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Which Designer Will Dress Melania for the Inaugural Ball?- Page 4

Which Designer Will Dress Melania for the Inaugural Ball?

javero Profile Photo
#75Which Designer Will Dress Melania for the Inaugural Ball?
Posted: 11/15/16 at 3:25pm

Yeah, they were stunning on 60 Minutes.  Predictably, Ivanka has already come under fire for hawking her bracelet immediately after the show aired for $10k.  Welcome to DC!

Ivanka Trump's Company Scrambles Over '60 Minutes' Bracelet Criticism

I don't believe that the Trumps fully understand what they've gotten themselves into.  The President-elect not only added his kids and Ivanka's husband to his transition team, he now wants to get them security clearances.  Pence and he are entitled to top-secret clearances by virtue of winning the election recently.  I'm not an attorney and thus have no idea how that family is going to navigate the seemingly apparent conflict of interest minefield and ethical dilemma before them.  The first wall Trump needs to erect is a Chinese wall separating his personal assets, business holdings, and family ties from the business of serving the American people.

Finally, I'm surprised that Ivanka favors pale colors with her winter skin tone.  Conventional wisdom has it that those colors would wash her out under bright lights.

#FactsMatter...your feelings not so much.
Updated On: 11/15/16 at 03:25 PM

CarlosAlberto Profile Photo
#76Which Designer Will Dress Melania for the Inaugural Ball?
Posted: 11/15/16 at 5:46pm

This thread is a joke, right? Because it sure reads like one. can't make this **** up. I just picture Petra and javero in the park sitting under a tree with a slew of fashion magazines pretend dressing their new live "Barbie" doll a.k.a. Melania.


Petralicious Profile Photo
#77Which Designer Will Dress Melania for the Inaugural Ball?
Posted: 11/16/16 at 10:29am

Javaro, I do think that jewelry promo was very tacky, hopefully we will not see that happen again. As for adding Ivanka to his transition team, what is the big deal? JFK did with his brothers I would assume and I may be wrong but i thought I read that Daddy Bush did so with W and Jeb. 

Carlos, Fashion defines culture, society. Since the days of the Ancient Egyptians Fashion has tremendous role in shaping society and announcing Power.  You see it in how the Pharaohs covered themselves in jewels.  The Romans used Fashion as Powerful statements and symbol. The Colour Purple identified the Caesers as the dye used to make it was extremely expensive and rare, so only The Caesers could afford it.  Skip to Pre Revolutionary French Society,  The Sun King and his Court inspired by Ancient Rome, inspired all of Europe with their Silks and styles that even today the French are world famous for their fashions. Even their arch rivals the English as well as Colonial America inspired to copy the French fashions in not just clothing, but furniture, cuisine and manners. 

Which Designer Will Dress Melania for the Inaugural Ball?

When They Go Low, I Go High
Updated On: 11/16/16 at 10:29 AM

javero Profile Photo
#78Which Designer Will Dress Melania for the Inaugural Ball?
Posted: 11/16/16 at 11:05am


US Textile & Apparel facts for 2014:

U.S. total exports: Increased by $592 million (3 percent) to $23.9 billion

U.S. general imports: Increased by $3.7 billion (3 percent) to $121.7 billion

That's a $97.8 billion trade deficit in this sector alone.

Source: United States International Trade Commission

It's widely held that the 3 necessities in life are food, shelter, and clothing.  Perhaps you missed my earlier post in which I pointed out that the global fashion market is valued at $3 trillion with a "T".  The bulk of that value comes on the supply side and from manufacturing which basically no longer exists in this nation as it's been off-shored to cheap labor dens with little regard for basic human rights.

Scores of other manufacturing jobs have left rural counties in the red states that overwhelmingly supported Trump after giving Obama a chance for two terms to stem the tide.  

Don't mean to be flippant Don Carlos but perhaps you've forgotten to whom Melania is married and what he promised on the campaign trail with respect to the balance of trade.  This is a big deal.



#FactsMatter...your feelings not so much.

