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Madonna's MDNA Album & Singles Chat- Page 19

Madonna's MDNA Album & Singles Chat

songanddanceman2 Profile Photo
#450MDNA is GREAT!
Posted: 8/8/12 at 10:10am

lol so wait because i am on here disagreeing with Namo because i find most of what he says about her stupid for such a smart person im defending her to much? This is not about defending her, its about me and Namo going at it as we always have done. Jordan why do you never ask why Namo spends so much time insulting her? Why dont you ask him why he wastes so much energy paying attention to her if he hates her so much? Let's be honest he posts far more than i do about her, i think i may have started one thread on here in 6 years about her whilst Namo starts them often. Jordan could it because you are so far up Namo's backside that if you went any further you could wear him has a hat?

If Namo has the right to trash her non stop and none of you say anything to that then what is the problem with me speaking my mind about her on here?

Unlike Namo i can point out both sides about her (her boob thing was stupid, American Life was awful, most of her films suck and she contradicts herself sometimes etc) however Namo can't say one good thing, so who is more balanced here really?

And Jordan, at least myself and Namo add something to the discussion.

Namo i love u but we get it don't like Madonna
Updated On: 8/8/12 at 10:10 AM

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#451MDNA is GREAT!
Posted: 8/8/12 at 10:58am

Oh, ok. So... it's on now?

Ok, let's go.

I don't question Namo's postings because they're written mostly like an intelligent adult who's formed an opinion whereas yours are mainly "I LUV MDNA! IT IS GOOD! U R BAD! Y CAN'T U C SHE'S THE QUEEN?!" You want to be subjective about her career, go ahead. But saying things like "American Life was crap" just to make it sound like you can be subjective is crap. That record was fantastic and me and most of her fans would give anything for her to return to something like that. Sure, some of the things she tried there didn't exactly work out but you know what? SHE WAS TRYING SOMETHING NEW. Unlike in the 10 years after that when she went into the recording studio for 30 minutes to lay down some STUPID F*CKING tracks and call it a day. "Other cities make me feel like a dork". Really? They do? Because listening to lyrics like that make me feel like I want to throw my iPod out of the window.

You say she contradicts herself sometimes? Go ahead tell me where YOU think she does that "sometimes". Her entire image is a contradiction of who she claims to be.

Seriously, your postings come off as the writings of an immature little brit-twit with absolutely nothing to add to any conversation about her other than "I LUVS HUR". You think my head is far up Namo's ass? Why's that? Because I agree with him on this subject? Because he's made more valid points about her career than you could ever even begin to articulate in your swollen little head? Because unlike you, he actually is able to take the blinders off for two minutes and see reality? Yeah, I guess I do have my head up his ass. And let me tell you, it smells a hell of a lot nicer than the bullshlt that's constantly coming from you.

I have as much right to talk about this as you do. MDNA SUCKS. It SUUUUUUCKS. It's the worst thing she's ever put out, and yes. That includes "You Can Dance". The level of laziness that went into producing that album is mind numbing. She should be paying people to take copies off her hand instead of the other way around. The only reason I'm seeing the tour is because she's not singing only songs from this record. I guarantee you if she was, there would be no way in hell I'd shell out two cents (or a shilling for you) to witness it.

And if you took the time to actually read his posts, you'll see he has plenty of positive things to say about her. Not since she decided to become "MADONNA: MONSTER C*NT" but yeah, he's said nice things about her. Unlike you who's incapable of anything other than pure 12 year old-creaming my pants-she's my God-adoration.

Updated On: 8/8/12 at 10:58 AM

#452MDNA is GREAT!
Posted: 8/8/12 at 11:47am

(mic drop)

Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
Posted: 8/8/12 at 12:02pm

Jordan could it because you are so far up Namo's backside that if you went any further you could wear him has a hat?

Why are you the only one who makes it all about Namo? You did the same to me and my opinion has nothing to do with Namo.

Unlike Namo i can point out both sides about her (her boob thing was stupid, American Life was awful, most of her films suck and she contradicts herself sometimes etc) however Namo can't say one good thing, so who is more balanced here really?

Again, it's all about Namo. He stated his opinion of her and how it changed COUNTLESS TIMES. He doesn't need to repeat it every time he states his opinion.

And yes, Madonna often comes across as a huge hypocrite. Remember what she said prior to her Super Bowl performance?

"I have not mainstreamed and I'm not planning anything naughty. I'm planning something super entertaining. Yep, yep! You don't have to show nipples to be interesting and it doesn't necessarily mean you're cutting edge if you do right?"

Of Lady Gaga (just a couple of weeks ago):

“I’m a really big fan of ['Born This Way'],” Madonna said in a recent interview on Brazilian television. “And I’m glad that I could help her write it.”

