
How Long Do You Think [title of show] will Last- Page 3

How Long Do You Think [title of show] will Last

jrb_actor Profile Photo
#50re: How Long Do You Think [title of show] will Last
Posted: 7/30/08 at 1:20pm

I'm not friends or family with anyone connected to the show, and I was howling with laughter. I think it's brilliant.

I do not understand why some of you seem to hate the show--seem to wish bad things for it. Sad way to be. You didn't like it? Fine. Stop obsessing. Pop some pepcid, build a bridge, and focus on the positive things in your life.

PalJoey Profile Photo
#51re: How Long Do You Think [title of show] will Last
Posted: 7/30/08 at 1:30pm

A little miracle is happening to this "too insidery-spidery" show, that none of you crabby bitches can see through your Bitter-Tinted Glasses:

I was at the show last night, and the mostly non-insider, non-fan audience that cheered it was responding to the show based on its emotional content. The theater references were not the be-all-and-end-all of the show, merely the details that made the characters specific and therefore universal.

The boys' joint and separate passions for "getting the show on" (a passion that dates back to Mickey Rooney/Judy Garland movies), Susan's despair at her day job, Heidi's desire to be herself and not the second-chorus-girl-from-the-right...these are all UNIVERSAL aspirations that are reaching...GASP!...a general audience.

It's not the Kwamina references; it's the heart.

#52re: How Long Do You Think [title of show] will Last
Posted: 7/30/08 at 1:30pm

Pop some pepcid...too funny.

The matinee crowd I saw it with seemed to love it...blue haired old ladies and tourists included...and gave it a rousing standing O. Hunter just beamed:)

And the theme is universal...I can't remember the last time I identified so much with a show, enough so that a friend and I have been comparing vampires. Maybe it was Avenue Q, but I think that's because the first line is "What do you do with a BA in English." Twenty-six years after graduation, I still don't know:)

Pocketsquared Fanadu Profile Photo
Pocketsquared Fanadu
#53re: How Long Do You Think [title of show] will Last
Posted: 7/30/08 at 1:40pm

Could not agree more to these last 3 posts...I simply have not been able to wrap my head around why these [tos] haters have such extreme vitriol to spew at this sweet show about the journey to embrace self-confidence and pursue one's dream. Could it be some kind of [ocd]? For the record, these guys are vampires in the truest sense.

The last vampire is the mother of all vampires and that is the vampire of despair. It'll wake you up at 4am to say things like: Who do you think you are kidding? You look like a fool! No matter how hard you try, you'll never be good enough! Why is it that if some dude walked up to me on the subway platform and said these things, I'd think he was a mentally ill as-h-le, but if the vampire inside my head says it,It's the voice of reason! DIE VAMPIRE, DIE--[SUSAN in tos]

TulitaPepsi Profile Photo
#54re: How Long Do You Think [title of show] will Last
Posted: 7/30/08 at 1:44pm


"Hurry up and get into your conga clothes - we've got to do something to save this show!"

#55re: How Long Do You Think [title of show] will Last
Posted: 7/30/08 at 1:46pm

I also have to agree with all of the posts above. And I am wondering how many of the [tos] haters have actually seen the show.

"You just can't win. Ever. Look at the bright side, at least you are not stuck in First Wives Club: The Musical. That would really suck. " --Sueleen Gay

#56re: How Long Do You Think [title of show] will Last
Posted: 7/30/08 at 1:52pm

Word x2! DO I feel a 4th vampire? The bitter Vampire? jk

It's funny, because after [tos] all my struggles I refer to them as vampires, and I try to take them down! Thanks [tos]!!!

#57re: How Long Do You Think [title of show] will Last
Posted: 7/30/08 at 1:53pm

Hunter makes a crack during the show about having opinions on things he hasn't seen.

BTW, hello friend.

jordangirl Profile Photo
#58re: How Long Do You Think [title of show] will Last
Posted: 7/30/08 at 2:08pm

I have never said I hated it or that I wished it harm. I HAVE seen it. Was I won over? No. But I don't hate it. It's...ok. Actually the dounghts for dinner line sort of fits how I feel about it. It was fun and cute at the time, but ultimately it left me wanting more.