CarlosAlberto Profile Photo
#79Which Designer Will Dress Melania for the Inaugural Ball?
Posted: 11/16/16 at 12:21pm

Dude if you went out of your way to type all that out for my benefit I'm going to ask you to please stop wasting your time because I'm not going to bother to read it.

Same goes for you Petra....

I know now what to get the both of you for Christmas though: Melania Trump paper dolls. LOL!!

javero Profile Photo
#80Which Designer Will Dress Melania for the Inaugural Ball?
Posted: 11/16/16 at 12:39pm


I encourage you to download and review the Obama-Biden Transition Team Code of Ethics whenever you can.  Trump is NOT required to produce one and most likely will not which is a shame. 

Obama-Biden Transition Project Code of Ethical Conduct

Comparing the late Robert "Bobby" Kennedy to the Trump kids and Jared Kushner is a huge stretch.  Bobby Kennedy was his brother's successful campaign manager, a naval reservist, and highly-regarded civil rights attorney before he was named US Attorney General.  In fact, President John F Kennedy signed an executive order with the aim of providing guidance on ethical standards to government officials.  The Trump kids and Ivanka's husband bring nothing to table apart from their names.

#FactsMatter...your feelings not so much.
Updated On: 11/16/16 at 12:39 PM

javero Profile Photo
#81Which Designer Will Dress Melania for the Inaugural Ball?
Posted: 11/16/16 at 12:43pm


Que tengas un buen viaje.  Espero que Italia te reciba con los brazos abiertos y que Dios te cuide.



#FactsMatter...your feelings not so much.

#82Which Designer Will Dress Melania for the Inaugural Ball?
Posted: 11/16/16 at 6:27pm

Melancholia will likely be wearing pasties from the Gypsy Rose Lee collection accessorized with an M16 assault rifle and her green card stuffed into a diamond g-string.

Petralicious Profile Photo
#83Which Designer Will Dress Melania for the Inaugural Ball?
Posted: 11/17/16 at 9:57am

Maybe we should be thankful that Ivanka is part of Transition Team


The country needs Ivanka. We’ve got to figure out Ivanka.

 Ivanka. The most personable, palatable, fashionable, Trump-lite member of the future first family. The most inscrutable, yet most weirdly relatable. Some people think she’ll be the real first lady, with her telegenic personality and her copacetic pet causes, and her lifestyle website, already dedicated to being a gracious host and professional woman. she insists that she is not a political person, while advocating for politically divisive causes, like equal wages for women and paid maternity leave


When They Go Low, I Go High

Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
#84Which Designer Will Dress Melania for the Inaugural Ball?
Posted: 11/17/16 at 11:22am

God, this thread is grotesque.

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian

javero Profile Photo
#85Which Designer Will Dress Melania for the Inaugural Ball?
Posted: 11/17/16 at 12:09pm

The newspaper death watch began years ago.  If Ivanka and Melania can keep a few WaPo employees employed a lil longer then I'm all for it.  Jobs, jobs,...,jobs!

#FactsMatter...your feelings not so much.

A Director
#86Which Designer Will Dress Melania for the Inaugural Ball?
Posted: 11/17/16 at 9:46pm

javero and Petra -

There are people in this country living in fear since the election. From you, we get fashion reports.

You are the kind of people who would ask, "Other than that, how was the play, Mrs. Lincoln?"

Both of you remind me of this wonderful comment by Molly Ivins, "If his IQ slips any lower, we'll have to water him twice a day."

Both of you are Quislings!

javero Profile Photo
#87Which Designer Will Dress Melania for the Inaugural Ball?
Posted: 11/18/16 at 2:20pm

People were living in fear BEFORE the election.  Throughout the nation, there are countless counties that can not withstand another plant closing.  Likewise, foreclosures are rampant and there's a huge surplus of housing stock that's been for sale forever.  Foreclosures and vacant houses result in dwindling property tax receipts for municipalities that have emergency services to provide and public schools to fund.

Then, there's the taboo topic of abuses within the H1-B visa program that have resulted in scores of American STEM workers seeing their jobs outsourced to offshore job shops at times to the benefit of foreign workers of dubious quality.  I did a stint as a corporate recruiter in the IT space and know that game all too well.  WSJ is all over it at the link below.

