Broadway Legend Joined: 5/7/04
Which part disturbs you, LadyG? I'm up to page 41.
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/10/04
I think it's hysterical!
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/28/03
I can't say what disturbs me here for it will come back to haunt me eventually... Updated On: 9/5/04 at 12:21 AM
Broadway Legend Joined: 8/18/04
I think its funny because they think we'd get hurt by it? I just posted something about what great vibes everyone gives and how friendly everyone is, so some stupid loser who has no time criticizes our site for their enjoyment? I mean, obviously they read the stuff to make fun of it, so aren't they being hypocritical? We should send them a carepackage of a bunch of quarters, to call someone who actually gives a crap about their opinions.
Awwwwwwww! They called us queens. How sweet of them.
To all the DataLoungers: BITE ME!
It really made me mad, but I laughed as well. It's almost ridiculous, but I still got a little ticked off. They tagged us all without bothering to get to know us... I... I...
Have to breathe... can't let their petty words get to me...
Those impudent fools...
Broadwaymonkey, Delphine, and I tried to post a response to set them right but the post didn't work. Besides, we didn't want to type that long paragraph again :).
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/4/04
Don't bother, Nina. Leave them to stew in their own silliness. :)
I thought it might be better to have them flambéd.
Eh, let them mock all they want, it just shows they would never make it to legend status anyway.
Yeah, Nina, our response was completely kick-booty.
I'm surprised that the Spork was never mentioned. If only they could have seen that.
It was, wasn't it?
If they mentioned the Spork thing...oy.
Nina, we should try again.
We should... would you like to do the honors?
I should....but I'm lazy. I'll do it soon.
Monkers, Nina, don't bother. Those posters on datalounge are at a point of ignorance where no matter what you say, it will certainly have no positive effect on them. They'll probably just flame us more. Don't waste your breathe, or rather, your typing power on them.
Leave the little children alone.
Besides, I don't want to prevent them from b*tching and moaning more. It's too much fun.
hi! Updated On: 9/5/04 at 06:45 AM
Hi, Marquise.
Again, I repeat, anyone who frequents something called "The Data Lounge" making fun of us a BWW is living in a rather large glass chateau, I do believe.
They aren't even worth the effort to yell at. When they realize their lives mean nothing because they don't have any culture whatsoever to relate themselves to we will have the last laugh.
Totally, Lea.
Swing Joined: 9/5/04
Heads up. You guys are still getting your butt kicked over at the Datalounge. Newsflash, DL is the most read Message Board in the gay community so when you write that no one is reading it, well don't be too sure!
To be honest, I only came here because the guys over at Datalounge have been bashing you to death! The post has been near the top since yesterday morning. It's been fun and this site is not as awful as they say.