
Anything Goes - Chinese Characters

Anything Goes - Chinese Characters

jczelyph Profile Photo
#1Anything Goes - Chinese Characters
Posted: 11/24/07 at 5:21am

Just been cast as 'Second Chinese' in Anythng Goes. Not sure which version of the show we're using. I'm very disappointed because I'm not used to having small parts and I don't feel the other casting decisions are appropriate. Anyway, whatevs, gotta just get on with it.

Does anyone know what this part involves? Will I sing or have any lines (or dance)? Is it particularly funny or memorable? Do I have to play some terrible racial stereotype and do a 'funny voice' 'cos I'm really not cool with that.

I'm used to showstopping numbers - any chance here?

Thanks gang! x

"Jane, I've been dealt a blow - I've been dealt a blow, Jane."

WickedBoy2 Profile Photo
#2re: Anything Goes - Chinese Characters
Posted: 11/24/07 at 5:22am


A young actress with Noel coward after a dreadful opening night performance said to him 'Well, i knew my lines backwards this morning!'' Noels fast reply was ''Yes dear, and thats exactly how you said them tonight'!'

broadwaybuddy824 Profile Photo
#2re: Anything Goes - Chinese Characters
Posted: 11/24/07 at 7:40am

jczelyph - I played the first the Chinese in a production of 'Anything Goes' who is called Ching and the 2nd Chinese is Ling as the script goes. They have 2 speak scenes. However, the are physically in a lot scenes representing the ensemble. Don't get discouraged because the lines the do have are comedic, depending on how one interpets them. I got laughs when I played the role. If you want some advice, I would say characterize your walk/movements and with the accent, make it comedic, but real at the same time. Also, play with voice inflection. I am Chinese so I memiced my relitives. But the 1st Chinese's role is slightly more pominent

Hope this help!
Updated On: 11/24/07 at 07:40 AM

Horton Profile Photo
#3re: Anything Goes - Chinese Characters
Posted: 11/24/07 at 9:12am

I played Ling a while ago, it was a lot of fun. broadwaybuddy824 gave you some excellent advice, seriously make it funny- go over the top, dont hold anything back.
Once on stage an actor missed his cue- leaving myself and my fellow Chinese convert on stage and we improved a scene in CHINESE for like 4.5 minutes, and we had the audience in stitches. No joke, if you have a good director/choreographer there is no way you will not have a most enjoyable experience.

LuPonatic Profile Photo
#4re: Anything Goes - Chinese Characters
Posted: 11/24/07 at 10:02am

man, you got janked!

broadwayrules  Profile Photo
#5re: Anything Goes - Chinese Characters
Posted: 11/24/07 at 12:15pm

I just did the 1962 version, the chinese characters are in 3 or 4 really funny scenes. I wasn't one of the chinese parts, but I did see your how there did they parts. You get to speak in accents, and be over the top (but not offensive it can be an easy mistake to make.)Also, I always thought it would be funny if the two characters learned to speak Chinese to make the character more realistic. Break a leg!

myshikobit Profile Photo
#6re: Anything Goes - Chinese Characters
Posted: 11/24/07 at 2:46pm

Everyone gets disappointed with the roles they get when they do "Anything Goes". I got the Bishop. I thought the Chinese characters would be fun to play. I'd do it really over the top. They are really mischevious, so make sure to always have a playful glint in your eyes, and a Cheshire Cat-like smile and you'll be great.

"There are only two worthwhile things to leave behind when we depart this world of ours: children and art." -Sunday In The Park With George

MisterRussell Profile Photo
#7re: Anything Goes - Chinese Characters
Posted: 11/24/07 at 4:03pm

Wait a minute...Hold on for just a sec...did you say "I usually get big roles," or words to that effect? And now you "have to" play a supporting role?

Well, poor frickin' YOU.

If you're gonna be a diva, just quit the show and let somebody who isn't all wrapped up in being a community/high school/ college THEATRE STAR have some fun with the part.

So sick of self-serving pissants on this board...

Testing1232 Profile Photo
#8re: Anything Goes - Chinese Characters
Posted: 11/24/07 at 11:25pm

"Not sure which version of the show we're using."

Um, call me crazy, but you could - um, I don't know - ASK THE DIRECTOR?

CurtainPullDowner Profile Photo
#9re: Anything Goes - Chinese Characters
Posted: 11/24/07 at 11:34pm

so sick of people saying pissant on this board.

Watch a Charlie Chan Movie, they're actually pretty good, but Chan wasn't Asian.