Of M.I.A doing the same thing during the Super Bowl show she does in her concerts:

“I was really surprised. I didn’t know anything about it. I wasn’t happy about it,” she explained. “I understand it’s kind of punk rock and everything, but to me there was such a feeling of love and good energy and positivity, it seemed negative.”

Either Madonna's bitchiness is considered a "persona that serves her well" or she's adored for being a bitch, but nobody seems to deny that she acts like a bitch, so why would she or any of her fans get so bent out of shape when people point out the obvious?

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian

songanddanceman2 Profile Photo
#454MDNA is GREAT!
Posted: 8/8/12 at 12:23pm

OK first of all Jordan you can not excuse me of sounding childish etc in my posts after that odd childish rant post from you.

If you think Namo's posts are well constructed and thought out then great, Namo is wonderful at putting his point across, i personally adore him on every other subject matter he speaks about. However his posts on Madonna are the same things reworded each time, go back through this whole thread and read it. If you can not see that then fine.

I really like MDNA and some really don't, that's totally fine with me. It was never going to be everybody's cup of tea. It's not a perfect album for me, Superstar is dreadful and lazy, Birthday Song seems like an afterthought and after hearing all the album Gimmie All Your Luvin is completely out of place. I have no issue with somebody not liking the album, that is their opinion. I have a problem when Namo or others make it out that the WORLD shares the same opinion on the album, as i have said many many times on here. So you hate the album all you want, that's fine.

Telling me people should have the right to like what they like and then pulling me down for not liking American Life was priceless. Also saying 'That record was fantastic and me and most of her fans would give anything for her to return to something like that' is exactly what i was just talking about. Speak about your opinion, not for everybody else.

On American Life i found it self indulgent and a badly structured album with no clear voice whatsoever. Yes it had some good stuff on it but in general it seemed a mish mash of sounds and styles that did not blend well together to create an exciting full play album. That is MY opinion.

As for contradicting herself i hate that she talks about disliking the Sex book and what she did in it, especially now she has children, yet she will quite happily pull a breast out and expose herself when her children or in the tour.

I back my love of things up with reasons so no i don't just scream i lOOOOOOOVE MDNA, and many times before i have spoke about things about her i don't like. Also please don't tell me Namo has said good things about her because eveybody who reads this and knows Namo will no that's not true. I am not talking about Namo about when he was a fan, i didn't know him then or read anything then, im talking about in the present. To say he can take the blinkers off to look at things in a free thinking way when it comes to Madonna is possibly one of the most stupid things i have heard anyone say on here in 6 years. Oh and if i hated an album more than You Can Dance then i would not be handing over a single penny to see a tour named after the album, promoting the album and featuring mostly songs from the album.

As for the 'Brit Twit' remark well i am not even going to go there.

Oh and by the way Jordan, Other city's make me feel like a dork is from I Love New York that was originally recorded for the AMERICAN LIFE album before it was given a dance beat for Confessions.

So insult away, that's fine, but i will talk about what i want to talk about and Namo will talk about what he want's to talk about. And i am sure me and Namo will argue over Madonna until one of us takes our last breath. I however have the up most respect for him, as i say i find him wonderful, same with people like Taboo. I just get fed up of being asked by you 'why i defend her' etc and then see you jump to the defence of Namo each time. That's all

Namo i love u but we get it don't like Madonna

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#455MDNA is GREAT!
Posted: 8/8/12 at 12:24pm

"That's all"


songanddanceman2 Profile Photo
#456MDNA is GREAT!
Posted: 8/8/12 at 12:28pm

Mister Matt i was way to harsh on you, i must have been having a bad day. And as for bringing Namo up with Jordan you will find Jordan brought his name in to it himself first.

Namo i love u but we get it don't like Madonna

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#457MDNA is GREAT!
Posted: 8/8/12 at 12:33pm

Yeah!!!! But...but...Jordan did it!!!!!

songanddanceman2 Profile Photo
#458MDNA is GREAT!
Posted: 8/8/12 at 12:33pm

Sorry Jordan, that's not all im afraid.

One thing i will say for me is im consistent in what i like and won't go along with the crowd, can you say the same?

