HISTORY BOYS' final performance

#0HISTORY BOYS' final performance
Posted: 10/1/06 at 2:58pm

I can't wait to read people's accounts of the final performance. I'm in mourning over this- the play (and its gorgeous actors) will certainly be missed!

God is dead. Shit lives.

joshy Profile Photo
#1re: HISTORY BOYS' final performance
Posted: 10/1/06 at 3:01pm

Love your pic with Jamie!

I'm so glad the play did so well on Broadway, but all the same I'm glad the boys are coming home. :)

Caroline-Q-or-TBoo Profile Photo
#2re: HISTORY BOYS' final performance
Posted: 10/1/06 at 4:02pm

Jamie = way too hot, it's unfair!

I WISH WISH WISH I was gunna be there.

our own Mabel will be there! ICANNOT WAIT TO HERE THE REPORT!

"Picture "The View," with the wisecracking, sympathetic sweethearts of that ABC television show replaced by a panel of embittered, suffering or enraged Arab women" -the Times review of Black Eyed

#3re: HISTORY BOYS' final performance
Posted: 10/1/06 at 6:38pm

Can't wait to see the film! Wish I was going to the premiere tomorrow, oh well less than two weeks to wait..

#4re: HISTORY BOYS' final performance
Posted: 10/1/06 at 7:37pm

I just came back from the final performance of the show! It was absolutely amazing. The characters got applause as they made their entrances. Everyone did an awesome job, they really put their all into this performance. I'm so sad that the show is actually "history." I still can't get over Jamie's wonderful piano playing, very talented. I'm very excited for the movie and it seems the boys are as well. At the stage door they were talking about jetting off to the movie premiere and how excited they were. There was a camera crew doing interviews with them, maybe they'll end up on the internet hahaha In all, I had a fantastic time. I'm glad the show had a great run on Broadway!

#5re: HISTORY BOYS' final performance
Posted: 10/1/06 at 8:05pm

Maybe it will be on the Special Features on the DVD, you know how they have "On the Red Carpet"

uncageg Profile Photo
#6re: HISTORY BOYS' final performance
Posted: 10/1/06 at 8:36pm

Loved the show! Can't wait for the movie. I will wear my History Boys Tee out this evening I think!

Just give the world Love.

jennykett89 Profile Photo
#7re: HISTORY BOYS' final performance
Posted: 10/1/06 at 9:10pm

I saw History Boys last night. It was truly one of the greatest performances ever. I'm really going to miss this show.

#8re: HISTORY BOYS' final performance
Posted: 10/1/06 at 9:33pm

Any curtain call videos? I'm holding out hope that SOMEONE filmed it.

God is dead. Shit lives.

bythesword84 Profile Photo
#9re: HISTORY BOYS' final performance
Posted: 10/1/06 at 9:51pm

The curtain call went on for ages and tons of people took pictures, there were flashes going off all over so I'm sure you'll see them.

And hang on, when did you win the discus?

#10re: HISTORY BOYS' final performance
Posted: 10/1/06 at 10:18pm

in case anyone cares there is a bit about The History Boys in this month's teen vogue. I was suprised a teen magazine did a feature, but it made my day :)

mabel Profile Photo
#11re: HISTORY BOYS' final performance
Posted: 10/1/06 at 10:32pm

I'm finally back from the final show, after JUST missing an earlier train. I'm too tired to make this coherent, so I'm going the bullet-point route.

-Someone up in the mezz tried to start one of those silly movie slow-claps (you know, that eventually surge into the full-fledged applause) but nobody joined in. Good try, whoever you were though!

-Energetic entrance applause for the show itself, then the boys/Richard when they first come out.

-For the French scene, Dominic came in with his pants hiked up and one sock kind of rolled down, and Sam Barnett totally lost it. He had to look down/turn away and take a moment to get himself back together, because he was laughing so hard. For a few seconds there, I totally thought Dominic didn't have his little tighty-whities on, and I was ready to scream when, at one point, James pulled D's shirt up to "take a peek" (definitely not going comando, though, I probably wouldn't have put it past him/them).

