Not sure why Elton hates Madonna so much or why we should care. In more important news...Mika officially came out! YAY! And I doubt he would play a private party for Rush Limbaugh.
Elton John is a legend and will forever be one of my favorite artists but that was exceptionally nasty. I'll give him that she SHOULD have made another "Ray of Light" and that she needs to do what she does best which is not this dance music she's been making for the past decade. But the rest was just mean.
He's been vicious ever since Die Another Day. I call her out on her stupid behavior, but when someone says I'm "attacking" Madonna, I just shake my head and point to Elton John. THAT'S what attacking Madonna looks like.
Elton hates Madonna because she does not like Gaga, after all Gaga is his new meal ticket just like Eminem was.
Elton should not be talking about looks with his fat ass and horrible wigs. He's a slob. Elton has been living off his catalogue from the 70s and 80s. He created a few lousy musicals. At least Madonna is creating new work and working her ass off.
What a pig!
Madonna has been making music for 30 years. In 5 years, people will be saying Gaga who and she will be playing casinos.
But couldn't Mika have helped Madonna write a better song than their collaboration was? I agree with the gist on here--Elton's attack just seems bitter (he claims it was off the record, it didn't look like it).
But couldn't Mika have helped Madonna write a better song than their collaboration was?
According to Mika, he didn't help Madonna at all. It was never a collaboration with Madonna. He was working on the song with Priscilla Rene.
Mika on Madonna hook-up: 'She wasn't asking for my opinion' - video
Also Gang Bang got some of the best reviews on the album, it's a personal opinion if you did not like it but in general the critics and fans did.
Also you can hear the original version of Gang Bang online (called Bang Bang), that was the one Mika worked on, however the version she did is completely different with only a couple of lines of dialogue remaining, its a totally different song
Also now Paul Van Dyke has jumped in saying she should have retired after Ray of Light. Firstly he remixed many of her songs after that, secondly his career is somewhere back in 2003.
I am so bored of Elton's remarks but people like Van Dyke are CLEARLY jumping on a bandwagon to get publicity. I remember Madonna saying 'Its funny, people always seem to mention my name but it's never very nice' and it's so true.
It seems recently the way to get yourself in the press is to bash this 'washed up has been etc' still has more clout then anyone insulting her because they are still having to ride on her coattails.
Oh and i loved Elton saying that all that has come out was never said and made up, yet when he found out it was all in video quickly changed it too 'those were private comments not meant to be aired'
He really is a tool.
Yeah that backpeddling is beyond ridiculous.
Actually I like Gang Bang quite a bit--the original demo Madonna did is pretty awful, so if that was the Mika version it was improved.
Eh. I think I loathe Gang Bang more than Madonna does hydrangeas. People loved It's Getting Hot in Here and It's Hard Out Here for a Pimp won an Oscar, so it's not like I put too much stock into fans or critics. I just think Gang Bang is one of the worst Madonna songs I've ever heard.
World Peace (except for exes, who should die)! Kabbalah! Namaste! And DIE, BITCH!
Doesn't sound like the Mika version was a finished product or anything, but it certainly wasn't among his best.
It's really one of the worst cases of sour grapes ever. Madonna has the work ethic and determination to accomplish whatever she sets her mind to. Elton can't control his temper or his appetite.
Bravo's Andy Cohen named Elton the Jackhole of the week and said, "Those in XL sequined tops should not be throwing stones about people looking like fairground strippers."
Elton's baby will write one hell of a Mommie Dearest someday.
Team Madge.
Madonna is filling stadiums SOLO full of people wanting to hear her new album.
Im not sure Elton could fill a stadium without a double bill (Billy Joel, anyone) and he'd be pumping out the moldy oldies review.
Mister Matt as with everything its each to their own.
For me personally i thought it was a real stand out along with Love Spent.
Madonna is in Moscow tonight and has openly vocalised support on stage tonight for Pussy Riot during a speech. She also had the band name inked on her back. Trouble is expected at her concert on Thursday in St Petersburg thanks to her speaking out in support of the band etc, security has had to be extended and warnings have gone out to fans. Hope everyone is OK and has a great night
Love Spent and I Don't Give A --- are the standout tracks for me. Also, this is art for crying out loud. People can be peaceful and have revenge fantasies. It's a normal part of human psychology. It's also very cathartic.
I'm tired of people crying that Madonna is hateful and is sending mixed messages because she wrote a few angry songs. Let it go.
Gaga does the same thing. She wants everyone to accept differences and be tolerant of her tender little monsters, all the while screaming obscenities in rages at "normal" society.
