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The Justin Trudeau Thread

Petralicious Profile Photo
#50The Justin Trudeau and Fidel Castro Bromance
Posted: 11/28/16 at 2:55pm

Looks like Honeymoon is over up in Canada over the Boy Band PM love for  Brutal Tyrant Fidel Castro. Justin Trudeau’s video before the Grey Cup football game in Canada was booed loudly by the crowd.

“It is with deep sorrow that I learned today of the death of Cuba’s longest serving President.

“Fidel Castro was a larger than life leader who served his people for almost half a century. A legendary revolutionary and orator, Mr. Castro made significant improvements to the education and healthcare of his island nation.

This didn’t go over well on social media. People mocked his words viciously on the social media site Twitter with the hash tag #trudeulogies and some of the snark bubbled up into the Canadian press.

When They Go Low, I Go High
Updated On: 11/28/16 at 02:55 PM

Tag Profile Photo
#51The Justin Trudeau and Fidel Castro Bromance
Posted: 11/28/16 at 3:53pm

Meh, it's diplomacy.  And you have to remember the Canadian/Cuban relationship is much different that the US/Cuban one.

I think Canadians are still very much in love with Trudeau, especially in light of the events south of the border over the the last few weeks.

Petralicious Profile Photo
#52The Justin Trudeau and Fidel Castro Bromance
Posted: 11/28/16 at 5:50pm

Tag said; Meh, it's diplomacy.  And you have to remember the Canadian/Cuban relationship is much different that the US/Cuban one

Noone else aside from Putin came anywhere close to such a glowing statement  as Trudeau. Even President Obama who is Mr Diplomacy didnt ignore his brutal assassinations and rape of his country.

When They Go Low, I Go High

sabrelady Profile Photo
#53The Justin Trudeau and Fidel Castro Bromance
Posted: 11/28/16 at 10:49pm

Everyone conveniently forgets just WHO Castro replaced and WHY a revolution was needed and succeeded . Were the ideals eventually  perverted- yes but never forget the soil which nurtured it.


Fulgencio Batista Zaldívar; January 16, 1901 – August 6, 1973) was the elected President of Cuba from 1940 to 1944, and dictator from 1952 to 1959, before being overthrown during the Cuban Revolution. Fulgencio Batista initially rose to power as part of the 1933 Revolt of the Sergeants that overthrew the authoritarian rule of Gerardo Machado. He then appointed himself chief of the armed forces, with the rank of colonel, and effectively controlled the five-member Presidency. He maintained this control through a string of puppet presidents until 1940, when he was himself elected President of Cuba on a populist platform.] He then instated the 1940 Constitution of Cuba, considered progressive for its time and served until 1944. After finishing his term he lived in Florida, returning to Cuba to run for president in 1952. Facing certain electoral defeat, he led a military coup that preempted the election.

Back in power, Batista suspended the 1940 Constitution and revoked most political liberties, including the right to strike. He then aligned with the wealthiest landowners who owned the largest sugar plantations, and presided over a stagnating economy that widened the gap between rich and poor Cubans Batista's increasingly corrupt and repressive government then began to systematically profit from the exploitation of Cuba's commercial interests, by negotiating lucrative relationships with the American Mafia, who controlled the drug, gambling, and prostitution businesses in Havana, and with large U.S.-based multinational companies which were awarded lucrative contracts.] To quell the growing discontent amongst the populace—which was subsequently displayed through frequent student riots and demonstrations—Batista established tighter censorship of the media, while also utilizing his Bureau for the Repression of Communist Activities to carry out wide-scale violence, torture and public executions; ultimately killing anywhere from hundreds to 20,000 people] For several years until 1959, the Batista government received financial, military, and logistical support from the United States government.

