
HAIRSPRAY Movie Full Song and Music Clip!

HAIRSPRAY Movie Full Song and Music Clip!

jacobsnchz14 Profile Photo
#1HAIRSPRAY Movie Full Song and Music Clip!
Posted: 6/15/07 at 10:47pm

Go to:
to hear the COMPLETE version of "YCSTB" from the film including John and Amanda's lines.

Also go to the
MTI "Hairspray" Salon's
game section to hear some of the Tracy Triplets' version of "Mama..."

By the way Mateo, are Velma and Amber no singing in YCSTB??!

Raviolisun Profile Photo
#2re: HAIRSPRAY Movie Full Song and Music Clip!
Posted: 6/15/07 at 10:58pm

YES! I'm dying to hear Amanda's part in You Can't Stop the Beat.

One time, Patti LuPone punched me in the face...

It was awesome.
- theaterkid1015

Marlothom Profile Photo
#2re: HAIRSPRAY Movie Full Song and Music Clip!
Posted: 6/15/07 at 10:59pm

So cinematic, I love it. Very smart making Penny's solo a duet. I am excited for this movie.

"Observe how bravely I conceal this dreadful dreadful shame I feel."

#3re: HAIRSPRAY Movie Full Song and Music Clip!
Posted: 6/15/07 at 11:02pm

I really don't care for Travolta, here or in the released Welcome to the 60s clip. George Wendt or John Goodman would have played it far better, and Travolta's not really a box office draw anymore. Oh well. The kids are great.

ljay889 Profile Photo
#4re: HAIRSPRAY Movie Full Song and Music Clip!
Posted: 6/15/07 at 11:03pm

Amanda sounds alright. Very cute sounding - not much of the spunk I think the character should express at this point. But I'll way to see the film to make a real judgment.

mateo Profile Photo
#5re: HAIRSPRAY Movie Full Song and Music Clip!
Posted: 6/15/07 at 11:04pm

I love Edna's Cher-esque voice and when you see her in action with her dance solo -its just phenomenal.

I love the "Bells" and "Good Morning Baltimore" orchestrations at the end.

"Zac is sweet as can be. He's very much just a sweet kid from California who happens to have a face that looks like it was drawn by Michelangelo, (if Michelangelo did anime)."
-Adam Shankman.

"I haven't left this building since Windows 3.1!"

"Celebrating a birthday this week: Rene Descartes is 412! Do you know who he is? Then why are you watching this show? You could probably get into college and even get one of those job things. As for the rest of us; Amanda Bynes is 22! Yay!"
-E!'s "The Soup"

jacobsnchz14 Profile Photo
#6re: HAIRSPRAY Movie Full Song and Music Clip!
Posted: 6/15/07 at 11:06pm

That's exactly what you said on IMDB Mateo!! lol :)

ljay889 Profile Photo
#7re: HAIRSPRAY Movie Full Song and Music Clip!
Posted: 6/15/07 at 11:06pm

The orchestrations are fantastic! wow.

jacobsnchz14 Profile Photo
#8re: HAIRSPRAY Movie Full Song and Music Clip!
Posted: 6/15/07 at 11:07pm

"I really don't care for Travolta, here or in the released Welcome to the 60s clip. George Wendt or John Goodman would have played it far better, and Travolta's not really a box office draw anymore. Oh well. The kids are great."

I can't really see JOhn Goodman singing/playing it.

I can't believe the Von Tussle Girls don't sing here!!

mateo Profile Photo
#9re: HAIRSPRAY Movie Full Song and Music Clip!
Posted: 6/15/07 at 11:08pm

It is! Because that's how i feel. :)

"Zac is sweet as can be. He's very much just a sweet kid from California who happens to have a face that looks like it was drawn by Michelangelo, (if Michelangelo did anime)."
-Adam Shankman.

"I haven't left this building since Windows 3.1!"

"Celebrating a birthday this week: Rene Descartes is 412! Do you know who he is? Then why are you watching this show? You could probably get into college and even get one of those job things. As for the rest of us; Amanda Bynes is 22! Yay!"
-E!'s "The Soup"

spiderdj82 Profile Photo
#10re: HAIRSPRAY Movie Full Song and Music Clip!
Posted: 6/15/07 at 11:27pm

Oooo . . . I LOVE the orchestrations and the add on to the song. I also love Nikki and Zac's part and Queen Latifah sounds great. John and Amanda . . . not liking it that much. But, I will reserve my "full opinion" until after I see the movie. re: HAIRSPRAY Movie Full Song and Music Clip!

Off Topic . . . Mateo, I LOVE the new avatar. GHOST WORLD is one of my favorite movies.

"They're eating her and then they're going to eat me. OH MY GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD!!!!" -Troll 2
Updated On: 6/15/07 at 11:27 PM

spiderdj82 Profile Photo
#11re: HAIRSPRAY Movie Full Song and Music Clip!
Posted: 6/15/07 at 11:33pm

Ok, I just listened to it again and I like it better this time around. I think it was just the shock of it being slightly different than the OBC recording. CAN'T WAIT until the movie comes out.

