Broadway Legend Joined: 12/31/69
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/31/69
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/22/03
Unfortunately, I am not Jewish.
Two hours to her birthday!
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/31/69
The crowd sings Happy Birthday in Oslo
and Madonna responds
Happy Bday from Oslo
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/31/69
Madonna's Corset snaps by accident.
Very funny oops.
I love when madonna breaks away from the automated mode in her shows and has fun with just being herself.
The Corset Incident
Madonna has always stayed silent or polite in response to Elton John bashing her for publicity.......sorry i mean voicing his opinion on her. Tonight Madonna kinda responded on stage during her final European date in France. She dedicated the song Masterpiece to him (the song that beat his at the Golden Globe awards where he made an arse of himself saying she didn't stand a chance at winning)and said that she forgives him.
I love when she turns off Madonna-bot and turns back into a real human. Her audience reacts and loves it and for once it looks like she's having fun. I wish she would be that person all the time.
Featured Actor Joined: 8/12/09
Here is Madonna's dedication to E. John
Masterpiece for Elton
Featured Actor Joined: 12/31/69
Featured Actor Joined: 12/31/69
MADONNA starts the 2nd leg of the MDNA World Tour in Philadelphia tomorrow.
Anyone going?
Rumor is Christina and Britney will join her on stage in LA.
Broadway Legend Joined: 9/19/05
I'm going to see her at Yankee Stadium on 9/6
I'm still excited about seeing her tour but... The mind baffles (Madonna talks about her tour):
The MDNA Tour - In Madonna's Own Words
My show
Is a journey.
The journey of a soul from darkness to light
It is part cinematic musical theatre.
Part spectacle and sometimes intimate Performance art.
But above all its a journey
From darkness to light
From anger to love
from chaos to order.
It's true there is a lot of violence in the beginning of the show and sometimes the use of fake guns - but they are used as metaphors.
I do not condone violence or the use of guns.
Rather they are symbols of wanting to appear strong and wanting to find a way to stop feelings that I find hurtful or damaging. In my case its wanting to stop the lies and hypocrisy of the church, the intolerance of many narrow minded cultures and societies I have experienced throughout my life and in some cases the pain I have felt from having my heart broken.
Ultimately as we follow through the journey of my story, the audience can see quite clearly what I see -
That the enemy is within and the only way to survive Disappointment Disapproval Judgment Heartbreak Jealousy Envy And Hatred Is with Love - not with revenge - not with guns and not with violence.
In spite of all the chaos and darkness and intolerance we seem to be encountering more and more in the world,
We cannot allow our anger or bitterness to swallow us up.
We come to understand that
There is an innate and pure love inside us all and we have to find a way to tap into it.
And we can't do it by being victims or placing the blame or pointing the finger at others.
But by recognizing that the enemy is within
And when we come to terms with it
And accept it
And struggle to change ourselves,
Then we can change the world without hurting anyone and we can inspire others to do the same.
When you watch a film there are usually good guys and bad guys to help illustrate this point, Sometimes I play both.
I enjoy acting out this journey.
For none of us are perfect and we all have our own journey of growth to go on.
I know people can relate to it.
It's very important to me as an artist that my show not be taken out of context.
It must be watched with an open heart from beginning to end. I am sure if it is viewed this way, the viewer will walk away feeling inspired, Invigorated and will want to make the world a better place.
And this of course was always my intention.
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/22/03
She should've asked Ro to help her tighten that up. It'd be more bearable if she'd stuck to the "I/me" narrative ("my journey" over and over) and not generalized to the enemy is within "us." If she or whomever wrote the statement wrote "the enemy is within me" THEN it would be intriguing. But no.
When you watch a film there are usually good guys and bad guys to help illustrate this point, Sometimes I play both.
I enjoy acting out this journey.
Way to cover your bases. It makes zero sense, but at least you can say you were just playing a part. In a journey. To make a point. Of some kind. That's sort of like a movie.
I think it's a shame she has had to come out and explain the 'gun' use in the show right before the American leg of the tour (anywhere else ok, but America....guns....really?). I think unless you are a complete idiot the 'journey' she goes on in the show is quite obvious, especially the violent section at the beginning of the show from Girl Gone Wild right through to I Don't Give A. I'm sure the US press will have a field day with the guns (again which i find ironic) but i guess i just really don't see the big deal....unless everyone is gonna be up in arms about every violent movie that America churns out?
I'm sure the US press will have a field day with the guns (again which i find ironic)
What's ironic with that statement is that the big deal about the guns was brought up by Europeans during the European leg of the tour. Or more specifically, England and Scotland.
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/31/69
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/31/69
Well....she did it.
madonna scores ANOTHER #1 on the Dance Charts.
it's her 43rd hit on the chart.....
one more--and she beats any other artist with the most #1's on any chart.
go madge!!!
Madonna is #1 again
'What's ironic with that statement is that the big deal about the guns was brought up by Europeans during the European leg of the tour. Or more specifically, England and Scotland.'
The only place it came up on the tour was Scotland which was a few days after the awful shootings in the US. It was the US media who heavily ran with the story off the back of Scotland, the UK press and European press seem to be far more interested in talking about the Le Penn thing or the boobs thing.
Before the Scotland gun thing, there was the London gun thing. And then the Irish press reported on her guns in the Dublin concert:
Madonna Points Gun to Head on Stage in London
lol at using The Sun, but the gun thing was only mentioned after the shooting in the US which came after the Scotland show because the International press blew the story of her using a gun up so much. London (the one i was at) hardly anything was mentioned about the gun thing, they were more focused on the bad sound quality and her finishing on time.
I just thought it was weird that you believe the press will have a field day about the guns when the tour hits the US when we've already been hearing about the guns long before the tour hit the US. but it's interesting that you assign irony to a situation that is merely your own hypothetical. The press may or may not make anything out of it in the US, so there's nothing ironic yet. But knowing Madonna, she'll likely do something new to get attention just as she has at all her other tour stops. It's all about her "artistic integrity" which for Madonna is defined as "getting attention". I'm sure she'll wait for Los Angeles to give head to a gun next.
At any rate, why would the Europeans be more focused on the boob thing? Wouldn't they be more liberal about boobs, anyway?