#1PIRATE QUEEN- so close!
Posted: 3/8/07 at 12:31pm

As promised, here is my report after seeing the show for a second time (for those who missed my last post, I was lucky enough to get to see the Gypsy run).

It's amazing how this show frustrates me. I am in the camp of people that think this show is really good. But why isn't it GREAT yet? Ugh! There are moments in the show when I want to (and do) cheer with delight. And there are moments in the show where I want to (and don't) scream in frustration.

First the parts that frustrate me.

The opening number has to suck us in faster. It seemed that they made some cuts since the gypsy run that got us into the story a bit more quickly, but I still think they could work at engaging us into Grace's story in a more efficient way. Once we start to care about the protagonist (Grace), then the show starts rolling.

I think I have joined the club of people who are not into Boys'll Be Boys. The cast is working so hard at selling it, but something is missing. It was actually better last night than it was at the Gypsy run (no noticeable changes or cuts, but it just seemed more fluid), but the main problem, and I think we'd all agree, is that it's just not a great song. And yes, it is too reminicent of Master of the House. The crowd was receptive to the number, but I don't think it delivers what it needs to, and I believe that is a flaw in the structure/writing of the song itself. I feel sorry for some of the lyrics Donal has to commit to saying.

England. My main issue with this show has always been the tone of the scenes in England. I am actually liking Queen Elizabeth much more than I did in Chicago, but I still don't comprehend why the English scenes are played so tongue and cheek? And why (God why) are the English Lords portrayed as so effeminate? Without offending anyone, I don't know if it's a character choice onstage or a lifestyle choice offstage, but I want those lords to play against the regal costumes they wear and wish they were somewhat intimidating rather than so foppish.

THE BABY WAS CUT! Thank God. For those who saw the Gypsy run, there was a baby that came up out of the stage in the second act that was truly laughable. It is gone and was certainly not missed.

The ending of the show. There isn't one! Still? The creators have to realize just from the two performances I saw that the audience has no clue that the show is over. Again, I can only hope that is being adressed, because the 2nd act really works incredibly well, and then all of the sudden, withour much/any resolve, people start bowing. You literally FEEL the audience realizing, OH IT's OVER!?!

Now for the good. And despite those who are out to hate PQ, there is a lot of good.

There are huge sections of this show where it flows seemlessly and is some of the most engaging theater I've seen in a musical in a long time. I am one who LOVES the music. I find it original and engaging and unlike anything I've heard from this writing team before (besides Master of the...I mean Boys'll Be Boys). The LOOK of the show is truly stunning. And as a story, once I engage about 8 minutes in (which I know is a bit too late), I am hooked until the (non) ending. So if they can fix the opening and closing of the show, I think they have something special. The body of the show really works. They just need to grab us from the start and keep the energy throughout. Every so often, musically, the show let's us relax and the story/focus relents. KEEP THE PACE and you will KEEP OUR FOCUS>

As far as the performances go, in my opinion this show is cast impeccably. I read someone elses post where they insinuated that Stephanie looked bored or wasn't giving 100%. I could not disagree more. This girl is giving her heart and soul to this role, and delivering the goods. A stunning performance. Wonderful acting choices and a glorious voice. Hadley's voice melts me, and I love his simplistic acting. Very understated lovely performance. And his singing looks effortless while blowing you away. Linda's material has drastically improved, and I am enjoying her performance more and more. I also read in someone else's post that they thought Marcus played Donal as a black/white villain. Again, I couldn't disagree more. I see a very nuanced performance where he is taking what could be a black and white villain and giving him dimension and reason. You can see his pain as his dream to be leader of the clan disappears, and Father/Son is heartbreaking while being dispicable. And as for his voice, I find it dynamic and powerful. Jeff McCarthy is a great presence as Dubdhara, and sings the role so well. And William Youmans is right on the money as Bingham. He is clearly so committed to the role and makes a very believable character that could in the hands of a lesser actor become characature.

The show is good, my fellow theater goers. Again, it frustrates me as a fan of this kind of show that it's not great. And I wonder if they have time to acheive that greatness. But it's good. Oddly enough, last nights paying audience was far more receptive than the Gypsy audience. So maybe this is a tourist show and not a show for those in the business (or on the periphery of the business). Who knows?

