
Visiting NY at the end of Aug. What should I see?

Visiting NY at the end of Aug. What should I see?

MidwestBWayBaby Profile Photo
#0Visiting NY at the end of Aug. What should I see?
Posted: 7/5/06 at 5:17am

Hey everyone, I do not post here hardly at all, really. I'm a performer of Musical Theater in a little town called Branson, Missouri. I know, I know, it's the midwest, and therefore it must be lame. But it's a GREAT town, and it's GREAT work. I do 2 shows a day, 6 days a week, and I LOVE IT!...
...But I digress.
I am visiting NYC Aug. 23rd- Aug. 31st. I have a whole list of shows I wanna see. But I wanna know what everyones opinions are. My list includes:

1: Avenue Q
2: The Color Purple
3: The Drowsy Chaparone
4: Jersey Boys
5: Phantom
6: Producers
7: Spelling Bee
8: Tarzan
9: The Wedding Singer
10: Wicked
11: Hairspray

I know that it's pretty much impossible for me to fit this many shows into 8 days. So, I'm asking all of you, which should I go to, which should I buy tickets for in advance, and which should I just lottery, rush, or TKTS? PLEASE, help me. I know you all have opinions, so I hope you'll express them.
Thanks for all your help!

#1re: Visiting NY at the end of Aug. What should I see?
Posted: 7/5/06 at 7:26am

Here are my suggestions from your list from the 6 I have seen, from my favorite down.

1. Jersey Boys(Get tickets in advance)
2. Wicked (Get tickets in advance or Lottery)
3. The Drowsy Chaparone (Try to get tickets in advance)
4. The Wedding Singer (TKTS or Rush)
5. Avenue Q (TKTS or Lottery)
6. Hairspray (TKTS or Lottery)

Technically, you could fit all 11 of your list into Your Trip if you really want to see them all:

Wednesdayre: Visiting NY at the end of Aug. What should I see?Depending on when you get to NYC)Matinee+Night-2 Shows
Thursday:1 Show
Friday:1 Show
Saturday: Matinee+Evening-2 Shows
Sunday:3 PM Matinee+Hairspray 6:30 PM-2 Shows
Monday: Phantom
Tuesday:1 Show
Wednesday:Matinee+Evening-2 Shows
Total-12 Shows

I saw 7 shows in 5 days in June, and am seeing at least 10 in 6 Days (Including 4 NYMF shows) on my next trip in September.

Drench yourself in words unspoken. Live your life with arms wide open. Today is where your book begins. The rest is still unwritten. "Unwritten" Natasha Bedingfield
Updated On: 7/5/06 at 07:26 AM

dancingthrulife04 Profile Photo
#2re: Visiting NY at the end of Aug. What should I see?
Posted: 7/5/06 at 8:05pm

The Wedding Singer (rush or TKTS)
Jersey Boys (get tickets in advance, definitely)
Tarzan (rush)
The Producers (rush or TKTS)

and it's not on your list, but... Dirty Rotten Scoundrels.

http://www.beintheheights.com/katnicole1 (Please click and help me win!) I chose, and my world was shaken- So what?
The choice may have been mistaken, The choosing was not...
"Every day has the potential to be the greatest day of your life." - Lin-Manuel Miranda
"And when Idina Menzel is singing, I'm always slightly worried that her teeth are going to jump out of her mouth and chase me." - Schmerg_the_Impaler

Born2cthelightsofbway Profile Photo
#3re: Visiting NY at the end of Aug. What should I see?
Posted: 7/5/06 at 8:11pm

I would see:

1.Phantom- Longest run on broadway, if you love broadway at some point, you have got to see it. You could probably get tickets a week in advance or try the tickets booth.
2. The Drowsy Chaparone- New original, funny show with a very talented cast. Try to get tickets in advance.
3. Wicked- Just a wonderful show with a very moving story. Get tickets in advance if you can, or do the lottery or cancellation line.
Good luck and have fun!!!

"You alone can make my song take flight, it's over now, the Music of the Night!!!!!"