-James was totally hamming it up all show. He had a couple great little moments, though of course I can't remember them. His head-desk moment was extra exaggerated and Richard threw in an ad-lib that I missed, but it seemed to crack the boys up.

-Before one of the scene changes, Sacha did some snazzy Michael Jackson-esque spin. Sacha also had a great show, getting some big laughs that I don't think he usually does. He also had a great little bit in the mock-interview where after Rudge's "history's just one F*CKing thing after another" he rolled his notebook up with it all poised to hit him, looking around for a bit for the go-ahead, not getting it, then unrolling the notebook...VERY funny little moment.

-Jamie carried/swung Sam around after the Brief Encounter scene, which was very cute. They were both in top form there!

-I've seen the show several times, but this afternoon's "Bewitched" was WONDERFUL (as expected). Sam does such an amazing job of having the audience in stiches with "the trousers that cling to him" and mere moments later, turning the song into something achingly beautiful. I wish I could have had a closer seat to have seen his face for that scene.

-Sam's timing on "I'm a Jew, I'm small, I'm homosexual, and I live in Sheffield...I'm F*CKed" was PRICELESS. Just top form! It looked like he even got Frances to break up.

-The last scene in Act I was poignant as ever. Richard really took his time with it, which really gave it all an extra punch. Sam was crying by the time he repeated the last verse.

-I think tonight was the best I'd seen Richard do Hector's breakdown. It was always one part that I just didn't care for in his performance (actually preferred Barritt in that scene) but he was really heartbreaking tonight. It was my first time in the mezz (I'd usually had SRO) and being able to take in all the boys' reaction to it was great (who was looking down, who was starting straight ahead, who was looking at Hector, etc).

-"Wish Me Luck" was great! Frances was clapping along. I honestly don't think I've ever seen her quite so animated. It's only about a minute of the show, but the lyrics were so appropriate for today. Again, enthusiastic applause at the end of it.

-Russell got a great reaction, as usually in the mock-interview and his reveal that he got into Oxford (really big applause, after that). Oh, and when he got up for his interview, he straightened his tie (which I think he usually does) but he also zipped up his fly. Classy!

-Sam kept trying to hug everyone in the scene when they announced that everyone had gotten in. He grabbed Sacha (I think from behind) and kind of lifted him up. Also a kind of awkward hug for SCM.

-When Dominic came back out before the Irwin confrontation, he'd slicked his hair all down (in an attempt to make it look like SCM's???). Not exactly a good look for him. re: HISTORY BOYS' final performance

-"Bye Bye, Blackbird" was GORGEOUS. Absolutely pitch-perfect. They sounded wonderful. The best I've heard them.

-One thing that irritates me...why do people laugh when Posner's fate/future/story/whatever is revealed?? It seems like people laugh every time. I think it's a pretty appropriate outcome for his character, but I certainly don't think when we hear that he has "periodic breakdowns" is at all funny.

-I started crying when Richard came back for the final "Pass it on" lines. I'm sure I'm reading way too much into this, but it really felt like that was for the boys this afternoon. Really, truly beautiful.

-Curtain call: Very, VERY enthusiastic applause. They came out 3 times, I think. Sam Anderson was taking pictures, James was filming (as usual). He also took his tie off and gave it to some guy in the front row (and went along the front row giving high-fives at the very end). Sam A did a little breakdance move and James motioned that he was going to as well, then waved "nah!" Richard gave a great little speach. The gist: Thank you so much, but we really need to get going, as US immigration wants us to leave! He thanked everyone for a great run, saying that it was a memorable six months that they're all unlikely to top, making some great friends along the way, etc, etc.

-I believe everyone came out the stage door, which was surprising. Some stuck around longer than others. Some guy had a UK Tour poster and I could hear most of the boys saying "Hey! I'm not on this! Who the hell are these guys?!?" when they got to him. James was filming some of the stage door madness (it was SERIOUSLY crazy! They really could have used some barricades today), and there was another camera crew there. When the boys all left, heading up to 8th, they were yelling and shouting as they went. re: HISTORY BOYS' final performance

-I don't know what time their flight was, but it looked like they snuck in time for one last drink at Angus, as there was a line of Escalades parked out front.

