
MATT DOYLE in for Groff in SA 07.14- Page 2

MATT DOYLE in for Groff in SA 07.14

obsessedjb Profile Photo
#25re: MATT DOYLE in for Groff in SA 07.14
Posted: 7/15/07 at 11:41am

He turned 20 in May. He has laryngitis but you couldn't really tell he was sick during the evening show.

Um... I haven't seen Matt Doyle in SA, but can we start shouting for him to be Groff's permanent replacement?

Well, Michael was there last night.

#26re: MATT DOYLE in for Groff in SA 07.14
Posted: 7/15/07 at 2:01pm

"Interesting to know that Jonathan Groff was out. Personal day, huh? Did people actually know in advance?"

Yes, he posted about it on his blog and facebook. So that's why rush was so crowded because people knew way in advance and planned to see him.

#27re: MATT DOYLE in for Groff in SA 07.14
Posted: 7/15/07 at 2:24pm

personally, I would have prefered for Robi Hager to have gone on. If it were him, I would have been there. Matt Doyle just comes of as grimey and skeevey to me. Robi seems like he'd be a much better Melchior.

#28re: MATT DOYLE in for Groff in SA 07.14
Posted: 7/15/07 at 2:43pm

Well you've also talked about how you're friends with Robi in the past. If he were my friend, I'd want him to go on too. Matt did not come across as "grimey or skeevey" in anyway at all. He was spectacular.

InfiniteTheaterFrenzy Profile Photo
#29re: MATT DOYLE in for Groff in SA 07.14
Posted: 7/15/07 at 2:45pm

So what time have people been getting there for rush on an average non- understudy show day?

[title of show] on Broadway. it's time. believe.

obsessedjb Profile Photo
#30re: MATT DOYLE in for Groff in SA 07.14
Posted: 7/15/07 at 2:48pm

well by 8 on thursday there were about 30 people in line

antiandrewx Profile Photo
#31re: MATT DOYLE in for Groff in SA 07.14
Posted: 7/15/07 at 2:55pm

I've seen Robi as Ernst and there is NO WAY that he could ever take on Melchior. His acting isn't even in the same league as Matt's.

Mayer was indeed there last night and was in tears by then end of the show.

#32re: MATT DOYLE in for Groff in SA 07.14
Posted: 7/15/07 at 2:55pm

Matt Doyle just comes of as grimey and skeevey to me.

Grimey & skeevey? I'd say that about someone who's taking a piss in a telephone booth. But that's about the last thing I would have ever thought regarding Matt Doyle.

He has such a baby face & I always see him with a genuine smile in pictures.

what time have people been getting there for rush on an average non- understudy show day?

You're good between 8-9am

popular_elphie Profile Photo
#33re: MATT DOYLE in for Groff in SA 07.14
Posted: 7/15/07 at 2:56pm

Matt Doyle skeevy? That's the first time I've heard him described that way.

millie_dillmount Profile Photo
#34re: MATT DOYLE in for Groff in SA 07.14
Posted: 7/15/07 at 3:10pm

"Matt Doyle just comes of as grimey and skeevey to me."

Haha...what the hell?

"We like to snark around here. Sometimes we actually talk about theater...but we try not to let that get in our way." - dramamama611

Becoz_i_knew_you21 Profile Photo
#35re: MATT DOYLE in for Groff in SA 07.14
Posted: 7/15/07 at 3:11pm

I'm thinking the same Millie...

InfiniteTheaterFrenzy Profile Photo
#36re: MATT DOYLE in for Groff in SA 07.14
Posted: 7/15/07 at 3:26pm

Thanks for the info on recent rush times, guys re: MATT DOYLE in for Groff in SA 07.14

[title of show] on Broadway. it's time. believe.

#37re: MATT DOYLE in for Groff in SA 07.14
Posted: 7/15/07 at 3:37pm

No.. I am not FRIENDS with Robi. I know Robi on a "hi, how are you?" basis when I see him around..

LimelightMike Profile Photo
#38re: MATT DOYLE in for Groff in SA 07.14
Posted: 7/15/07 at 5:15pm

*raises hand*

That would be ME who's a dear, good friend and colleague of Rob's.

#39re: MATT DOYLE in for Groff in SA 07.14
Posted: 7/15/07 at 5:29pm

Remy looks bored to tears as well as Gideon.

I've sat onstage next to Remy and she indeed looked bored! Some of the ensemble peeps looked bored too (more so in my later visits than back closer to opening).

Back to Doyle, etc. Both Hager and Doyle look really small and young...it would be really odd seeing either of them with L. Michelle, who is not so petite...maybe Wendla likes little boys LOL...

