma. I wonder what Clover thought?
NY1 is my favorite Network. re: Roma Raves About Jersey Boys

Avigdor Profile Photo
#8re: Roma Raves About Jersey Boys
Posted: 11/9/05 at 1:17pm

having watched roma's reviews she probably only gave it a plus review cause either she knows someone in the show or is being paid to say nice things. she is inconsistent and ......

QMAN03 Profile Photo
#9re: Roma Raves About Jersey Boys
Posted: 11/9/05 at 1:24pm

This show deserves every rave it gets. It's just that good.

Craig Profile Photo
#10re: Roma Raves About Jersey Boys
Posted: 11/9/05 at 1:37pm

TimeSuckage. You haven't missed anything. 442 hasn't explained nor cares to post anything of substance regarding what he didn't like about the production. What intrigues me even more is that for someone who touts a passion for the art form, I've rarely seen this much negativity eminating over and over. While Jersey Boys may not be his cup of tea, the ill-will being conveyed by him and his desire to see a show like this close or fail is very telling. Fortunately, he's painted a very clear picture as to his character and opinions in a way, that most who read his posts, would take them with appropriate value.

"A little nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest men" - Willy Wonka
Updated On: 11/9/05 at 01:37 PM

#11re: Roma Raves About Jersey Boys
Posted: 11/9/05 at 3:39pm

But...he'll aways have a place at the Dairy Queen.

Rest in peace, Iflitifloat.

VinnieTheIceman Profile Photo
#12re: Roma Raves About Jersey Boys
Posted: 11/9/05 at 3:44pm

Thank you Craig. My best to Kerry.

442namffug Profile Photo
#13re: Roma Raves About Jersey Boys
Posted: 11/9/05 at 3:50pm


My this a formal debate? Is this a position paper? Am I writing a convincing Op-Ed or editorial with a cohesive argument that contains evidence for the New York Times?


If I said that I don't like Jersey Boys, and that it's not doing well compared to other new shows (take a look at the weekly grosses charts), that's all that matters. It speaks for itself.

I'm not writing a review here. I'm simply stating my opinion with a combination of the facts. My comment about Roma is also valid, as I she said that Patti Lupone's performance in Sweeney was the best to ever grace the Broadway stage.

I'm just warning people out there who will get deceived by a "Roma Raves!" thread. She doesn't amount to much. Updated On: 11/9/05 at 03:50 PM

VinnieTheIceman Profile Photo
#14re: Roma Raves About Jersey Boys
Posted: 11/9/05 at 4:01pm

numfug, you are looking at numbers BEFORE the good reviews. Don't you get it? Good reveiws equal more tickets sales equal better attendance numbers. You're the one foolish enough to believe reviews don't matter. I assure you when you see the reviews for WIW next week you will quickly see reviews DO matter. $1 million in the bank since the reviews in single ticket sales only. Groups make the numbers much bigger. It's looking like you'll be eating some tasty crow soon.

442namffug Profile Photo
#15re: Roma Raves About Jersey Boys
Posted: 11/9/05 at 4:05pm

Vinnie's post speaks for itself. And hopefully those of you who think that supporting him is the reasonable thing to do will come around to notice your naivte. You're listening to this guy?

Vin constantly puts words in people's mouths. Half of the things he claimed I said were never said, or are taken out of context. Plus, I never said "reviews don't matter". (Vin, remember that thread you started? The one where you tried to bash me, but everyone agreed with my more intelligent responses and we all just sat back and laughed at you? Yeah. That one. Go back and read it. You'll see.)

Anway, point is, time will tell how this show does, but based on the early numbers and the interest (or lackthereof) in the show from tourists and out of towners, it doesn't look pretty.
Updated On: 11/9/05 at 04:05 PM

Craig Profile Photo
#16re: Roma Raves About Jersey Boys
Posted: 11/9/05 at 4:14pm

I'm ONLY going to respond to this "Anway, point is, time will tell how this show does, but based on the early numbers and the interest (or lackthereof) in the show from tourists, it doesn't look pretty."

As Vinnie says (and knows) It's all about group sales. There is no way at this point to gauge tourist interest by Jersey Boys #s. They've had a tremendously low hype level and a very short preview period compared to several shows. The swell has begun. And I'm not defending Jersey Boys per se - but any and every show who is at this stage in its lifespan.

442 - since you like facts and figures so much. Please quantify the interest in this show. Above you stated that based on the numbers AND interest (or lack of) it doesn't look pretty. So, without using the #s, please tell us quantitatively how there is a lack of interest.

