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Hillary Clinton officially launching her presidential run on Sunday- Page 8

Hillary Clinton officially launching her presidential run on Sunday

Borstalboy Profile Photo
#175Hillary Clinton officially announcing her presidential run on Sunday
Posted: 4/13/15 at 8:17pm

If we can kindly refrain from playing into the Headband's endless--and always successful--agenda to make each thread about herself...

Hillary Hearts Fracking!


"Impossible is just a big word thrown around by small men who find it easier to live in the world they've been given than to explore the power they have to change it. Impossible is not a fact. It's an opinion. Impossible is not a declaration. It's a dare. Impossible is potential. Impossible is temporary. Impossible is nothing.” ~ Muhammad Ali

Jungle Red Profile Photo
Jungle Red
#176Hillary Clinton officially announcing her presidential run on Sunday
Posted: 4/13/15 at 8:29pm

"At this point, what difference does it make?"

Four people are dead, and arguing about it, nonstop, doesn't bring them back. You can point fingers, and play the blame game, but at the end of the day, you cannot bring them back. Choices were made. Is Secretary Clinton at fault? I personally don't think so, because I know the facts. If Bush had been in office, and the same exact thing happened on his watch, would there have been six or seven investigations? Or would it have been business as usual?

At this point, what difference does it make?

I'm sorry that four people died, but it's annoying when the Republicans ignore everything Bush did.

#177Hillary Clinton officially announcing her presidential run on Sunday
Posted: 4/13/15 at 8:52pm

"I'm sorry that four people died, but it's annoying when the Republicans ignore everything Bush did."

You should be more worried about what Obama is doing right now.  Are you not paying attention to his groveling to get Iran to like him?  Don't you see that he would sell America out so he could get a deal with Iran?  Wake up Sally Bowles.  I hope Hillary is the next POTUS because whoever is the next POTUS is going to have a whole lot of crap to clean up and it's highly doubtful they can get America back on its feet.

If anyone ever tells you that you put too much Parmesan cheese on your pasta, stop talking to them. You don't need that kind of negativity in your life.

javero Profile Photo
#178Hillary Clinton officially announcing her presidential run on Sunday
Posted: 4/13/15 at 9:04pm

"I hope Hillary is the next POTUS because whoever is the next POTUS is going to have a whole lot of crap to clean up and it's highly doubtful they can get America back on its feet."

Wow... a surprisingly pessimistic view of this great nation coming from you @Goth. 

#FactsMatter...your feelings not so much.

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#179Hillary Clinton officially announcing her presidential run on Sunday
Posted: 4/13/15 at 9:18pm

Wake up Sally Bowles. 



PalJoey Profile Photo
Jungle Red Profile Photo
Jungle Red
#181Hillary Clinton officially announcing her presidential run on Sunday
Posted: 4/13/15 at 10:44pm

Double post. 

Updated On: 4/13/15 at 10:44 PM

Jungle Red Profile Photo
Jungle Red
#182Hillary Clinton officially announcing her presidential run on Sunday
Posted: 4/13/15 at 10:44pm

The fact that Obama has been able to do anything with the Middle East, not to mention Cuba, is amazing, given that the Republicans in Congress are trying to sabotage every move he makes.

Obama's two terms will go down as one of the worst. Not because of President Obama, but of the failed and do nothing Congress he had to put up with. I don't see it getting any better under Madame President Clinton. 

#183Hillary Clinton officially announcing her presidential run on Sunday
Posted: 4/13/15 at 10:53pm

On the other hand, 90% of Americans now have health insurance.  But I guess the Republican dream of denying doctors to poor people will never die.  

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Jungle Red Profile Photo
Jungle Red
#184Hillary Clinton officially announcing her presidential run on Sunday
Posted: 4/13/15 at 11:03pm

To believe what you read online, "Obummercare" is ruining the country. I keep telling them "Obummercare" works wonders in the Blue states. If your "Obummercare" doesn't work for you, then I'd blame your Republican Governor. 

#185Hillary Clinton officially announcing her presidential run on Sunday
Posted: 4/13/15 at 11:09pm

Holy crap.  It's the second day and already quotes like this are being floated.  They're giving up their home-stretch money shots already!

"Eight years of one demographically symbolic president is enough," says National Rifle Association exec VP Wayne LaPierre at last weekend's annual NRA meeting in Nashville, TN - at which Ted Cruz, Scott Walker, Jeb Bush, Rick Perry, Marco Rubio, Mike Pence and Bobby Jindal all spoke, and/or appeared.



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javero Profile Photo
#186Hillary Clinton officially announcing her presidential run on Sunday
Posted: 4/13/15 at 11:38pm

Not that it will likely get him to tone down the rhetoric, but Mr. LaPierre can expect an email from me tomorrow.  Has it not occurred to that simpleton that a Rubio, Cruz, or Jindal presidency would also be symbolic notwithstanding their accomplishments on the job?  I mean, will he cut and paste the opening sentence into a barb aimed at Hillary eight years out?

#FactsMatter...your feelings not so much.

#187Hillary Clinton officially announcing her presidential run on Sunday
Posted: 4/13/15 at 11:40pm

No kidding, right?  That was my thought too.

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

Jungle Red Profile Photo
Jungle Red
#188Hillary Clinton officially announcing her presidential run on Sunday
Posted: 4/14/15 at 12:35am

Jindal is a joke. He won't survive primaries. 