Catalyzing the resistance to such tactics, for two years (December 1956 – December 195The Justin Trudeau and Fidel Castro Bromance Fidel Castro's 26th of July Movement and other nationalist rebelling elements led an urban and rural-based guerrilla uprising against Batista's government, which culminated in his eventual defeat by rebels under the command of Che Guevara at the Battle of Santa Clara on New Year's Day 1959. Batista immediately fled the island with an amassed personal fortune to the Dominican Republic, where strongman and previous military ally Rafael Trujillo held power. Batista eventually found political asylum in Oliveira Salazar's Portugal, where he lived until his death on August 6, 1973, near MarbellaSpain

Petralicious Profile Photo
#54The Justin Trudeau and Fidel Castro Bromance
Posted: 11/29/16 at 8:53am

Yeah. so what he killed thousands of citizens who had the gall to disagree with him. So what he seperated families. So what he bankrupt his country.

He kicked  the Capitalist Swine out of the country and created a leftist welfare state! Best of  all he made the trains run on time!


When They Go Low, I Go High

javero Profile Photo
#55The Justin Trudeau and Fidel Castro Bromance
Posted: 11/29/16 at 9:45am


I really encourage you to apply nuance when it comes to assessing the Castro regime.  After the Central American, South American, and Caribbean nations won their independence from their former European colonizers, their economies were in tatters.  You better than many here know what the USSR's aims were coming out of WW2 .  Team USA was rightly worried about a growing communist encroachment in the same hemisphere.  For some reason the superpowers are convinced that one of them must be the world's arbiter in spite of the UN.  In order to overthrow the Batista regime, Castro needed assistance from abroad.  The US was not the ideal source for a number of reasons.

#FactsMatter...your feelings not so much.
Updated On: 11/29/16 at 09:45 AM

Petralicious Profile Photo
#56The Justin Trudeau and Fidel Castro Bromance
Posted: 11/29/16 at 9:58am

Maybe a better example would be Shah of Iran (Batista) Khomeini (Castro) Both Castro and Khomeini were "Patriots" that toppled USA puppet governments or at least USA supported governments.  Only to turn on their own people and execute those who disagreed with them. Then leading them to destroy their country.  

Too me, when you kill thousands of your own people for having a different opinion than yourself, nothing else matters. 

Anyway, for Trudeau to fanboy him in death is disgusting for someone who runs a Western country. Maybe its the Socialist in him. 

When They Go Low, I Go High

madbrian Profile Photo
#57The Justin Trudeau and Fidel Castro Bromance
Posted: 11/29/16 at 10:06am

Petralicious said: "Maybe a better example would be Shah of Iran (Batista) Khomeini (Castro) Both Castro and Khomeini were "Patriots" that toppled USA puppet governments or at least USA supported governments.  Only to turn on their own people and execute those who disagreed with them. Then leading them to destroy their country.  

Too me, when you kill thousands of your own people for having a different opinion than yourself, nothing else matters. 

Anyway, for Trudeau to fanboy him in death is disgusting for someone who runs a Western country. Maybe its the Socialist in him. 

Your mastery of nuance rivals your mastery of the English language.

"It does me no injury for my neighbour to say there are 20 gods or no god. It neither picks my pocket, nor breaks my leg." -- Thomas Jefferson

javero Profile Photo
#58The Justin Trudeau and Fidel Castro Bromance
Posted: 11/29/16 at 10:26am

"Too me, when you kill thousands of your own people for having a different opinion than yourself, nothing else matters."

Notwithstanding ISIS/ISIL, the world was a much more dangerous place then.  And I'll remind you that the Shah of Iran was democratically-elected which obviously wasn't good enough for at least one of the superpowers at the time.  Your analogy doesn't exactly hold up because the Shah's huge mistake was nationalizing the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company (hi there British Petroleum BP) while Batista was comfortable as a puppet.  The CIA and MI6's treatment of the Shah as part of Operation Ajax was no doubt a catalyst for Castro to deal with Batista and not capitulate to foreign powers.  I hate repeating myself but the superpowers are convinced that one of them must be the final arbiter of truth and justice worldwide.