I have to say that reading these comments all over the web about Madonna shooting people on stage and writing a violent song are making me laugh out loud. Nearly every f*****g film has violence, or how about all the CSI TV shows etc etc etc. Shut up and give it a rest. It's just a song. And reading some of the American papers hitting out at her for using guns in her show after the shooting at the Batman movie is making me scream POT, KETTLE, BLACK. Focus on the real problem before making a celeb AGAIN a scapegoat.
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/22/03
Wait. In what way is Lady Gaga Elton's "meal ticket"? I don't give a crap what Elton John has to say. His sliding scale personal ethics make me queasy. At this point, I need to know what he has to say about Madonna as much as I do what he has to say about Rush Limbaugh.
I still have a quibble with you, sandman, in the way you split people's personal opinions of a song as and then say "most fans and critics" think it's good. Well, those are personal opinions, too. And Paul van Dyke's personal opinion is valid, even if just as somebody involved in music. I really don't see how that is in any way profiting him or that he is riding on her coat tails. I mean, that just seems like a big leap to me. And if you're talking about people being attention-seeking or something, well, you almost always praise Madonna when she does it and gets it, so the criticism of others doing it seems off-balance to me.
And speaking of laugh out loud moments, the point Madonna makes (and with which you seem to vociferously agree) that people don't have nice things to say about her. Do you not see the irony? This is a woman who claims to have been on a spiritual quest, who claims to have learned what's really important in life (after making her multi-millions she then tells us how unimportant money is) and who at least followed studiously (if not still follows) the mystical Kabbalah. Its central tenet is "what goes around comes around." Honestly, why on earth would anything nice come back to Madonna? You're not nice, Madonna, what goes around comes around.
Usually at this point, a defender of the Madonna will say that's just an image she has crafted and it has served her well. Yeah, I guess. It's just that at THAT point, the "World Peace" stuff crosses right into hilarity. I don't think MisterMatt was pointing out the depiction of violence as anything other than ironic coming from this person who also says people can't be her fans if they don't love peace. I mean, jesus.
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/22/03
But in which direction?
Uh....I mean she's givin' it to all them people what say she's lost it!! She's the Queen!!
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/31/69
Turn up the radio. Jumps to #8 this week on billboard dance charts. Making it her #57th top 10 single. Remixes album is also top 30 on iTunes album chart today. Plus last weeks concerts were all in the top 5 box office grosses. They said its set to break her last tour's records easily.
Oh Namo, here we go
'Wait. In what way is Lady Gaga Elton's "meal ticket"?'
The most publicity the man gets at the moment is his relationship with Lady Gaga or saying incredibly stupid things. He did the same thing with Eminem. You think out of all the people in his life the person he trusted most to be the godmother of his child was Lady Gaga who he knew for a year? Gimmie a break.
'And Paul van Dyke's personal opinion is valid, even if just as somebody involved in music.'
Oh god really? he comes out the DAY AFTER Elton has received publicity all over the world for insulting her and decides to do the same. He says she should have quit after Ray of Light yet was responsible for the dreadful remix of Revolver a couple of years ago, clearly he has no pride in his work then.
'And if you're talking about people being attention-seeking or something, well, you almost always praise Madonna when she does it and gets it, so the criticism of others doing it seems off-balance to me.
'And if you're talking about people being attention-seeking or something, well, you almost always praise Madonna when she does it and gets it, so the criticism of others doing it seems off-balance to me.'
There is quite a difference between getting a boob out (which i said on here i dont think she should have done) and calling someone a c**t in the press. Other than her digs at Lady Gaga's Born This Way song (which she is totally in the right to do) she does not spend her time trash talking other artists. Find the nasty things she has responded back to Elton with over the years and you will be hard pressed. I have a real problem with other celebs (as they have done for years) slamming her in the press to get press attention for themselves (i had no idea Elton had a book out till his Madonna bashing interview, sorry off the record remarks).
'And speaking of laugh out loud moments, the point Madonna makes (and with which you seem to vociferously agree) that people don't have nice things to say about her. Do you not see the irony? This is a woman who claims to have been on a spiritual quest, who claims to have learned what's really important in life (after making her multi-millions she then tells us how unimportant money is) and who at least followed studiously (if not still follows) the mystical Kabbalah. Its central tenet is "what goes around comes around." Honestly, why on earth would anything nice come back to Madonna? You're not nice, Madonna, what goes around comes around.'
