Broadway Legend Joined: 7/22/03
Like I told you:
Madonna Album Is #1--But Here's Why
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/31/69
Michael Musto has been one of Madonna's biggest negative-nelly bashers throughout her career. He has mocked Madonna all this time and sold many papers for it, including creating a mock 'Sex' book in the early 90's.
So reading that article is just as good as wiping my ass with it after a nice dump.
This Musto article was back in January which further proves Musto is a kiss ass.
Madonna sold just under 200,000 copies in downloads (pre-sales alone) and it was the biggest pre-sale in itunes history. The bundle marketing tactic for those who chose the album option added the rest of the 360,000 in sales. Either way you look at it, she sold a lot of albums and it worked for her. No biggie. just deal with it.
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/22/03
Oh good lord. He has been supportive of her just as often and critical of the things she needed to be criticized for. He didn't create a mock Sex book. He parodied some of the photos in it.
lolol if you honestly believe a hundred and eighty thousand people got them through tour tickets you must be insane. And even if they did (which is an impossibly high number) most of them would have purchased the album anyway.
That number is being laughed at left right and centre, it is ridiculous (and apparently only in America, the est of the world that had the same offer have not reported high figures at all, as the ticket and album offer was an OPTION)
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/22/03
So let me see if I understand what you're arguing now... You're saying when given the chance to get one free copy of the new cd with each ticket sold, large numbers of ticket buyers are saying, "No thank you, I do not want your new cd for free!"? You're saying she can't even give it away?
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/31/69
Madonna's new remix video of Girl Gone WIld with Avicii.
"You're saying when given the chance to get one free copy of the new cd with each ticket sold, large numbers of ticket buyers are saying, "No thank you, I do not want your new cd for free!"? You're saying she can't even give it away?"
No...what he's saying is that when you bought your ticket you had a choice of things to pick from. The CD was only one of the choices. I didn't pick the CD because when I purchased my ticket I had already pre ordered the album.
Here in Canada anyway the option was to pay for a copy of the CD (10 bucks). They only offered the clean version for some reason so I didn't bother. The wording is beyond weird:
""But the catch is that if you bought a ticket to one of her concerts this year and 'opted in' to buy the album as part of the ticket price, you got the album at no extra cost."
You had to pay MORE if you wanted the album with your ticket. Which seems to me to pretty much be the same as buying it seperately...
No big shock really (though I still stand by my argument that offereng people the opportunity to pay for the album with their ticket isn't the freebie many seem to think :P ). BTW the album it will slightly "beat" as biggest drop from week one to two, is Gaga's Born This Way:
Madonna‘s “MDNA” album had the biggest second week drop in chart history last week, I am told. When all the numbers are in on Tuesday night, “MDNA” will have fallen from number 1 by 88%–from 359,000 copies in its first week to roughly 46,000 the second week. Wow. The first week’s sales, as I revealed exclusively (and then the New York Post lifted it from us), most of Madonna’s first week sales were CDs that were included in the sale of concert tickets. That promotion artificially inflated Madonna’s numbers, putting her first before Lionel Richie and his “Tuskegee” album. In the second week, Richie fell only 47% and sold about 110,000 albums–which is normal. “Tuskegee” will now finish much higher than “MDNA.” I do think that all the people involved in the Madonna ticket-CD deal should apologize to Richie for denying him his rightful place at number 1, starting with Billboard and SoundScan. But Richie’s consolation is that he has a major hit, while “MDNA” is a total dud. So far, “MDNA” has not produced anything like a hit single either, no radio play or anything to provide organic promotion. But Madonna’s concert tour with Live Nation will be a big hit, so it’s not like we have to worry about her financial situation
Well, that's what happens when you don't promote your album. or something. Maybe he's just a hater.
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/22/03
Last night I saw the lengthy "Smirnoff presents the dancers auditioning for one spot on the Madonna tour" ad featuring an appearance by Madonna with a plug for the album being available everywhere at the end. It was being shown during a late night show.