Trudeau, Obama, and Trump certainly have their share of fans.  But, I for one don't believe that either would have been an effective leader at the height of either WW1, WW2, or the Cold War...Hillary, perhaps.  Many voters have leveled charges of corruption against Hillary but in my estimation she wouldn't be the first POTUS on shaky ethical ground.  There's a new generation of voter now that insists on perfection.  Good luck finding it.

#FactsMatter...your feelings not so much.
Updated On: 11/29/16 at 10:26 AM

Petralicious Profile Photo
#59The Justin Trudeau and Fidel Castro Bromance
Posted: 11/29/16 at 10:40am

I respect both of you, Javaro, MadBrian. I just do not understand how you can use the word "nuance"  for a man who has killed thousands and jailed anyone who disagreed with him. I cannot see past that. Lets not forget the only reason he was able to provide school and health to the people was because the USSR bankrolled billions to him.  Once it collapsed, there was no plan to replacing even a fraction of that money.

I think the final word on his legacy is the 100's of thousands maybe millions who risked their lives to leave his country. 

When They Go Low, I Go High

javero Profile Photo
#60The Justin Trudeau and Fidel Castro Bromance
Posted: 11/29/16 at 11:23am


There's an old saying that goes...when the government's boot is on your throat, whether it is a left boot or a right boot is of no consequence.  Castro the Liberator needed material assistance to take out a puppet dictator guilty of abominable human rights abuses against his own people as you put it.  Castro the Dictator employed the same strongman tactics that Batista and Machado before used to maintain order.  No doubt some of the Cubans left behind by the pre-Mariel elites who fled were still supporters of the Batista regime.   I don't know what it takes to rule a group a people but suspect that words alone don't cut it in a totalitarian regime.  By all appearances, the USSR and Cuba enjoyed a marriage of convenience while it lasted.  Their's is a cautionary tale.

#FactsMatter...your feelings not so much.
Updated On: 11/29/16 at 11:23 AM

javero Profile Photo
#61The Justin Trudeau and Fidel Castro Bromance
Posted: 11/29/16 at 11:42am

On Fidel Castro, Justin Trudeau sounds like his father's son

#FactsMatter...your feelings not so much.

PalJoey Profile Photo
#62The Justin Trudeau and Fidel Castro Bromance
Posted: 11/29/16 at 12:03pm


Many voters have leveled charges of corruption against Hillary but in my estimation she wouldn't be the first POTUS on shaky ethical ground.  There's a new generation of voter now that insists on perfection.  Good luck finding it.

Trump is already the most corrupt president in American history, and he hasn't even been inaugurated yet.



PalJoey Profile Photo
#63The Justin Trudeau and Fidel Castro Bromance
Posted: 11/29/16 at 12:32pm


Trump’s DC Hotel Is Weeks Away From Violating Its Government Lease


The President-elect’s Trump International Hotel will present an immediate conflict of interest when he is sworn into office on January 20.

The 2013 lease the Trump Organization signed with the federal government to house the hotel in Washington, D.C.’s Old Post Office Pavilion, which is owned by the General Services Administration, explicitly states that elected officials can play no role in or have no benefit from the arrangement. According to two experts on government procurement law, Trump’s election as president represents a clear violation of that contract.

Steven Schooner and Daniel Gordon, former administrators in the Office of Management and Budget, laid out the ethics issues involved in the lease in a Monday op-ed in Government Executive magazine.

The contract language is clear: “No ... elected official of the Government of the United States ... shall be admitted to any share or part of this Lease, or to any benefit that may arise therefrom...”


The language could not be any more specific or clear. Donald Trump will breach the contract on Jan. 20, when, while continuing to benefit from the lease, he will become an "elected official of the Government of the United States."

Schooner and Gordon recommend that the GSA terminate the $180 million 60-year lease before Inauguration Day to prevent Trump from serving as “both landlord and tenant.” Trump will oversee the GSA and appoint its administrator as president.

Schooner and Gordon say that the contract language would allow the GSA to justify the lease termination, and that the only action the Trump Organization could take would be to sue. They believe the damages would be “nominal at best” and “a price worth paying to preserve the integrity of our government and its contracting system.”