Experience live theater. Experience paintings. Experience books. Live, look and listen like artists! ~ imaginethis

WaltSummersPI Profile Photo
#59re: How Long Do You Think [title of show] will Last
Posted: 7/30/08 at 2:14pm

It' very nice to predict a miracle, but your "non-insider, non-fan audience that cheered it was responding to the show based on its emotional content" isn't paying a red cent. Or, at least, not a red cent over 40 bucks or so.

logan0215 Profile Photo
#60re: How Long Do You Think [title of show] will Last
Posted: 7/30/08 at 2:14pm

I certainly understand people who dislike the show expressing their grievances (why in this thread, I'm unsure) and absolutely understand those who were turned off by the rabid fans, as I was when I saw it (but was obviously able to see past that to the charm, hilarity and inspiration of the show).

I think what's hard for us [tos]ser's is to see a thread about a show closing that is, in essence, about hope.

I love America. Just because I think gay dudes should be allowed to adopt kids and we should all have hybrid cars doesn't mean I don't love America. [turns and winks directly into the camera] - Liz Lemon (Tina Fey) on 30 Rock
Updated On: 7/30/08 at 02:14 PM

Borstalboy Profile Photo
#61re: How Long Do You Think [title of show] will Last
Posted: 7/30/08 at 2:23pm

I hope this finds its audience (i.e. a big one). I went in expecting to be sort of annoyed but wound up being totally won over. It's a gem.

"Impossible is just a big word thrown around by small men who find it easier to live in the world they've been given than to explore the power they have to change it. Impossible is not a fact. It's an opinion. Impossible is not a declaration. It's a dare. Impossible is potential. Impossible is temporary. Impossible is nothing.” ~ Muhammad Ali

#62re: How Long Do You Think [title of show] will Last
Posted: 7/30/08 at 2:36pm

I did not hate the show when I was watching it. In fact, I even had hope during the show. I had hope (#1) that it would end sooner than 90 minutes. I was tempted to leave the show. Walking out before a show ends is something I don't do - so again - I had hope (#2) that it would get better - for me personally. I know that many around me were enjoying the show.

I am amused that everyone is so hopeful that this will do better when we are just talking about the fact of life: grosses, average ticket prices, reasons tourist would or would not go...etc

I love underdogs but the more I see on this board about posts talking about 'vampires' the more it is like, wishing people would love it when they don't - it is like beating a dead horse...the more I hope it closes to be amuse about the next thread posted. Let me guess...could it be the "[TOS] withdrawal now that it closed?"

To those who love it - did you pay full ticket price to really support the show? Did you go a second, third time? Did you take a discount on those return visits?

Many of those posting on this board are too young to remember Side Show when it was actually open. I saw it. I loved it. Side Show was (historically speaking) not well received. I remember those who loved it actually walking around Times Square trying to encourage people to go see the show. They were telling them about the show.

Is anyone on this board who is SO pro [TOS] willing to walk the walk and talk the talk to promote this show other than preaching to the choir on this board?

Hand out fliers in Times Square. Tell people in person why you think it is so magical. Unfortunately, the people reading this board are not the masses out there with cash in hand ready to see a show without a specific show in mind...

Just a thought - from a [TOS] "Vampire"

#63re: How Long Do You Think [title of show] will Last
Posted: 7/30/08 at 2:48pm

So are you a pygmy vampire or an aerosol vampire?

#64re: How Long Do You Think [title of show] will Last
Posted: 7/30/08 at 2:59pm

"To those who love it - did you pay full ticket price to really support the show? Did you go a second, third time? Did you take a discount on those return visits? "

Yes, I did! Full price and well worth it! ACTUALLY, I planned a whole trip around opening night. Flew 3000 miles, spent 4 days in the city! And I will do it again, soon!

It's interesting how this show was able to connect with someone across the country via the [tos] show and the cast recording. I'm not a theatre professional, or even remotely close to the business. I am human and have dreams.

I think these vampires are unclassified, a new species of vampires.

#65re: How Long Do You Think [title of show] will Last
Posted: 7/30/08 at 3:00pm

I am a "George Bernard Shaw Vampire"...

"Youth is Wasted on the Young"...for those too lazy to look this up: It means that young people have everything going for them physically; they're in the best health they will ever be in; their minds are sharp and clear BUT they lack patience, understanding and wisdom which results in so much wasted effort.

Go beat the street and promote the show you love to the correct people!

