High School Version of Rent

#1High School Version of Rent
Posted: 11/9/07 at 8:49am

I just got tickets to the First high school version of Rent. It will be performed at Truman High School is Bucks County outside of Philly. They have a very fine drama department. I am very interested to see what they do with the show. They are the first high school in the US to perform Rent. The news last night had a story on it and the big discussion was whether they will include the same sex kiss or not.

I will post a review next Friday night.

#2re: High School Version of Rent
Posted: 11/9/07 at 9:08am

I was fortunate to attend a dress rehearsal and I must say EVEN without going full out the production was great. The cuts were minimal, the staging was superb and the set was INCREdible! The lighting was so well done as were the performances. If it is not sold out and you can get tickets GET TICKETS. I will be going again next friday! I can't even imagine how great it will be in full

orangeskittles Profile Photo
#2re: High School Version of Rent
Posted: 11/9/07 at 9:12am

The news last night had a story on it and the big discussion was whether they will include the same sex kiss or not.

According to reviews of the workshops, the lesbian kiss is. The gay kiss is not. Yeah, that's not the least bit hypocritical...re: High School Version of Rent

Like a firework unexploded
Wanting life but never knowing how

#3re: High School Version of Rent
Posted: 11/9/07 at 9:15am

well I guess in the weird world we live in a girl on girl kiss is more acceptable then a guy on guy kiss. Plus in high school (especially the one in question) those involved in the guy on guy kiss would not be able to live that one down. Sad but true.

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#4re: High School Version of Rent
Posted: 11/9/07 at 9:26am

It seems antithetical to the whole being of ReNt to perform it with female to female kissing but not male to male kissing.

#5re: High School Version of Rent
Posted: 11/9/07 at 9:50am

While this is the first licensed production of the School Edition, Truman is not the first high school in the U.S. to perform Rent. Through the workshopping of the School Edition, it has been done several times, at the high school level, at Stagedoor Manor, and at a community theatre with high school age kids. I wish them well.

FinalDestination Profile Photo
#6re: High School Version of Rent
Posted: 11/9/07 at 11:33am

My friend's school is doing RENT in the spring. And from what I have heard from her, they're cutting out, Angel and Collins's kiss. They are, however, keeping Maureen and Joanne's. In my opinion that's stupid. But does anyone know, if in the High School (or Junior, whatever you want to call it) edition if they're doing the song La Vie Boheme in its entirety?

"That's a good point. Next time I pee on a Starbucks couch and throw straws and napkins at a barista, I'll just yell, "YOU DON'T KNOW ME OUTSIDE OF STARBUCKS! YOU DON'T KNOW ME AT ALL!" and that should do it. "-LizzieCurry

#7re: High School Version of Rent
Posted: 11/9/07 at 11:36am

How do you get tickets?

I'm right near this school and would LOVE to see this production, but I don't want to show up at the door and see that it's sold out.

#8re: High School Version of Rent
Posted: 11/9/07 at 3:54pm

You have to show up to get tickets. They will not hold or reserve them for you.

#9re: High School Version of Rent
Posted: 11/9/07 at 3:58pm

it's because lesbian kisses are hot - gay kissing is gross. a-duh

The morning star always gets wonderful bright the minute before it has to go --doesn't it?

jpbran Profile Photo
#10re: High School Version of Rent
Posted: 11/9/07 at 5:15pm

"...those involved in the guy on guy kiss would not be able to live that one down."

Maybe they should consider NOT taking the part, perhaps? Let someone with some balls take on the part, if the school has backbone enough to allow it. Ugh...

Larson and his (now departed) friends must be spinning.

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#11re: High School Version of Rent
Posted: 11/9/07 at 5:32pm

Make sure you boo when Angel and Collins don't kiss!

(Don't they only kiss for about a second in the actual production?)
Updated On: 11/9/07 at 05:32 PM

philly03 Profile Photo
#12re: High School Version of Rent
Posted: 11/9/07 at 6:07pm

I'm not really a big fan of Rent, nor have I seen it on stage (pieces of the movie only), but I do live in Philly...it would be interesting to see this at this level.

A few years ago (I think it was 2000) they were the first high school to do LES MISeRABLES as well, so the drama dept. there must be pretty good!

#13re: High School Version of Rent
Posted: 11/9/07 at 6:16pm

jpbran, don't presume to know how Jonathan Larson would feel about this. Although I don't totally agree with changing original works, it happens all the time, especially when licensing to schools takes place. The fact is that Larson's family was closely involved in the multi-year process of developing this school edition. I think they, better than anyone here, would know how Jonathan was likely to feel about the situation.

#14re: High School Version of Rent
Posted: 11/9/07 at 6:21pm

philly, if you've never seen the stage version, how can you say you're not a fan of Rent? Is it because you don't like the score and the story?

I think having Larson's family involved is a great idea, as was done with the film version, but let's face it - no one can actually presume to know what he would have wanted. This is why I never show anything that I write to my family - it's just too close for comfort.

