Pryce & Butz--- OH MY !!!!

Testing1232 Profile Photo
#0Pryce & Butz--- OH MY !!!!
Posted: 3/7/06 at 10:29pm

FINALLY got to see both men on stage, and "DRS" is better than ever right now !!! Over the past few weeks, saw Butz, and Pryce was out... Then saw Pryce, and Butz was out. Tonight, both men were in, and the show was incredible !!

Norbert seems to be totally rejuvenated, and tonight was the best that we seen him !! Pryce was great !! (the hair still gets to me, but anyway.....)

Numerous times, both men had to pause before saying their lines because they were laughing too hard !!!

Gleason and Jbara... well, they have grown on me, and Rachel York is getting better and better. We love Sherie, but not missing her as much as we thought we would.

Most fun we have had in the theater in a long time !!

Pippin Profile Photo
#1re: Pryce & Butz--- OH MY !!!!
Posted: 3/8/06 at 12:52pm

why is it that everytime someone writes about this show, they mention something about Norbert, or any of the actors breaking character and laughing? I haven't seen the show yet, (waiting for Scott's return) but all these reports worry me. I know it is a laugh out loud comedy (for some people) but I really would get annoyed if these people keep breaking character. I saw spelling bee, and loved, loved, loved it becuase while it was one of the funniest things I've ever seen on a stage, those actors never, not once broke thier character. they were completly invested in it 100%. and I have so much respect for all of those actors for being able to keep a straight face. back to DRS, is this a choice by the director for them to be allowed to break character? and if not, wouldn't the stage manager tell them to cool it if it wasn't a choice? I love it when you can tell actors are having a fun time with their role, but too much of a good thing can also be a negative thing.

"I'm an American, Damnit!!! And if it's three things I don't believe in, it's quitting and math."

B Girl Profile Photo
B Girl
#2re: Pryce & Butz--- OH MY !!!!
Posted: 3/8/06 at 2:03pm

i like when the actors laugh a bit and "break charecter" because you can really tell that there having a good time and enjoying it and that makes me enjoy it so much more....but that's just me i suppose.

NYC4Life Profile Photo
#3re: Pryce & Butz--- OH MY !!!!
Posted: 3/8/06 at 2:25pm

I have seen actors break in alot of shows and it is always funny and it is always fine because they go right back in. This is why i love live theatre. The problem i would have if it was in a drama and you lost focus of the mood. In a something funny you dont because the mood is funny and you are suppose to be laughing.

#4re: Pryce & Butz--- OH MY !!!!
Posted: 3/8/06 at 2:28pm

There's a lot of breaking of the fourth wall in DRS, so the occasional break-up of the cast is right in keeping with that concept. I saw the matinee on Saturday, and Norbert was out, but Joe Cassidy was terrific. Even HE made Jonathan Pryce laugh once. I won't give the moment away, but it was truly inspired.

And Pippin, I'd highly recommend that you see it with Rachel York, even if you go again to see Sherie. Rachel's a delight as Christine, and her voice is beautiful. Once again she has created an entirely different persona for herself, and her chemistry with Jonathan Pryce is wonderful.

I'm anxious to see the reviews of the replacements. I think they will garner lots of positives. I didn't see the original cast, so I can't compare, but this show hummed! The comic timing was impeccable, and none of the jokes were forced by any members of the cast. I thoroughly enjoyed it.


#5re: Pryce & Butz--- OH MY !!!!
Posted: 3/8/06 at 2:29pm

Pippin - if it helps any, when I saw it, they broke character -- just ever so slightly -- maybe two times.

I think it actually makes the show that much funnier, given the context in which the character-breaking happens. I won't spoil it for you, but there are a couple of parts in the show that seem to leave some room for a little "improv" (for those of you that have seen it, I'm talking the Ruprecht scene particularly).

I think if that particular scene were too staged - and always scripted completely, it really, honestly, wouldn't be as funny.

Bottom line - no need to be concerned. This show rules. I hope you will enjoy it! re: Pryce & Butz---  OH MY !!!!