'I'm really enjoying this album but I wouldn't say it's one of the best of her career. I've listened to it three times now and will continue to listen to it until I know the entire thing by heart (as I do with all her albums)'

'I have listened to Love Spent about 50 times'

Going from really enjoying it to

'It's the worst thing she's ever put out, and yes. That includes "You Can Dance". The level of laziness that went into producing that album is mind numbing'

Give me a break

Namo i love u but we get it don't like Madonna

ErikJ972 Profile Photo
#459MDNA is GREAT!
Posted: 8/8/12 at 12:36pm

This was posted about Madonna's concert in St. Petersburg on Thursday:
"A pink wrist band will be available to anyone who wants to support the gay and lesbian community in St. Petersburg. The wrist band will be part of the show - be prepared to raise your arm in support"

songanddanceman2 Profile Photo
#460MDNA is GREAT!
Posted: 8/8/12 at 12:40pm

Tht's cool, i worry for the safety of some of the fans, i know violent attacks are planned at the concert on her fans. Hopefully it will be peaceful

Namo i love u but we get it don't like Madonna

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#461MDNA is GREAT!
Posted: 8/8/12 at 12:44pm

You're right. LOVE that song. I feel it in no way goes along with that album but I love that song.

And you are consistent in what you say, that's for sure.

songanddanceman2 Profile Photo
#462MDNA is GREAT!
Posted: 8/8/12 at 12:52pm

Yes i am, i will take that as a compliment. I have always said i am not a fan of American Life, i have always said i really like MDNA, i have always said the boob thing was silly etc.

And i am glad you like Love Spent, great song, i am also glad ou are really enjoying the worst album she has ever put out.

Namo i love u but we get it don't like Madonna

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#463MDNA is GREAT!
Posted: 8/8/12 at 12:53pm

I'm not enjoying it. The only song I kept on my iPhone is LOVE SPENT.

Shouldn't you be beating off to WHO'S THAT GIRL right about now? It's coming up to the scene where she's petting the kitty...

songanddanceman2 Profile Photo
#464MDNA is GREAT!
Posted: 8/8/12 at 12:58pm

Oh Jordan, great comeback, a masturbation joke tied in with an 80s film and a kitty pun, how brilliant.

Just face it, you said you were enjoying the album and then called it the worst one ever, you flip flop from opinion to opinion to match what is said by others.

Now back on topic

Luckily the boob stayed in but Madonna stipped off her shirt to reveal the words Pussy Riot inked on her back last night in Moscow. I'm glad she spoke out about the girls, the whole situation is stupid.

Namo i love u but we get it don't like Madonna

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#465MDNA is GREAT!
Posted: 8/8/12 at 1:00pm

Are you Lourdes? Are you David? Because otherwise no human being on this planet should be as invested as her as you are.

And even my weakest comebacks are stronger than any of yours any day of the week.

ErikJ972 Profile Photo
#466MDNA is GREAT!
Posted: 8/8/12 at 1:07pm

I would have had this fight in middle school. If the middle school I went to was super gay.

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#467MDNA is GREAT!
Posted: 8/8/12 at 1:15pm

Like I said, when I was in middle school I DID have this fight. It's funny to see how ridiculous I sounded back then when I read it coming from other people.

TheatreDiva90016 Profile Photo
#468MDNA is GREAT!
Posted: 8/8/12 at 1:29pm

I heard Elton John called Madge a stripper.

"TheatreDiva90016 - another good reason to frequent these boards less."<<>> “I hesitate to give this line of discussion the validation it so desperately craves by perpetuating it, but the light from logic is getting further and further away with your every successive post.” <<>> -whatever2

Brave Sir Robin2 Profile Photo
Brave Sir Robin2
#469MDNA is GREAT!
Posted: 8/8/12 at 1:39pm

Okay, back on track...

I don't get the hate. Is it RAY OF LIGHT? No. Is it better than AMERICAN LIFE or HARD CANDY? Yes. I think it's on par with CONFESSIONS for the most part. I really like Turn Up The Radio and think it could be very successful if it's promoted better. I also really like Gang Bang, I'm Addicted, I Don't Give A, Masterpiece. I'm not a huge fan of the first two singles, and while Love Spent is good, it's not my personal favorite. It's not a horrible album, but it could have been better. I'd give it 3 out of 5.

"I saw Pavarotti play Rodolfo on stage and with his girth I thought he was about to eat the whole table at the Cafe Momus." - Dollypop

ErikJ972 Profile Photo
#470MDNA is GREAT!
Posted: 8/8/12 at 1:39pm

But did you see what Elton was wearing when he said it?

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#472MDNA is GREAT!
Posted: 8/8/12 at 4:19pm

Well good for her. She's worked hard enough for it.

*GASP* I AM still a fan!

#473MDNA is GREAT!
Posted: 8/8/12 at 4:26pm

Jordan, is that you in the back that Madonna is talking about?

Madonna and Fan

#474MDNA is GREAT!
Posted: 8/8/12 at 4:38pm

This is the Madonna I love.
She sang Deeper and Deeper, Physical Attraction and Give It To me with her fans during soundcheck at yesterday's show...

MDNA Soundcheck 7-8-2012