Well, that is WAY MORE than enough, but I figured I'd get as much as I could down while it's still quasi-fresh in my mind (and I know there were several of you who weren't able to go and wanted some details...surely this was enough to tide you over!).

What a great show, and what a great group of actors! As much as I'll miss the show, I think I'm going to miss not having a chance to see them in something else somewhere in the near future even more.

As an extra side note: someone at the stage door yelled out that he'd seen the show 26 times. Was that for real? Are you a poster here? Doesn't that work out to something like once a week? I doff my hat to you in crazy-fandom. I saw it what I consider an embarrassing number of times, but I was still safely in single digits! re: HISTORY BOYS' final performance

But when did New Hampshire become--Such a backward wasteland of seatbelt hating crazies?...I mean, only 40 people actually live there. The others are just visitors who come for the tax-free liquor and three inches of novelty coastline. John Hodgeman on The Daily Show (1-30-07)
Updated On: 10/1/06 at 10:32 PM

bythesword84 Profile Photo
#12re: HISTORY BOYS' final performance
Posted: 10/1/06 at 10:41pm

Richard's ad-lib during the head smack scene was "the Eagle has landed." re: HISTORY BOYS' final performance

As for the why do people laugh? I've always just chalked it up to being either they don't get it, or its nervous laughter but thats just because if I think they're actually laughing, I get annoyed because I think its one of the most upsetting scenes.

Oh, and James gave the tie to a girl...

And hang on, when did you win the discus?

chinkie azn jai Profile Photo
chinkie azn jai
#13re: HISTORY BOYS' final performance
Posted: 10/1/06 at 10:43pm

Was the girl pretty?

"Chicago is it's own incredible theater town right there smack down in the middle of the heartland. What a great city! I can see why Oprah likes to live there!" - Dee Hoty :-D

CurtainPullDowner Profile Photo
#14re: HISTORY BOYS' final performance
Posted: 10/1/06 at 10:43pm

Yes They did go to Angus to lift one last pint!
And I lift one to this Wonderful Cast of Actors and Actress.
Safe flight Home and come back soon.

mabel Profile Photo
#15re: HISTORY BOYS' final performance
Posted: 10/1/06 at 10:46pm

Thanks for the fill-in on Richard's ad-lib. I completely missed it, but knew he'd added something there.

But when did New Hampshire become--Such a backward wasteland of seatbelt hating crazies?...I mean, only 40 people actually live there. The others are just visitors who come for the tax-free liquor and three inches of novelty coastline. John Hodgeman on The Daily Show (1-30-07)

#16re: HISTORY BOYS' final performance
Posted: 10/1/06 at 10:49pm

Thanks so much for that, Mabel! I think I may cry... And I only wish I had seen it 26 times. My total stands at a lowly three (would've been four had I not gone to see Heartbreak House), unfortunately, but the pictures I got with the cast make up for it a bit.

God is dead. Shit lives.

bythesword84 Profile Photo
#17re: HISTORY BOYS' final performance
Posted: 10/1/06 at 10:51pm

Yup, no problem with the fill in.

Shut up Chinkie Azn Jai, you suck...

And hang on, when did you win the discus?

chinkie azn jai Profile Photo
chinkie azn jai
#18re: HISTORY BOYS' final performance
Posted: 10/1/06 at 10:51pm

re: HISTORY BOYS' final performance

"Chicago is it's own incredible theater town right there smack down in the middle of the heartland. What a great city! I can see why Oprah likes to live there!" - Dee Hoty :-D

mabel Profile Photo
#19re: HISTORY BOYS' final performance
Posted: 10/1/06 at 10:52pm

No problemo, sar. That "review" is so ridiculously excessive, I can't even bring myself to read through it again. So, I appologize for whatever spelling mistakes and incoherencies I'm quite sure are riddled throughout.

