
What does it mean to "sell out"?

What does it mean to "sell out"?

gertiecummings Profile Photo
#1What does it mean to "sell out"?
Posted: 11/29/07 at 3:04am

I've been thinking about this a lot since I graduated from college. I've been trying to figure out what I want as an actor and as an artist. I know I don't want to be a sell-out, but I can figure out exactly what that means. What makes an actor a sell out? Doing a big-budget jukebox musical (not a lot of social meaning)? Having your own clothing line? Becoming a spokeperson for Mastercard or some other product?

What do you all think?

LimelightMike Profile Photo
#2re: What does it mean to 'sell out'?
Posted: 11/29/07 at 3:18am

When I think of sell-outs, I can't pinpoint any one in particular because a lot of the time, the term is tossed around all too much (especially nowadays). I personally feel that 'selling-out' is when one goes against his principles, gives into full-on temptation out of greed, lust, or 'quick 'n' easy' satisfaction. As an actor, I believe that if you were to grow and prosper with a certain bunch of 'homegrown talents' (like I did), and you reach great successes elsewhere (like I'm striving to do), you'll always, always, always remain true to your home, to the 'place that made you' who and what you are. I guess, what I'm trying to say is - It's open to inerpretation. Haha! Sorry for wasting your time.

mateo Profile Photo
#2re: What does it mean to 'sell out'?
Posted: 11/29/07 at 3:28am

Even if one feels they have stayed true to their morals and upbringing, I believe no matter what, every one who achieves a degree of success will be called a Sell-Out by someone they know.

I think it's unavoidable.

"Zac is sweet as can be. He's very much just a sweet kid from California who happens to have a face that looks like it was drawn by Michelangelo, (if Michelangelo did anime)."
-Adam Shankman.

"I haven't left this building since Windows 3.1!"

"Celebrating a birthday this week: Rene Descartes is 412! Do you know who he is? Then why are you watching this show? You could probably get into college and even get one of those job things. As for the rest of us; Amanda Bynes is 22! Yay!"
-E!'s "The Soup"

pants2 Profile Photo
#3re: What does it mean to 'sell out'?
Posted: 11/29/07 at 6:26am

urban dictionary.....
6. Sell Out

Compromising your integrity, usually for money. This word is mostly used to describe bands that go mainstream., or other artist's who go against their original career plan or morals for financial gain.

Can, can I have it?

songanddanceman2 Profile Photo
#4re: What does it mean to 'sell out'?
Posted: 11/29/07 at 9:12am

God i hate thats term

We would all love to do small interesting independent theatre where we can experiment with characters more etc etc etc but we also have to pay the Rent

Ive done tons of small shows which i love amd have the best time in but then ive also done Tours or London stints in Fame, JCS, Joseph etc.

Does that make me a sell out.....No, that keeps a roof over my head

Namo i love u but we get it already....you don't like Madonna

#5re: What does it mean to 'sell out'?
Posted: 11/29/07 at 9:38am

Years ago, Bob Dylan switched from Acoustical guitar to electric and people booed him and accused him of selling out. Did he sell out or did he follow his on instincts? You be the judge.

I always felt that if you have something to sell, sell it as long as it doesn't harm anyone and brings you the satisfaction you desire.

Sometimes, we have few choices. Would you rather be unemployed or waiting tables or actively working on a project you may not be all that in love with? These are the decisions that shape our lives.

Live long and prosper. Marriage equity now!

Steve2 Profile Photo
#6re: What does it mean to 'sell out'?
Posted: 11/29/07 at 10:59am

I agree with all of the previous posters.
I think the bar has been set very high (or low) by today's standards.
One would have to do something overtly commercial (and offensive) to be a "sell out" today.