What Will Happen to H-1B Skilled-Worker Visas Under Donald Trump?

Also, the states with high rates of foreclosures eerily correlate with the states that Trump was able to flip.  But, don't take my word for it, of course.  I encourage you to peruse the foreclosure trends chart at the link below.

U.S. Real Estate Trends & Market Info

You see how I was able to respond without resorting to ad hominem attacks.  It's not that difficult at all.


#FactsMatter...your feelings not so much.
Updated On: 11/18/16 at 02:20 PM

Petralicious Profile Photo
#88Which Designer Will Dress Melania for the Inaugural Ball?
Posted: 11/18/16 at 2:23pm

A Director said: "javero and Petra -

You are the kind of people who would ask, "Other than that, how was the play, Mrs. Lincoln?"

Both of you remind me of this wonderful comment by Molly Ivins, "If his IQ slips any lower, we'll have to water him twice a day."

Both of you are Quislings!


" We lost, we have to put on our big boy pants and move on and deal with it. Life is not over, if it is for you, than you let them win.  I for one refuse to wallow in self pity and rock back in forth crying in my bathtub. Life is too precious and too short. 


When They Go Low, I Go High
Updated On: 11/18/16 at 02:23 PM

Scarywarhol Profile Photo
#89Which Designer Will Dress Melania for the Inaugural Ball?
Posted: 11/18/16 at 9:11pm

The mature thing to do when your country elects a fascist is to shut up and think about dresses.

Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
#90Which Designer Will Dress Melania for the Inaugural Ball?
Posted: 11/18/16 at 11:09pm

We lost, we have to put on our big boy pants and move on and deal with it. Life is not over, if it is for you, than you let them win.  I for one refuse to wallow in self pity and rock back in forth crying in my bathtub. Life is too precious and too short.

How inspiring.  And not the point.  When life hands you lemons, you make lemonade.  Great.  Except life didn't hand us lemons.  It handed us a flaming bag of dogsh*t.  And you're drinking it.  We're not.

You are the kind of people who would ask, "Other than that, how was the play, Mrs. Lincoln?"

Actually, to me, it's more akin to saying, "But you have to admit, Jeffrey Dahmer was pretty hot".

Personally, I'm wearing my big boy pants.  The ones I wore when I marched in the protest in Chicago last weekend.  I wasn't wallowing in pity or rocking and crying.  I just don't happen to see anything to admire in this monstrous Last Family.  I see their fashion as examples of What Not To Wear because I don't think ANYTHING about them should be admired or glorified in any way.  Everything about them disgusts me.  I feel the same way about the musicians being discussed to honor them by performing at the inauguration.  Pretending a flaming bag of dogsh*t smoothie is a delicacy isn't an example of "moving on" or some show of superior maturity.  I thought fooling people into admiring the Kardashians was the worst trick the entertainment industry pulled on this country, but that's nothing compared to this insanity.

It's grotesque. 

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian

javero Profile Photo
#91Which Designer Will Dress Melania for the Inaugural Ball?
Posted: 11/19/16 at 10:11am

Cult of personality is the new opium of the masses.  Trump has ushered in the reality TV era of politics in the US akin to how Kennedy became a rock star at the advent of televised general election debates.   A boatload of DC vendors are poised to profit from Trump-Mania and I don't anticipate any cleansing of the temple.  Later today, a who's who of alt-right big wigs (and Tila Tequila) will hold the group's annual conference in the Reagan building of all venues. The horse is out of the barn.

Beyond Trump—The Future of the Alt Right
The National Policy Institute
Saturday, November 19, 2016 from 1:30 PM to 2:30 PM (EST)
Washington, DC

#FactsMatter...your feelings not so much.