Just file that under "You did NOT see this, as there is no promotion for this album. NONE!"
I do applaud her team for coming up with a new angle to hype. "She didn't even TRY to sell this, yet look how great it's sold. Considering."
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/31/69
"Girl Gone Wild" leaps to No. 1 on this week's U.S. Dance/Club Play Chart. Rising from last week's No. 4 spot straight to the top, GGW is Madonna's unprecedented record 42nd No.1 on the U.S. Dance chart!
Note that just three short weeks ago, "Give Me All Your Luvin'" reached No. 1 on the Dance chart, which now results in the shortest period of time ever between No. 1 Dance tracks for Madonna. The previous shortest span of time between Madonna No. 1 Dance tracks was 22 years ago, when "Vogue" reached the top a mere seven weeks after "Keep It Together" claimed No 1.
Madonna's record of 42 No. 1 tracks on the U.S. Dance chart is all the more wild considering she more than doubles the total output of No. 1s of the next two artists, who fall further behind: Janet Jackson, in second place with 19 No. 1s, and Beyonce, in third place, with 18 chart toppers.
Happy 42nd #1 Dance Chart Topper.
Updated On: 4/10/12 at 11:33 AM
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/22/03
And all without doing a single piece of promotion! The cream rises to the top naturally without all that phony baloney.
Billboard has more charts than good sense. I mean cast albums have a chart and there is maybe one new album released a month.
When Gang Bang tops the Hot 100, then I'll be impressed.
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/22/03
Dance charts are notoriously hypeable!
Madonna's Give Me All Your Luvin' rocketed up to #87 on the Hot 100! Proof that for over 6 weeks, she's still got it!
Such a big drop for the album but i kind of expected it, its kind of on par with the Born this Way drop.
Namo what channel was The Smirnoff presents on?
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/22/03
I can't remember. It was late night, I was watching SMASH on sort of a DVR time delay, and when I turned that off, I think whatever basic cable channel I had was on. I saw it and yelled, "A HA! This is what Taboo said Madonna wasn't doing with the crazy late night ads and there she is doing one!" But I don't live with Taboo so Taboo didn't hear me. Maybe Comedy Central?
I think they filmed that ages ago didnt they?
Did not even know it was on
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/22/03
I do not know the deets of filming, but it ended with a bumper of the MDNA cover and the message that it is, in fact, available now.
I don't think anyone knew about the ad. They were not promoting the album non-promotion. Just like Born This Way.
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/22/03
It's all starting to work on me as a piece of conceptual art. It's almost Ono-esque. Meanwhile, Gaga picked The Darkness to open for the first leg of her next ball. Which means, conceptually, Gaga TOTALLY SCOOPED Madonna on Super Bowl Sunday with this Samsung commercial that is not part of the no promotion for the "Born This Way" tour!
I Believe...
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/22/03
Looks like another record smashed by Madonna. The headline on Madonna'sMDNA On Track For Biggest Second-Week Sales Drop Ever. Yes, that's right. It's a much bigger drop than the Beatles or Michael Jackson ever had.
Also, they, too are reporting that the much-vaunted #1 two weeks ago was precipitated by the freebie giveaways.
She's a real record breaker, all right
That Smirnoff/Madonna advertisement has aired during Smash a few times--not sure if I've seen it elsewhere. Still it's technically an add for vodka and her tour, not the cd (Yes, I'm purposefully being obtuse). And yeah, we discussed and I think all agreed that dance charts don't really mean anything. Apparently the drop is about 2% higher than Born This Way's drop was, for whatever it matter.
I am deeply offended Namo, though, that you didn't see I posted about Madonna's new record yesterday just a bit up. *cry*
(And I had no idea The Darkness was back, or never broke up, or whatever--wow).
Oh, he saw it.
He was just waiting for the news to appear in headline.