If you are just going by the numbers - it's too early to tell anything EITHER way. If you're just going on how you feel and some of the people you chat with - well, that's all that needs to be said.

"A little nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest men" - Willy Wonka

VinnieTheIceman Profile Photo
#17re: Roma Raves About Jersey Boys
Posted: 11/9/05 at 4:26pm

The bottom line is that Jersey Boys will be a surprisingly good show. Hardly a massive hit, but a show that will run for awhile while making some bucks. It came in with barely a peep and its early numbers reflected that. WIW on the hand came in with ALW's name and a big bang. The early numbers reflected the Webber name and after opening, the show will stand or fall on its reviews. This is no Wicked that will be able to withstand poor reviews. The group numbers on the show are abysmal because word of mouth is that its a big snooze fest.

442namffug Profile Photo
#18re: Roma Raves About Jersey Boys
Posted: 11/9/05 at 4:41pm

"WIW on the hand came in with....a big bang"

Really!? That's news to me...

(and to the rest of the Broadway community)

See how Vin makes things up, folks?

My point exactly.

Craig Profile Photo
#19re: Roma Raves About Jersey Boys
Posted: 11/9/05 at 4:50pm

"See how Vin makes things up, folks?

My point exactly. "

Even Vinnie will tell you he and I don't see eye to eye on much so I'm not posting to defend him but...

How is what he's writing any different than you 442. I posed this question to you, "Since you like facts and figures so much. Please quantify the interest in this show. Above you stated that based on the numbers AND interest (or lack of) it doesn't look pretty. So, without using the #s, please tell us quantitatively how there is a lack of interest."

Because if there's a lack of interest. That's news to me... (and to the rest of the Broadway community)

"A little nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest men" - Willy Wonka

#20re: Roma Raves About Jersey Boys
Posted: 11/9/05 at 4:52pm

442, I tried, man. I gave you an out and an opportunity and once again you couldn't deliver. Your opinion on Jersey Boys is meaningless because you HAVE NOT SEEN THE SHOW. Your opinion on facts like box office and your opinion on the show's press and reviews are totally valid cause you are able to present cogent arguments citing specifics. But since you can provide nothing to back up your opinion about the show, you will continue to be a joke, my love.

442namffug Profile Photo
#21re: Roma Raves About Jersey Boys
Posted: 11/9/05 at 5:06pm

"Your opinion on Jersey Boys is meaningless because you HAVE NOT SEEN THE SHOW."

You might want to check your facts before you start spreading false rumors. I most certainly have seen the show. You can't just make things up based on ignorant assumption. re: Roma Raves About Jersey Boys

So, too, if you think I am a "joke", fine. I don't feel the need to back up my viewpoints any further, as I have provided ample evidence in other threads. If, even after those comments, you still don't "believe" me (or, really, you just don't want to agree with me) then that's on you.
Updated On: 11/9/05 at 05:06 PM

Phantom2 Profile Photo
#22re: Phantom2 Raves About Jersey Boys
Posted: 11/9/05 at 5:38pm

Jersey Boys is an awesome show. Very well constructed. You can't help but like the four dudes. The most fun I've had since Mamma Mia!

"I'm learning to dig deep down inside and find the truth within myself and put that out. I think what we identify with in popular music more than anything else is when someone just shares a truth that we can relate to. That's what I'm searching for in my music." - Ron Bohmer

"I broke the boundaries. It wasn't cool to be in plays- especially if you were in sports & I was in both." - Ashton Kutcher
Updated On: 11/9/05 at 05:38 PM

#23re: Phantom2 Raves About Jersey Boys
Posted: 11/9/05 at 10:35pm

442, you are a riot! If you'll read my first post in this thread I asked to be directed to where you share your review of the show. If, as you say, there is ample evidence in other threads that you have seen the show, tell me where to find it. Or better yet, answer dd's quiz. If you've seen the show, it will be very easy for you to prove us all wrong and make us all look like idiots for assuming you haven't seen Jersey Boys. Wouldn't it make your mean little heart leap with joy to make us all look like fools for doubting you? Your rep here would be pretty stellar if you could prove all along that you were just f**king with us. That is, of course, if you aren't busy trying to get tickets asap to cover your tracks...

Broadwayboobs Profile Photo
#24re: Phantom2 Raves About Jersey Boys
Posted: 11/9/05 at 10:48pm

I saw Jersey Boys in previews and now have tickets for 2 more performances. I haven't had this much fun in the theater in a long time. The cast is amazing. Anyone who hasn't seen this show yet should just SHUT UP !!! How can you talk about something you haven't seen or experienced?

"To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment. Ralph Waldo Emerson