A Director
#92Which Designer Will Dress Melania for the Inaugural Ball?
Posted: 11/19/16 at 3:55pm

javero - It's ironic you talk about cult or personality because you are the one who started this thread!

javero Profile Photo
#93Which Designer Will Dress Melania for the Inaugural Ball?
Posted: 11/19/16 at 4:16pm

It generated a few more clicks for bww and fostered discussion about the plight of American workers in rural environs.  So, all is well.  If Dems don't figure out how to regain the support of small business owners and rural workers, they'll spend even more time in the wilderness.  Identity politics alone will not do the trick.

#FactsMatter...your feelings not so much.

#94Which Designer Will Dress Melania for the Inaugural Ball?
Posted: 11/19/16 at 7:02pm

To be honest, I don't know enough about Melania Trump or her beliefs or politics to have a fair opinion of her. I don't care what dress she wears to the ball and I don't care if people want to discuss it.

HOWEVER, I think it's fair to say that 95% or more of the people involved in this website, be they writers, actors, photographers, journalists, actors or just theatre fans posting on the boards are strongly anti-Trump, and I can understand why. I am too. I think that starting a thread about such a flippant subject like this on a website like this is in rather poor taste given the reaction by most of the theatre community to Trump's election.

If everyone here is obviously anti-Trump, if everyone here is obviously horrified that the inauguration is even HAPPENING, why is anyone surprised that people have no interest in discussing what his wife is going to wear?

Of course the subject is perfectly fine to discuss if you have an interest in fashion for example, but there are other parts of the internet where you would undoubtedly find a far more receptive audience.

javero Profile Photo
#95Which Designer Will Dress Melania for the Inaugural Ball?
Posted: 11/19/16 at 8:30pm

One person's trash is another's treasure.  Last I recall, the theatre community takes great pride of its purported inclusiveness.  As a fledgling playwright and longtime poster here, I would hope that there's also room for diversity of thought under that banner of inclusiveness, at least on the off-topic board.  All citizens, lawful residents, and guest workers in the US have skin in the game with respect to the President-elect's plans.  I personally find censorship abhorrent whether it come from the right or the left.

#FactsMatter...your feelings not so much.
Updated On: 11/19/16 at 08:30 PM

#96Which Designer Will Dress Melania for the Inaugural Ball?
Posted: 11/19/16 at 9:08pm

Inclusiveness and lack of censorship is wonderful, I just find it curious that anyone would want to discuss such a subject on a site where Trump's election has been received with extreme distaste based on a LACK of inclusiveness on the part of the man in question.

I'm not saying it's wrong to discuss it. I'm not condemning you for discussing it. I'm not saying that theatre people shouldn't discuss it. I just don't think it's the right topic of discussion to pick with this particular community at this time. By all means, go on, this conversation doesn't bother or offend me in any way, nor does Melania's choice of dress bother me. I just can't imagine why you would want to discuss it here. It's just an incredibly odd choice of audience for such a subject.

javero Profile Photo
#97Which Designer Will Dress Melania for the Inaugural Ball?
Posted: 11/19/16 at 9:27pm

If we're seeking a safe space devoid of any discussion about the President-elect, his cabinet, or loyalists, then bww is clearly not the best candidate as evidenced after the jump.

UPDATED: President-elect Trump Demands Apology from HAMILTON Cast

#FactsMatter...your feelings not so much.

#98Which Designer Will Dress Melania for the Inaugural Ball?
Posted: 11/19/16 at 9:55pm

I don't think people here are seeking a space DEVOID of discussion about the president-elect at all. In fact many here are very vocal in their opposition of him.

They just certainly don't seem to be looking to have a casual chat about what his wife is wearing to his inauguration. And I have to side with them on that one. Mrs Trump's fashion sense is going to do little to wash away the aftertaste of her husband's abhorrent rise to power.

javero Profile Photo
#99Which Designer Will Dress Melania for the Inaugural Ball?
Posted: 11/19/16 at 10:06pm

Fox News is reporting that some designers/stylists are refusing to dress and/or style Melania and the other Trump women.  That should create a void for hungrier enterprising designers to fill.  First WaPo, then NYT, and FoxNews...seems that everyone's chasing the story now.

Report: Fashion Designers Refusing to Dress Melania Trump

#FactsMatter...your feelings not so much.
Updated On: 11/19/16 at 10:06 PM