ETA: bythesword84, I LOVE your sig. "You came in fourth, OUT OF F*CKING FOUR!!!" I think I'm going to have to go back to my "itchy ass" sig! re: HISTORY BOYS' final performance

But when did New Hampshire become--Such a backward wasteland of seatbelt hating crazies?...I mean, only 40 people actually live there. The others are just visitors who come for the tax-free liquor and three inches of novelty coastline. John Hodgeman on The Daily Show (1-30-07)
Updated On: 10/1/06 at 10:52 PM

bythesword84 Profile Photo
#20re: HISTORY BOYS' final performance
Posted: 10/1/06 at 10:54pm

I'm glad you wrote that review mabel because to be honest, I haven't fully processed the show enough to be able to write about it yet.

Edit: Please have the itchy ass as a signature, I say "thats one itchy ass!" to people all the time from Pillowman.

And hang on, when did you win the discus?
Updated On: 10/1/06 at 10:54 PM

#21re: HISTORY BOYS' final performance
Posted: 10/1/06 at 11:13pm

Fantastic review mabel! Your recap totally beats my miniscule paragraph! Where were you seated? I was seated house left in row D.

-For the French scene, Dominic came in with his pants hiked up and one sock kind of rolled down, and Sam Barnett totally lost it. He had to look down/turn away and take a moment to get himself back together, because he was laughing so hard. For a few seconds there, I totally thought Dominic didn't have his little tighty-whities on, and I was ready to scream when, at one point, James pulled D's shirt up to "take a peek" (definitely not going comando, though, I probably wouldn't have put it past him/them).

That scene was absolutely hilarious! I don't think I've laughed harder at any show. Sam's face was priceless, he just kept on laughing. The two men beside me were hysterical! Were you able to catch James pinch his fingers and say something like "Ohhh petit!" after he snook a peek up Dominic's shirt?

-I've seen the show several times, but this afternoon's "Bewitched" was WONDERFUL (as expected). Sam does such an amazing job of having the audience in stiches with "the trousers that cling to him" and mere moments later, turning the song into something achingly beautiful. I wish I could have had a closer seat to have seen his face for that scene.

Sam had the cutest little face during the song! It was like a puppy dog expression and he kinda did this little gulp thing. I just love the way he stares at Dominic haha

-"Wish Me Luck" was great! Frances was clapping along. I honestly don't think I've ever seen her quite so animated. It's only about a minute of the show, but the lyrics were so appropriate for today. Again, enthusiastic applause at the end of it

I loved Frances clapping along! Richard was singing some of the song too. I could have sworn Clive had a little smile on his face. The audienced loved it!

The ending was beautiful. The "Blackbird" sounded great, I loved Sam's facial expression while he was singing. These boys really put their all into this performance.

How crazy was the stagedoor? All of the boys were so nice and made sure they signed everyones stuff. They all signed my copy of the play *warm fuzzies* I was also able to get some pics with some of them too! If my camera cooperates with me maybe I'll post some pictures =]

bythesword84 Profile Photo
#22re: HISTORY BOYS' final performance
Posted: 10/1/06 at 11:19pm

Yeah during the French scene James did say something along the lines of it being very small, one of the recent times I saw it he said it was "tres magnifique."

And hang on, when did you win the discus?

mabel Profile Photo
#23re: HISTORY BOYS' final performance
Posted: 10/1/06 at 11:23pm

Thanks for the "oooh petit," smashing. I thought he said something in there, but I was too busy laughing about him pulling the shirt up to sneak a peek, that I totally missed it!

I'm so glad you were able to get everyone to sign your copy of the play. I was half tempted to try getting it signed, but I figured they wouldn't come out this afternoon, or if they did that I'd only get one, or soemthing, so I just didn't bother. Oh well, I have a signed window card by the whole crew (cue my *warm fuzzies*) so it's not like I needed anything else signed anyway.

But when did New Hampshire become--Such a backward wasteland of seatbelt hating crazies?...I mean, only 40 people actually live there. The others are just visitors who come for the tax-free liquor and three inches of novelty coastline. John Hodgeman on The Daily Show (1-30-07)

#24re: HISTORY BOYS' final performance
Posted: 10/1/06 at 11:25pm

Yeah during the French scene James did say something along the lines of it being very small, one of the recent times I saw it he said it was "tres magnifique."

Hahaha James is hilarious, I swear I heard "petit" this afternoon!