The morning star always gets wonderful bright the minute before it has to go --doesn't it?

#15re: High School Version of Rent
Posted: 11/9/07 at 6:24pm

Isn't putting that much faith in his family's involvement also presuming to know how he would feel about it, if only in a smaller way?

I don't need to conform to how Larson or his family would/do feel about something to be irritated by the notion of lesbian kiss = ok, gay kiss = not ok.

#16re: High School Version of Rent
Posted: 11/9/07 at 7:36pm

Neither do I need to conform, craww. My comment was in response to the idea that the poster knew what Larson would think of this. He/she obviously doesn't. His family may not either but it's a sure bet that there's a better chance that they would, and even if they didn't, the intellectual property is theirs to control so there you go. :)

#17re: High School Version of Rent
Posted: 11/9/07 at 7:45pm

I was part of the cast of the last workshop in the city before they started trying it out on high schools, and when he performed it (on a small stage all sitting down on chairs, manimal staging) Larson's Dad was there. La Vie Boheme is complete, but several lyrics have been changed

no dildos, no masturbation

AlmostFamous2 Profile Photo
#18re: High School Version of Rent
Posted: 11/11/07 at 2:02am

Hey everyone!

Tonight (Saturday) I went to see the show at Truman with my friend's ITS group (because my school is dumb and didn't go).

I had really big expectations, especially since I know what some high schools are capable of, and I really wasn't impressed. Yes, the set and the lighting were good, but the talent was kind of "bleh". The few people that stood out were Roger, Joanne, and Maureen (my favorite... she was the best singer and actress by far... her name was Ashley Vitale), but the rest weren't really good. I think it was just the music that threw me. A lot of vocals weren't up to par or extremely pitchy. I am sorry for being so critical, but I think it could have been better. I mean I know it is just a high school, but I have seen better high school shows, but at the same time I commend them, because Rent is not an easy show to pull off.

Both homosexual kisses were in... Tom and Angel kissed, as well as Joanne and Maureen.

And so were the words "masterbation" and "erection" in La Vie Boheme.

#19re: High School Version of Rent
Posted: 11/11/07 at 2:13am

that is like a disney version of Deep Throat why bother

I wish I could sing.

#20re: High School Version of Rent
Posted: 11/13/07 at 2:56pm

To get tickets, you have to go to the High School and purchase them. As of this past weekend, next Saturday's final show is already sold out. It is my understanding that there are still tickets for Thursday and Friday's shows. Not to mention, they hold 20 tickets for each night, which they will sell on a first come, first serve basis just before showtime.

I went Sunday afternoon, and being a fan of Rent, I really enjoyed the show. The kids that played Roger, Mimi and Angel really blew everyone else away. You can call the school at (215)547-3000 to see if tickets are still available.

It is definitely worth the price of admission, $15.

#21re: High School Version of Rent
Posted: 11/13/07 at 3:00pm

Isn't putting that much faith in his family's involvement also presuming to know how he would feel about it, if only in a smaller way?

Craww, I don't know if your comment was in response to me or the poster above, but yeah, I suppose it is. I mean, there's no easy answer to the question of 'is it a good move to involve his family in the creative process of his work' - so I'm not sure

The morning star always gets wonderful bright the minute before it has to go --doesn't it?

jpbran Profile Photo
#22re: High School Version of Rent
Posted: 11/15/07 at 12:47pm

"jpbran, don't presume to know how Jonathan Larson would feel about this."

Oh please... So much of Rent was about pointing out and condeming homophobes and the like. To have this sanitized for high schools would PROBABLY not sit well with him (especially removing a gay kiss, though that might have since been debunked).

Since I'm not a psychic, medium, or old friend of Larson's, I'm obviously can't KNOW how he would feel, but unless his beliefs were entirely disconnected from his show's basic themes, he would surely at least be irritated.

But the larger issue is: "why does EVERYTHING have to be made kid-safe?" Let the adults have their things, and kids have theirs. From Vegas to Broadway to television to movies to books, not everything has to cater to the 18 and under set. Wanting to cater to everyone is just greedy and results in watered-down, "safe," less-than-challenging art.

(Sorry for the rant...)

LizzieCurry Profile Photo
#23re: High School Version of Rent
Posted: 11/15/07 at 1:39pm

jpbran, don't presume to know how Jonathan Larson would feel about this.

Why not? All the REAL Rentheads do that. Especially when there's a flame war. Jonathan would never want people to fight, when his musical is all about love.

"This thread reads like a series of White House memos." — Mister Matt

#24re: High School Version of Rent
Posted: 11/17/07 at 3:21pm

Well, I got to see it and it was very good for a high school production. Every one was good, with one exception and that exception was pretty bad. The girl that played Maureen was extremely good. All in all a nice evening.

The only song cut was Contact. Other then that it was pretty intact.

The sets were very well done. They were collecting for Broadway Cares, which was very nice to see. They also ran a 50/50 and the winner was so nice to donate her winnings to Broadway Cares.
