
SA: Go See Riabko or wait for Parrish?

SA: Go See Riabko or wait for Parrish?

Robert Taylor Profile Photo
Robert Taylor
#1SA: Go See Riabko or wait for Parrish?
Posted: 8/3/08 at 4:08pm

Haven't seen Spring Awakening since Groff and Michelle left, and I'm going to be in NYC next week briefly and was contemplating revisiting the show, but I'm also going to be in NYC at the end of the month.

So I'm curious, SA fans, should I see it with Kyle Riabko before he leaves or just wait for Hunter Parrish to debut?

I've heard very mixed things about Riabko's performance...the biggest peeve being that he performs Melchior too mean...but I've also heard he's much better suited for the role than Groff was.

So what do you think? Should I stay or should I go? How did you like Riabko?

frogs_fan85 Profile Photo
#2re: SA: Go See Riabko or wait for Parrish?
Posted: 8/3/08 at 4:09pm

Considering Riabko finished yesterday, I think the decision has been made for you.

Robert Taylor Profile Photo
Robert Taylor
#2re: SA: Go See Riabko or wait for Parrish?
Posted: 8/3/08 at 4:12pm


The Web site said he was finishing up the 12th...of course it wasn't the official Web site so it must have been a misspelling.

Sorry...maybe I'll see him on tour. Who's playing Melchior until Parrish starts on the 18th?

GlindatheGood22  Profile Photo
#3re: SA: Go See Riabko or wait for Parrish?
Posted: 8/3/08 at 4:13pm

It's a moot point now, but I thought Riabko was trying so incredibly hard to be Groff. His performance really left no impression on me. The real one to watch was Alexandra Socha. She played Wendla more like a little girl, which is how she should be played, IMO. I understand that I'm in the minority for liking her, but that's just my opinion.

I know you. I know you. I know you.

ColorTheHours048 Profile Photo
#4re: SA: Go See Riabko or wait for Parrish?
Posted: 8/3/08 at 4:18pm

You're not alone in liking Alexandra, GlindatheGood. I prefer her Wendla to Lea's. Wendla is, after all, only 14. She has a very innocent voice and a very innocent way of acting. I think it's perfect for the role.

On topic: I've heard very few good things about Kyle. I have heard some good things, but the majority isn't. I'm eagerly awaiting Hunter's arrival. I love him on "Weeds."

frogs_fan85 Profile Photo
#5re: SA: Go See Riabko or wait for Parrish?
Posted: 8/3/08 at 4:18pm

Gerard Canonico is playing Melchoir in the interim.

ColorTheHours048 Profile Photo
#6re: SA: Go See Riabko or wait for Parrish?
Posted: 8/3/08 at 4:23pm

Gerard Canonico is playing Melchoir in the interim

Joking, right? You have to be.

#7re: SA: Go See Riabko or wait for Parrish?
Posted: 8/3/08 at 4:25pm

matt and jesse are splitting the role.

ColorTheHours048 Profile Photo
#8re: SA: Go See Riabko or wait for Parrish?
Posted: 8/3/08 at 4:27pm

Matty S. or D.? I'm assuming S.

#9re: SA: Go See Riabko or wait for Parrish?
Posted: 8/3/08 at 4:28pm

yes, matt doyle, sorry about that.

ColorTheHours048 Profile Photo
#10re: SA: Go See Riabko or wait for Parrish?
Posted: 8/3/08 at 4:31pm

Wow, really? That's strange since Matt D. actually has a role now. Did Matt S. already leave? I'm kind of out of the loop on S.A. as of late thanks to college stuff.

#11re: SA: Go See Riabko or wait for Parrish?
Posted: 8/3/08 at 4:35pm

yes, matt s. is still there.

doyle has said that he will still understudy melchoir. this is what he has said about the next week-

"I will be splitting the time before Hunter Parrish starts as Melchior with my fellow cast member Jesse Swenson.

I will either be playing Melchior Thursday August 7th -Saturday August 9th or for the entire following week if Hunter were to begin later."

#12re: SA: Go See Riabko or wait for Parrish?
Posted: 8/3/08 at 4:44pm

Matt S actually left last night. He will be Georg on tour.

ColorTheHours048 Profile Photo
#13re: SA: Go See Riabko or wait for Parrish?
Posted: 8/3/08 at 4:45pm

that explains it then

hermionejuliet Profile Photo
#14re: SA: Go See Riabko or wait for Parrish?
Posted: 8/3/08 at 4:55pm

Gah- just saw the show! I'm mad I missed Matt Doyle. I really enjoy him in the show, and I would love to see his Melchior.

Riabko was a strong Mechior, and definitely not Groff like, in my opinion.

Alexandra in my opinion is not a strong Wendla. I say this with the fact that just because she looks like a little girl doesn't means she does a good job playing the role that way. She is much too quiet and internal to engage the audience. I had difficulty hearing her, and I sat in the second row.

I attended the show with a friend who had never seen it, and she had the same complaint. I'm sure it was difficult to follow the story if you could not HEAR Wendla. I've seen the show several times, and I still missed several lines and favorite moments.

Here's the thing with Groff and Michele age difference. Yes, they are supposed to be playing young teens, but society is far more used to seeing young adults play these roles. Look at any TV show, and you'll see 20 somethings walking down the halls of a high school. The fact that the producers are supposed to be casting closer to age is admirable, but, in my opinion, it creates some problems when the show was originally directed with young adults in the roles.

Regardless of my opinion on the ages, the sound issue with Alexandra is a major problem.

So, that was the Drowsy Chaperone. Oh, I love it so much. I know it's not a perfect show...but it does what a musical is supposed to do. It takes you to another world, and it gives you a little tune to carry with you in your head for when you're feeling blue. Ya know?
Updated On: 8/3/08 at 04:55 PM

ColorTheHours048 Profile Photo
#15re: SA: Go See Riabko or wait for Parrish?
Posted: 8/3/08 at 4:59pm

I've never had a problem hearing her. I've seen her twice now. Once understudying when she first started and once after she took over. I never cried when I saw Lea, but I bawled during Alexandra's "Whispering."

frogs_fan85 Profile Photo
#16re: SA: Go See Riabko or wait for Parrish?
Posted: 8/3/08 at 5:00pm

I got my wires crossed. Canonico is playing Moritz.


That's the article on Riabko's departure.

...5678 Profile Photo
#17re: SA: Go See Riabko or wait for Parrish?
Posted: 8/3/08 at 5:12pm

Doyle updated his blog:

"UPDATE: It has now been confirmed that Jesse and I will split one week and I will be playing Melchior Thursday August 7th -Saturday August 9th."

Raspberry Profile Photo
#19re: SA: Go See Riabko or wait for Parrish?
Posted: 8/3/08 at 8:03pm

Hunter Parrish walked past me on the street a few hours ago, and I swooned so much that it almost made me want to see Spring Awakening. If I was going to this show again, I would definitely wait for him, so I say do that.

"I just want a story and a few good songs that will take me away. I just want to be entertained. I mean, isn't that the point?"
