OUR TOWN: First Preview

#1OUR TOWN: First Preview
Posted: 2/17/09 at 10:49pm

Hey all. I just got back from the first preview off "Our Town" directed by Cromer - who also doubles as the stage manager. I was already a fan of the show going into it, I think Thorton Wilder is a genius, so I expected to like it anyways. But it exceeded all my expectations. After being let down by so many shows (Guys and Dolls, Distracted, etc), I was so thrilled to be seeing something that I engaged in. I felt myself reliving it all over again as if I didn't know what was going to happen. The whole "concept" isn't new. There's minimal sets, props, etc. However, the audience is essentially part of the set. The actors - who are wearing modern day clothing - enter through the audience, and the stage manger interacts with the audience. The choice Cromer made in Act III was brilliant, and I can see why the revival is being hailed for it. The acting was great all around. My only problem was the actor playing George Gibbs. I just didn't care for his performance. He had the same line reading, and it just didn't work for me. However, the girl playing Emily was flat-out brilliant. I think she deserves to win whatever awards she can get - Drama Desk, etc. I really loved her performance. She took the nerdy aspects of the character and ran with it, and I loved it.

In summary, go see this production. There is a code for $25 dollar tickets now through the beginning of March. I didn't ask for student rush or anything, so I don't know how that works. Also, I would suggest getting a seat closer to the centers of the sections.

MCfan2 Profile Photo
#2re: OUR TOWN: First Preview
Posted: 2/17/09 at 11:07pm

I really need someone to spoil me about this Act III choice that I keep hearing about. There is absolutely no way I'm going to get a chance to see this (no chance to travel to NY anytime in the near future), and I'm dying of curiosity here. re: OUR TOWN: First Preview Please PM me?

defyingravity11 Profile Photo
#2re: OUR TOWN: First Preview
Posted: 2/17/09 at 11:10pm

I'm seeing this in two weeks! I can't wait, it sounds great :)

"In theater, the process of it is the experience. Everyone goes through the process, and everyone has the experience together. It doesn't last - only in people's memories and in their hearts. That's the beauty and sadness of it. But that's life - beauty and the sadness. And that is why theater is life." - Sherie Rene Scott

#3re: OUR TOWN: First Preview
Posted: 2/17/09 at 11:40pm

RentBoy, who was that sitting in the second row near where Cromer sat on the stairs for the third act? I know the face but can't think of the name.

Edit: So I was reminded today when I saw both the name and the face in an article about THE BLACK MONK. It was composer and recording engineer John Kilgore. And he was also the guy who returned late for Act 3 and had to climb over the first row of seats. See link below for his pic.
THE BLACK MONK cast recording Updated On: 5/24/09 at 11:40 PM

EugLoven Profile Photo
#4re: OUR TOWN: First Preview
Posted: 2/17/09 at 11:43pm

OOO! Thanks so much for the input! Can't wait to see it.

#5re: OUR TOWN: First Preview
Posted: 2/18/09 at 12:43am

I have tickets for Saturday.

#6re: OUR TOWN: First Preview
Posted: 2/18/09 at 12:58am

I honestly don't know? I didn't know it was anyone I should know?

I'm on the fence about how I feel about Cromer as the Stage Manger. Part of me sort of enjoyed his down-to-earth, sarcastic tone, but at the same time, it felt like he was just throwing these lines out without any sort of thought or meaning. It worked, and I think I eventually warmed to him.

I can't wait to hear all of your thoughts, and I think I'm going to go back in a few weeks to check it out. Maybe then I'll enjoy the guy playing George Gibb's performance, it was only the first preview. I'm curious to know why the entire Chicago cast didn't transfer? Just other projects, or scheduling conflicts, etc?

And just to expand on why I didn't like the George Gibbs actor (sorry don't have my program) - I just didn't think he conquered the language. The other actors made the "dated" language feel current and natural, but he just felt like he was fighting against them. He does have some lame lines - I love you Wilder, but his two lines at the end of "Act 1" are pretty awful - but they just didn't seem to gel with him at all.

Sauja Profile Photo
#7re: OUR TOWN: First Preview
Posted: 2/18/09 at 8:41am

I was also there last night and thought the production was amazing. I'd actually never seen Our Town performed before, so despite the fact that I've read it a solid handful of times, it still played like a revelation.

I loved Cromer as the Stage Manager. I thought he was brisk and appealing, bringing a contemporary edge to the line readings when appropriate but also easily transitioning into the more colloquial passages.

Like you, RentBoy, I had troubles with one performer, but a different one. I actually quite liked Mr. Gibbs and thought his performance really popped. For me, Mrs. Webb missed the mark, seeming to strain to contain the performance to a size appropriate for the intimate set-up. I also didn't love Mrs. Gibbs at first, but she had won me over by the end. But I wholeheartedly concur that Jennifer Grace as Emily is just breathtaking. She brought a tear to my eye during the wedding scene and left me a weeping mess during Act III.

And Act III! Just a brilliant directorial moment that stays so true to the spirit of the piece even while breaking from its strictures. And that's all I'll say on that which seems unfair, but why spoil it?

Truly, one of the best things I've seen in months. It was a last minute decision to snag a $25 seat, and I'm so glad I did.

#8re: OUR TOWN: First Preview
Posted: 2/18/09 at 9:53am

I'll join in the chorus endorsing the show, and will also decline to spoil the Act III surprise.

For anyone not sure how to get there, the theater is on Barrow St., mere steps from where Bleecker meets Seventh Ave.