#66re: How Long Do You Think [title of show] will Last
Posted: 7/30/08 at 3:04pm

Okay, don't know how I'm being regarded as a [tos] hater because I haven't even seen the show, but I love everything surrounding it. I'm just giving out the realistic situation. It's not doing gangbuster business, and there's evidence for it. Somehow, I just know a tosser is going to scream that I can't say that because I haven't even seen the show (totally nullifies my opinion apparently [rolls eyes]) even though I can look those statistics up here on Broadway World. You can't get past that. I'm sorry, but you just can't...

#67re: How Long Do You Think [title of show] will Last
Posted: 7/30/08 at 3:07pm

If I lived in New York City, I'd be glad to pass out flyers..on the street or at a TKTS booth.

Have the powers that be done anything like what used to go on with "Altar Boyz?" Each time I did the "Drowsy Chaperone" lottery, there would be a couple of guys in the vicinity of the Marquis talking the show up, offering discounted tickets. Having seen the show multiple times by myself and with my kid(s), I never took them up on it, but it did serve the purpose of getting the word out. Same thing with the people who used to go up and down the TKTS lines with flyers.

It would be cool if someone could make T-shirts saying "Ask me about [title of show]"

I know other people have ideas, but I don't want to infringe on them.:)

Would I pay full price for "title of show?" Probably not, but I rarely do for anything. I simply can't afford to. But if it' still around the next time I'm in the city and in a position (financially and otherwise) to see it again, I would...in a heartbeat.

#68re: How Long Do You Think [title of show] will Last
Posted: 7/30/08 at 3:09pm

I agree with the stats, that's a harsh reality that everyone must accept. I think the problem lies in the opinion of individuals as to why it's doing 'poorly'. The all too common "it's too insidery" is causing all this raucous!

jrb_actor Profile Photo
#69re: How Long Do You Think [title of show] will Last
Posted: 7/30/08 at 3:17pm

I don't believe any names were mentioned. All this guilty conscious going on! :P

I wasn't criticizing people looking at the numbers.

I wasn't criticizing people not liking the show and simply stating that on a message board. I'm sure the people involved with the show respect your opinion.

I'm criticizing people who have posted nasty, bitter, hateful comments about the show and/or seem to wish the show would close a horrible, cruel death.

T-h-e-r-a-p-y, h-o-n-e-y.

WaltSummersPI Profile Photo
#71re: How Long Do You Think [title of show] will Last
Posted: 7/30/08 at 3:22pm

broadwayjim, those people at the Drowsy lotto were paid to be there.

#72re: How Long Do You Think [title of show] will Last
Posted: 7/30/08 at 3:24pm

and I add a quote from "Christmas Eve" of Avenue Q...

"Get a JOB!"

#73re: How Long Do You Think [title of show] will Last
Posted: 7/30/08 at 3:27pm

I kinda figured they were paid, but I liked the IDEA of it.

PalJoey Profile Photo
#74re: How Long Do You Think [title of show] will Last
Posted: 7/30/08 at 3:30pm

Do you have one, BitterBrian?

Pocketsquared Fanadu Profile Photo
Pocketsquared Fanadu
#75re: How Long Do You Think [title of show] will Last
Posted: 7/30/08 at 3:35pm

There is quite a difference between having an indifferent attitude or not having a taste for something and spewing vitriol and venom and loudly braying that a show about a dream needs to die. The latter activity is the vampire behavior I referred to in my earlier post. I most assuredly have paid full price for 2 of the 3 times that I have seen it and likely will again (maybe even tomorrow night, Rob!). And, like so many other tossers, I have talked it up big time, steered people toward the [title of show] show, and have even gotten a block of tickets sold as a programming activity for the incoming freshmen when they return here at NYU.

Speaking of the students, back to the original topic: I think that once the kids get back to school, they are going to flock to [tos]. The show really resonates with young people who are pursuing their dreams (or trying to figure them out), and who can still remember having the untarnished hope to which it speaks.

The last vampire is the mother of all vampires and that is the vampire of despair. It'll wake you up at 4am to say things like: Who do you think you are kidding? You look like a fool! No matter how hard you try, you'll never be good enough! Why is it that if some dude walked up to me on the subway platform and said these things, I'd think he was a mentally ill as-h-le, but if the vampire inside my head says it,It's the voice of reason! DIE VAMPIRE, DIE--[SUSAN in tos]