Oh god this one again, YOU HAVE NO IDEA IF SHE IS NICE OR NOT!!! I know you believe you know all about her because you have read it in the tabloids but really all you know is what you read. You always fail to mention the many people who say she is incredibly funny, sweet and charming etc, i could put those comments on here if you like? none of us know the real Madonna, we know the show woman.
'I don't think MisterMatt was pointing out the depiction of violence as anything other than ironic coming from this person who also says people can't be her fans if they don't love peace. I mean, jesus.'
So everybody who wants peace in the world or who talks about wanting peace in the world should never do anything in entrainment for entertainment purpose that is seen as violent or controversial.......WOW Hollywood and all the actors in it are f****d then.
Honestly, her wanting peace in the world and the fact she uses a prop guns during a show is such a sticking point with you and a few others. Get a f*****g grip, IT'S A SHOW!!!!!
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/22/03
I don't understand your investment. She's continuing with the sub-Tarantino crap because she thinks she's giving her ex (the cut-rate Tarantino) the middle finger. And I am *not* the only one who realizes this is true.
I don't read tabloids.
She has demonstrated repeatedly that she is not a nice person. Her impulse is to be rotten. (cf hydrangeas, kevin costner, the late caresse henry, the late queerdonna ['get out of my way, you fat c**k'], "who or what is courtney love?", making herself feel better by talking trash about her childhood friend in Truth or Dare, and on and on and on and on). You say all we see is what she choose to show us. Fair enough. Then she and you should still stop wondering why people don't say nice things, capiche?
Namo you are a tabloid and you clearly read them (at least online) because some of the stuff you have used in your endless Madonna bashing parade is straight from them.
I would like you to find me something, of anybody else saying she did a Quentin Tarantino inspired song to stick a finger up at her ex (i am not really sure how it even would, he is a filmaker she is a pop star), you seem to grab on to the strangest things.
The hydrangeas thing was her saying she did not like them, she was very pleasant to the fake fans face, you mean to tell me you have never done anything the same? He turned out to be a set up as well not even a fan
Costner had just told her on camera that the 'deal was not going to work out, which was The Bodygaurd) and she over reacted, also it was 20 years ago and Love threw a compact at her.......also well over a decade ago. If they are your examples that she is a horrible person then OK then.
The fact you think it's fine for Elton to say that about a woman no matter what you think of her surprises me......even for you
Why do you care, s&dman? Why do you care SO MUCH what other people think of her? No offense but when I was in middle school I would freak out defending her. Now that I'm a grown up adult person capable of shaking things off, I could care less what people say. I'm still a fan but Namo is right on about what he says about her. The woman is a bitch who's given up on her peaceful "Ray of Light Shanti Shanti" image and now shoots her audience with assault riffles. Deal with it. Her music is lazy and thrown together and has gone from fun to enlightening to now just boring.
And of course her tour is going to make more money than her last one, hasn't she raised her prices even MORE? And again, I say this as someone who is going to one of them.
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/31/69
S&D....jordan is right.
i mean.... i'm a HUGE fan. I've seen every tour since the virgin tour..i saw confessions 3 times... and reinvention 6 times....
and that was my peak with her... but come on really...
even madonna herself isn't as invested as much as you are..
she couldn't care less at this point.
you defend EVERYTHING
and clearly----lately----she's hit or miss
i report the positive stuff and let people dissect.... but you take it to a level of obsession and keep running in circles with your reasons.
you can relax. madonna will be fine.
and at the end of the day...
everyone will continue to dissect it to death.
clearly. namo was once fond of her- and now is miffed by her
i clearly love her---but not thrilled with anything she's put out since american life/confessions....
i can't stand Elton for his lack of tact and sillyness...
but agree with his Ray of Light comment
but can we all get along?
world peace.
I gave up defending Madonna years ago. She's an Icon. A Legend. And nothing anyone has to say about her, including Elton John, is going to change that. She's managed to survive and thrive in the business for 25 plus years. She works hard, and her work speaks for itself. Some like it. Some love it. Some don't. Who cares? She's not going anywhere, and she'll continue to speak her mind and do exactly as she damn well pleases. She's earned that right. I'm sure, at times, she can be bitch, and I'm sure she's capable of amazing acts of generosity and kindness. (Why does everything have to be so black or white?) If you don't like her personally or professionally, don't buy her music, don't go to her concerts, don't read about her, and for God's sake, don't waste your time posting about her on a message board. But whether you do or don't, it isn't going to change a damn thing. She's got millions of fans all over the world. Always has. Always will. And I'm one of them.