All I know is I thoroughly enjoy it, and with $25 preview tickets available, I will try to revisit one more time once the show is set in stone to see how good, if not great, they make it through this rehearsal time.

I for one am thankful for the return of the big, sweeping, somewhat over the top, epic musical!

Fingers crossed-


WithoutATrace Profile Photo
#2re: PIRATE QUEEN- so close!
Posted: 3/8/07 at 12:33pm

thank god the baby was cut!!!

#2re: PIRATE QUEEN- so close!
Posted: 3/8/07 at 12:37pm

love you long time QB

BreakingTheCircle07 Profile Photo
#3re: PIRATE QUEEN- so close!
Posted: 3/8/07 at 12:38pm

Was the baby the same baby from Chicago or was it something new? Does she still birth her child and fight the pirates moments after?

Variations on a Theme blog: http://panekattack.blogspot.com/

WithoutATrace Profile Photo
#4re: PIRATE QUEEN- so close!
Posted: 3/8/07 at 12:39pm

stephanie held the baby in her arms while she was below the stage and then the stage rose up slightly to reveal the baby. it was like showing simba on pride rock to the land, but this moment was just laughable. thank god it was cut!
Updated On: 3/8/07 at 12:39 PM

#5re: PIRATE QUEEN- so close!
Posted: 3/8/07 at 12:40pm

Well, I don't know if thanking GOD is really necessary. The baby was a misguided choice that might have worked in rehearsal and once they got it on stage in front of an audience the creatives realized it clearly didn't work and they got rid of it right away. So I would say rather "thank the creative team for being observant to the audience response and making a change".

Previews, Without A Trace. Previews.

Thanks for the love, SayitSomehow.


#6re: PIRATE QUEEN- so close!
Posted: 3/8/07 at 12:45pm

Please don't take this the wrong way, as I do appreciate your thoughts and am enjoying hearing how the show is changing, but couldn't you have added this to the PQ thread you created a couple days ago that's still on the first page?

WithoutATrace Profile Photo
#7re: PIRATE QUEEN- so close!
Posted: 3/8/07 at 12:54pm

When I re-review the show after I see it next Friday, should I start a new thread or continue on my old one from the first preview?

DottieD'Luscia Profile Photo
#8re: PIRATE QUEEN- so close!
Posted: 3/8/07 at 12:58pm

WAT - you can do whatever your little heart desires! re: PIRATE QUEEN- so close!

Hey Dottie! Did your colleagues enjoy the cake even though your cat decided to sit on it? ~GuyfromGermany

#9re: PIRATE QUEEN- so close!
Posted: 3/8/07 at 1:00pm

I was genuinely hoping this could be a place to talk about the good/bad/progress etc of a show in the making, rather than about the do's and don't of proper theater internet chat room etiquette.



#9re: PIRATE QUEEN- so close!
Posted: 3/8/07 at 1:00pm

It's good to hear that the baby is gone.

#11re: PIRATE QUEEN- so close!
Posted: 3/8/07 at 1:02pm

Besides the baby, there were still a few places that brought on what I thought was inappropriate laughter. You know, the kind of uncomfortable theater moments that lots of shows have in the early process when the audience might be laughing at the play rather than with it. I would hope/assume that those are being addressed, as they were rather obvious.

We'll see.


doodlenyc Profile Photo
#12re: PIRATE QUEEN- so close!
Posted: 3/8/07 at 1:13pm

"I was genuinely hoping this could be a place to talk about the good/bad/progress etc of a show in the making, rather than about the do's and don't of proper theater internet chat room etiquette.


I agree...and that could be done in one of the many other threads on this show...I'll try to take a shill pill, however.

I love that everytime I glance at the title of this thread, I read PIRATE QUEEN to close!

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"In Oz, the verb is douchifizzation." PRS

Tiny_Dancer Profile Photo
#13re: PIRATE QUEEN- so close!
Posted: 3/8/07 at 1:18pm

QB, since you don't accept PMs, I will make a rare appearance. As someone who has a vested heart connection with this show, I say thank you for your educated opinion. No show is flawless, and for you to state the negative along with the positive is so refreshing and mature.

Do Something!!!! www.one.org

Cape Twirl of Doom Profile Photo
Cape Twirl of Doom
#14re: PIRATE QUEEN- so close!
Posted: 3/8/07 at 3:03pm

That part where she holds up the baby was in the preview I saw on March 6. Was it cut since then? Or did it use to go on for even longer!? It was a really cheesy move and I hope it's gone.