Pippin Profile Photo
#6re: Pryce & Butz--- OH MY !!!!
Posted: 3/8/06 at 2:37pm

I understand where you are all coming from, and once again, since I haven't seen the show, I can't judge if breaking character is appropriate. but classics said that there is alot of intentional breaking of the fourth wall, so I would be able to understand that. sometimes I think it is funnier when the characters are not "in on the joke" a la "waiting for guffman" or "best in show".

I have the script to Batboy, and in the forward, O'Keefe has this great statement about how the show is stupidly hilarious, but the characters themselves do not think they are funny. I will try to find it and type it for you all. that being said, I saw batboy twice (once was the closing) and Kaitlin Hopkins couldn't help herself from cracking up ever so often, and It was hilarious.

I'm sure I will love DRS. I was just worried becuase every review from people on here mentions something about the characters laughing on stage, which led me to believe they really weren't taking their jobs seriously. but I see what you guys mean.

"I'm an American, Damnit!!! And if it's three things I don't believe in, it's quitting and math."

uncageg Profile Photo
#7re: Pryce & Butz--- OH MY !!!!
Posted: 3/8/06 at 2:55pm

I just works in this show. I saw it last May and Butz and Lithgow were having too much fun. Everything about this show from the promos on is tongue in cheek.

Just give the world Love.

TheHumanTorch Profile Photo
#8re: Pryce & Butz--- OH MY !!!!
Posted: 3/8/06 at 4:17pm

Testing... could you elaborate on Pryce's hair issue? hahahah

Testing1232 Profile Photo
#9re: Pryce & Butz--- OH MY !!!!
Posted: 3/8/06 at 6:07pm

Oh, the hair issue....LOL

Well, I am assuming that it's a wig, and a REALLY bad one, although I think they might have trimmed it from a week ago.

Certain times, during the more "physical" numbers. ("The More We Dance", comes to mind), the hair just seems to get totally wild. If any of you remember "Christmas Vacation"... the scene with the family member (the old gentleman that smokes the cigar), when the squirrel jumps on his back?? ... well, the hairpiece sort of looks like that one !!

All that being said, he is great in the role. Much different take than Lithgow, and he plays to the audience ALOT !!

As far as Pippin's comment about "breaking character"... its not really breaking character to the extent that you might see on someone's last performance in a show. Its just that the actors really seem to be enjoying themselves (and working with eachother), and I think the audience feeds off of that. We have seen "DRS" seven times so far, and last night was by far the most appreciative, "totally into the show" audience that we have seen.

Oh, and regarding the other replacements.... Mylinda Hull is GREAT !!!! Her "Oklahoma?" rocks !!!

SirLiir Profile Photo
#10re: Pryce & Butz--- OH MY !!!!
Posted: 3/8/06 at 6:17pm

I think its a testament to the great script that after all this time doing the roles (in Norbert's case, etc), the principals can still break out of character like that. It shows they are still very much into the show and they are enjoying themselves. Sign of a show's good health.

ElphabaRose Profile Photo
#11re: Pryce & Butz--- OH MY !!!!
Posted: 3/8/06 at 6:24pm

I have to second the recomendation of Rachel York, on the other hand, I was very disappointed with Mylinda Hull's performance. I wasn't drawn to her at all and, unlike with Sara Gettlefinger's performance, I couldn't wait for Jolene to leave.

And what was with Pryce's wig? It bothered me as well.

Whatever happened to class?

Testing1232 Profile Photo
#12re: Pryce & Butz--- OH MY !!!!
Posted: 3/8/06 at 6:28pm

Agree about York.... Her voice is great, and she is excellent in the role !! Her "Here I Am" got a huge applause last night !!

Going again tomorrow night... in case anyone had been wondering about the TDF seats for "DRS". We have been in the Orch (row N) three straight times, around 5-7 seats in. Awesome seats for that price !!

DoogieB Profile Photo
#13re: Pryce & Butz--- OH MY !!!!
Posted: 3/8/06 at 8:30pm

Anyone think there will be a or Yahoo Broadway video of the replacement cast when the critics review it on the 10th? I know there are videos of Hunter Foster and Brad Oscar when they took over...

Anyway, nice review, I hope to see the new(ish) cast asap.

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