I saw Color Purple this Sunday.

#0I saw Color Purple this Sunday.
Posted: 10/9/06 at 11:00pm

I thought it was good, however I was expecting more. I live neat Savannah, GA and I have seen Savannah put on better plays than this which kinda sucks cuz this is suppose to be BROADWAY!! The 1st half was way better than the 2nd, but the movie was like that too. However, I thot they was gonna fix that but they didnt. The 50s theme didnt work all that well for me either. I got it, but....I just wish they did not add it. They added a lot of comedic elements to it and it worked sometimes(the gossip ladies were AMAZING) but sometimes it didnt. I wanted Celias standing up to Alfred to be more POWERFUL where everyone was in tears. But I ended up laughin more than feelin touched in that scene. Overall it was good, but I was expecting more.


#1re: I saw Color Purple this Sunday.
Posted: 10/9/06 at 11:07pm

Was Lachanze in?

jess20882 Profile Photo
#2re: I saw Color Purple this Sunday.
Posted: 10/9/06 at 11:11pm

I don't think you have the right to criticize something if you can't even get the character names right...it's Celie, not Celia...and Albert, not Alfred.

Maybe you weren't paying attention enough to enjoy it...?

munkustrap178 Profile Photo
#3re: I saw Color Purple this Sunday.
Posted: 10/9/06 at 11:16pm

I agree with Byron's review.

"If you are going to do something, do it well. And leave something witchy." -Charlie Manson

jess20882 Profile Photo
#4re: I saw Color Purple this Sunday.
Posted: 10/9/06 at 11:25pm

Oh believe me...I love the show, but I know it's not perfect and it's lacking in some areas. I just think it's funny that someone with such a strong opinion doesn't even have the facts straight re: I saw Color Purple this Sunday.

uncageg Profile Photo
#5re: I saw Color Purple this Sunday.
Posted: 10/9/06 at 11:26pm

I don't understand your statement about the "50's theme".

Just give the world Love.

munkustrap178 Profile Photo
#6re: I saw Color Purple this Sunday.
Posted: 10/9/06 at 11:28pm

I don't get it either, uncageg.

Jess: You knew what he meant. Sure, he could have consulted his Playbill, but just because he had the character names wrong doesn't mean that his opinion is invalid. There are many shows and films that I have strong opinions on, and I don't remember some of the character names.

Though I do have to agree with you that it's just strange.

"If you are going to do something, do it well. And leave something witchy." -Charlie Manson

#7re: I saw Color Purple this Sunday.
Posted: 10/9/06 at 11:30pm

Not that you would find Mister's real name in the Playbill, anyway.

#8re: I saw Color Purple this Sunday.
Posted: 10/10/06 at 12:49am

Hello. What 50's theme? Are you sure you saw the Color Purple?

#9re: I saw Color Purple this Sunday.
Posted: 10/11/06 at 8:50pm

Sorry. Yes...take my review serious. SO what if I mispelled a few names. I have studied acting and I know what Im talkin bout. Yes..Lachanze was in it. They put the end of the movie(when Celie was grown up) in the 50s. Nettie even came in a car...I was like..ok......

whatyouown223 Profile Photo
#10re: I saw Color Purple this Sunday.
Posted: 10/11/06 at 9:08pm

That's because at the end it takes place in the 50's...

best12bars Profile Photo
#11re: I saw Color Purple this Sunday.
Posted: 10/11/06 at 10:08pm

Since when does spelling someone's character name correctly have anything to do with "entitlement of an opinion."

Come on, people, that's REACHING for it. So, he didn't like the show!

It's not like he crapped on your car or anything.

"Jaws is the Citizen Kane of movies."
blocked: logan2, Diamonds3, Hamilton22

#12re: I saw Color Purple this Sunday.
Posted: 10/12/06 at 6:58am

I said I understood the purpose of the 50s theme, but I wish they didnt add it.

#13re: I saw Color Purple this Sunday.
Posted: 10/12/06 at 11:05am

"That's because at the end it takes place in the 50's..."

Why muddie things with facts?? Let him rant. It's amusing to read third grade discourse in the guise of intelligent criticism.

imafantu Profile Photo
#14re: I saw Color Purple this Sunday.
Posted: 10/13/06 at 12:45am

I think that is part of the problem....you think that stuff was added based on the movie(or taken away). I would like to point out that the Book is both the source for the movie and the musical. your review sounds like you think that the book is the source of the film and the film is the source of the musical- not so. The musical actually tells the story more closely to it's literary parent. the songs are actually lyrics from the book (unlike the movie)and the characters are multilayered as they are in the book. Mister was not completely evil, and Celie didn't go from some timid repressed woman to some force to be reckoned with....
I can appreciate your review as someone who has studied acting, but I would see it more objectively if you talked about the acting criticisms you have with TCP, or if you actually talked about parts you wanted left out of (or included) in the musical. Talking about a scene from the movie is not a fair criticism of the musical, and just saying you expected more is too broad....I could care less about whether you have characters names right, but it does matter when you decide to be very general in your critique, but specific in your wishes.

Your Potential is greater than your problems, and your problems will bring out your potential- Vashti Murphy McKenzie. Honey...don't be ashamed, be comfortable with who you are. Stay true to yourself.- Elisabeth Withers-Mendes

#15re: I saw Color Purple this Sunday.
Posted: 10/13/06 at 1:16am

Well Byron I saw "The Color Purple" tonite and I loved
it...granted color purple does have its moments. I mean I am not saying that its the best musical in the world. But me orginally being from Atlanta can honestly say that you have not seen any show in Savannah that was better than this. I mean your review was very elementary for one..but I am not hear to call out people. I am just saying that me being a person of the theater..I really appreciated this show...you should have left the theater I THINK feeling different than when you came in.

It seems you came in will a sour heart to begin with...next time you review a show...really think about what you say! Now saying that I know that there are plenty of reviews on here about this show so I won't go into details..but this being my second time seeing it..I have to say that the whole cast was in and LACHANZE has really stepped up the game. She was in great voice and was in the moment from start to finish..I FINALLY saw a tony performance!

ICEcreamAssassin Profile Photo
#16re: I saw Color Purple this Sunday.
Posted: 10/13/06 at 1:16am

you know this show was one of the most emotional I've ever been to. The energy from the stage is amazing. Of course I saw it with LaChanze's understudy (as most people do it seems, and not a knock at her at all) And She was amazing. I was lucky enough to go backstage and meet Felicia amazing woman with such a heart to her. I told her I can't believe I just saw you beaten yet triumphant.." she smiled and said "thats 8 times a week" lol she was awesome. The show went by a bit too fast for my taste, but it was excellent. By no means the best show out there but one that deserves an appreciation. wonderful!