"It's Phantom meets Hamlet... Phamlet!"

Popular Profile Photo
#15re: PIRATE QUEEN- so close!
Posted: 3/8/07 at 3:32pm

CAPE - it wasn't there last night so I think it was cut.

Tiny_Dancer - I'm not sure what a vested heart connection means but it sounds nice. Can all of us who love the people involved and the concepts and ideas of what they are attempting to acheive have one? :)

QB - You are a breathe of fresh air. Others could learn a lot from you about how to respectfully discuss the good and bad of a show in previews. Please keep us up to date about the changes after the next time you go.
Updated On: 3/8/07 at 03:32 PM

#16re: PIRATE QUEEN- so close!
Posted: 3/8/07 at 3:39pm

Cape Twirl- The baby is GONE! Good cut.

TinyDancer- I'll assume you are involved in the show in front of or behind the scenes, and wil say Congratulations. I think you guys have a good shot at a hit here, and I can only imagine the stress of previews. While I've never been involved in anything like this directly, I have plenty of friends who have and know how stressful a time it can be. I hope your creative team is willing to do all in their power to make this the big hit I believe it can be. Good luck.

Doodle- I would expect, as the show is changing daily at this point, that you will see many more threads about PQ in the coming weeks. If you're not interested in them, you certainly don't have to tune in.

You LOVE that when you look at the title of the thread you read it as TO CLOSE? Really? You would love for a show in the midst of coming to fruition to close? Very sad. You must not know many actors who work a lifetime to get the opportunity to be a part of something like this. Very sad.


MovieGuy1031 Profile Photo
#17re: PIRATE QUEEN- so close!
Posted: 3/8/07 at 3:41pm

Agreed. Queen Bee, I truly enjoy reading your posts and definitely trust them 10x more than any of the one's BLATANTLY bashing it or OBVIOUSLY glorifying a good-but-not-perfect piece of theatre. I just can't thank you enough for being honest and looking at this show with more than just pure hatred or ridiculous love. Thanks again.

"The nice thing about the rain is that it always stops... eventually."

- Eeyore

#18re: PIRATE QUEEN- so close!
Posted: 3/8/07 at 3:43pm

Thanks MovieGuy. Normally I wouldn't take the time, and I certainly wouldn't engage in some of the back and forth with the naysayers. But I for one miss the days of the big Broadway epic, and am pulling for PQ. They still have some work to do, but like I said initially, so close.


#19re: PIRATE QUEEN- so close!
Posted: 3/8/07 at 3:53pm

I should say I agree with queenbee's assessment of the show, as a whole. it is a good show that has the potential to really knock some socks off. The topic matter is epic in scope, and critics love that stuff.

I'd say that there are two other areas that I don't buy:

1. Jeff's song at the top of the show -- the lyrics don't help that the moment seems forced. The lyrics are painful to the ear, and the sentiment is a little out of nowhere. I understand they are prepping for the loss of this guy, but that is better to do with fun than with sentiment.

2. The Queen's respect for Grace as a theme. I get that they live parallel lives, etc. but, what is the value being lifted up as the ideal? Women being violent? Having a family? Defending your home with force? Unrequited love? I just think it needs ot be clear before this moment that grace has changed, and HOW she has changed, so that the value/theme of the show can be clearer.

What I'd like to highlight above and beyond anything is how great the performance Stephanie Block gives is. She is giving a really memorable performance in this show, and should be studied for her belt technique -- which is remarkable. I don't think anyone could replace her and hae any hope of giving a better performance.

"Fundamentalism means never having to say 'I'm wrong.'" -- unknown
Updated On: 3/8/07 at 03:53 PM

fachedaluna Profile Photo
#20re: PIRATE QUEEN- so close!
Posted: 3/8/07 at 4:44pm

Thanks QB for your well stated review. Now that's the way to write up a synopsis of your opinion.