Asked about the lease arrangement on a Tuesday press call, Trump spokesman Jason Miller said he has not been briefed on the issue.

"We will check with the general counsel and get back to you on that," he said.

Trump has maintained that he will set up a “blind trust” handing control of his company over to his adult children. Yet Ivanka, Eric and Donald Jr. serve on his transition team and remain close advisers to their father, calling into question whether there would truly be a divide between the family’s private and political interests.

Richard Painter, a top ethics official under President George W. Bush, recently told the Huffington Post that Trump could sell or gift his company to the children, though he has shown no interest in doing so.

During the election, Trump used the hotel as the staging ground for a press conference and a ribbon-cutting ceremony-cum-campaign event. According to a recent Washington Post report, foreign diplomats are booking rooms at the hotel in an effort to curry favor with the President-elect.

The GSA told Government Executive magazine that it “plans to coordinate with the President-elect’s team to address any issues that may be related to the Old Post Office building.”

Schooner, who served as an associate administrator at the Office of Federal Procurement Policy in the Office of Management and Budget under President Bill Clinton, and Gordon, who served as chief administrator of that office under President Barack Obama, have been warning about the possible ethics violations surrounding the hotel for weeks.


TPM: Trump’s DC Hotel Is Weeks Away From Violating Its Government Lease

kdogg36 Profile Photo
#64The Justin Trudeau and Fidel Castro Bromance
Posted: 11/29/16 at 12:32pm

Are the folks demanding "nuance" denying that Castro had many innocent people killed? Because if that is a true fact, then, no, we don't need any further nuance. He was a murderer and it's a shame he lived as long as he did. Trying to balance any supposed good he did against that is absurd. Would you defend an abusive husband and father because he only spends half an hour a weak beating up his family, while the rest of the week he works hard to provide for them?

Updated On: 11/29/16 at 12:32 PM

javero Profile Photo
#65The Justin Trudeau and Fidel Castro Bromance
Posted: 11/29/16 at 12:56pm

I can't speak on behalf of the others, but I personally apply the same standard to Castro that many apply to US President Harry Truman.  Was it right for the US to launch atomic bombs at two Japanese cities with no regard to the effects of nuclear radiation?  Furthermore, was it right for the US govt to arm the contras of Nicaragua with weapons and cash in the fight over that nation's sovereignty?  Finally, was it right for the US gov't to deny the Cubans participation in the negotiations of the Treaty of Paris that ended the Spanish-American War which partially liberated Cuba?  It's a bit tricky for me to view some past events through the prism of the present.

#FactsMatter...your feelings not so much.
Updated On: 11/29/16 at 12:56 PM

kdogg36 Profile Photo
#66The Justin Trudeau and Fidel Castro Bromance
Posted: 11/29/16 at 1:07pm

I think those are all easy questions, too, but not particularly relevant to one's judgment of Castro.

Petralicious Profile Photo
#67The Justin Trudeau and Fidel Castro Bromance
Posted: 11/29/16 at 1:08pm

Exactly KDOGG


Javaro, If as your article said they were family friends, we can put aside how someone can be friends with a mass murdered. Yes, they shared Socialist values but he was speaking as the leader of his country, a free and democratic one,

 I will admit to not knowing the history of Paris Treaty,  I will say that yes, the people of Cuba should have been involved. but again it is not the same as murder.

Whether you think he bombed Japan to save lives in a war that would keep going on is a different issue. The United States was at war with a country that had attacked it unprovked. Fidel did those things to his OWN PEOPLE! People (not talking about you) on this board are hysterical about stupid things Trump has said  So imagine if he pulled a Fidel and  executed Hillary and all Democrats.

When They Go Low, I Go High

javero Profile Photo
#68The Justin Trudeau and Fidel Castro Bromance
Posted: 11/29/16 at 1:35pm

I agree that the questions in my previous post are easily answered but what I find easier still is Monday morning quarterbacking.  The time line bookended by the signing of the Treaty of Paris and Castro's successful toppling of the heinous regime of his predecessor Batista represents an epoch completely different from the present.