Trump will do some kind of vague announcement, which will coincide with whatever version of Apprentice. Then he'll come up with some excuse on why he can't run. 

Bottom line is, he will never, ever, release his financial statements. 

PalJoey Profile Photo
#189Hillary Clinton officially announcing her presidential run on Sunday
Posted: 4/14/15 at 4:40pm

The always-outspoken Kate Harding in Dame Magazine has a message for progressives:

"I won’t knock any progressive’s protest vote or general lack of enthusiasm for Clinton. A pro-death penalty Democrat with strong Wall Street ties is not exactly my political twin. But it’s only been a couple of days since Clinton announced she’s running, and I am already so tired of hearing progressives act like it’s all so boring and old hat. The first ****ing woman who can win is running for president, and she is at least nominally a liberal! Can we not allow ourselves to get excited about just that?" 


DAME MAGAZINE: I Am Voting With My Vagina: Hillary Clinton For President

#190Hillary Clinton officially announcing her presidential run on Sunday
Posted: 4/14/15 at 4:43pm

DAME has a magazine?

And, also, yeah.  That's why I've been focusing on the relentless progressive mansplaining.

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

#191Hillary Clinton officially announcing her presidential run on Sunday
Posted: 4/14/15 at 10:44pm

They're "all exactly the same" dontchyaknow.

Marco Rubio Attends a Radical Anti-Gay Mega-Church With Extreme Beliefs

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dented146 Profile Photo
#192Hillary Clinton officially announcing her presidential run on Sunday
Posted: 4/15/15 at 2:10am

I realize that Hillary is very popular with most on this site but I think she will have a very difficult time with whichever " white dumbass man" the GOP picks. To begin with, two of the white men are Hispanic and one, Jeb, has close ties to that community and would very easily take Florida. One is black, one is a woman, and all are fairly young. It is certainly true that Hillary leads all of them in all the polls but everyone knows her. Most of the Republican candidates are relatively unknown in Main street America.

I suspect that most of you support Hillary because you loathe what the Republicans stand for. That will likely be her greatest strength. But I don't see much strength in some key areas. Is she trustworthy? Is she likable? Does she inspire you? Does the average Joe identify with her? She is the oldest candidate by far. As the long campaign goes on and on, will she seem tired and scripted.  

It won't be a walk in the park.


South Florida Profile Photo
South Florida
#193Hillary Clinton officially announcing her presidential run on Sunday
Posted: 4/15/15 at 8:43am

"...Jeb, has close ties to that community and would very easily take Florida."  

It won't be easy, but yeah.  Here in the sunshine state the incompetence of the Democratic party, as exemplified by my congresswoman and DNC chair, has resulted in a system where a Republican gerrymandered state government controls everything.  All of the heavily populated districts that are laden with minority voters are intentionally given too few voting machines, and too little time to vote.  Registering to vote has become even more difficult with the cost of ID up 800% in 12 years, and the documents needed to prove status more stringent.  The GOP machine is far better entrenched here and with incompetents like Wasserman/Schultz and Dr. Brenda Snipes leading the Dems cause, it dosen't look good.


Liza's Headband
#194Hillary Clinton officially announcing her presidential run on Sunday
Posted: 4/15/15 at 8:51am

Please provide sources to back up all of the absolutely ridiculous claims in your post. Meanwhile, in other news, the Quinnipiac polls don't lie. No one trusts Hillary Clinton and ALL Presidential candidates Suck major balls.

More and more voters don't trust Hillary Clinton (Business Insider)

javero Profile Photo
#195Hillary Clinton officially announcing her presidential run on Sunday
Posted: 4/15/15 at 9:27am


Sometimes, some of us actually do reduce it to the lesser of two evils.

#FactsMatter...your feelings not so much.

Liza's Headband
#196Hillary Clinton officially announcing her presidential run on Sunday
Posted: 4/15/15 at 10:54am

Yes, but we should not have to reduce or settle Javero. That has been my whole point. 

#197Hillary Clinton officially announcing her presidential run on Sunday
Posted: 4/15/15 at 11:03am

Where would US politics be without print media framing a horse race two years before election?

"That has been my whole point."  Your whole point has been to berate people here rather than doing anything to change the conditions you're railing about, because you would rather be an antagonistic troll than a change agent.  But that's just you.

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
#198Hillary Clinton officially announcing her presidential run on Sunday
Posted: 4/15/15 at 11:17am

Yes, but we should not have to reduce or settle Javero.

With all the effort you've put forth, why haven't you changed the system yet?  Voting for the lesser of evils every step of the way in the process is definitely something new that voters have never had to deal with before, so why did you allow this new wrinkle to occur?  Must have been too busy posting on a message board.   

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian

PalJoey Profile Photo
#199Hillary Clinton officially announcing her presidential run on Sunday
Posted: 4/15/15 at 11:18am

But we do, Blanche, but we do have to vote for less-than-perfect candidates. There actually is no such thing as a perfect candidate. Every time we elect one, we just pretend they're perfect and ultimately end up disillusioned or bitter.

Latest poll from Rasmussen, released Monday:

Clinton leads Ted Cruz, 47 percent-38 percent. She leads Rand Paul, 47 percent-37 percent.


REAL CLEAR POLITICS: Poll: Hillary Clinton Tops Paul, Cruz Nationwide
