
Does too much publicity make people hate the show?

Does too much publicity make people hate the show?

#1Does too much publicity make people hate the show?
Posted: 1/4/08 at 7:40pm

Please no one yell at me for this but I have come to find alot of theatre people on here (and just out there) seem to hate it when shows get too much publicity. People hate Wicked because it became too popluar and the fans got annoying. I actually am not a Wicked fan but because I don't really like the music and I find it annoying. But when a show gets really popular, people just stop liking the show. This happened with Spring Awakening, Rent, Wicked and others as well. If you don't like some of those shows for other reasons, you do not have to point that out. But the fans and publicity should not stop people from liking the show.

LizzieCurry Profile Photo
#2re: Does too much publicity make people hate the show?
Posted: 1/4/08 at 7:41pm

Please no one yell at me for this but I have come to find alot of theatre people on here (and just out there) seem to hate it when shows get too much publicity. People hate Wicked because it became too popluar and the fans got annoying.

I think you answered your own question.

"This thread reads like a series of White House memos." — Mister Matt

strelimyn Profile Photo
#2re: Does too much publicity make people hate the show?
Posted: 1/4/08 at 8:31pm

I agree with you that the mere fact that many people like a certain show (or certain actor as I've seen) should not make any person like that same show or actor less. If they do not legitimately like the show, that's fine. But, I've seen many cases where one liked a certain show, then disliked it because of its popularity.

However, I do somewhat agree that too much of anything causes detestation. For example, in the months leading up to the screen adaptation of Rent, the television stations were ridden with advertisements. Many of my friends began to not want to see the movie simply because of these numerous commercials. Even I, a fan of Rent years before the movie, became unexplainable nauseous whenever I heard even a small bit of "Seasons of Love" during that time.

So, the point of my rant - yes, in my experiences, too much publicity does seem to take a negative effect. However sad as it is, it does happen, and it is quite a shame.


Mealz1042 Profile Photo
#3re: Does too much publicity make people hate the show?
Posted: 1/4/08 at 8:55pm

it shouldn't but it definitely does

<-- Gwen Stewart, SOLoist at the last show of RENT
Cages or wings? Which do you prefer? Ask the birds. Fear or love, baby? Don't say the answer Actions speak louder than words. (Tick, Tick... BOOM!)

#4re: Does too much publicity make people hate the show?
Posted: 1/4/08 at 9:06pm

Either people could get sick of seeing the ads everywhere, or they see the fanatical fans and suddenly feel embarrassed by the behavior of the fanatics.

#5re: Does too much publicity make people hate the show?
Posted: 1/4/08 at 9:07pm

Well, I am sure all those ugly Farnsworth ad's on this website pissed a lot of people off.

Scarywarhol Profile Photo
#6re: Does too much publicity make people hate the show?
Posted: 1/4/08 at 9:21pm

I actually really like the Farnsworth logo...

Anyway, yes, hype definitely causes backlash. I am as susceptable as anyone to this...I'm not going to pretend I'd dislkike Wicked as much as I do if it closed in three weeks.

Gobstopper Profile Photo
#7re: Does too much publicity make people hate the show?
Posted: 1/4/08 at 10:06pm

Publicity does cause animosity towards shows quite frequently, in my humble opinion. And I think the worst of it is toward shows that attract younger people (the ones you listed: RENT, Wicked, Spring Awakening, etc.). This is because there is a small subdvision of theatre fans who want you to know they are "REAL theatre fans" (i.e. snobs) and they hate anything that could make musical theatre more mainstream. Nevermind that the medium would die with them if they had it their way...

bundy5000 Profile Photo
#8re: Does too much publicity make people hate the show?
Posted: 1/4/08 at 10:09pm

it certainly is overboard for some musicals. I prefer when a show opens that IF they do a performance on a daytime news show or what not that they keep the most original song out of that performence. Cause as catchy as it could be, it would ruin the experience if and when the people see the actual show

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Rose: "Of Course I know, I Watch Fox News"
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December 5th- Hamilton, On Your Feet
December 19th- Noises Off, Edith Piaf Concert at Town Hall