Bettyboy72 Profile Photo
#7re: What does it mean to 'sell out'?
Posted: 11/29/07 at 11:12am

"Selling out" is subjective and used by fans or critics to denigrate an artist they are upset with for an artistic choice. In reality, it doesn't exist. Artists make artistic choices, some good, some not so good, some wildly popular, others not so much. It is a part of their evolution. Life is way to boring if you stick to one style or medium. Selling out is a silly label used often by neurotic, obssessive fans.

"The sexual energy between the mother and son really concerns me!"-random woman behind me at Next to Normal "I want to meet him after and bang him!"-random woman who exposed her breasts at Rock of Ages, referring to James Carpinello

doodlenyc Profile Photo
#8re: What does it mean to 'sell out'?
Posted: 11/29/07 at 11:22am

to "sell out" means there are no tickets left.

"Carson has combined his passion for helping children with his love for one of Cincinnati's favorite past times - cornhole - to create a unique and exciting event perfect for a corporate outing, entertaining clients or family fun."

"In Oz, the verb is douchifizzation." PRS

jordangirl Profile Photo
#9re: What does it mean to 'sell out'?
Posted: 11/29/07 at 11:43am

Doodle, I was just about to say that. :P

Experience live theater. Experience paintings. Experience books. Live, look and listen like artists! ~ imaginethis

#10re: What does it mean to 'sell out'?
Posted: 11/29/07 at 12:38pm

"Sell Out" means that you are essentially giving up your independence as a creative artist in exchange for money. When you think about sell outs, it generally is someone (or a group) that had a very popular and acclaimed career that signed on to a big money machine where the end product is controlled by that big machine (like a big studio, record label, etc.)

B3TA07 Profile Photo
#11re: What does it mean to 'sell out'?
Posted: 11/29/07 at 12:43pm

Ever see "RENT?"


BigFatBlonde Profile Photo
#12re: What does it mean to 'sell out'?
Posted: 11/29/07 at 1:22pm

I wouldn't worry too much about "selling" out, deary. Everyone sells-out to some degree, regardless of profession. Even someone like a Stephen Sondheim has to make conessions to the market.

I'd focus on finding work as an actor. Every sensible actor realizes at some point that if someone is willing to pay you to perform...you take it!

The more you work, the more money and recognition you have.. the more money and recognition you have..the more choices you get in selecting what you will and won't do.

But if you start off with the "this is beneath me attitude," you may miss out on that tampon commercial that would have paid you big bucks and allowed you do that rinky dink play you love so much.

What great ones do the less will prattle of

Jennifer Lynn
#13re: What does it mean to 'sell out'?
Posted: 11/29/07 at 1:46pm

I tend to side with South Park's tongue-in-cheek definition:

"If you work in the entertainment business and you make any money, you're a sell-out."

#14re: What does it mean to 'sell out'?
Posted: 11/29/07 at 1:51pm

I worked hard to get where I am today.

YOU sold out.

TheatreDiva90016 Profile Photo
#15re: What does it mean to 'sell out'?
Posted: 11/29/07 at 1:54pm

As long as the check clears, I'm fine with sellng out.

"TheatreDiva90016 - another good reason to frequent these boards less."<<>> “I hesitate to give this line of discussion the validation it so desperately craves by perpetuating it, but the light from logic is getting further and further away with your every successive post.” <<>> -whatever2

#16re: What does it mean to 'sell out'?
Posted: 11/29/07 at 4:57pm

TheatreDiva90016: Agreed! I only wish I had something to sell, so I could sell out!

Live long and prosper. Marriage equity now!

gertiecummings Profile Photo
#17re: What does it mean to 'sell out'?
Posted: 11/29/07 at 11:21pm

Jennifer Lynn, I was waiting for someone to do that. And now I must do this:

"Lisa is a sell-out! Lisa is a sell-out! Lisa, what's a sell-out?"
-Ralph from the Evita episode of the Simpsons

Forester Profile Photo
#18re: What does it mean to 'sell out'?
Posted: 11/30/07 at 1:01am

See Metallica after the black album. A perfect example of "selling out."