I know for a fact that some of the SA guys have been working out with trainers in order to beef up, at the request of the powers that be. But you didn't hear it from me.

LimelightMike Profile Photo
#40re: MATT DOYLE in for Groff in SA 07.14
Posted: 7/15/07 at 5:49pm

You're probably confusing Robi with Gerard. Rob's 5'8", 5'9"-ish. Gerard's shorter than Rob from what I know. I kind of think it's funny how some of the guys were asked to 'beef-up' for the show. Haven't heard that one before.
Updated On: 7/15/07 at 05:49 PM

#41re: MATT DOYLE in for Groff in SA 07.14
Posted: 7/15/07 at 7:15pm

Yeah.. Robi is my size. On the generous side, gerard is about 5'2"

Becoz_i_knew_you21 Profile Photo
#42re: MATT DOYLE in for Groff in SA 07.14
Posted: 7/15/07 at 10:41pm

I feel bad for him...

ElFantasma14 Profile Photo
#43re: MATT DOYLE in for Groff in SA 07.14
Posted: 7/15/07 at 11:32pm

Aww, I can totally sympathise with him. There are some days when, for lack of better words, you just feel like crap. It's a shame that had to coincide with his debut as Melchior. But anyways, I sense big things for him. I second the wish that he'll replace Groff. Not wishing Groff to leave, though. I still haven't seen him!

#44re: MATT DOYLE in for Groff in SA 07.14
Posted: 7/16/07 at 12:53am

from his blog:

I had steroids for the second performance

Well, those will certainly beef him up! Hahaha . JUST KIDDING.

Seriously, if he was really really REALLY sick, enough to compromise the show, I would think they wouldn't have him go on.

re: the size question, yeah, I guess Gerard is shorter than Robi, but Gerard seems kinda plumper or something. Robi really is kinda small in a way. Not tiny, but nothing like Skyler, Groff, Wright, etc. Plus, Robi was understudying Melchior, and you don't want a Melchior who looks 10 years younger than Wendla. I would put Robi at 5-7, tops. I'll have to ask him. He did look a little beefier the last time I saw him, YUM.

I saw Doyle go on for Hanschen in March.....he was OK.

LimelightMike Profile Photo
#45re: MATT DOYLE in for Groff in SA 07.14
Posted: 7/16/07 at 1:22am

I can understand where you're coming from when you say he doesn't look 'built' like Mr. Astin or Mr. Groff, but Rob's a skinny guy. He's not really 'meant' to look husky. I can attest to him standing at 5'8" or 5'9" - I myself am 5'7"-ish. (NLB height or taller, wahoo!) It's just his build that can throw people off, I guess.

#46re: MATT DOYLE in for Groff in SA 07.14
Posted: 7/16/07 at 5:39am

I know for a fact that some of the SA guys have been working out with trainers in order to beef up, at the request of the powers that be.

That's weird. That will just make them look older. Hence why most 15 year old boys do not play on their school's Varsity Football team.

Remy looks bored to tears as well as Gideon.

I didn't notice Gideon, but the blank look on Remy's face prior to "The Dark I Know Well" made me want to smack her. She's getting paid to react in, what, 3 scenes and she can't manage it? Seriously?

B Girl Profile Photo
B Girl
#47re: MATT DOYLE in for Groff in SA 07.14
Posted: 7/16/07 at 4:39pm

One of the times i sat next to Remy on-stage she really gave off this vibe of not wanting to be there and just seemed annoyed...no lie. It really made me not like her as much of both and character and actor.

antiandrewx Profile Photo
#48re: MATT DOYLE in for Groff in SA 07.14
Posted: 7/16/07 at 4:50pm

Well seeing as how she's taking a year off from Columbia to stay with the show, I think it's safe to assume that she enjoys being in the show.

mortgageguy79 Profile Photo
#49re: MATT DOYLE in for Groff in SA 07.14
Posted: 7/16/07 at 6:00pm

I was there too! I was a little upset to see that Groff wasn't there, I took my friend who had never seen the show. BUT, Matt Doyle did a great job. A little hoarse at time and struggled a couple times, but overall, I thought he was good.

I agree that Lea seemed a little more "nervous" with him, which really worked out well. The rest of the cast supported him 1000% so it was really wonderful to see a bit of a fresh twist on the show.

The audience ATE the show up!

Nice work Matt!!!!

Jack: For your information, most people who meet me do not know that I am gay. Will: Jack, blind and deaf people know you're gay. Dead people know you're gay. Jack: Grace, when you first met me, did you know I was gay? Grace: My dog knew.