"They're eating her and then they're going to eat me. OH MY GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD!!!!" -Troll 2

mateo Profile Photo
#12re: HAIRSPRAY Movie Full Song and Music Clip!
Posted: 6/15/07 at 11:33pm

OT - thanks! its my fav movie by far.

I was writing a musical version of it about 5 years ago- and lost everything in a comp crash. re: HAIRSPRAY Movie Full Song and Music Clip!

"Zac is sweet as can be. He's very much just a sweet kid from California who happens to have a face that looks like it was drawn by Michelangelo, (if Michelangelo did anime)."
-Adam Shankman.

"I haven't left this building since Windows 3.1!"

"Celebrating a birthday this week: Rene Descartes is 412! Do you know who he is? Then why are you watching this show? You could probably get into college and even get one of those job things. As for the rest of us; Amanda Bynes is 22! Yay!"
-E!'s "The Soup"

jacobsnchz14 Profile Photo
#13re: HAIRSPRAY Movie Full Song and Music Clip!
Posted: 6/15/07 at 11:35pm

What do you guys think of "Mama..." from MTI??

Raviolisun Profile Photo
#14re: HAIRSPRAY Movie Full Song and Music Clip!
Posted: 6/15/07 at 11:37pm

Damn, the song stops loading about 1/3 through. I guess I'll just look for it in other places.

One time, Patti LuPone punched me in the face...

It was awesome.
- theaterkid1015

jacobsnchz14 Profile Photo
#15re: HAIRSPRAY Movie Full Song and Music Clip!
Posted: 6/15/07 at 11:38pm

Which song?

#16re: HAIRSPRAY Movie Full Song and Music Clip!
Posted: 6/15/07 at 11:38pm

OMG, it's so cute, even though I still think Zac Effron sucks.

Amanda's decent, but it's hard to go from Kerry Butler to her. Haha.

Jimmy, what are you doing here in the middle of the night? It's almost 9 PM!

spiderdj82 Profile Photo
#17re: HAIRSPRAY Movie Full Song and Music Clip!
Posted: 6/15/07 at 11:40pm

I have been VERY surprised by Zac and I think he is going to be a GREAT Link. He kicks serious budunka dunk in "Ladies Choice." re: HAIRSPRAY Movie Full Song and Music Clip!

"They're eating her and then they're going to eat me. OH MY GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD!!!!" -Troll 2

Raviolisun Profile Photo
#18re: HAIRSPRAY Movie Full Song and Music Clip!
Posted: 6/15/07 at 11:43pm

I'm no Zac Efrom fan, but I think him as Link is pretty perfect casting. I agree that he kicks ass in "Ladies Choice."

Jacob, the song I was talking about was "You Can't Stop the Beat."

One time, Patti LuPone punched me in the face...

It was awesome.
- theaterkid1015

#19re: HAIRSPRAY Movie Full Song and Music Clip!
Posted: 6/15/07 at 11:49pm

He's decent in "Ladies' Choice" but that isn't exactly a really hard song to sing. He sounds terrible in "Without Love," a song that showcases vocals more.

Jimmy, what are you doing here in the middle of the night? It's almost 9 PM!

spiderdj82 Profile Photo
#20re: HAIRSPRAY Movie Full Song and Music Clip!
Posted: 6/15/07 at 11:54pm

The only problem I have with "Ladies Choice" (and it's not even really a "problem") is that the vocals sound computerized in a way. I know he didn't have pitch correction, because Marc said so, but it sounds a little computerized. I am not really a Zac Efron fan either (I haven't seen or heard enough from him to really form an opinion about him), but so far I like what I hear and see from him in this movie.

I guess we have to agree to disagree. re: HAIRSPRAY Movie Full Song and Music Clip!

"They're eating her and then they're going to eat me. OH MY GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD!!!!" -Troll 2
Updated On: 6/15/07 at 11:54 PM

jacobsnchz14 Profile Photo
#21re: HAIRSPRAY Movie Full Song and Music Clip!
Posted: 6/15/07 at 11:58pm

Anyway... how about dem Tracy's in "Mama..."

spiderdj82 Profile Photo
#22re: HAIRSPRAY Movie Full Song and Music Clip!
Posted: 6/15/07 at 11:59pm

I can't find it. I went to the "fun" section and didn't see or hear anything regarding the song.

"They're eating her and then they're going to eat me. OH MY GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD!!!!" -Troll 2

jacobsnchz14 Profile Photo
#23re: HAIRSPRAY Movie Full Song and Music Clip!
Posted: 6/16/07 at 12:08am

It should be at the very bottom of the "Games" section.

shiksa_goddess Profile Photo
#24re: HAIRSPRAY Movie Full Song and Music Clip!
Posted: 6/16/07 at 12:11am

Not crazy about Amanda and John at all. However, I will wait to make a decision on them until after I see the movie.

I don't dislike Zac, but I'm not crazy about him either. Ladies Choice seems fun enough, if not a bit generic. I keep thinking of Born to hand jive.