Adjie Profile Photo
#21re: PIRATE QUEEN- so close!
Posted: 3/8/07 at 6:04pm

QueenBee - I just want to say thank you for your review of the show - I have enjoyed reading all of your posts. I am seeing the show in April and look forward to seeing the changes.

fachedaluna Profile Photo
#22re: PIRATE QUEEN- so close!
Posted: 3/8/07 at 6:48pm


Anakela Profile Photo
#23re: PIRATE QUEEN- so close!
Posted: 3/9/07 at 12:12am

Saw PIRATE QUEEN for the first time tonight, and no I'm not creating my own thread. :) I completely agree with a lot of the original review here. For me, in the order that I'm thinking of things:

***it goes without saying that SPOILERS follow***

The bad:
- I am not a fan of Lord of the Dance. Anyone a fan of 'Friends' remember the episode where they have the trivia contest, and the question is "According to Chandler, what phenomenon scares the bejeezus out of him?" and the answer is Lord of the Dance? I totally got that. So anyway, that first number starts, (and by the way- why were the men dancing with canoe paddles?), and I found myself questioning what I was in for.
- The birth of the baby. It sounds like it used to be even more laughable, ("Circle of Life"- heh) but I'm sorry that scene is still pretty funny. And like not funny in a good way. I think it's mostly due to the directing/setup of that scene- that stage right area is supposed to be the women below deck, and then yet there she is crawling across the stage to kill a man? Not to mention the whole oh yeah, she just gave birth aspect. I was totally giggling at that scene. Although- I did get the crap scared out of me by the cannon, so that was a good touch.
- The death of Donal. Ok, first of all the fact that the man looked like he just came from the cast of Lestat and/or playing 'older Draco Malfoy' in a Harry Potter movie yet to be named was totally distracting to me. But that's just a personal thing. But the death of Donal- again, totally funny to me, and I don't think it was supposed to be. The couple across the aisle from me on the subway home, the guy kept stretching out his arm going 'noooooo' in this overkill dramatic voice, mocking the death of Donal the whole ride home, and I found that funny too. Unless the death was supposed to be funny? Which I didn't think it was supposed to be.
- Was The Queen supposed to be comedy, or not? It was like the whole show was setting her up for comedy, what with her funny henchmen and her ever-increasing dresses and excess and whatnot, and then all of a sudden she's not funny anymore, but rather getting down to serious business. I get it- both women, parallel lives, yadda yadda, but even with "She Who Has All" it was just too random and abrupt for me.
- didn't care for "Boys'll Be Boys"- you could completely figure out that Donal was a drunken ass even without that song. It added nothing for me.
- not a bad, but a question: Why does Elizabeth bow third from last? I don't mean that Grace and Elizabeth should be doing that 'we both defer the final bow' Wicked thing, but I totally thought Elizabeth would be the second to last bow
- I didn't really get "Master of the House" in "Boys'll Be Boys," but, the very last instrumental piece that plays when Grace and Tiernan reunite at the end, am I the only one who heard that as "Memory" from Cats? I swear that was the song that I heard being played then.
- There was a lot of dancing, and some of it just felt very...random? That's not the word I'm looking for, but it was just- a lot of the directing felt very stiff, and...ok, I'm not doing a good job of finding the words to explain this, but...for example, the use of the trap door in the middle of the stage. Yes, I get it, you have a trap door. Yes, lookit- you can make people and things go down it, and come up it. And look, you can even make the people coming up it *rotate* as they're coming up it. But just because you have 1001 things to do with a trap door, sometimes you only need to use about 5 or 10 of them in order to actually accomplish what you need to in telling and advancing the story.
- a lot of my questions/quibbles can be traced back to directing choices, I think.
- eta: Irish accents. Either do the accents, or don't do the accents, but pick one and then stick with it for the entire show.

The good:
- Honestly, everything else. I thought Stephanie J Block was great. I thought most of the songs were good. I even loved the way that the bows just started, that they didn't feel the need to end with Big Old Finale Number, and then bow. I had minor this part is dragging on too long quibbles, and def some places where I just didn't get what the director was going for, why ___ was set up that way, etc., but all in all it was fun. I went from 'hmm- I don't quite know what I think of this yet' at intermission to thinking I will probably go check it out again after previews.

*edit because I know the difference between 'their' and 'they're.'

Updated On: 3/9/07 at 12:12 AM

B3TA07 Profile Photo
#24re: PIRATE QUEEN- so close!
Posted: 3/9/07 at 12:19am

Lmao, this time I read "to close" too!

Thanks for the review.