I'm no Castro apologist, but unlike me, he actually lived through both World Wars and witnessed the machinations of the leading superpowers of the time vying to spread their influence throughout the western hemisphere.  Perhaps had there been a level playing field with no intervention on the part of the superpowers, Castro would not have resorted to the use of force to maintain order.  One of the reasons I aim for a balanced view of his legacy is that I'm not altogether certain what role a certain US intelligence agency played in meddling in Cuba's affairs after Castro assumed power.  The Central American civil wars followed by the Iran-Contra Affair opened the eyes of a lot of Americans to scenarios that Castro didn't wish on Cuba.  At some point, the occupied grow weary of being occupied.

#FactsMatter...your feelings not so much.
Updated On: 11/29/16 at 01:35 PM

kdogg36 Profile Photo
#69The Justin Trudeau and Fidel Castro Bromance
Posted: 11/29/16 at 1:45pm

Faced with the proposition "Castro killed many innocent people; therefore he is a monster," you could argue that he didn't kill innocent people. You could argue that we don't know the facts, that the victims aren't really innocent, whatever. But you cannot, without declaring yourself a fool, reply "yes, he killed many innocent people, but he's not a monster." I think this is self-evident, but I guess I'm wrong about that.

javero Profile Photo
#70The Justin Trudeau and Fidel Castro Bromance
Posted: 11/29/16 at 1:53pm

Castro was a TYRANT who took out another tyrant.  But the question remains...why haven't 11 million Cubans overthrown the Castro regime?  I once mistakenly posed that question to a former friend of mine who's one of the pre-Mariel exiles.  In a flash he told me to go to hell.  We haven't spoken in 20 yrs.

#FactsMatter...your feelings not so much.

Petralicious Profile Photo
#71The Justin Trudeau and Fidel Castro Bromance
Posted: 11/30/16 at 11:41am

Thankfully Justin has decided to skip the funeral after the overwhelming bad reactions

But it looks like he is in trouble again.  this time with conservationists


 In a decision that will almost surely prompt showdowns with environmentalists, indigenous groups and some political allies, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau of Canada approved on Tuesday the expansion of a pipeline linking the oil sands in Alberta to a tanker port in British Columbia.

The Kinder Morgan Trans Mountain project will increase the capacity of a 53-year-old pipeline to 890,000 barrels a day from 300,000 and expand the tanker port. In recent weeks, there have been several large protests against the project, particularly in Vancouver, British Columbia. But Rachel Notley, the premier of Alberta, has repeatedly said that the project is critical to the future of her province’s energy industry.

Environmental groups began condemning the decision

When They Go Low, I Go High

PalJoey Profile Photo
#72The Justin Trudeau and Fidel Castro Bromance
Posted: 11/30/16 at 11:56am


Who cares what Justin Trudeau says or does when Putin is preparing to rape the Ukraine?


Petralicious Profile Photo
#73The Justin Trudeau and Fidel Castro Bromance
Posted: 11/30/16 at 1:43pm

PalJoey said: "The Trubama has now been 'shipped, and their bromance is about to be fanfic'd

The Justin Trudeau and Fidel Castro Bromance



The Justin Trudeau and Fidel Castro Bromance



The Justin Trudeau and Fidel Castro Bromance



The Justin Trudeau and Fidel Castro Bromance



The Justin Trudeau and Fidel Castro Bromance


The Justin Trudeau and Fidel Castro Bromance



The Justin Trudeau and Fidel Castro Bromance



"You seemed to care when you started this thread and were fanboyed him


When They Go Low, I Go High
Updated On: 11/30/16 at 01:43 PM

PalJoey Profile Photo
#74The Justin Trudeau and Fidel Castro Bromance
Posted: 11/30/16 at 2:38pm



The Justin Trudeau and Fidel Castro Bromance

Graffiti from Lithuania


The Justin Trudeau and Fidel Castro Bromance