#4re: Visiting NY at the end of Aug. What should I see?
Posted: 7/5/06 at 8:16pm

From your list:

The Color Purple (advance)
The Drowsy Chaparone (advance)
Jersey Boys (advance)
Spelling Bee (Lotto, or they might be on TKTS)
The Wedding Singer (Rush or TKTS)
Hairspray (Lotto or TKTS)

Not on your list:

Sweeney (Rush or TKTS)
DRS (Lotto or TKTS)

WithoutATrace Profile Photo
#5re: Visiting NY at the end of Aug. What should I see?
Posted: 7/5/06 at 8:17pm

Wicked (get tickets in advance)
Tarzan (rush)
Color Purple (rush)
Jersey Boys (rush or SRO)
Hairspray (lottery - easy to win)
Drowsy (lottery or $25 tickets in advance)
Wedding Singer (rush)

the only show you should pay more than $26.25 to see is Wicked. have fun!
Updated On: 7/5/06 at 08:17 PM

Just_John Profile Photo
#6re: Visiting NY at the end of Aug. What should I see?
Posted: 7/5/06 at 8:24pm

In order you should see them:
1: Avenue Q (TKTS or Lotto)
2: The Drowsy Chaperone (Advance)
3: Jersey Boys(Advance/ Student Rush/ Standing Room)
4: Wicked(Advance)
5: Spelling Bee (Lottery or TKTS)
6: Hairspray (Lottery/ TKTS)
7: The Color Purple (General Rush)
8: Wedding Singer(Student Rush/TKTS)
9: The Producers (Student Rush or TKTS)
10: Phantom (TKTS)
11: Tarzan (You do not want to see this disaster)

veryownplanetz Profile Photo
#7re: Visiting NY at the end of Aug. What should I see?
Posted: 7/5/06 at 8:37pm

see wedding singer...its my fav by far

wonderfulwizard11 Profile Photo
#8re: Visiting NY at the end of Aug. What should I see?
Posted: 7/5/06 at 9:35pm

i've only seen Wicked on your list, and I would strongly suggest getting advance tickets. If you don'twant to, you can try lotto, but it is very popular.

This isn't on your list, but I recommend Sweeney Todd.

I am a firm believer in serendipity- all the random pieces coming together in one wonderful moment, when suddenly you see what their purpose was all along.

Corine2 Profile Photo
#9re: Visiting NY at the end of Aug. What should I see?
Posted: 7/5/06 at 10:07pm

I would see Spelling Bee.
re: Visiting NY at the end of Aug. What should I see?

Some other favorites:
Avenue Q
Jersey Boys
The Color Purple
Altar Boyz

Updated On: 7/5/06 at 10:07 PM

little_sally Profile Photo
#10re: Visiting NY at the end of Aug. What should I see?
Posted: 7/5/06 at 10:30pm

Definitely see The Wedding Singer and Spelling Bee. Try to get tickets for Drowsy as well. With the exception of Tarzan and The Producers, I think you've got a great list there and anything you see would be great.

A little swash, a bit of buckle - you'll love it more than bread.

muscle23ftl Profile Photo
#11re: Visiting NY at the end of Aug. What should I see?
Posted: 7/5/06 at 10:53pm

I'd recommend to get tix for The Wedding Singer at TKTS, they are a lot better than the student seats(and i've seen the show a few times.) You can see all those shows, see Phantom(they sell the last row for 26.25, just bring binoculars) on a Monday. You can probably see all those shows if you get there early on the 23rd, becuz it is a Wednesday, i always buy all my tix while im in the city and i think its cheaper, at least in my own experience. Wicked is always sold out though, and i don't think its worth a hundred bucks. A show just like any other. Try to do the lottery.

"People have their opinions and that doesn't mean that their opinions are wrong or right. I just take it with a grain of salt because opinions are like as*holes, everyone has one". -Felicia Finley-
Updated On: 7/6/06 at 10:53 PM

gustof777 Profile Photo
#12re: Visiting NY at the end of Aug. What should I see?
Posted: 7/5/06 at 11:25pm

On your list I would say
The Wedding singer
The Color Purple
Avenue Q

off your list I would say
Sweeney Todd
Sweeney Todd
Sweeney Todd
and Sweeney Todd

RIP Natasha Richardson. ~You were a light on this earth ~

mr14 Profile Photo
#13re: Visiting NY at the end of Aug. What should I see?
Posted: 7/5/06 at 11:42pm

See Phantom, it's the longest running show on broadway for a reason!