Next door is a pizzeria and a gelato shop, so you could do dinner, dessert and a show without crossing the street!

DottieD'Luscia Profile Photo
#9re: OUR TOWN: First Preview
Posted: 2/18/09 at 10:43am

Our Town is my all-time favorite play. I definitely have to make a trip to NYC to see this, especially since I was somewhat disappointed with the revival starring Paul Newman several years back.

Hey Dottie! Did your colleagues enjoy the cake even though your cat decided to sit on it? ~GuyfromGermany

#10re: OUR TOWN: First Preview
Posted: 2/18/09 at 10:54am

I have a special affinity for OUR TOWN, having directed three productions of it and having played George Gibbs in yet another ('way back when I could pass for a teenager!). I'm glad to learn this is a good production. I'm eager to see it.

"Long live God!" (GODSPELL)

South Fl Marc Profile Photo
South Fl Marc
#11re: OUR TOWN: First Preview
Posted: 2/18/09 at 11:22am

If someone can, email me the spoiler for act 3 , I would appreciate it. I won't have a chance to see this production.

#12re: OUR TOWN: First Preview
Posted: 2/18/09 at 11:27am

I could agree with Mrs. Webb straining. Her voice work just didn't seem on par. It seemed strained, like you said, and a little horse. But I still stand by Gibbs, ha.

I also like what he did with the "audience" interaction part.

tellybox Profile Photo
#13re: OUR TOWN: First Preview
Posted: 2/18/09 at 11:49am

Ditto to someone sending me the Act III spoiler, please?

I was just in a production in November, and with school I won't be able to trek down to see this production.

#14re: OUR TOWN: First Preview
Posted: 2/18/09 at 12:07pm

Please. some good soul do the same for me!
Thank you so much.

#15re: OUR TOWN: First Preview
Posted: 2/18/09 at 5:36pm

Oh, for Heaven's sake! Here's the spoiler:

Emily just THINKS she dies in the last act, which is a dream sequence choreograhed by Agnes DeMille (who IS dead--go figure). When she awakens from her dream the whole cast brings out a birthday cake and sings "Love and Marriage".


"Long live God!" (GODSPELL)

#16re: OUR TOWN: First Preview
Posted: 2/18/09 at 6:54pm

And then there's a huge fire and everyone dies. Except Emily who wakes up and says "it was all a dream..."

#17re: OUR TOWN: First Preview
Posted: 2/19/09 at 12:54pm

I agree with RentBoy. Great production, but George is the weakest link. He had a 'surfer boy' voice going on part of the time. It's one of my favorite plays, and I'm amazed at how well they stuck to the text with all the creative staging... again, with the exception of George. He was paraphrasing like I've never seen in a professional production before. Hopefully, he'll get better. Other than that, the show looked pretty close to being able to open right now.

BroadwayAbridged Profile Photo
#18re: OUR TOWN: First Preview
Posted: 2/19/09 at 1:24pm

I can't believe you guys have convinced me to see a production of Our Town. Wow.

Okay, got tickets for Sat aft.

- Gil http://www.broadwayabridged.com

A Director
#19re: OUR TOWN: First Preview
Posted: 2/19/09 at 5:36pm

Dollypop and RentBoy - Haven't you seen the 1940 movie version of Our Town? Wilder gave the ending his okay.

#20re: OUR TOWN: First Preview
Posted: 2/19/09 at 7:46pm

Nope. Didn't even know there was a movie.

I'm just glady Cromer updated the play for modern audiences without having to resort to stupid gimmicks like using cell phones, or "hip" language. I think it's a production that kids and adults can appreciate.

It was funny because during the intermission before the start of Act III you could see all the women getting tissues out of their purses and preparing themselves for a good cry. And man, did it make everyone cry!

When my school did the show, I think the hardest part is the end of Act II at the wedding. The whole George and Emily freaking out at the wedding thing can be a bit tricky, and I thought Cromer and his actors successfully conquered it.

#21re: OUR TOWN: First Preview
Posted: 2/19/09 at 7:52pm

Yes, I have seen the 1940's movie--the one with William Holden trying to look like a teenager.

As a retired high school English teacher, I think I've seen every video version of the play there ever was. With a play like this, it was essential for the students to get a visual impression of what Wilder envisioned. I often used the 1940 movie for a "Compare and Contrast" essay.

"Long live God!" (GODSPELL)

#22re: OUR TOWN: First Preview
Posted: 2/20/09 at 12:09am

I'll have to Netflix it.

I hated the Newman revival though. While it did look pretty, I just didn't think it took any risks or did anything different. It was just sort of like "so what?"

Now that I think about it, I'm not sure how I like the "audience interaction," but it was interesting, but made it harder to pay attention to the questions. Although the guy playing Mr. Webb was so realistic and great. I just loved his little nuances. Felt like the words were written for him.

#23re: OUR TOWN: First Preview
Posted: 2/20/09 at 3:52pm

Why-Oh-Why do I listen to these boards? I always get sucked up into the whole, "this is going to be great", "A new interpretation", "A revelation".

I already bought my ticket, based on these boards--hopefully I won't be disappointed.

#24re: OUR TOWN: First Preview
Posted: 2/20/09 at 7:40pm

I don't think you will be. I mean, it's a beautiful show regardless, and the cast - for the most part - is great. And it's an interesting setting/staging/theater, so that always makes it interesting.

I'm curious to know how the space is normally set up and how a musical like "Gone Missing" worked in the space.

And I'm also excited that Cromer is directing on Broadway next season!
